Why I Don't Date

Sorry, Holla Forums, you're just not good enough for me.

Well, duh.

Good more boys subscribing to my YT channel and donating to my PayPal and Patreon.
I also have signed Polaroids of my feet starting at just 100$.


Your True Queen

The next time you want to make a he-man's woman hater's thread, don't bait us with a literally who camwhore. This cunt is a dope and OP is a fag.


would inseminate/10





The world is changing. The station that women were formerly oft-forced into, i.e. serious dating, marriage and child rearing is falling out of favor with MANY young women across the globe. I think that's not a coincidence… men, or the idea of men, have very little to offer women outside of sex, and let's face it, women have never been the more sex-driven gender. Your love of the idea of love via Hollywood film's using the concept to make billions via cheesy stories of endearing relationships between oft-young, oft-attractive people is highly telling. Many people are raised believing that's what love is, when it's truly nothing of the sort. Hollywood has mesmerized most of the Baby Boomer generation and Gen X with their love propaganda, but I see a definite turning away from it by millennial and Gen. Z women… many of whom opt for the pastimes that their male peers typically gravitate to, i.e. video games, athletics, STEM field interests, The Internet and so on and so forth…They've discovered in short order that having a hobby or many of them, as well as perhaps a job or career that suits your interests is typically far more rewarding than being locked into some weird verbal contract with another person, for the sake of procreation or monogamy. Monogamy that quickly morphs into monotony for many women in longterm relationships. This is nothing to feel guilty over, as women have also discovered, via many biological studies of humans, which seem to indicate, we're more naturally inclined to sort of "whore it up" and be with many partners rather than a few or just one. The world has always asked women to do the latter, and it quite often makes them restless and unhappy… the same for men. It's actually not in our nature whatsoever. In summation, I think your mentality is good… I think you realize no relationship really will fulfill you. That's all hype… people, as you say, come and go and they're all just like yourself; mortal, born and eventually will die. Your happiness doesn't rest with any singular one person… the thought of it doing so, is in fact, just romance and ego. Being "alone", isn't really being "alone" in a linear sense either… as we're all connected. There really isn't a separation, just the way our limited brains interpret this plane of existence.

MGTOW are so unbearable compared to your average /r9k/ stock. It's like instead of making peace of being a loser or taking steps to improve they make it a 'choice'' to be lonely. I can understand why somebody would not want to interact with women if they had repeat negative experiences but unless you have some hormonal/medical issues, you do still desire women, and substituting with pornography only worsens the situation. I guess if you're beta enough to make a choice to leave the gene pool you probably were meant to end up there by nature

that's right, goys, propaganda has no effect. stay asleep…

MGTOW is the "I didn't get fired, I quit" excuse for being socially repugnant.

Not at all, unless they're 2D.
Maybe for you.

i aint ever getting married and no one can make me

I desire an asteroid impact.

dat ass..

Eastern European mail order bride here I come.

dear god, I couldn't watch it further, the cringe.

Yeah, a woman can have a nice body and be literate but also be mentally ill. Imagine the surprise…

forgot pic


Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks




public school education is so bad so you cant really blame him for not knowing