I for one, love how everything is forced caps. But now that I said I love it, Dysnomia will change it because he hates every single one of us and cannot allow happiness.
I for one, love how everything is forced caps. But now that I said I love it...
we dont have forced caps anymore
He's just fucking with you. You're probably one of the bad users on the site so he's just targeting specific people tbh
I beg to differ
I cannot deny that I am a rampant shitposter on every board I frequent
This means you are bad tbh
this he should be ashamed of himself
He should. He is not contributing anything of value.
Is there really a good and bad on an imageboard? Especially Holla Forums?
Yes. Time to grow up. Get a proper culture
What would a proper cultured individual do on an imageboard but shitpost?
You have the ability to change the world tbh
Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you
Holla Forums users have the ability to do so much… If only we could hold hands. Don't fight eachother…. Don't spam… This is the future tbh
I don't wanna hold hands with Holla Forumstards tbh, they are probably covered in cum
as a cute underaged girl, i keep my hands clean!
You'll enjoy it
I was gonna mention I was an underage girl too tbh
Show bellybutton and go to bed tbh
you want to tuck me in, mister?
are you looking for a brain cause you are retarded
and cheese puffs grease
Nice try but I lurk for 24 hours a day and remember those threads. Not your bellybutton tbh
Go to bed. Who the fuck are you?
I cant go to bed I am paid by Dysnomia to post and lurk constantly to keep Holla Forums in the top 3 boards.
Good job trying to cover up your greasy loneliness. Go outside and do something with your life. Or stay here and do something exciting
It's 14 degrees outside, fuck you
Walk to the donut shop, but first take a shower first. Don't want to look like a fat slob to the employees do ya
Don't tell people I do that. What if they actually believe it? We can't have users here believing the truth now. shoo shoo!
I already asked what a cultured individual would do, but no one gave an answer. So I am to assume that shitposting is the correct thing to do tbh
Don't shitpost. We can hold hands and get through this tbh
Don't shitpost
Best midget incoming
I already have enough cum on my hands and I dont need yours there too tbh
Holla Forums users don't even change their underwear on a daily basis.
the only thing dysnomia can change is board settings and his own mind
in fact the real trick is getting him to not change his mind and stick to any decision he makes.
dysnimu has finally come clean. He must've taken a shower tbh lol
No midgetposting
And wipe that cum off your hand. Hope you don't clean the fucking dishes. You probably use your socks to clean the dishes instead of normally using the rags
It's probably normal to change your everywear every 2 days isn't it?
He can just touch it with his hands
Midgets are fine, children are not tbh. And fuck off, I have at least 1 sponge to clean my dishes. Probably.
Just bring the hose inside tbh. Gets every last speckle off your dishes and your daughter.
Everybody notice this post and get mad tbh
No tbh
That'd be practically impossible wouldn't it? I mean it's still possible for Holla Forums users to get women pregnant, if we formed together as a culture and held hands. But until then, we're talking basement daughters
The only basement daughters I have are the mice corpses that froze to death tbh
Get a cat. I didn't even know I was living around moles until my cat was viciously swallowing them outside my house. The only bad thing was it kept scratching up my christmas tree in the basement. And kept trying to eat my daughter
My apartment is too small for a cat, the whole place would smell like cat piss tbh
Potty train it like a normal man.
Normal men just let their dog outside tbh
And let it shivering out in the cold, that's really nice isn't it? Might aswell just fucking whip it while you're at it. Kick it in a ditch. Pic is not dog btw. And we're talking about cats
Thats why you get a dog with a thick coat like this bear tbh. He has the right idea
I don't know what you're on about with these bears and these dogs now, just shut the fuck up and do your chores.
I dont have any chores but shitposting tbh
Get a girlfriend you underage faggot
You haven't been here long I see
It's always possible to get a girlfriend. We'll all hold hands and get through this together
I want i gf like pic related tbh
If only she unironically loved Hitler tbh
That means you grew up socially rejected
how can you tell?
Get out, this is a place for progressive intelligents faggot
Liking underage girls as an adult is an indication that you missed out on getting with said girls when you were their age
implying im over 18
intelligent people dont browse Holla Forums
It still applies if you are lusting over girls who are significantly younger than you tbh
Mornin' Holla Forums!
Are you serious? Is this a new rule? I agree pedos aren't intelligent anyway, as usual, they're retards who want attention.
They lust for attention, that's what. All of them. I suggest they stay away from the internet. Losers
Pedophilia is not a crime tbh
stop the fighting and post Hitler tbh
Hitler is not funny
I beg to differ
jap goku is better
Theres no appeal with Hitler. I'd rather see midgets.
that you Hex?
go back to leftypol
i have bad news for you, that was 80 years ago, and he is dead.
Thats ok I still admire him and you cant stop me tbh
You are troubled
who is hex?
I'm on the right side of history tbh :^)
Some nobody
the best nobody
hex did nothing wrong and jim is still a murdering child rapist tbh
this hex guy always appears with pedos
Jim's one of the best people on this site and rightfully so
that's how you know hex is top quality
a true hero to midgets and midget freedom fighters everywhere
hex is anti-pedo, and deleted pedo posts (rightfully so of course)
Everyone here fucking hates you people
we like you, don't be so mean :3
We do not hate ourselves, retard?
You like me cause you like attention.That's the pedo game. Fuck off
Not enough apparently. Now fuck off
People this mad about pedos, usually tend to be closet pedos themselves tbh
Check brain size tbh
I'm the biggest anti-pedo on this board, and the smartest person in the room
what you really mean is giving autistic losers the freedom to molest children, not like you can fool anyone tho
Thats what acloset pedo would say
That would explain some things.
It explains everything with modern days cultre and the way society is heading
Take my hand, I'll show you the way out, pedo
yes! "talented". And your business is lolis ass
so hex is noenazi jewservant family destroying supporter moderator?
what a booming business it is!
I don't get it
is hex a glow-in-the-dark-CIAnigger?
I'm out of here
Lets summon Hex and ask him