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Holy fuck, that's a funny quote.
Fuck sake Holla Forums
Back to reddit newfag
I've noticed most of the quotes by this Sowell guy could work as leftist quotes too. I guess that's why they call it empty rhetoric.
Go fidle your ass with a buttplug boi.
But why, eh?
'Cause it feels good.
Also you should tell the admibs to add embedded videos.
All my toys are at home, so no.
Also I'm not close to the administration.
That's a very leftist quote.
What bothers me is this place is called "LEFTY POL". How the fuck can you be politically incorrect and left? Are you politically incorrect when you scream "Smash fascism" at your keyboard?
No, we're politically incorrect when we tell you to fuck off nigger.
Wow, nigger, nice. I haven't heard that 3 times already on xbox live.
I wonder whats a bigger threat here, the calories or the polyamorous anti-hygiene meet up.
Are you politically incorrect when you say the holocaust was a zionist lie and then say we should gas Jews anyway? Probably. But who wants to be politically wrong?
No, we're politically incorrect when we shout "Smash capitalism" at our keyboards, because all of the forces of the right are brought to bare to tell us that we're simply too muh privileged to be sincere Communists.
It's fun being politically incorrect. Try it some time. Larping as a nazi online actually showed me a few inconsistencies in the leftist talking points and narrative.
Petite bourgeoisie. Look it up. Even Lenin hated edgy middle class larpers.
Paradigm shift.
>sounds a lot like: Down with the Patriachy
You have 3 options:
1. Kill yourself
2. Kill yourself
3. Admitting your subversion, political role as the hounds of the establishment and unwillingly helping the gigantic capitalists to subvert the society
Also, checked.
So you are either a racist bigot or wrong. Choose wisely.
Oh, so it's only politically incorrect when you unironically worship Hitler and base your entire ideology on stormfront talking points?
Have you ever heard of the word "edgy"?
It was reddit tier and it was on Holla Forums
The dichotomy between politically correct and incorrect is a false one these days. Moreover, the former is used as a slur, and a tedious one at that. We probably can't even agree on what makes someone politically incorrect, because every context for social thought has disparities. I'd say I'm much more politically incorrect than you because I get "attacked" from both left and right. Of course, though, 1/3rd of women today get abused, which means 2/3rds of men aren't doing their job.
The problem here: Every decent Holla Forumslack knows that stormfront is not essential and that society itselfs is this kind of alt-right by default.
Yeah, the problem is .. you arses are shoah'd by stuff like this.
A sfw board who wants to be politically incorrect by saying SMASH PATRIA … I MEAN CAPITALISM
Ohh /leftylol/, ain't we edgy today?
The only thing you had to do is … choose.
Thats not on the edge of anything, so I don't think edgy applies.
Also the whole idea of politically incorrect means you go counter to the culture. The current cultural trend is left not right. Remember that cool hippie punk and grunge stuff during the 60's-90's?
As for hitler worship, thats partial larping and the rest I leave to autism.
Stormfront talking points are still talking points. The just because an unfavorable source says something doesn't mean you can't use it.
We have this discussion every week, aren't you people getting bored of this?
I'm not really sure why should we pander to what polyps' imagine being politically incorrect is, since what they imagine to be politically incorrect usually ends among edgy redditors whining about 1st amendment when hotpockets notice that their autism isn't the best thing for normie publicity.
I would hope they own themselves. I mean, are we saying that there are grown ass adults who lack agency… oh shit, I forgot where I was.
Has anyone said smash patriarchy here? I've sort of missed it, patriarchy that is; I deserve to get spanked without some lady telling me I'm disrespecting my body. Anyway, the point is to dissolve artificial hegemony created by capital, which is in itself a social item.
Anybody unironically using left/right as legit political designations should kill himself
Read the fucking FAQ wankstain.
Here's a revolutionary idea for you.
Don't sell the next generation of your people to the IMF banks for retarded things. EG Venezuela and fighter jets. Don't allow shitty politicians to do shitty things. On top of that, if you're part of a culture with an IQ of 80-something, illiterate people, then I can only foresee poverty.
Also, going from "Workers" to "Children" to get an emotional reaction is kinda low… even for people who support mass murderers under the guise of altruism.
That's hilarious. You clearly don't have the slightest clue what "left" means.
We're on Holla Forums, not Holla Forums.
