Anyone care to explain?
How fucked am I?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah sure, here goes.
Women are decisive fickle lying parasites.
i dunno, i basically did the same thing to my ex-gf because i felt i needed a change/liberation from the responsibility that comes with being in a relationship with another person. i couldn't take care of my self and having the burden of being able to effect another person's emotions who depended on me only made the stress worse
it didn't end well for me and i don't like where i've ended up, but i am still glad that i do not have to undertake caring for another person in that capacity because all my issues remain unresolved
fucking selfish
you messed up when you dated a girl. You should have dated a trap
faggot just posted this on 4chan as well. anyone that dual posts is pure cancer and why this board is going to shit.
lol you are a retard if you thought that would work out. If you haven't married after a year or so of dating, you fucked up. You're basically just fuck buddies.
9 years and not married? that's your problem. She might have left because you didn't propose.
Not enough money to buy a ring and from what I gathered on 4chan, marriage isn't a pretty good idea
I know what you want normalfag and thats to fuck off back to reddit.
that's your reason? You had 9 years, nigger. I think there is a deeper issue here.
not O OP just brought it here so I could participate
Break into her house and make her change her mind
she may have felt differently, she may have wanted to get married and if you don't she has to move on
report this thread bros. want to know what this place is filled with shitpost garbage see he's cross posting across chans with his FUCKING GARBAGE.
She really just wants to ride the cock carousel until she hits the wall and eventually come back beaten, broken (her pussy) and has two kids she wants you to take care of
fucking kike. I'd rather have a bunch of shitposts than faggots like you going around trying to shut shit down.
Is it really that serious dude? Is this "cross posting" harming your livelyhood? I don't think so
==slap her in the face== and them make her understand the true meaning behind a rupture in trust.
hi newfag
then just sage yourself a mouse click and spend all of your time at 4shit. see the flaw in your logic you massive stupid fucking FAGGOT. people that browse that shithole don't belong here.
found the other 4shit browser. go fuck off and cry back there if you love it so much. some of us are trying to preseve this place from the fate of that shithole.
I haven't browsed 4chan since around 2011
lol triggered
The fact that you knew it was from 4chan means you browse that site too. Do you see where your logic is flawed yet?
caught you faggot red handed you just admitted to it.
brilliant strategy asswipe. i sage as a show of disrespect for faggotry. you're reported as well.
So you sage to downboat
Dys is the cause of this i bet
the amount of cancer in these posts is too much. I'd wager that you're just trolling i hope you are
He was just checking if the faggotry post was from 4cucks and he did a fine job for doing so.
i surely as fuck would not post the same exact stupid loser fucking thread word for word minus one ">". i lurk and see plenty of cross posting ass fuckery and i'm getting pissed the fuck off.
i have been found out.
lol whatever hahaha reported :)
Screencap this:
Nice samefagging but the fact that you care and know about what comes from 4chan, means you're a fucking moron. This whole caught you red handed shit is fucking retarded because I said in the fucking beginning that 1) I was not the original poster from 4chan and 2) I only brought it here to participate since I'm banned on 4chan. Stop being a neckbeard virgin
I NEED TO KNOW user!!!
so you're saying you lurk (LOL right only lurk) 4shit, then you copy threads there, and word for word, and op image repost here? you are now openly admitting that. dys you have this fucker's ip right?
means she wants to spread her legs and fly away….
So the hottest thread currently on Holla Forums is crossposted copypasta.
What does that tell you about this board?
pic related
others here saw it too. i'm the only one with the balls to call it out and point out the fucking cancerous effect it has. save this place starting with banning this faggot cross posting op.
It's shit and has always been shit. You'd have to be a newfag 14yo to think otherwise. OP and the sagefag is obviously a little kid.
wow, i just went there to see the thread, and the filenames of the pic don't match. OP literally saved the pic off that thread (if you save the pic from the 4cuck thread you'll see it defaults to the filename that OP has): and then copypasted his post here
that is sad. how many of the threads on this board do you guys think are copypaste shit?
i see it a lot actually and it's pissing me off. literally at least once per day and i'm not monitoring 4shit but maybe i should and send out ban alerts.
i'm older than you bitch
I did just say I was banned right? I will actually post a screenshot of my permaban if you ask for it. I can ONLY lurk. And it's not like this place is thriving with creative and original threads so, yea I will occasionally go back to 4chan and lurk threads.
Not many. I autistically do image reverse searches on almost every post just to see if they are from 4chan. I hardly ever get any results. That being said, I still think this board is cancerous as shit.
because it's literally being done in real time YOU STUPID FUCKLING DUMBFUCK. you think google updates its reverse image search instantly so you can reverse image search something posted on another site 10 minutes ago? WOW!! you just admitted to how stupid you are.
i mean i don't really think it's ban-worthy but it's definitely faggotry at its finest and should be called out
I was browsing 4chan in 2005 while you were still wearing diapers.
You fucks are complaining about copied threads AND engage in them, but whenever I make an original thread like my previous "why can't we play as dragons in RPGs" thread that only got 80 posts (mainly me and two other people talking), you mfs just ignore it and go straight to the anime or webm threads like fucking sheep.
