Is W2k the best OS ever made?

Is W2k the best OS ever made?

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It doesn't run on ARM, so no.

what is redox os?

Only judge a software by the source code.

it was leaked

and it was shit.
go back to >>>/g/ faggot.

Are we to judge each system by itself, in matters of stability, performance, or interface design? Or are we looking at the available software for a platform? Because Windows by itself is shit, but it has all the vidya.

It could be if it were maintained...
There are already "kernel extension" mods for it that let it run Windows XP software and possibly beyond.
Maybe ReactOS will end up as something similar.

If you can get something that purely and completely without need for adjustment translates to and from microsofts office suite and manage to make it free would be the beginning of the end for microsoft.

ReactOS is a dead meme


Nah, Windows ME was better

Yes, and it's a damn shame Microsoft went after the normalfag market with Windows XP.

>Fast as fuck even on then-obsolete hardware especially if you didn't install IE6

Windows XP introduced the following poz loads

When prople say XP was the best Microsoft, it must be because they never used 2000.

I love Windows 2000 and I would still use it every day on my old hardware if any goddamn browsers actually worked properly (all require vista-or-later libraries/dlls/hooks)

I think that Opera works

I will give it a try. Got a version of K-Meleon working but it's very out of date.

Mac OS 8.6 master race.

Windows post-2k and Mac OS post-9.1 are both shit, though. Mac OS X 10.1 through 10.4 were comfy in some ways, but still shit. 10.5 and up are irredeemable shit.

It's XP pro but faster. Really.
The last service pack, unofficial, the SP5 gives it the same support as a XP SP3, and apart this, it does works fine out of the box. On XP you must manage and turn off useless services and do your best to figure out which parts of group policies are ineffective there.
At some point, Windows blinds 4.5 takes less RAM than the themes services, for the ricing and all, but for this one I prefer instead to switch to more aesthetic, vestigial icons still present in most Windows to give it that Windows 95-NT4 look to it.

Windows Server 2003, 32 or 64bit is like Windows 2000: It does not crash, it's stable, and no rice, and this allows anyone to run programs the same way.
Vista is a lost cause

Group policies barely are effective in Windows7 and above due to the way it manages accounts and user sessions, there is always a level above the user, and it means Microsoft keeps a kill switch on this OS, in my opinion. Not on Server 2008 though, it seems safe.
Daz's Loader can help users being essentially disconnected from Windows, but you must turn off and give up all windows update features. There will not be a Windows 7 Service Pack 2, this OS is actually good. But heavy (500Mb minimum workload so far achieved on a T61p) they quickly released Windows8 in order to close the possibilities for any maintenance of Windows7, which is bad.

Windows 8 introduces telemetry as a service part, and sampling hashes from every document, media, picture or program is sent to Microsoft. Windows 8 is hardly useable if you don't have a Microsoft account, also it introduce more cloud services, which is an abomination.
Windows 10 adds more complete telemetry, includes a permanent open microphone just like Google or Apple does, keylogger, datamining.
Anons here and on 4chan found ways to disable it by blocking all things Microsoft from the hosts file. Since the anniversary update, however Windows 10 omits the hosts file to connect to Microsoft and its partners, it tries different routes to connect to its headquarters.
It should be unthinkable for anyone here to buy or install anything beyond Windows7, and I think Windows 10 users are just as stupid as Mac or Ubuntu users.

I, for one, refuse to take part in this massacre and remain with old but functional software. I never had a single issue, and "viruses will doom old versions" is a lie. it's a complete lie. people who download and run viruses must really want them and deserve to get in trouble.

If I had to buy a new laptop, or build a new computer I'd get with a good AMD, but something solid, and definitively reinstalling Gentoo. The whole systemd drama or even Amazon crap popping up in Ubuntus ( even some I got asked to maintain) makes me know even these are rootten.


What? No.
What a stupid fucking suggestion
This is a /g/ tier thread and you are a /g/ tier poster. Please refrain from making posts like this.