You need land and labour to produce capital.
Capitalism is the fusion between state and said capital. Communism in the most literal sense is still a state … and so is Socialism, and whatever. The problem isn't that somebody is making money out of it. It is your socialist subversion that keeps the majority of society from understanding the jews within the equation. Boy oh boy.
>muh scapegoat capitalism that isn't i swear guys subverted by rl communism
In terms of memes … /leftylol/ is really ebin.
I thought you would have caught the reference to the mass murders of the "revolutionaries" of the past. Eg, starving kulaks.
Would you like to define left so we're both on the same page. I'm more than willing to use your hug box definition of the left.
I thought you would have caught the reference to the mass murders of the "revolutionaries" of the past. Eg, starving kulaks.
I don't sell people; I'm prole, though, leaning more on the lumpen side since I steal makeup and books.
Okay, lemme try again…
Nigga u wot? I'm talking about is, not is nots, nor not oughts, so your post is naught.
Oh, it was a shitpost. Cool.
Thieving is something you shouldn't do regardless.
So these grown ass adults who demonstratively prove they have no agency won't make socks for their kids?
Why won't they make socks for themselves?
The Left in Holla Forums literally just means economically left. It is about workers receiving the full value of their labor and about getting rid of idle landlords who earn money for doing nothing simply because they own a lot of private property (which is different from personal property). By and large we hate the id-pol SJW "left" even more than you do because they hurt the reputation of the "left" as a whole.
Personally I'd be in favor of abandoning terms like "left" entirely, but that doesn't seem too popular here.
I am in favor of that too
Only God may judge me. My penitence will come.
Redundant phrasing.
But also untrue, because not only was no example given, you've merely ascribed them with that trait and argued it an axiom as such; there's no way you're actually expecting me to argue that there aren't lazy people, since by their very definition are lazy.
Doubt they have kids, though I do know a lot of bad parents "neglecting" their children, usually because they're working.
If you don't have capital to invest you can't get capital back. ie, someone else owns the material to make socks and socks
good thread
Economically left, how far left from the center? Whats the base line for left, are we saying where a specific percentage of the GNP/GDP goes to social safety nets?
Workers receiving the full value of labor. Alright, I can agree with this, but how do we prevent parasitic entities like unions from strangling the workers?
Landlords. Well, they own that plot of land at the moment. To use it, they want something in return. If you're not willing to pay what they want, they will find someone else who will.
Hate the id-pol SJW left? Don't we all. Welcome to identitarian politics. I'm not saying we need to get rid of every definable thing about people, without some way to pigeon hole people… we get 72 different ways to describe someone's special type of leftism.
memes memes memes
meems meems meems
We're not social liberals or social democrats. We're socialists, so we want to abolish capitalism. The other two don't. They want to give it a cute makeover. That's what it means to be left, to seek to radically change and abolish the status quo.
lol. You realize that assuming the workers were in charge of themselves, doing all the work, and sharing the profit that it would be highly in efficient and the chances of a faggot like you being able to buy an Apple phone whenever he wanted would be highly unlikely due to mass shortages since someone could probably live just fine selling one a day.
I've worked as both employee and employer and employee waste a fuck ton of time and often do things only because they're told too. A random employee being able to take the risk and skill required to handle global operations even if offered the same reward today would be extremely unlikely and would likely collapse the company. Take the reward away and the entire global economy would be fucked.
Good joke, bro. Would laugh again.
Temporary fixes to ease class tension are not what we're after. Total abolition of the worker is the goal.
top kek. I guess it's just a coincidence that the decline of union membership and the decline of wages parallel each other.
Absentee owners are the actual parasites you should be worried about.
I'd like to hear you say that to the cop, to the business owner, to the judge, to your lawyer, and to your parole board.
Would you like to go over examples of this in Africa, the middle east, or Asia?
Kids learn from their parents. Kids separated from their mothers for more than 20 hours a week develop slower than others. You are correct there, but mostly people want to hand off their children because they don't want to parent them. Also, poor, stupid people like to fuck, IIRC both India and China are full of those. You're setting yourself up to fail if you can't raise the next generation correctly.
So you're saying they lack the ability to even till cotton in their own back yards? In all of South Africa, they can't grow any cotton, spin the damn fibers into thread, and make socks? The same South Africa that was producing HOW MUCH GRAIN for all of HOW MUCH OF AFRICA?
