reminder that gnome supports white genocide, they want to force sandniggers into your country to rape and displace white people.
Reminder that gnome supports white genocide...
btw, GNOME hard depends on systemd.
I'm not saying these two things are linked in any way but follow your nose.
/paul/ pls
Back to your containment board
Reminder that we only care about quality software, which GNOME is not, and this doesn't make a difference either way, you stupid nigger.
The minute organizations take up a partisan line I usually just stop taking them and their leaders opinions seriously. Most of the time it's a clearly misinformed position or blatant pandering anyway
Pick one.
kill yourself
Miguel's a Mexican who had America envy. Probably half of his friends are illegals.
Let me say it in a way you understand it: (((go))) (((back))) (((to))) (((your))) (((containment))) (((board))) (((this))) (((doesn't))) (((belong))) (((here))) (((you))) (((cuck)))
Good to see linux for niggers is still being maintained.
Go back to yours. >>>/gnussr/
You don't speak for everyone faggot.
>>>Holla Forums
You're right. I only speak for those of us who don't spend all the time looking to be offended. Why the fuck would you even visit twatter or going to the page of some desktop environment? I guess it's because you're normalfag scum.
I guess the 3 of you can shitpost on >>>/gnussr/ all you like, maybe try >>>/Auschwitz/ as well
You're a HERO dude keep fighting the good fight you're awesome man never give up holy shit you're fucking 13 arent you stop living in your LARP fantasy bubble and grow the fuck up
Let's face it, you're never going to breed, so I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.
hes fighting to make sure strong, alpha white bulls get to breed white women, of course.
Guess I'll have to go with community edition Cinnamon.
MFW bait immediately yields 3 butthurt replies
Also, go home ANTIFA, stop shitting up Holla Forums and leave this imageboard entirely, your IQ is less than 5 if you thought that post wasn't bait, but seeing the reactions your Jewish handlers paid you to put out, I guess Holla Forums was right again
good for you user
The problem is that we have no way of knowing if this is a joke or not anymore because Holla Forumstards are just that retarded.
god you're pathetic.
more like Holla Forums are the retards tbh. Why are you so triggered by the memes if you aren't a shill or a (((diversity))) proponent?
nice samefagging
stay triggered, (((ANTIFA)))
Its as much a joke as it is serious, though maybe less so for the ones actually from r_thedonald or something. They 'meme' and 'shitpost' to reassure themselves of their beliefs by posing them in a way thats impossible to argue with.
how much did the rabbi pay you, user?
you're really retarded fam
I really wonder how much they pay you so you could exhibit such dedication to the (((cause))) of defending (((minorities))), user. How about you tell me why I trigger you so much so I can understand your point of view better?
Fuck off kampfy you ruined our Holla Forums
I'm not ImKampfy, fam.
Are you sure?
user, please.
But that was a shitpost too.
If anything it's more relevant than recent years now that Ubuntu came back to it. You may argue that Ubuntu is irrelevant, but it's a popular distro nonetheless.
White genocide doesn't exist, no amount of immigration bans is going to stop your degeneracy.
It's a white suicide, the sooner you realise the more you'll be able to salvage.
Piss off back to Holla Forums you retarded fucking asshole.
gex, the forced collective suicide of western nations
Too few sages in here. If you were using GNOME 3 before, you were probably some kind of leftist anyway.
Void has GNOME 3 without systemd.
The version in void is specifically modified by the package maintainer everytime it updates to ignore the dependency
t. I use void
You're not even trying to pretend this is a Holla Forums thread anymore. Fuck off.
Should we make a specific board for this
This is a politics thread, it is not a technology thread. Please take it to Holla Forums.
wtf i love gnome now
bye bye gnome then. not even joking.
quality Holla Forums thread