Antisocial Coding: My Year at GitHub

I really enjoyed the job I had in 2015. I was a principal engineer at a health tech company, with a polyglot team comprised of Ruby and Clojure developers ranging from very early career to very seasoned. I was learning a lot and doing really interesting work. I felt like I had finally found a company that I could stick with for a few years or so.

Then I got a strange message on Twitter. Someone at GitHub wanted to talk to me. I thought I knew what it was about: a year before, I had been talking to a diversity consultant (who was contracting there at the time) about working with GitHub on diversity and inclusivity and exploring their interest in adopting the Contributor Covenant across all of their open source projects.

But that's not what they wanted this time. They wanted to offer me a job. They had just created a team called Community & Safety, charged with making GitHub more safe for marginalized people and creating features for project owners to better manage their communities.

At first I had my doubts. I was well aware of GitHub's very problematic past, from its promotion of meritocracy in place of a management system to the horrible treatment and abuse of its female employees and other people from diverse backgrounds. I myself had experienced harassment on GitHub. As an example, a couple of years ago someone created a dozen repositories with racist names and added me to the repos, so my GitHub profile had racial slurs on it until their support team got around to shutting them down a few days after I reported the incident. I didn't get the sense that the company really cared about harassment.

< "These values aren’t just for GitHub users or externally facing decisions. These are beliefs we bring into every interaction, whether it’s a co-worker, partner, user, or competitor. These values guide our behavior and decisions."
< -- From "Values" by GitHub CEO Chris Wanstrath

My contact at GitHub insisted that the company was transforming itself. She pointed to a Business Insider article [] that described the culture changes that they were going through, and touted the hiring of Nicole Sanchez to an executive position leading a new Social Impact team. I was encouraged to talk to some other prominent activists that had recently been hired. Slowly, I opened my mind to the possibility. Given my work in trying to make open source more inclusive and welcoming, what could give me more influence in creating better communities than working at the very center of the open source universe?

With these thoughts in mind, I agreed to interview with the team. The code challenge was comparable to other places where I’d interviewed, as was the pairing exercise. I was impressed by the social justice tone of some of the questions that I was asked in the non-technical interviews, and by the fact that the majority of people that I met with were women. A week later, I had a very generous offer in hand, which I happily accepted. My team was 5 women and one man: two of us trans, three women of color. We had our own backlog separate from the rest of the engineering group, our own product manager, and strong UX and QC resources. I felt that my new job was off to a promising start.


< "Collaboration. We believe the best work is done together. Work with other teams. We are all first and foremost GitHubbers. Deliberately seek to collaborate with a diverse set of people. Provide context on decisions to collaborate with the future."
< -- From "Values" by Chris Wanstrath

However, it soon became apparent that this promising start would not last for long. For my first few pull requests, I was getting feedback from literally dozens of engineers (all of whom were male) on other teams, nitpicking the code I had written. One PR actually had over 200 comments from 24 different individuals. It got to the point where the VP of engineering had to intervene to get people to back off. I thought that maybe because I was a well-known Rubyist, other engineers were particularly interested in seeing the kind of code I was writing. So I asked Aaron Patterson, another famous Rubyist who had started at GitHub at the same time as I did, if he was experiencing a lot of scrutiny too. He said he was not.

Shortly after this happened to me, the code review feature was prioritized. This functionality was rolled out internally pretty quickly. From that point on I didn't get dogpiled anymore, since I could request reviews from specific engineers familiar with the area of the codebase that I was working in and avoid the kind of drive-by code reviews that plagued my initial PRs.

Other urls found in this thread:]]].]

A couple of months later, I finished up a feature that I was very excited about: repository invitations. With repository invitations, no one could add someone else to a repository without their consent. Being invited to contribute to a repository resulted in an email notification, from which the recipient could accept or decline to join and even report and block the inviter.

Feature releases such as these are frequently promoted on the GitHub blog, and the product manager on my team encouraged me to write a post announcing what I had shipped. Since it was so important to me personally, I wrote an impassioned piece talking about how this feature closed a security gap that had directly affected and provided an abuse vector against me. The post also served as an announcement to the world of the new team and the kinds of problems that we were charged with solving.