They earned through power and organizibg a system that opress the workers.
memes memes memes
I will say that. My soul is immortal and its purification can only come from Him, not some crimestopper, not a pretense of property rights through market obligation and finders-keepers, not through vague definitions on a paper that one more or less adheres to, and not inauthentic submission.
The rest of your post is drivel.
Noooo, Really?
Someone don't know how industry work. Do you think you can build pic related with two planks and four nails?
I'd get rid of social safety nets as well. Then we can go back to a mutual aid society. The government is such a crappy bureaucratic hell hole. How much of your taxes go to paying a bitchy feminist's government busy work position vs actually paying for EBT?
Unions actually make a lot of money and use it way too inefficiently. On top of that, they've become a liability. My grandfather who's a staunch leftists told me many a story about him trying to keep the unions at Rockwell, GMC, Toyota, and others in line.
As for "Absentee Owners"
Lets start small scale. Lets say you have an apartment building that you rent people to. It is in town near many major work places and a college. The commute is short if you go to the local college and live in this apartment building.
You only have limited space and there will always be more people than rooms. How else do you sort it out? A muh privilege ladder? We saw how that worked out for occupy wallstreet.
Also, how do you pay for those who might trash your limited number of apartments? If they aren't paying for it, I doubt they will respect it. When I used to help my step mother at the apartment complexes she managed, there was a stark difference between the way people on section 8 left apartments and those who didn't lived.
I don't expect you to take my anecdotes seriously, but you can research these things yourself.
And god only cares if you're repentant, and so far it sounds like you're a proud sinner. ;p
It was already there in the past and those who had the future given to them didn't take care of it or make investments for better ones. (Zimbabwe? South Africa?) People from sub-saharan Africa can… I dunno… show that they are willing to use a textile mill and are deserving of one and have one donated. If not, trade current goods for better ones to then build up the resources needed to have one made or make one themselves. If they can't do that, use their current labor and exchange for goods, build up enough, and then make/buy one. But that requires some agency.
fuck off, you're even more spooked then the nazi
Spooked? I'm not up to date with insults being a fashy goy and all. Could you please explain?
I mean, I don't think you're calling either of us agents of the state or niggers.
Assuming Anfem is not trolling of course:
The poster consider the product of his mind (the tought of God) above himself. He let himself being controlled by a product of his imagination, a "spirit", which makes him "haunted" by said spirit. Hence the term spooked. This originate from Stirner's work.
Not so, I care too. But even the examples you listed care: the cop wants you to stop speeding, the clergy of judges your confessions, the parole your change of character. The difference between them and God is that they are vain, they think they have the right to determine the paradigms for which all human activity flows. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Read Stirner.
So, you're saying that nobody has the right to create or enforce rules of fair play or common rules for common stuffs? So if everyone started thieving for whatever convoluted thing they could rationalize, it'd be moral and right because only God can judge and everyone else who doesn't like they bike to be stolen… is vain.
I might want to give you this advice, look at things through a universal lens. Act as how you want others to act. Would you like it if everyone lied? Then don't lie. Would you like it if everyone stole from you? Don't steal.
I'm not trying to armchair psychoanalyze you but could you please tell me about your childhood? I have a hankering suspicion about something.
Also I see you like catgrills as well. But do you have cat girls with cat windows?
But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
Some unions are corrupt. Right now they operate as a business union. They negotiate an industrial peace that favors the owners and plactates labor. They should be reformed into radical unions. Regardless of that union members currently still earn 30% more than what their unorganized counterparts bring in.
Your whole scenario is moot. You wouldn't own an entire apartment building.
No, of course they have "rights" to dictate how society flows. Of course it's possible to have codifications, but they are merely fallible signifiers, not the thing signified.
In a moment of despair and want I sinned, I operated outside of my moral imperative because of my vanity. I cannot undo this since I've used that makeup.
Mein Gott, I would hate to know everything. There's only so much knowledge I can take before becoming mad with frustration or the power to be obnoxious. I would only like to keep a few people close and not peer into everyone's depths as if I could find my purpose and live/love there. Otherwise would be too exhausting.
What do you want to know about it?
