Higan dev. byuu is brainwashed by CNN

higan dev. byuu is brainwashed by CNN


I think this is valuable to read because it shows what's happening in the technology/programming world. even really intelligent people are being brainwashed by the news (when you read what he says you're going to think "what a fucking idiot", but keep in mind he made one of the most accurate emulators in the world - you can't do this if you tried your hardest for 10 years)

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kinda ruined the thread by forgetting to post pic in OP but whatever, your thoughts?

What a shame.

You mean emotional maturity is not correlated with intelligence?

Wow, who would've thought. It's not like we've seen evidence of this fucking everywhere.

well done

You're literally 7 fucking months late, you idiot.

what is wrong with you

I didn't say that. This isn't technology nor new. If it was at least new it could be considered relevant, but this is just some emu-dev queer's old rant about old news. It's had dozens of threads already.

Thank you. I appreciate this.


Really makes you think

It can happen. Intelligence and mental strength aren't correlated: you get a lot of brutes and intellectuals but few "overmen".

Nintendo Famicom
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Super Game Boy
BS-X Satellaview
Sufami Turbo
Nintendo Game Boy
Nintendo Game Boy Color
Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Sega Master System
Sega Game Gear
Sega Mega Drive
NEC PC Engine
NEC SuperGrafx
Bandai WonderSwan
Bandai WonderSwan Color

Well, looks like this faggot is not salvageable.

Video games make you gay. Poor boy never stood a chance.

higan is mostly used to emulate snes games, unless you don't care about speed or accuracy that much

what's the problem? he didn't vote for trump? then the second paragraph is just saying SJWs are bad, then a bunch of blah blah trump hilary which I can't be bothered to read or acquire context

oh god this guy is such an annoying shit


And it's the left that are trying to ruin videos games in the present day.


Hell, wasn't Al Gore behind censoring games and music back in those days?

I think that was his wife, Tipper.

Him and his wife were heavy into censorship back in the 80s and 90s.

Relevant video:

GNU creator, RMS is also leftist


I think this is valuable to read because it shows what's happening in the technology/programming world, even really intelligent people are being brainwashed by the cultural marxists (when you read what he says your're going to think "what a fucking idiot", but keep in mind he made one of best free (as in freedom) projects in the world - you can't do this if you tried your hardest for 10 years)

>am i Holla Forums yet?
he is not some insane sjw faggot

RMS is an old school leftist, maybe just a bit more liberal than Holla Forums, so I don't really see where the problem is with his politics. I mean, he's not leah or the Rust CoCboard.

Of course there's a problem, ignorant. The point is that rms is autistic enough to really seperate his politics and his position.

Stallman is the good kind of leftist insofar as such a thing exists. Old left types at least have an ideology beyond "neoliberalism but also brown people and degenerates get gibs."

>go to stallman.org/
Seems like leftist newspeak to me.

If, in July 2017 aka $CURRENT_MONTH, you still haven't realized Trump is a memeing high-level shitposter who just doesn't give a shit about anything, there's something wrong with you tbh.
I think that's what Stallman means when he calls him a troll, and it'd be right.

Fuck me Holla Forums has been awful lately.

Holla Forums has always been awful though.


Come on dude. What is the reason behind tripfagging? We don't need to know who makes the post. There are a few special cases when tripcode is useful but using it all the time is just being an asshole. Few days ago there were no tripfags here and all was fine.


Have you made dubs getting software in Rust?


So is byuu. He doesn't like muslims, for example.

Well this seems reasonable.
wut ?
ok this is reasonable and he finally see the problem.
Ok again this seems reasonable.
So you want to talk reasonably except when people don't have the same ideas ?
You see kids this is what going full retard looks like, it's when you take everything literally and you'll never do background checks to know the context of anything.

Oh for fuck sakes
It's incredible and enraging that these people can't grasp the bullshit they are making.

Because no politician like clinton has ever made any ?

Could say the same about clinton or about any other candidate.

Keep dreaming.

Everyone who voted trump is Satan incarnated, we need to purge every trump voter so that I can discuss with the people I disagree with.

Proof or GTFO

Who are you to judge who has freedom or not ?

Already happened a long time ago.
And the Ku Klux Klan is irrelevant in our days

And the Neo-Nazis is irrelevant in our days they are a meme that's all that there's to it.

And by saying that he tries to dehumanize someone.

Yes I already see the deportation of anyone who is different from X standard.
I can already see the ovens working full time and the sky turning into a permanent rain of hash.

Because trump is going to stay POTUS for all eternity, he's a god emperor after all.
It's not like there's a limit to be re elected.

Because passively genocide a whole country like Tibet is ok ?
Or maybe it's only of importance when it's of a country where the skin color isn't white ?
And he calls people bigots.
Everyone culture wants to survive and live.
The USoA has it's own culture, each state has more or less one.

Proof or GTFO

Dehumanizing people who voted trump ?
On the base of nothing ?
Who's the monster in this story ?

