You guys got an answer?

You guys got an answer?

Didn't think so.

who the fuck is this cuck?

Nevermind, I'll just go back to Reddit.

no I am not!

The Force Awakens, Suicide Squad, Nearly Every Marvel Character, Video Games, Rhodesia, France, Lifeā€¦


Diversity in ghost in the shell. Forced Jew lead.

Don't forget western Europe and Canada.

Like every nigger doctor or lawyer or military officer? Niggers have to have fair portrayals.

Well, I guess he must be right.

Half the world population is Asian, and there are more black people than white people, hardly diverse. Work harder, boys!

a*erica was never good, though


How about that time when John Landis killed some children?

Friendly reminder that Landis hasn't ever written anything good and almost not written anything successful.

fuck this guy and his stupid looking hair

Our guy!

If only he had killed this one


Off the top of my head, integration ruined education, dumbing down curriculum for nogs, them fighting in schools all the time.

England, Sweden, France explode every other week.

Sense of community is gone in most diverse neighborhoods.


But as for movies, it ruined Fantastic Four, the new 24.

I don't understand your problem with this one. Pregnant women is a patrician fetish.

drumpfcucks btfo

Any recent historical drama whatsoever.

Kek, this.
He knows damn well what casting just for diversity means, but he's shoving his head in the sand because it gives him badfeels when people call out faggotry he believes in.

Well, diversity certainly ruined his father's career XDDDD


Max Landis is a fucking tip top cuck, but the few times he's not acting like a complete retard, he actually makes some valid criticisms of the industry.

Keep him away from mentions of race and sex and he'll drop truth bombs about every facet of Jewish propaganda.

What's wrong with Howard?

He is a parody of Donald Duck and Donald Duck is already a parody of the average American citizen. At least how he was perceived during his creation in the 1930s. A parody of a parody rarely works.

mammal bois scared of getting cucked by the bbc (big bird cock)

hory sheet

Diversity on its own does not ruin anything, especially if it's done in the form of a meritocracy which is to say you're not being prohibitively discriminatory based on identity. But it is the PURSUIT of diversity that ruins everything because it's always phony and terrible.

To speak the language of these idiots, just show them Communism. Communism wanted full equality and opportunity for everyone. It wanted peace and prosperity for everyone no matter where or how they are born.
"When has peace and prosperity ever made a country WORSE?"
The problem is the implementation, the pursuit, and the execution of it all. Furthermore, it breeds more problems than it fixes. You can blame human nature and you can blame the world being unfair but it happens 100% of the time.

I mean it's inevitable, isn't it? You need to start off with "there's too many white people here." How many is too many, first of all. But let's move on past that, you can see how this is ripe ground for tension and hostility. Too many white people becomes I'm so sick of white people, and it don't take too long to get there. That motivation is very clear right now, especially in gaming where autism reigns and they don't have either the desire or ability to be elegant.

At the end of it I just want to know why diversity makes anything *BETTER.* I hear this all the time, "if it doesn't hurt or help anything then why don't you just do it?" Well I can ask the same thing, if it doesn't hurt or help then why should we do it? What is the purpose?

I don't hear this anywhere outside of white movies, by the way. I never see these retards barging into Japanese cinema saying there needs to be more Indian people there. There's a lot of African movies, there's a whole film industry there, do they need more white people? Would more white people make African movies better? No, it's only in cinema with white people, and we are all supposed to understand that there's just too many white people doing things.

It's a shakedown. Now if you're white and you just so happen to have white people in your comic or movie, you get a strange anxiety. Decades of this shit have conditioned white people to be uneasy if there's not at least some base-level tokenism but even that is seen as offensive. You can't just have a black friend, and if you do the black friend needs to be perfect and more awesome than the main character, otherwise they would just be set dressing. If you have an Indian character, make sure it's a woman and also she's a scientist and there should be a scene where she corrects someone's grammar (a white redneck, if you can fit it in.)