It's not even theoretical you idiot. There are already worker cooperatives and they're more productive than capitalist businesses
Because most people are idiots high on ideology like you and realize that their only interest in the company is their wage
At what cost to productivity? Lets take the example of Union for Muslim Officers in the UK. IIRC (I argue if good faith but tell me if I'm wrong), Muslim officers (police) are reported for shit 10 times their white counterpart. Now, I bring this up because the union closes ranks when they try to get rid of muslim police officers that pimp little girls, give leniency to those of their own ethnic/religious backgrounds, etc.
On top of that, lets use an example of a foundry. If you are doing work too fast and bump the production numbers your managers will know you are capable of working harder.
Now, when you have a group that will threaten/will sue, strike, and other crap for perceived injustices… and one of those injustices would be "cracking us over the backs with whips to get one more car chassis made" kinda shit… you breed an environment that is toxic. This is what modern day unions do.
So the person who invests in it, put their money there, took the financial risks to get it build does not deserve compensation?
Well, it's not politically correct to advocate revolution for example.
Nobody posted this already? jesus
Police work is unproductive labor so using it as an example of union membership affecting production is kind of useless. Should these unions protect bad actors? No. But again that's a product of corruption not function.
One person isn't going to bump up production in a foundry or factory setting. There are so many individuals and machines involved that it just isn't feasible. Your simplifying things to point of absurdity.
You need to read a little bit before posting here.
I would just like Holla Forums to know that people have been trying to get Holla Forums to raid you for a while now. That said, I know we visit a lot, but that's different. They have been trying to rile us up into board warfare again.
The objects of philosophy, it is true, are upon the whole the same as those of religion. In both the object is Truth, in that supreme sense in which God and God only is the Truth.
So these fallible creatures are incapable of making rules that stand for pretty much all societies? Don't like, cheat, steal? Pretty much tenants of all religions. People are capable of making rules that we all see as just. And there are (for lack of a better word) Ubermench who are people of (for lack of a better example, sorry Plato/Socrates/someone) people of Gold or Silver character/temperament? Can these people not be living embodiment of ethics or morals? While yes, we are creatures of contradiction and fault, we can still see the diamond ring in the dog poop.
Despair is a sin.
I'm not saying be honest all the time, but I am saying be honest most of the time. And learn to lie for when you need it.
Where did you learn to be that impulsive?
Parents? Did they divorce? Were you spanked?
Siblings? Anything like abuse. What ethical guide lines were you taught to measure yourself by?
I have a theory that many impulsive people didn't have a good/proper (proper, and still trying to define it) fatherly figure. Divorce scars children, I'm seeing the fruition of that trauma on my generation now. I would like to know if anything like that happened to you. I want to see if there is correlation of these childhood markers for certain voting/ideological leanings. I'm sure divorce has a large part to do with it.
"If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him."
Cardinal Richelieu
Goalposts? Moving? Are you next going to tell me that Venezuela isn't communist?
Also, you can have one person move too fast and muck up the metrics. Ask my edgy anarcho-communist uncle. He did that himself and was punished for it by the others.
Again, its anecdotal, I don't expect you to believe this, but it's something that has changed my world view. So please understand.
Well Venezuela isn't a classless, stateless, moneyless society sooooooo…
It's funny. A guy with an entire family of radical leftists has very little knowledge of leftist concepts.
Your idiot uncle wasn't bumping up production. He was fucking with the flow of the job and got his pee pee slapped.
My immediate family just slaps D on their ballots without caring. Its my Grandparents and more remote family which are lefty. And I don't rub elbows with them too much. Plus they like to wax poetic about a gorilla getting shot and animals more than talk about real politics.
And doing the job you're paid to do is now fucking with the work flow? So, when I was working in fast food and I didn't mop fast enough at 10 minutes till closing, I was working at the right speed… not fucking up the flow because I wasn't doing what was expected of an honest day of work?
Why does everyone open up with insults? I get it, we're on a Sudanese throat singing forum, but we can at least treat each other with some common decency.
Obligatory cat window cats
Such as what? There are rules like "thou shalt not kill" for which one's vanity will find situations in which violence is not only in our capacity, but necessary to have other virtues. Take for example when you ask if someone would kill Hitler, and many have tried, but they would only kill Hitler, and those others in order to save countless others.