Willing to sacrifice friendship on the base of mere political shit ?
Didin't you talk about bubbles earlier ?

Literally shaking

You share the same air thought.

Maybe it's because it wasn't meant to be ?
Maybe because your "social progress" was to much ?
Can't these people think they are wrong ?

The hatred they are going to face is because part of them or their movement has done nothing but suppressing social freedom.

By Allah may this man be beaten by a shoe.
So it's equality but at the sake of freedom ?
Not going to happen.

Again it's sad to see brainwashed people like this.
These people are the definition of cultist.
It's not only the news it comes essentially from people who think they are victims or some shit like that.
Plus reading more of his stuff he seems borderline suicidal.
The whole political cult like shit isn't helping with that.
The problem is the delusion of the whole they have.
Ok things are bad but Jesus fucking Christ don't dehumanize people and call genocide on everyone who don't think the same just because you suppose that you're victims or that people are victims.
The guy is smart he has some good thinking but he lets information that isn't valid in is thought process.

Byuu is an autistic retard who can't optimize his emulator for shit and is constantly trying to start fights with other developers and likes to do internet searches on his name to see what people are saying about him so he can show up in the middle of discussions. Beyond that, I don't give a fuck about his political views and you should take this to an appropriate board.

I used to really respect him and look up to him,

not anymore

I don't blame him though, he's just fallen into the trap that the nasty mass media has been blasting everybody with for months on end.

If you move in certain circles, you'll be ostracized and destroyed if voice any opinion outside the mainstream orthodoxy. He probably has some west coast hipster job on the side where if he says anything problematic he'll be ejected.

Under those conditions, some people can keep quiet and maintain their private integrity, but a lot of people just crack and surrender their soul to the Overmind and become zealots.

I thought this was supposed to be Holla Forums not Holla Forums.

Byuu has always been emotionally weak and inclined toward seeing himself as a victim. When he pokes his head out of his own website and tries to interact with others he quickly resorts to causing trouble by seeing himself as some kind of victim over nothing which pisses off other communities. He isn't brainwashed and he doesn't seem to be intentionally malicious or anything like that, he's just got issues and our culture right now is not inclined to help such people but instead enable their dysfunction.

If our culture wasn't so fucked up he'd probably still be childish faggot, but much less of one since everyone around him would be telling him to toughen up instead of enabling his emotionally touchy victim crap.

I still kind of like him, but he's got issues.

I don't know him, hadn't even heard of him, but I feel like this is a pretty decent analysis of many people, generally. Our culture is fucked and it panders to and encourages neurosis.
I mean, shit, just look at the treatment of gays and the LGBetc's. Our culture fucking glorifies it.

The left were always the ones trying to ruin games. Lieberman, faggot democrat. Gore, faggot autistic democrat

only because muzzies kill fags

Muzzies hate women's rights too, that hasn't stopped all manner of lefties from fawning over them.

never heard of higan
don't care about your faggot idol

found one of you btw

who would have thought

Maybe the brainwashing wore off at some point, but I'm pretty sure I saw him post about solidarity with muslims during "muh travel ban." That's when I knew he'd lost it.


literally who
literally who
literally what
literally who
literally who
literally who
polnigger detected at line 1

Kiddie or lying revisionist retard detected.

Weird that I searched for occurrences of cuntservatives being cunts at the time but didn't find anything
The revisionism is real
I know for a fact what it was like because I was alive at the time, not like you stupid image board kids who love to talk about shit you don't know anything about as if you were experts
Now go ask your mom to change your diapers

it's one of the most capitalist ideologies ever; anyone can be a producer and start competing anytime.
Commies would drool all over centralized control over software (i.e. proprietary software).


hey Holla Forums here

you are completely fucking stupid. almost nobody in the modern left advocates for centralism. ballmer called linux a communist cancer, not an anarcho-capitalist one. free software has NO COMPETITION, you big dummy, and even if it did that'd be a market and not capitalism, which involves private property, which doesn't exist in free software.

Not the user you responded too.
And RMS called Bill Gates a communist.

But there's no competition

What is the GPL.

There is private property in free software. Free software isn't free if users are not allowed to keep their software private. I've modified GPL software plenty of times and I've kept the changes to be private. According to you, what I've done with that is not possible.

What about you ixquick "Marxism"

Not a single one does, in fact I consider Free Software to be only truly realizable in a Communist society.

Not private property in the sense that lefists mean, user. In truth it does make sense to call it 'private' but its a sort of 'private property' thats not a problem so leftists dont have issue with it. It would be 'capitalist' 'private property' if you distributed them to other people and forbade them from controlling it on their end, and/or charged them for it. the house you live in is your "property" but getting the govt to say you 'own' a house elsewhere and anyone else has to pay you to live in it even though its =their= house in the sense anyone uses that phrase, would be "private property" as leftists mean.