To prove your cinematic skills as craftsmen how about editing The Hobbit into a 2-3 hour film where it doesn't suck ass.
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well, that's near damn impossible
90 minutes then
I did it in 60 senpai.
No fam you didn't, you have to use Peter Jackson's trilogy.
The purpose is if you had any chops as an editor or director you could chop it down easily.
It's already done, butthole.
Its not good and still too long edit it down more faggit
Do it yourself, you gay homo.
At best there's might be material for a decent 30 minute short movie. You'd have to rape the overall plot, though.
The saddest part is that you can't cut the movie into a near 1:1 live-action adaption of the 1977 pictoral kino such as this
The entire point was I think you gays have no chops, I could do it if I really wanted.
Ill even do it with someone and direct someone if they want to edit it
Cutting all the parts involving that bullshit Sauron-returning subplot would make it a bajillion times better. Literally the only Smaug part I didn't like was when he mentioned a "darkness coming" or whatever. That fucking annoyed me.
We can cut that shitty darkness line too then
-Cut all the stuff that was a major departure from the book ( this should cut about 80% of the cuttable BS)
-Reorganize sections to make like the book and remove BS example love triangle BS with dwarf staying behind.
Cut remaining retardedness that is still there:
-Troll argument goes on too long and is not done in gruff monster/ (((troll))) language with subtitles.
some other suggestions:
-Maybe there's a way to darken goblin cave
-Maybe there is away to put shadows on gollem to make him like he appeared in Fellowship of the ring… I swear he looks bio luminescent in the caves.
-cut Beron a bit in the movie he is a pathetic character ( down trodden loser) in the book he is a fearsome & interesting.
-cut bad CGI as much as possible
-cut bad some diolgue of king goblin maybe mess with the voice to make him sound less human.
-No legolas or whore from lost
-Cut legolas father except where relevant
-maybe splice in some orc footage from Lotr
-digitally green/darken orcs
The main thing is making the editing as smooth as possible so cutting all the crap while transitioning smoothly everything into a tigher film
yeah the problem is that the movie is also a mess beccuase when they decided to dump their BS into they lost focus. So the result is the movie is all over the place.The main character and the person that focus should always be on is Bilbo…. side reromances, radagast, or legolas are a jarring distraction which does not mess with the film and feel foreign
Yea its pretty fucked, idk why bilbo wasnt an actual focus for half of it, freeman was actually a good bilbo I thought. The amount of legolas is ridiculous and it would be best to cut as much of tauriel and him as possible or at least cut their fucking lines down.
(cont) but using all the footage from the extended editions might make it doable, for example the bit in Mirkwood before the spiders that they cut all worked very well and should have been kept