Don't forget that this term comes from Aristotle, who said that objects which weighed more would fall faster. There might very well be a golden mean, and precise and correct way to handle circumstances, sure, but it first requires your willingness to try, the acceptance that you could fail, the working out and determining precisely what that is, but even then the circumstance which demands virtue can sometimes have the virtue of being a single circumstance, the rehearsal for life being only life itself.
Yes, and despair is the sickness unto death.
Then there is no universal.
Yes… I don't think I can blame them though for wanting to paint my eyes, or such and such, or for taking tomes which would've seen better use from me than they were on their shelves. It's a product of my vanity, not of any parents' neglect.
Sometimes…but I like to be spanked so I'm not sure it was effective in keeping me moral.
I've got a brother.
No, you impotent cuck we can't. Go back to collecting cuck porn for your "evidence" folder and blaming the kikes on your lack of a gf.
Oh my. You prefer paddles or hands?
The modern police are little more than armed thugs for the bourgeois state. Their association with historical lawmen is just an ideological justification for their existence. Their real purpose is to enforce order, not protect people or be fair.
"Corrupt cops" aren't a a few anomalous bad actors in a noble institution, they're police that have realized what their actual role in society actually is and are taking advantage of it to the fullest. It is only natural for "police unions" to protect their model actors.
We're on on an anonymous imageboards and i'll call you a retarded faggot if i feel like it. Or like another Holla Forums poster would say, if you can't handle the bantz, fuck off.
One day they'll start reading Lacan, and it will be glorious.
We're not twisting their words. What they say is true. Where they're mistaken is in believing that the "productive class" are the capitalists.
The latter. It's much more…meaningful…and better to be spread with…
To belittle the socialist ideology in any way, to turn aside from it in the slightest degree means to strengthen bourgeois ideology. There is much talk of spontaneity. But the spontaneous development of the working-class movement leads to its subordination to bourgeois ideology; for the spontaneous working-class movement is trade-unionism, and trade unionism means the ideological enslavement of the workers by the bourgeoisie. Hence, our task, the task of Social-Democracy, is to combat spontaneity, to divert the working-class movement from this spontaneous, trade-unionist striving to come under the wing of the bourgeoisie, and to bring it under the wing of revolutionary Social Democracy.
Quit trying to argue leftist points. This is a neonazi/feminazi shitpost thread.
Do you like only spanking or prefer ass grabs are worked into it?
There are general standards of action. Go too far with the relativism and you get animal buggerly laws while having other laws saying if you are both drunk you can't consent and its rape.
But for the majority of us, we know you don't screw the pooch literally. And for the majority of us, we know that when a girl bends over, drops skirt, looks over her shoulder at you, she's saying "Yes". These are base things we both know exist. As for base rules for society not involving sex, we all know that its a univeral wrong to attack others physically or emotionally without provocation. While provocation is up for debate, we can easily tell that someone with a kill face and a knife doesn't want a hug.
You don't tell your enemy the day and hour you will attack. You don't give your enemy the rope to hang you with either.
We have to walk the gray area on this and figure out what works in most situations.
As for familial stuffs.
True, but stress increases cortisol. A divorce can be as stressful and the death of a parent. Sometimes its worse. This can retard brain growth and can cause hesitation in future relationships. Look at the current trends of later marraige ages, less marraiges, bastard children. We reap what we sow.
Spanking is a common "fetish". Males tend to want to relive their abuse. Females like domination play. It's known that rape play is a fetish many women think about. I'll have to do more research to see if there is correlation to divorce stats or childhood crap and this… provided the data exists.
As do I, is he a polar opposite to you?
And straight to sex and calling someone a cuck, I see someone is stunted. Then again… dysfunction begets dysfunction.
Thinking my charts, graphs, and medical knowledge isn't backed up by facts?
I can handle bants just fine. I grew up on r9k. It's just I would expect some air of decency when trying to have a real conversation.
This explains so much
Emotionally retarded? Yes.
Well that explains your view of sex as bad then, you impotent little cuckold. How much cuck porn have you collected as evidence against the Jewish conspiracy for mass miscegenation?
btfo? This is a perfect argument against capitalism.
None, I like milfs. But your obsession with cuckoldry is disturbing. I don't mean to pry but did your first relationship fail so hard you were triggered into this or what?
As for for miscegenation. Its actually pretty obvious if you look into those who support mass immigration.
But when it comes to the holyland
You can't meet milfs through pixles. Or through degenerate shit like porn. Let alone extremes such as cuckold porn. c: Try harder.
