This is actually Holla Forums's taste of their top films from 2017. (they are so dumb one of them is from 2016)

This is actually Holla Forums's taste of their top films from 2017. (they are so dumb one of them is from 2016)

Get Out - 5 votes
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - 5 votes
Beauty an the Beast - 1 vote
Logan - 10 votes
Boss Baby - 1 votes
Split (2016) - 8 votes
Wonder Woman - 7 votes
It Comes At Night - 2 votes
Life - 3 votes
Ghost in the Shell - 4 votes
Free Fire - 2 votes
Alien Covenant - 3 votes
Kong Skull Island - 2 votes
John Wick Chapter 2 - 5 votes
Patriots Day - 3 votes

Other urls found in this thread:

Power rankings for those interested, couple may be disputed but this is the general consensus:

Get Out - 0/10
GotG 2 - 3/10
BatB - 0/10
Logan - 5/10
Boss Baby - 2/10
Split - 6/10
Wonder Woman - 10/10
It Comes at Night - who/10
Life - 4/10
JitS - 1/10
Free Fire - who/10
Prometheus 2 - 4/10
Wewuz Skull Island - 5/10
John Wick Chapter 2 - 8/10
Patriots Day - 7/10

when even nigger-tier crap like fasnfuryeight and its palette swap 3Xast3Xurious3Xpoopy would kick more than half of this poll's teeth in you know cuck/tv/ has beyond shit taste. I recommend we go over there right away and start blowing the fuck out of them.

You're literally fucking retarded and a pleb like everyone on Holla Forums getting upset at the OP for including BATB and then proceeding to only name capeshit

Literally fucking hang yourself

Get Out - 2/10
GotG 2 - 0/10
BatB - 7/10
Logan - 0/10
Boss Baby - 0/10
Split - 0/10
Wonder Woman - 0/10
It Comes at Night - 4/10
Life - 0/10
JitS - 0/10
Free Fire - dont know/10
Prometheus 2 - 5/10
Wewuz Skull Island - 0/10
John Wick Chapter 2 - 0/10
Patriots Day - 6/10
Fate and the Furious- 0/10

Beauty and the Beast is unironically one of the best ones available, on this list

everyone on this board is stupid and tasteless except me. especially the tarkfag who regurgitates without comprehension the ideas and words of others.


This is cuckchans poll tho

nigger chill

Adoration of WW is a literal meme, guess ironic spoilering is lost on you. We call it 10 just for the purpose of encouraging the /ourgal/ takeover of Holla Forums like baneposting used to, not that it's anything outside of kike shit that could've used hundreds of better actresses in the lead role and tons of better potential storylines.

As for the rest, Split did alright and was unironically shamalamadingdong's best work in over a decade. John Wick is one of the last true machismo-driven films out there and even though it's lead actor is a mongrelized trannyfucker, supporting it tells the industry to take it's feminism crap, turn it sideways and stick it right up it's candy ass. GOT(g) is Reddit but isn't 100% cucked, they turned on Chris Pratt for voicing his mind instead of taking the tried and tested bluepill like so many others and he should at least get credit for that. Don't know what the fuck Life even is, but spaceshit is an overly-saturated genre nowadays and has been since Gravity came out. Kangz, when combined with the ricenigger version of Gojira's reboot could prove to be the start of a revival of Kaiju which is something we all secretly want and don't you fucking say you don't because you know you do.

Follow the film name's title and find another board, fag.

Lad believe me I hated Get Out and thought the direction was shitty but 90% of that list is capeshit how am I wrong. 2/10 is 1/5 its still shit. Sure its 0/10 if it makes you feel better.

pleb list

Who has seen that tbh even if it was somehow not cancer

I fucking hate it whenever people make "Best films of the year." lists, threads, or any content related.
Only reddit tier faggots think anything from the modern year is actually worth watching.

gee reddit, could you at least try not to make it this obvious?

This. Half the stuff in OP's pie chart signifies this is all ironic shitposting.

My unironic muslim white communications professor was hyped about it or the idea of it two years ago right before I graduated. So I dropped that shit a while ago.

And she had a german name

shitty pizza btw fam


This was in America, she is American, just german american, like me.



Let's see what 8/tv/ thinks.

Shit list tbh fam

Excuse me, nigger?
Oh. So half/tv/. Fake/tv/. Essentially reddit.

None of these options are good.

They are somehow worse than reddit because they ironically pretend to have taste but are actually seriously posting about and liking capeshit unironically.

I don't understand the novelty of still going there, even for a laugh. They're not cancer, they're radiation. Somebody's gonna catch something.

this piechart doesn't match up with what they said in the thread at all

the critic sucked

It does though, I literally tallied them up fampie, didn't get the last couple posts because they kept coming in, but wonder woman, guardians of the galaxy, split, ghost in the shell and get out and logan topped the list