ZUCKERBERG UTOPIA: Facebook to build housing and campus expansion including offices and retail

The shortage of housing in California's Silicon Valley has gotten so severe that Facebook Inc on Friday proposed taking homebuilding into its own hands for the first time with a plan to construct 1,500 units near its headquarters.


The shortage of housing in California's Silicon Valley has gotten so severe that Facebook Inc on Friday proposed taking homebuilding into its own hands for the first time with a plan to construct 1,500 units near its headquarters. The growth of Facebook, Alphabet Inc's Google and other tech companies has strained neighbourhoods in the San Francisco Bay area that were not prepared for an influx of tens of thousands of workers during the past decade. Home prices and commute times have risen.

Tech companies have responded with measures such as internet-equipped buses for employees with long commutes. Facebook has offered at least $10,000 in incentives to workers who move closer to its offices. Those steps, though, have not reduced complaints that tech companies are making communities unaffordable, and they have mostly failed to address the area's housing shortage.

The new campus would include several office buildings, hundreds of homes, retail, a grocery store, and parks and plazas, all part of what the social network giant envisions as a new center for the neighborhood. “This will be a village,” said Ryan Patterson, a real estate manager with Facebook. “The community benefits will be open and accessible to everyone." Menlo Park-based Facebook intends to develop 1.75 million square feet of offices, 1,500 units of housing, 125,000 square feet of retail space including a pharmacy, as well as a cultural and visitor center. “Working with the community, our goal for the Willow Campus is to create an integrated, mixed-use village that will provide much needed services, housing, and transit solutions as well as office space,” said John Tenanes, Facebook’s vice president of global facilities and real estate.

If dubs it will become dystopia.

Isn't this exactly the same as what google announced a few weeks ago?


I really don't like the idea of company towns/housing. You work for Faceberg, get housing with them, great, but now you want to leave for Jewgle and have to consider if it's worth moving. Fuck that. If I wanted to sleep where I work I'd work in a sweatshop.
I've never seen that in my life. Is it even possible?

I'm so happy for the serfs lucky employees of Facebook! Now they can enjoy cheaper housing which I'm sure will greatly help subhuman affirmative-action employees the disadvantaged and people of color! Seeing news like this sickens me to my stomach gives me hope in the future of humanity! The progressive political movements truly are the collapse of civilization the peaks of our civilization!

In a few weeks time I'll get married to my half monkey aboriginal Australian half Swedish trans-wife! I'm so glad! A few years ago we couldn't have formed a unholy gay couple like this! We plan to adopt 3 female apes black girls to fight sanity the patriarchy!

Thanks for reading my blogpost! I'll make a thread here once we finally get married!!! Bye!!

I know of a friend of a friend that works at Facebook and it's full of pajeets. So imagine these housing complexes are not your typical (((American))) utopia, but New New Dehli

Will become dystopia regardless of your non-dubs.

This is your future hell: you will be spied on and indoctrinated to a degree previously unknown. In a few years, the smart people will not attend higher education due to (((plans))) like these.

Exactly. It's no longer enough that you provide a service as an employee, but you have to submit to hourly propaganda each day by your employer.

The important work for faceberg is done by CIA/NSA, not poos-in-loos.



You're preaching to the choir.

Mr. Zuckerberg's Greater Hong Kong?
It's like Snow Crash is coming true before our eyes.

Hope the streets have sprinklers and great drainage

It's another 'yanks don't know the meaning of basic words' episode

I heard that this was how Japs and Koreans live as well. Is this natural progression into the ancap endstate?

Japan during the 80s when being the slave of a company was seen as a good thing

Korea, not so much if at all. Can't think of a single korean company that did something like this.

...but 'Village' has no formal definition and is entirely based contextually and culturally? You sure proved your intellectual superiority, Ahmed. Besides, in California, the most populated state in the union, fulled with the largest cities by area, 1.5k houses is relatively small in the backdrop metros of San Fag, LA, and San Diego

Could say the same for 'city', even 'country'. There is a never-ending debate about the latter because it 'has no formal definition', but everyone would agree that Facebook's project is not a new city or country.

Just look at all the stuff they're building:
Do villages have office buildings and plazas? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't think of any culture in which those would belong to a village. It's a town, or a suburb, depending on where they build it, or even just a campus. In no way, shape or form is it a village.

Pic related: what a village looks like. Please compare to the pictures in the OP until you understand.

Modern life demands, and is waiting for, a new kind of plan, both for the house and the city.""

The city would benefit from buildings that don’t try to outdo each other but are all identical.""

How long before it becomes overrun with bums fucking in the alleyways?

Space and light and order. Those are the things that men need just as much as they need bread or a place to sleep.""

Chairs are architecture, sofas are bourgeois.""

Considerable sacrifices were demanded of the inhabitants of the machine in order that purely abstract formal development... might be carried as far as possible.""

By law, all buildings should be white.""

We must kill the street. We shall truly enter into modern town planning only after we have accepted this preliminary determination.""

lol when silicon valley becomes the projects and all tech employees are literal slaves

They'll build a wall

Brown bricks.

haha you did the funnie

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