The post was submitted for editorial review. It was decided that the tone of what I had written was too personal and didn't reflect the voice of the company. The reviewer insisted that any mention of the abuse vector that this feature was closing be removed. In the midst of my discussions with the editorial team, trying to reach a compromise, a (male) engineer from another team completely rewrote the blog post [] and published it without talking to me.

Through my previous jobs I had grown accustomed to pair programming. I have found that in addition to the positive impact that pairing has in terms of code quality and bug reduction, the experience of working directly with another developer (whether more junior or more senior) provides a wealth of learning and teaching opportunities. As a seasoned developer I have certain quirks, opinions, and common patterns that I fall back on. Having to explain to another person why I am approaching a problem in a particular way is really good for helping me break bad habits and challenge my assumptions, or for providing validation for good problem solving skills. But pair programming simply didn't happen at GitHub. I would occasionally get another engineer to share a screen to walk me through a particularly hairy subsystem, but actual pairing was extremely rare and I missed it.

In addition to my development work, I had started weekly mentoring sessions with one of my teammates (a recent boot camp graduate) on Ruby and Rails fundamentals that she had not been exposed to in her program. When I talked to my manager about how she was progressing, I was told to stop the formal mentoring and allow this person to "learn at her own pace, without any pressure from you." I was mystified: mentoring is an essential part of being a senior engineer, and this teammate seemed to be benefiting from it. But I did what my manager told me to do.

Collaboration in general was not easy. Remote-friendly companies generally rely on video chat to discuss development strategies and architecture decisions, to establish and review priorities, or even just generally check in on the team. But GitHub was different. We had our daily standups on video chat but that was the extent of real-time communication. Discussions were directed to comments on issues and pull requests. Even if you talked to someone on Slack, you were expected to provide a link to the conversation in a comment. Asynchronous communication is sometimes necessary on a distributed team, but never in my career have I seen it taken to the level that GitHub has. Asynchronous communication is definitely not my strongest area. When I see a text box on screen, I tend to be very terse and direct instead of typing out a wall of text.

Positive Impact

Starting in December, in my weekly one-on-one meetings with my manager, we would review all of my written communication (issues, pull requests, code reviews, and Slack messages) to talk about how I could improve. It felt ridiculous but I went along with it, and did my best to address my manager's feedback and concerns. I even got a book on constructive communication and effective collaboration and reported in regularly on what I was learning from the reading. My manager seemed satisfied with my progress.

In April it was time for my annual review. Based on the positive feedback from my one-on-ones and how well I was tracking against the goals set for the next engineering level, I was hopeful of getting a promotion and a raise. But when I joined the video call with my manager, it became clear that something was wrong. She went back to the issue of my lack of empathy in communications and collaboration. I brought up the fact that we had been actively working on improving that over the past several months and that I had been tracking well against the goals we agreed to, but she said that the review period was only through January so that progress didn't count. She went on to say that I was not fulfilling my responsibilities as an engineer because for the first month after a new developer was added to our team, I had not done any code reviews for her. I told my manager that I only participated in code reviews to which I was invited, in large part because of my experience at the beginning with drive-by reviews, and that the new developer hadn't started requesting reviews from me until February. Again, the facts didn't seem to matter.

My overall review was a "Does Not Meet Expectations." I was shocked and upset. A bad review out of the blue was not something that I had experienced before. I thought I had good rapport with my manager, and that if there was a problem that we would have been addressing it at our weekly meetings. In my mind this was a serious management failure, but there was apparently nothing I could do about it.

The same day that I had this review, I got some devastating personal news. I have bipolar depression and was already in a bad place mentally, so I found myself feeling crushed and hopeless. In an attempt to deal with things I ended up taking a dangerously high dose of my anti-anxiety medication. When I reached out to my therapist for help, she recommended that I go to the emergency room. This was the start of an eight day ordeal involving involuntary commitment to a mental health facility. I shared this experience on Twitter [] and won't rehash it here, but suffice it to say that I was severely traumatized by what happened to me in the hospital.

When I finally got out, I met with my therapist to discuss the trauma I had suffered and to talk about how best to recover. She told me that I needed to go back to my routines as quickly as possible, to resume normal life. So I decided to return to work that Thursday.

