Ok, can you tell me the difference between "imperialists" and "da joss" ?
Ok, can you tell me the difference between "imperialists" and "da joss" ?
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I don't know,can you tell me the difference between "ever single colour" and "one specific colour"?
I've been lurking a lot pol and leftypol and it seems to me the boards would agree on many things if they came together and agreed that the people they scapegoat are the same.
Can anyone tell me the difference between OP and a raging faggot?
pro tip, there isn't one
Somebody being rich and buying politicians has a material affect on me personally, them being jooa does not.
remove cuckcha reaction to my sages Shady Businessman
According to lefty/pol/
Imperialists = Evil "privileged" racist supremacist genocidal maniacs White male capitalists
Da jooozz = Poor PoC oppressed by the White male Christian ciscapitalist patriarchy who turn them into scapegoats even though they are model citizens and contribute greatly to society. They ebin meme nuffin
officials and national bourgeois of the empire who seek to exploit people and land all over the world through the export of capital
religious group loosely tied together by a shared religion
sage for bad thread
>>>Holla Forums
imperialism is a laqrge-scale phenomenon derived from capitalism.
"da j00s" is just an expression given by people that still believes that jews are the enemy.
jews are the enemy if and only if they are capitalists.
How can Holla Forums simultaneously believe jews are fundamentally interested only in money and fundamentally interested in advancement of their race? Aren't these contradictory premises whenever and wherever racial and financial interests happen to diverge?
duh, obviously because they're stupid.
One is demonstrated by simply reading a history book
The other is the result of thinly veiled paranoia
I'll let you decide which ;)
yes, claiming that the jews own and run everything is exactly the same as using force to extract resources from other people's land. totally the same concept
imperialism = ideology
da joss = identity
Not to mention
da joss = fucking retarded scape goat
imperialism = historically evident
Of course I would say that though, right?
The jews are part of the western elite, they control the banks, the media, and the universities, and like most elites they despise the lower classes, but with the jews it also comes with despise christian gentile culture.
This is why you will see a western jew denounce trump but then support Israeli colonialism.
They are a 5th column that controls most important things.
They are 2 percent of the nation and declining yet they make up 90% of hollywood.
It is not racist it is a reality.
so what if you get Trump encouraging support for Jews and israeli colonialism?
I am not like most poltards, i realize trump doesnt care about jews, his daughter is married to a jew.
Trump is a deal maker not a hater.
Both the mainstream political parties in america have been warped to caring way too much about some shitty kike country in the middle east due to zionist infiltration, the neocons on the right, the new democrats on the left.
And while the politicians support Israel, the people, the alt right outright fucking despise them, and the people on the left, are very critical of Israel and are pro Palestine.
The western leftist jew media despise trump because like all leftists they are masochists and want to end Israel too.
But why should the rightwing support israel, a country filled with people who encourage and promote multiculturalism in the west and colonialism in the east.
The real right wing is very aware of the game being played.
good joke
Imperialism as a concept with real world geopolitical implications is an objective, verifiable fact.
The international Jewish conspiracy is a meme for the mentally handicapped.
Do the non-ruling class Jews lie about their ancestry or do they secretly get a massive check in the mail on a regular basis?
Like have you ever heard of a jew working with his hands outside of Israel.
Jews are a bunch of soft effeminate fag boys who become stand up comedians or screen writers, then they make fun of the dem dumb christian rednecks a durrr
Yes, because I leave my house and am not so disconnected from socialization that I only view people as stereotypes.
Oh, how could i forget moshe the plumber, and ari the construction worker, and of course Ezra the janitor.
yeah, that totally happens a lot in america.
Actually Israeli Jews are shitting their pants because of multiculti in Europe, the Eurabia conspiracy theory was literally created by a Jew(top kek)
western jews and Israeli jews are different creatures, western jews encourage the mass immigration and use their connections in media and other avenues to promote this.
Israeli jews are severely anti muslim but that doesn't mean they are pro christian or that western rightwingers outside of neocons are falling for it.
That being said western jews have the biggest cases of cognitive dissonance witnessed by humanity, they promote leftism in the west and colonialism and oppression in Israel
Distinct and tangible entity
Slave morality based delusion
You are so stupid.
Ive heard of the libertarian big boogyman brother msnbc tried pushing hard until trump ruined everything, yes.
Have you heard of (((George soros)))?
Working class doesn't mean "working with your hands", it means selling your labor to an employer.
I love this meme.
The guy financing anti-commies in former USSR? Yes, I have.
meant to
An anarchist feminist is more read than you and also smarter than you. Because you still believe shit you read on the internet, let alone, shit you read on image boards.
How ? Can you illustrate it more ?
Material wealth. And planning distinct from the conspiracies of Holla Forumsyps, who usually are ignorant to how the world works in all ways.
A man that's not even in the top twenty richest people on Earth? Whom mainstream political pundits like Glenn Beck have shared conspiracy theories about? Whose most noteworthy benefactors are content with yelling in public instead of enacting relevant social change?
It was common for Jewish communities in the UK and USA of the late XIXth and early XXth centuries to have a majority of its able-bodied members working as manual laborers in, for example, the garment industry.
" The anti-Semite presents the facts in an entirely false light. He doesn’t even know the Jews he decries, otherwise he would be aware that, thanks to anti-Semitism in eastern Europe, and to the Spanish Inquisition in Turkey, there are here in England and in America thousands upon thousands of Jewish proletarians; and it is precisely, these Jewish workers who are the worst exploited and the most poverty-stricken. "
— Friedrich Engels, On Antisemitism, 1890
Imperialist can be any race/religion from any capitalist world.
Da joos are just joos
Yet most imperialists types in the west are jews or led by jews. Can't you see the similiraty ?