Holla Forums is a /g/ tier board so the thread fits right in :^)

Very threadbare, more like a graphical ProDOS than a fully featured OS
Super comfy, but still a bit restricted
Possibly the most well thought out pure unity of intent and execution in any mature computer platform, including the OS, 3rd-party software, hardware, and community.
Stagnation and indecision set in, incomplete next-gen features trickle in from Pink/Taligent/Copland/etc., impure legacy features and design influences from inferior platforms (eunuchs, wintel) pollute the Mac. System Folders start getting very messy, hardware also becomes less proprietary. This coincides with the abortive CHRP/clone initiative.
Terminal decline. While many bugs are fixed, and some well thought out features are introduced, it's mostly a hodgepodge of random hacks to support newer hardware and sand down the the OS's technical shortcomings. Also, the total breakdown of guideline compliance on the part of both 3rd and 1st party devs. Hardware are basically wintel clones with PPCs.
None of the pure ethos of the classic Mac, let alone NeXTSTEP or BeOS. It's instead a haphazard blob of mediocrity influenced more by the likes of Windows 9x & Linux, with any traces of uniqueness or coherent guidelines rapidly decaying after 10.2. This is reflected in hardware literally being wintel clones.
Macs are now giant iPads in body and soul, just like Windows 8+ & Gnome 3. Desktop software, hardware, and users are supported only grudgingly. Soon we will be hunted for sport in a final day of cleansing when PCs are outlawed, and restricted to the same status as game console devkits.

I ran a cracked Win2k pro through all of the vista garbage, shit was great

At least we can all agree it's better than W10

XP is finally getting it's very own KernelEx

The NT6 DLL entries are bullshit. All they did was swap shit around so people were forced to buy their shitty "upgrades" that nobody sane would touch.

The way that guy types is like a pajeet.

OS X was the biggest mistake Apple ever did. They should have made a more advanced OS that was similar to classic Mac OS.

...never by what it does or can do.

Amiga OS!

...nah it probably wasn't. I liked it though.

t. saltiest armchair CEO ever

They never used anything really, XP crashed a fuck ton, it needed 3 service packs, which is seven fucking years of development in order to not shit itself constantly.
At least in 7 something as basic as Ctrl+Alt+Del when a program hangs works perfectly, in XP it was like throwing a coin.

Not even the best Micro$hit OS user. Plateau was reached at XP.

retard alert

Don't be a sperg. I was talking about micro$hits plateau, which is still subterranean compared to other OSs.


It might have been a good business decision but it was spitting in the face of their userbase. It's difficult to describe why the classic Mac OS was such a good operating system. There were lots of problems with it. A single application crashing, would usually bring down the whole system and require a reboot for example. Inspite of these problems it was still a joy to use. When Steve Jobs held a mock funeral for OS 9, I built a PC and started using win2k instead.

I have a theory I sometimes entertain, in my more sympathetic moments toward the guy:


Despite the hate they get, Apple is undoubtedly the biggest tech success story to date.
I didn't even know Steve Jobs felt that way about corporate marketing.

i used NT 4.0 until steam came out and refused to run on it. counter strike was my life at the time, so I upgraded to 2000. wasn't all that bad, but I just remember really liking NT4.0 and using it for about 7 years.

win95 -> NT4 -> 2000 -> 7 -> gentoo

H-h-haiku 4eva, right guys?

Is it free software or UNIX-like?

No, it's good.

i think your forgeting about the amiga you retard

You can tell that by the source code


XP was mature at Service Pack 2. SP3 did fuck all and in fact removed a feature.

Definitely the best OS-tan

I ran 2000 for 6 or 7 years while XP was getting all of its shit figured out. It was my first experience with having a computer so stable I'd only reboot every couple of months for an install or upgrade. I think it only crashed once or twice in the entire time I used it.

Possibily the apex of effective simplicity at Microsoft.

I had a similar experience with Win2k. Alas, I have no reason to go back to it, but I say this while running three computers with Windows 3.


no its a buggy mess,
they had to find a whole new way to find bugs just to get it out of crashing during startup phase
XP at its worst (first versions), is even better,
Win7 is more stable
Win10 stripped from spyware and blocked from updating is the most reliable

windows xp is a fucking trainwreck