Thursday and Friday were not good days. I had a lot of trouble focusing. I was making simple mistakes and in some cases doing the wrong work. Friday afternoon I reached out to my boss to tell her that I was having trouble and that I didn't know what to do. She suggested that I take medical leave, but I told her what my therapist had said about the importance of getting back to normal life. My manager was adamant that if I couldn't work at full capacity that I had no choice but to take medical leave. I asked if we could get together a few times a week when I returned from traveling, to review what I was doing and determine if I was working effectively; if I continued having problems I would take some time off. She agreed.

The following week I had scheduled conferences to attend, so my focus on work was put on hold. The day I got back from my trip my manager had set up a conference call. I was confused to see a person from HR there. My manager told me that I was being put on a performance improvement plan (PIP), and that if I did not show improvement soon then they would be forced to let me go. I asked about what we had previously agreed to, accommodating my mental health issues, and she insisted that the PIP had to move forward immediately. The two main areas that I needed to address were empathetic written communication and a target of reviewing 60% of the team's pull requests.

After the meeting I messaged her and shared the more personal aspects of what I was going through, the trauma that I had experienced in the hospital and its lingering effects on my mental health. I was told that I should have accepted the offer of medical leave, and she said she felt like I was trying to manipulate her by sharing my feelings in the hopes of influencing the PIP. I was dismayed.

A week later we had our first PIP tracking meeting. I had created a shared Google doc with the specific details of the PIP and used the document as a daily journal to record what I was doing in each area. In the meeting my manager wasn't interested in talking about what I had written down, and instead criticized me for actively soliciting invitations to do code reviews during our morning standups and pointing out that I had three tracking issues open that should have been closed. Her overall assessment of my week: "Does Not Meet Expectations".

who woulda thunk that a tranny sjw who hates fucking white males makes for an absolutely toxic employee?

Another week went by. Feeling the pressure of her scrutiny, I made checklists for interpersonal communications, technical communications, and development workflow to make sure that I didn't miss anything. I meticulously recorded everything that I did or said in the shared doc.

The second PIP tracking meeting arrived. Once again I shared the notes that I had taken, demonstrating my commitment to the goals of the process and showing how I was was addressing them. Once again my manager wasn't interested in what I had written down. She told me that a few days back during our stand-up I had said "I got what I needed from _ so I am ready to start working on this PR." She said that this was yet another example of non-empathetic communication: what I should have done was to explicitly thank _, which I had done the next day in what she described as "an afterthought". Overall assessment for week two: "Does Not Meet Expectations".

I finally realized that the PIP process was a mere formality. I was going to be fired and it didn't matter what I did. I decided to start looking for a new job. The following weekend I got more bad news: my grandmother, with whom I had been very close, had passed away. I bought plane tickets immediately and told my manager that I was taking bereavement leave for a week.

I returned to work the following Monday, in time for the third PIP tracking meeting. Once again I had kept thorough notes, had followed all my checklists, had read and reread every written communication to make sure that my words and tone were above criticism. When the call started, my manager immediately told me that I had not shown any improvement and that I was being let go. I would receive one month's salary in severance. My access to all things GitHub was revoked even as she was talking to me: right away I saw that the shared Google doc greyed itself out and an alert about my account popped up. There was no recourse. I had been fired.

Was politely calling out a data scientist on a problematic and transphobic survey answer a demonstration of lack of empathy? What about sharing my personal experience of harassment in a discussion about a feature that could easily be abused? Would it have made a difference if I had thanked my co-worker in that standup?

git revert

GitHub touts its values, but has consistently failed to live up to them. Values that are expressed but that don't change behavior are not really values, they are lies that you tell yourself.

I think back on the lack of options I was given in response to my mental health situation and I see a complete lack of empathy. I reflect on the weekly one-on-ones that I had with my manager prior to my review and the positive feedback I was getting, in contrast to the surprise annual review. I consider the journal entries that I made and all the effort I put in on following the PIP and demonstrating my commitment to improving, only to be judged negatively for the most petty reasons. I think about how I opened up to my manager about my trauma and was accused of trying to manipulate her feelings. I remember coming back from burying my grandmother and being told that I was fired.

GitHub has made some very public commitments to turning its culture around, but I feel now that these statements are just PR. I am increasingly of the opinion that in hiring me and other prominent activists, they were attempting to use our names and reputations to convince the world that they took diversity, inclusivity, and social justice issues seriously. And I feel naive for having fallen for it.