I want this website to thrive and be better, but every time I come here the same threads are the ones at the top when the possibly good ones have 1 or 2 posts if that.
lol i didn't even click on that thread. what the hell does that even mean to rpg as a dragon. make up your own game it make a special adventure where a player can do that if you want it. how the hell are you going to have a campaign with more than 1 person though if they're playing as a dragon? it's ridiculous. plenty of my threads crash and burn and i never cross post anything. that;s insanity!
That's the thing: I don't have the time, money or talent to make my own game, I made that thread to hopefully get someone who frequents Reddit (I refuse to go there myself because it's kind of a maze on mobile) and probably would've posted the idea there where a game dev would see it to give them an idea for future IPs.
make your own! i made my own modules like 50 pages long, one based on the entire alice in wonderland universe BACK IN THE AD&D ERA. just do it.
God, that's so fucking cancerous.
i used to modify other games to and add my own weapons as well as write my own campaign modules for star frontiers
the imageboards of old are truly dead, aren't they?
do me a favor and stay here
You missed my point, let me break it down for you:
1. Reddit isn't an imageboard
a) If you use it you are a normalfag
2. Mobile is gay
a) If you use it you are a normalfag
What is cancerous?
That's not entirely what the thread was about. The subject of the thread was really about making a game where you were the villain. I'm sick of saving these able bodied people who choose to let one person carry out every last request from every last NPC. I want the satisfaction of killing people who piss me off as a base part of the game and not just a side thing I can do with consequences. I want to rule the world and shape it how I want to.
I know the closest game to my idea is Civ but I want something better than a top-down pc game
I saw but it was after I made my last post
so you are willingly ignorant. I get it.
How small is your cock OP?
OP show us pictures of your flaccid and hard cock. Also show us a gif of your cock shooting ejaculate so we can assess you fully.
Fucking idiot. I said I only saw it after my last post, meaning I didn't know until my last post was official and brought me back down to see your post
so you admit that you changed your mind after you saw the post, oh boy.
no, i completely understood your point. i am saying a crypto-redditor phoneposter being a common sight on imageboards nowadays is a symbol of the extinction of the imageboard culture of old times
You can't be this retarded was being written when you posted so I didn't see it until my post was official
do you know English?
And you completely reversed your argument after the fact. You are basically accepting my argument.
I'm done with you
what is wrong syntactically with what you just greentexted? please explain, cuz i believe very well i could've made an error but currently i see nothing erroneous about what you just quoted
It's a site, not a "sight".
It's a classic: she's fucking someone else, probably a nigger. Kil her and him, then hide. Only solution here.
congrats you just outed yourself as being a retard who is arrogant in his retardedness
She just didn't know what to tell you. She probably wanted to be with another person. I advise you to let it go. If you insist it might end carrying you through an immense trouble. Let her go. And if she comes back in the future to a de nov, do not accept her back. Fuck her if you need but just to break her heart.
She's either tired of you or she found another guy. Either way, time to move on. It's rough at first but it gets better pretty quick.
reddit isn't a "sight". Reddit is a webSITE. It's a site, get it yet? You don't see reddit in while gazing into the horizon. It is a site that you visit.
Grow up. That is the meaning of being a adult. Take responsibility and stop crying.
literally stupid?
if you don't understand the difference between a site and sight, you might be literally retarded. A site is a place, sight is vision.
what does that have to do with what i said? i was referring to an individual, a "crypto-reddit phoneposter", not reddit when i said "a common sight". it seems you may be the one who needs to refine their english reading comprehension skills, because now you've just made yourself look like a turbo-retard
We got it
that's the fault of over moderation. the mod policies fucked this place. they ban anyone with an ounce of originality then this is what's left.
Just admit you fucked up. You said "a common sight", you were referring to a website, not a common "sight". If you break down that sentence, you'd literally be referring to "a common vision seen by redditors". I know you weren't trying to say this.
I never used wikipedia, you dumb kike.
holy shit man i honestly cannot believe how dumb you are
so you agree that sight and site have the same meaning?
it means she wants new dick. you dont spend enough money on her to be worth cheating on/cucking, so she's just breaking up with you.
Ok here's a solution: from now on if there is a thread that is original and you can engage in it fully, keep the thread alive and once it's gone make a new thread for something else original. If you low intelligence beings can manage that is
what in the hell are you even talking about?
I know, it's confusing for someone with a low IQ.
Here you go, friend:
site: a place
sight: vision
the cogs in his head move slower than most, user. give him time to reflect/be introspective and hopefully he'll flesh it out
he wrote sight, he meant sight, sight is grammatically, syntactically, semantically correct! you're an idiot obviously stupid as fuck!
so reddit is a sight? It's just a vision? How so?
reddit is a cite
yea dog, she said something she thought would make you feel good about her leaving you.
She wants something that isn't you, but in her weak, feeble, childish mind she thinks telling you that you aren't the problem won't make it feel awful when she leaves. 9 years bro? should have locked that shit down with a ring (yea I know, stupid but its the convention and what bitches want) and some kids. kind of on you dog.
also, her tits or GTFO.
you'll get yours someday faggot. just you wait and see.
which websight will I get mine?
she used you as a sex toy, uplevel partner, useful idiot, money machine etc
You are the Biggest retard in here tbh
i am
You're too good at Photoshop for your own good