You can't meet milfs through pixles.
Are you… Are you taking taking a meme insult seriously?
What the fuck does that even mean?
3rd of July, the day OP baited a fuckton of comrades in his trollbait.
Okay, you're daft.
Here's how these things work out.
Generally someone calls someone something sexual like a cuck. The person then responds with something using an undertone of "You're projecting".
When you did the le ebin maymay arrows to quote a small section I read that as you were going for the "But jews in porn, blah blah".
I was thinking and posting way too far ahead of the flow of the conversation. Disregard the last few posts.
That's what he actually said, cracker.
You can't meet milfs through pixles.
You can't meet milfs through pixles.
Apparently not.
B-but that's w-what he said ;_;
Where were you when you learned you can't meet milfs through pixles nigra?
Shut up cracker, take your lil white cock somewhere else.
None, I like milfs. I grew up on /r9k/
Fuck you racist.
Watch out goy, you just got called racist.
None, I like milfs. I grew up on /r9k/
None, I like milfs. I grew up on /r9k/..
/k9r/ no pu werg I .sflim ekil I ,enoN
I think its shitposting general.
Yes… I like to be held.
That's called explicit consent.
Implied consent, though that's a very obvious example I think. Rape happens without either of these two things (well, I'm sure you can rape someone who's undressed themselves, like if they got out of the shower or whatever, just as I'm sure you can rape someone who was dressed) and often enough the rapist will plead that consent was implied, merely by the perception of "coming-on" or whatever, when it's really hard to prove this or otherwise. This is true for rape forensics too (SAECK); the medical provider performing the rape exam can only ask post facto if consent was given. It's like…if a tree falls in the woods, and no one was around to hear it, did it make a sound? We can say sure, a tree fell down, made vibrations and whatever, but was it the tree's will to fall down or was it forced upon the tree? These are just some of the problems that appear when we talk about consent. If the tree example was analogous, which really it wasn't, then the women as you described would be passive just waiting to be pounced on and the man an aggressor, making him all the more likely seeming to rape and her wanting to be raped which may very well not be the case, either case. And women can rape men, really, a man may wink and hold his bulging cock with his legs spread but this may not be implied consent, it may just be comfortable and normal for him and then the woman comes along and kneel, just rub her face in his groin, inhale his pungent musk, and extract his yummy goop.
Anyway, I don't know where you're going with this.
He grew up on /r9k/ he's socially retarded and threw his lot in with the Aryan Brotherhood of Meth Smokers. It's useless to even talk to him.
Everyone knows its immoral to rape. I was using that as an analogy. Remember the whole subjective vs objective laws of the land.
god you are stupid
At the base line we know its immoral to rape. Us imperfect creatures were able to create one of many base rules called the "implied social contract".
That's not nice, miss.
Well, you were right about one thing…I do have a rape fetish and a want to be filled with master's cum….
You're gross lmao
Is this leftist? Can't tell that much. First one was definitely though
The idea of worker coops is a minority opinion and detrimental to the ruling class. It also triggers porkies and cuckservatives. No one even talks about it. All it is the mainstream 'left' talk about are idpol and wealth redistribution.
Polniggers agree, but only for pale…err Aryan people. This argument is based on a spook. There's also the fact that liberals create soft meaningless language that sucks the humanity our of words. Leftists don't. Watch George Carlin FFS.
Spooks are irrelevant, it's all semiotics
Why learn about someone/something if you can just pigeon hole it and use one of the insults of the day?
How about you put your mouth to better use and, instead of talking here, munch a minge? This is a no bully zone, meany.
Don't judge! Don't judge! Don't judge! Something something consenting adults something something live and let live.
You don't follow my meaning. Semiotics is not an insult, nor is spook.
My girlfriend is with her family until the 5th of July. I'd be munching plenty of carpet if it wasn't for America.
sry pls no kil
How do I solve my demand to be dominated and molested???
You're still a bitch, hmph.
pls kill me
Self control?
It'd probably be easier to just replace this fixation with something else to be completely honest. Otherwise its mind over matter.
I know that feel.
Holla Forumsack here. Just reminding you that this is one freech autist doing everything by himself.
We have nothing to do with this.
Holla Forums is a board of peace
This guy is not one of us.
You know was beign ironic, don't you?