In the past several months GitHub has fired at least three transgender engineers and many more cisgender women. Prominent people who were trying to effect positive change in the company culture have quit. They canceled a conference when they got called out for having an all-male speaker lineup []. In a return to its meritocratic roots, the company has decided to move forward with a merit-based stock option program despite criticism from employees who tried to point out its inherent unfairness. And the widely publicized results of the open source survey [] show that the company's platform is still not appealing to anyone but straight white guys.

So yes, in looking back over my year at GitHub I see that there was, in fact, a real problem with empathy.

But that problem wasn't mine.

fucking LOL

HN Discussion:

Alacrity dying?


Why are some of these 404?


I just restructured some stuff to get the patreon in.

no archiving, no click

Mary Sue comment section

Picked up by Business Insider & Mary Sue.


My bad.

Severe Assburgers Detected

This seems to sum this up nicely. This diversity hire had all the people skills of a sack of hammers and the dunning kreuger to match.

>In the past several months GitHub has fired at least three transgender engineers and many more cisgender women. Prominent people who were trying to effect (((positive))) change in the company culture have quit.

Is Github going to un-cuck itself?


If you think that shit will happen I got some magic fucking beans to sell you m8.

who is this disgusting fuck?

It's guy who calls himself Coraline Ada Ehmke, I am not sure what his real name is.
He has some serious mental health issues and thinks that he is a woman.

well, I tip my fedora to his manager
Let me guess, he was (((raped))), aka, there was a CSI male close to his gravitational pull?

Well, thanks for the post OP, I had a snicker.
And now, off to buy a wig, claim I'm some made-up gender and get money on patreon for being a victim of cyberbullying or w/e

Thank you for giving me nightmares, OP.

No. Don't you see. This whole thing was calculated. The demands this class of people are deliberately impossible to satisfy. They are on top of the progressive stack, and they know how to utilize their power. The virus didn't actually get ejected, only now it's taking it's full form. See what the progressive cirlce is doing now? They're whipping Github into shape. The little sanity that company may have left will further and further diminish. They will bow and when they eat dirt, they will dig themselves a hole into the ground to bow further.

Think of it like this: The function of the tranny is that of a demagogue, installed to push the overton window further towards progressive insanity. Now the creature is (quite literally) cashing in.



May Allah inflict on you every type of cancer
Seriously user please stop spreading shortened links.
I don't want to use the or .is because of cloudflare so I either go see the website itself or I use but I can't do that with shortened links.

Reminder to anons that you need to make a local backup of the archives just in case we know that people can delete on any archive any article.

has autism gone too far?

Just like insects adapted to insecticide, we have adapted to lying journos pulling more double think and information games than the DPRK.

What do you mean? Github firing that guy has nothing to do with thing that you linked. He got fired for being asshole to other people in company, not for being asshole to random people on Internet.

pic related
If that many people are finding issues in your code maybe you should look at a mirror to find the real problem.


thats funny

But user, if you don't base all your decisions solely on a person's sex and skin color, you're a racist sexist homophobe!
meritocracy is evil because (((minorities))) are shit at everything

get a load of this problematic transmysogynist sithlord

It's okay when we do it!™
also, "she"

By the way, what was the " problematic and transphobic survey answer" that got him all #triggered?

Note the user you responded too.
The results.
It statistically showed that trannies were mentally ill.
He didin't like it and called it a biased research which intents were from the beginning to be pejorative against trans people.
Actually I'm just guessing, I have no idea why :^)

Not the user you responded too.

Github was fucked the moment they hired feminists and trannies to try cleaning their rep after some ex employee claimed she was harassed there. The moment you bend to socjus it's already over. Also, someone didn't waste time updating Github's Wikipedia page

healthy autism. +1 lad.

wait what?

does anyone know this story? what happened?

someone should revert, removing "biased" source

why is harassment ok as long as you are are mentally ill tranny with purple hair?

ITT opal is bad, """"coraline""" """"ada"""""" is good and did nuffin wrong. why the fuck do people defend a harasser?

so I should post my code on Teknik? Gitlab? what do

Bitbucket is quite good. It has private repos if you have an edu email.