Basic representation is just the start. That was 30 years ago, now it's all about HOW they are represented. Muslims CANNOT be depicted as terrorists, make them white Russians. Indians CANNOT be seen as misogynistic, make sure the Indian dad makes a comment about how he's a feminist and his daughter is a teacher. Black people need to be seen as particularly intelligent, and you absolutely must show the gangbanger playing chess. Otherwise it will send the wrong message. That's TRUE equality. That's REAL diversity.


Conservatism: Feels Before Reals, the Ideology for Man-Children.
Even worse are the young generation of alt-right conservakids, retreating into post-modern "witty" criticisms while unable to offer solutions, just like the liberals they claim to despise..

Niggers make up 12% of the population in Burger Land, and Kikes make up less than 1%, yet they are both now seeing drastic overrepresentation in media while Whites see an almost 100% rate of representation of villains (except in settings where whites are not a majority in the population). If you need an example of diversity ruining something, look at the general state of Hollywood. Diversity can't be pointed to as obviously ruining a specific product because on a case by case basis you can justify "diversity quotas" as merely being representative in that instance, but when taken on the whole you can see the effects. Another thing worth noting is that this is merely diversity on the screen, behind the screen they are not following their beliefs. More niggers are in the movies, less niggers are making them, and when they decide to allow their golems to make movies they can only make movies that virtue signal about race. When was the last time a black man was allowed to make dumb capeshit?

Diversity ruins movies because the movie becomes about that diversity, rather than its conceit. Black Panther doesn't exist because Marvel genuinely wants to make an interesting Black Panther movie that explores the character, Black Panther exists because Marvel wants diversity bucks. Get Out exists to highlight how horrible white people are, Moonlight exists to have gay black men in movies. Lancelot is now black to appease SJWs, even though the Moors were still at their darkest lighter than a paper bag.

Lets use Drive as an example, white autist goes on killing spree after robbery gone wrong. Now make the gf a nigger, and woah Drive is a cultural statement about how far people will go to maintain love, even in interracial relationships, and that would become a major point in its marketing. Even though the movie already HAD an interracial relationship, and the main character was even a cuck, the movie would shift from being about a white autist who goes on a killing spree to a white autist racemixer who overcomes an evil white man through the power of his diverse girlfriend.

Rather than making movies that appeal to the core A E T H E S T I C S of human taste, of which diversity isn't one, they add diversity to appeal to a certain crowd who view movies for political reasons, which is always a sign of cultural death in any hobby. Diversity is like a virus, the virus in itself isn't what bothers a sick man, its the symptoms that do. Diversity hurts nothing, but what diversity creates just as part of its nature is what is killing movies.


we've got an extreme centrist here boys

We have the solutions, retard, and you already know what they are, and in fact kikes are marketing 'solutions to their own perceived 'problems'. People like you are the only ones without any ideas about anything. You are literately projecting.

Thanks for the proof.

shouldn't you be on /r_the_donald?

Not an argument.

shouldn't you be prepping the bull?

Where are the proofs?

ur resbunsis r broov enuf drupquk, ebrywun gan c ur diny dik shribul ub wif rayj



Diversity ruins purity, ever time.

I'll post a screencap in just a min, but I pointed out TFA literally had minorities for the purpose of drawing in shekels from the non-target audience via JJs "whitest fucking room" quote, and a girl had to jump in to defend him and tell me how movies pander to white people.

Obviously if you're a nigger, a woman, or a gay man you think the new diversity push is great.


I hated when they hired 40% of my population to be shitskins without asking my and my peers.

They devalue my quality of life.

What's the problem? In this situation, (((John Landis))) did nothing wrong.

He destroyed a perfectly good helicopter

The internet.


edgy as fuck.

But to be honest, those two kids are "lucky" that vic died with them, otherwise they probably would have gone mostly unnoticed

How bout that time your dad murdered chinks for a movie stunt?


I hate this faggot so much.

nice howaboutism

Can someone who knows how Twitter works send this to Max, please?

You do realize these people are (((communists?)))

Can confirm, I just watched Hacksaw Ridge, and It felt strange that the whole cast was white except for (((Andrew Garfinkel)))

Diversity? Why, it ruined the Planet of the Apes franchise!