Hey Holla Forums, how do you like Gandi's new design direction? beta.gandi.net
(mind that their slogan is "no bullshit")
Hey Holla Forums, how do you like Gandi's new design direction? beta.gandi.net
(mind that their slogan is "no bullshit")
Other urls found in this thread:
i wouldnt use it even if they paid me to
- On a 4K monitor the menu is still hidden and the user has to explicitly click on those shitty lines.
- gandi.net
- Every action requires at least 2 redirections between different subdomains? (id.gandi.net then back? wtf?)
- Low contrast grey font. Look at gandi.net
- kek at that "Your Selection" row: Winner of the: "Most noticeable interactive UI element 2017" award.
- using custom fonts for icons and without text
Kind of like Holla Forums
More like Internet Explorer since at least IE7.
wtf is this shill thread.
it works even with disabled JS and I didn't see any difference vs. JS enabled
Try scrolling with middle click.
This pissed me off enough to email them.
Here's what I have so far, maybe we can add to it? Any suggestions welcome:
I don't understand how this website happened.
The title and logo don't navigate to the home page
Menu's are hidden, even on a fullscreen desktop
Hamburger menus suck and decrease navigation, even on mobile devices
Ditching "no bullshit" with "domains made simple" sounds like a decision of someone who attended a 2 hour marketing seminar
Where are my filters? Why is everything so huge on desktop?
I am here to buy domain names, I want to sort them, see more than 20 I don't want to scroll and press "see more" 100 times, I want regions.
This is a clear regression and if this ever gets out of beta it will launch out of the gates with an outdated and confusing design.
The attached image should be a good enough argument, in what world are no suggestions better?
99% of people who say "no bullshit" are actually just faggots who actually indeed love to eat bullshit all day long.
Bootstrap is the sharing-infected-needles-and discarding-them-on-playgrounds of web design.
Why use Gandhi when namecheap and namesilo exist?
why use namesilo or namecheap when internet.bs exists
ok then.a
Fuck, I actually meant to say internet.bs. not namecheap.
Namecheap doesn't even have free whois privacy beyond year 1.
If you want to own the domain, there is no such a thing as whois privacy.
Whois privacy means that someone else owns the domain, and you just use it.
Gandi is the only domain seller which explains this carefully.
Btw if you take terms of services seriously, you can't even issue ssl certificates for these "whois privacy protected" domain, because you don't own them. Even Let's Encrypt has this clause in their ToS.
thanks but not supporting any company which promotes this kind of shit
They're also paying the maintenance of DNS servers, tho.
I still prefer online.net
it's cheaper.
fucking plebs
New design direction? it may not be bullshit, but it is definitely shit.
Quote from news.gandi.net
I don't see how this "secondary domain name market" differs from domain squatting.
So "hamburger menu" it is. Thank you for those articles, I didn't know how to call that thing. Using McDonald's webpage to make a point is hilarious.
Am I the only one having trouble to understand these comments? What is his point? And how does he know other user's DNS settings?
They are? I thought the trendy thing to do was pay some guy $30 to tell .com to add an NS record or 2 pointing to your own servers or the ones of your web hoster.
great, so only you and this random ass registrar i never heard of till today know this. why the fuck do you want to "own" a domain? just move your bullshit to another place if it gets jacked. why are you even buying a TLD? If this is for work, i.e if you're making some marketing page or some shit, it literally doesn't matter what you use because your site is retarded garbage in the first place.
This bullshit and anything about DNS in general pisses me right off. I could write a 1000 page essay explaining how cancerous and degenerate the DNS system is. DNS is fucking smaller than the web and yet it still somehow has more retards and idiocy associated with it. Just after reading some stuff for a minute right now I saw people affirming these things as if they make any sense:
Which of these do I get? All seem like good choices to make the next KnowYourMeme to sucker in redditors.
Don't get me wrong, DNS is one of the most jewed aspects of the Internet, I completely agree, but it's not just "updating some record".
There are alternatives such as NameCoin.
Yes it is. Server maintenance is cheap, it's just that it has to be accepted by the people around it.
Registrars are a fucking scam. It costs absolutely nothing to run. TLD operators just roll in mountains of cash for their monopoly.
If you don't believe me, then ask yourself how OpenNIC can operate with nothing more than a bunch of nerds with a hobby and a few vpses
I know that's in prison cigarettes, but that's still gotta be utterly insane.
Finally a touch friendly interface, it is a really nice upgrade. Like Gnome3.
Bootstrap is a warning of systematic incompetence, heed it
link without cuckflare
"Please be assured that our priority remains on the security of your data and that we will continue to protect your security and privacy in the face of ever-evolving threats."
A tip for those who got served by this beta site when visiting gandi.net : you can access the usable one via v4.gandi.net
How is it mobile first!? The links/buttons are only visible with the a:hover effect, so you need a mouse...