This is completely irrelevant to programming It sounds like the kind of thing SJWs push for to get women to be included, because male work culture is too 'toxic'. Did GitHub use the weapons of the SJW against them?

I am also having trouble with finding tech approved git hosting.

Yeah I can't get through all that.

this nigga ugly af

See that "GorillaWarfare" username there? It means it's one of those protected pages only for special people fsf approved


BTFO that manager knew exactly what was happening

gas chambers when

It never stops amazing me that what would have been too ridiculous to even work as trolling 20 years ago is now established 'wisdom'. A society that considers merit to be a bad thing is the realm of comedy sci-fi yet here we are.

If it wants to create safe, welcoming spaces it could start by removing its face from them.

It's okay when Nintendo does it when we do it!
A brave trans-pursyn standing up to the evil white male-csi-het-kyarchy is not harassment, it's a struggle for freedom!

On the Year of the Linux Desktop Day of the rope

you're an SJW. fuck off.

no u

for more poignant rebuttals against goober gate shitlords, donate to my patreon; at $23,000/month, I will release 2 videos per year on youtube

fuck off sjw

help, I'm literally being raped right now

Again, thank you for links.

Truly, these days are the golden age which will never be repeated.

There are two perspectives on the archiving paranoia:
1. Stick it to the man: don't want (((companies))) to have ad shekkels from spying.
2. Cyberarchivist: people on Holla Forums are familiar with how fast information can disappear and have developed a kneejerk reaction to archiving things not really relevant the next month.

Your welcome.
Remember to do a local backup just in case.

Bait but fuck it.
That's not what's asked.
If you want to archive it on .is or .fo ok do it but don't force people to go on cloudflare botnet shit via shortened urls.

The full urls are an example to show that it's possible link with full url with these services.

Says the user who post animu pic in every thread

Aren't these geeks supposed to be super smart brainiacs? Are they intentionally skimming the most simple answer to this problem?

If meritocracy doesn't work, and if democracy doesn't work, but only the Coraline Ada way works then maybe the problem really is the self-important guy dressed as a tacky grandma who has no skills in shaving his beard and demands to be treated in a super special way.


how did her lice break the sound barrier?

Why doesn't someone code an clone that runs on IPFS?
>publish mappings of :

Kek, they're eating themselves alive.

Because even tho IPFS works it's design is pure crap and will get buttfucked by any three agencies or the music industry when wanted.

Yes I did.
Now back to your loli roleplaying and talk when you have something else than a dick in your mouth worthy to say.

w-what are you talking about

Because your severe autism is matched only by very few minds, user, and none of those minds have yet decided to undertake such a worthless unique and useful project.
Why don't you make it yourself?

b-bls no bully

Are you trying to be the Alice Margatroid of tech?

o-ofcourse not, b-baka

As much as this tranny freak deserves the >>/bog/ and to gtfo of tech, having seen a coworker get railroaded into this fucking corporate garbage pretext-for-unjustified-shitcanning, I can tell you it is a horrible, dignity-siphoning, dehumanizing process.

The hr bimbos and mediocre scum sociopath "managers" that go along with and enforce these shit policies need to be gassed. FFS just say "look, we have to fire you for political reasons, here's a decent payoff" or "it ain't working out and you keep fucking up, get lost"

As for this disgusting degenerate, its entire article is cringe inducing and it needs to end itself for being such a mentally ill parasite and shitting up tech. OTOH why the fuck did ShitHub hire it in the first place? Did they not know that an unstable fucktard social justice faggot would make a terrible employee?

The reality of computer science is that it needs to be dominated by men led by bros, not filled with poos and dykes/trannies/snowflakes led by sociopathic chads and incompetent cunts.

what the fuck is that shit?


This seems common when some is interested in getting a bug fixed for example, suddenly the person just flips out randomly and the next minute you're a mysongist because just want a driver to work. No one gives a fuck who coded it, they just want it to work.



back to >>>Holla Forums

or go straight to >>>/suicide/

I've been in this process and there's no problem with it when people are cooperative.
The whole process of these evaluations is to help the interested person getting better in certain domains because they have a lack of human communication for example.

When I say normal I mean people who haven't any big mental issues, people who are willing to better themselves because they acknowledge they are bad in x or x domains.

