The British Empire wasn't that gre–
Someone reply to my post with a thinkpiece about how racist the movie Zulu is.
what about it?
Just wait for Drumpfsperg
It isn't even racist, if the Zulus were caricatures then maybe
thats the problem
no, jews are the problem
Sure it is, Shekelberg.
if the english or aryans werent cucked by their religion maybe they would have killed the jews
Thank fuck he didn't have a gun. Those bobbies could have been hurt.
How many niggers with spears can they kill today?
Isn't it funny how even though you seem to be (or want to seem to be) against kikery you want the exact same thing as the Christ killers? How very curious.
European Christians regularly massacred Jews during the middle ages. The whole Jewish fetishism thing didn't start until the late 1800s/early 1900s.
That was just a happy little coincidence, had nothing to do with the rise of the atheistic subversive forces that the kikes were spearheading at the time. Nothing to see here.
That won't fly too well with his newfound brothers in faith.
Wtf i love sharia law now!
Sex change operations are popular in Iran because it allows it's leaders to say that they don't have homosexuals. Trannies are halal.
I wouldn't call that great or even gre- at all
Wait, wouldn't the atheists hated jews too?
First of all Jewishness is an identity, not merely a religion. Secondly you'll notice that the libruls love Muslims even though they want to kill all fags and blow up westerners. This is due to relativism and the fact that the subversive forces only target the society it subverts and uses external societies as tools in this task.
Atheists are the goodest goys.
Only to Shiites.
There's that word again…
>a bunch of niggers armed with spears are no match for the whyte man!!
BAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHAAH never underestimate your opponent that's how the british got completely rekt in one battle in south africa…
Don't you English?
this doesn't make sense
It was the same battle with the Zulu.
The movie is about the surprise attack and their victory in another battle afterwards.
What the fuck, how can anyone just sit idly by while their family member does this to himself. His family must be shit if they didn't care to stop him.
What do you mean? Being a harem eunuch to some sheikh is a dream come true for him.