does anybody have some of the early anti-dysnomia content saved?
Does anybody have some of the early anti-dysnomia content saved?
anything in particular?
this is very recent i'm talking about stuff from a few years ago
Who's a guy gotta ban around here to get on one of these? Why won't you hate me?!
Who the fuck's Dysnomia?
some discordian that runs the board until HW gets back.
dysnomia confirmed for trying to get us all to kill ourselves
That just means popping pills moron
he stirs the shit pot that is Holla Forums
dysnomia confirmed for making us all take drugs
user pls
If it were up to me you would have to take mushrooms before browsing Holla Forums.
oh boy here we go
We moved it.
there is no Feb 29 in 2018
let's exodus to a place i won't tell you where though kool kids only, but there aren't enough of them and I'm surprised because i want people to be mind-readers probably because i have a vagina
((( chalked )))