Ehmke has more than one problem.
The fact that he isn't a genetically born tranny and that he did his alterations is the first symptom of mental illness.
The guy went trough hormonal treatment and other to be something that the can't be.
Of course he's going to be surveilled from is boss to know if he's able to work properly.
Because that's the whole point of the test, to see if you are able to work either alone either in group.
And even if you have mental illness in some not to bad cases it can be mitigated with some effort from the concerned person.
I was evaluated because my autism was in the way of my work and it caused trouble and delay

But the more I read about Ehmke the more I'm convinced that he's a sociopath.

tell us more

Bet they're kicking themselves now.

No pity though. I'm pleased to learn that this fat fuck's life is as much a mess as I suspected. Their robotic tone policing and outward browbeating is matched by an equally autistic internal need to robotically document everything. Kek.
You're got to be pretty fucked up to behave like that. Hopefully they get snapped up by Facebook or something next.

Trying to attack an attention whore is like trying to drown a fish.

Daily reminder Ada Lovelace actually created nothing of value:

Jeez. Why Tesla?
Tesla was a literal Nazi for god sake.

Pretty much this.
The first time I read a thread about him I suspected it was made by Coraline himself.
So much attention for the persona and so little for the subject.


Ada Lovelace is the George Washington Carver of computing.

Ada did suck some mean dick though. Dunno why they try so hard with Ada instead of an actual scientist like Marie Curie.

Tesla was fucked over, these people like him more for him being an underdog than anything else.

w-wow user why do you have to be so r-r-rude

ada lovelace is a mentally ill nobody with a frilly name

babbage had her basically type programs in for him, and due to womans hysteria she decided at some point that she was "inventing" the programs herself.

it is very ironic that this hateful and sick mentally ill fuck that harasses people has chosen to idolize ada.

pick one
no, marrying an actual scientist and getting that beta bitch boy to add your name to his publications does not turn you into an actual scientist

Please, user. Everyone knows the true minority scientist of our time is Ahmed Mohamed after he invented his one-of-a-kind clock and several renowned techniques of soldering processors!

It's not like she irradiated herself (+husband) too to see the effects of radioactivity on the human body.
But I guess all wimen are useless.

But that's never going to happen. For IQ > 100, testosterone correlates negatively with IQ. So anyone with high IQ is pretty much guaranteed to have low testosterone. This makes them beta as fuck, which means someone else will take control, and leaves them open to sjw entryism due to being desperate enough for female attention.

I don't want to bother user but "proof or GTFO".


That image shows close to nothing. The smartest guy there seems to have average testosterone.

IQ is the X axis, you're misreading the graph. The average is about 0.06, the most intelligent boy has about 0.03. Look at the regression line.
Look around you, why do you think there are so many traps in software development? In the GitHub study that's usually referenced to """prove""" that women are better programmers than men, they mention that they based the gender classification on avatars. In other words, programmers with female avatars (read: anime avatars) were good enough programmers that they managed to compensate for women's inability to code and give them a higher average than the men.

Source for the image:
Ostatnikova D., Celec P., Putz Z., Hodosy J., Schmidt F., Laznibatova J., Kudela M. (2007). Intelligence and salivary testosterone levels in prepubertal children. Neuropsychologia, 45, 1378-1385. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2006.10.018

That's a graph from a test made with a small sample of prepubertal children and all it shows of note is a tiny deviation where few individuals with high testosterone fall between 100-140 IQ.
I don't think it really supports whatever your point is.

It was statistically significant. Read the study.

Please share it.


put in front of any doi for a pdf, for example


Coraline if you're reading this thrad, I hate your face.

go home, cora

I never stop being surprised when these kinds of idiots perform career suicide like this. Do they expect to live on patreon for the rest of their lives?

Who cares if it's him ? We all hate him anyway.

Great days indeed!

Except he immediately landed a job at another company, who greenlit the drama blogpost, and friends stepped in to pay his living expenses to make up for the severance package.

There is no justice in this world.

Insane tranny (but I repeat myself), whose full-time job at github was bullying people into pozzing up their projects with her code of conduct, blogs about how github wasn't progressive enough.

Gas yourself.



Testing testing.

More test.


