How do ya'll intend to make the average Joe-Shmo be a part of the violent revolution to usher in a new era where the memes of production are owned by the workers?
How do ya'll intend to make the average Joe-Shmo be a part of the violent revolution to usher in a new era where the...
meme warfare
By seducing them into realizing the conditions of the world are shitty. This usually happens when the conditions of the world get sufficiently shitty, thus, they become easier to court and seduce.
This will not happen for a long time, but is it outside of possibility? No, not at all. The income gap between powerful and regular is shrinking.
The politics of all this are complicated, but when man has nothing to lose, he hopes. When men have nothing to lose, they hope. They hope for a future that isn't where they are all equal for nothing but someone's gain. They love a world where something exists for the gain of all.
Once poverty of all hits a level, there is nothing anyone can do but watch as heads roll.
Nigga, what?
The previous middle class is quickly becoming the lower class. The class at a certain point of income, the bourgeois, is becoming larger. At a greater rate than any time this century.
With this, once the lower class amasses enough, radical leftism will see itself significant once more. This is always how it happens, every time in the history of the developed and undeveloped world
This isn't any time soon. The relevance of those issues will wax and wane. Where the people have to look for equality will stay static, and be there when they need it most.
No convincing of any hard part has to go from us, we will largely stay the same. As demographics change to match current ideas of young people, and as income lowers.
You will see the left revive radically on its own, more powerful than the right currently is "reviving" itself.
Oh! You mean like the Europeans did to the original natives? Or like Immigrand in 1900 were "EVIL" Greco-Italians and no anarkids here thank you very much!
Get your 'Muricanocentrism back to pol.
Those natives were conquered, we would like it if we were not conquered. Also, the mosquitoes had more of a claim on that land than the """natives"""
Massive enocide is excusable because muh power.
Imperialist defense in terms of liberal ideas of progress and history as line. Classic liberalism.
Also, you can't have "Culture" with 300 years of history. Get more history first or accept the fact that you are only GB with another name.
What's so bad with MUH power? If I want something and I take it, and I can protect it, is it not mine?
Sure. But don't cry to me, if I get more power than you. Also, getting someone to do it for you is not "power".
It does not matter HOW they were conquered, the fact of the matter is that we beat them and took their land, making it ours.
So what you're saying is that if the forces you want to keep out can manage to subvert you long enough to leave you with no power, they are actually just in having destroyed your culture?
Good to know.
It isn't an argument. In fact, it's exactly what our philosophy hopes to exterminate.
I obviously don't want the Muslims to conquer me and I'm obviously going to put up a fight, but if they end up doing it then I can't really complain
Then why are you against immigration today?
By your own logic, you're being rightfully conquered - beaten in your own terms, without engaging in war.
This "mass immigration" that you're against is propelled by Capitalism itself. Not the Jews, not by a need to amass some hidden "power" in the hands of the immigrants themselves.
I remember when I was naive as you. I wasn't an adult, so I had an excuse.
Why would the "Muslims" want to conquer you???
Can we please nuke US? PLEASE???
I'm against it because I'm being conquerd. I'm not saying that it's good to be conquered and that it's wrong to put up the fight, the natives were right in fighting back but since they lost the fight, the land was no longer theirs. The same can be applied to Europe today, if it does become Muslim somehow and they can defend it, then it's theirs but i sure as fuck don't want that
That's just how Islam is, it wants to spread and convert non-believers, this is coming from a former Muslim
He's right you know. Gommies need to adopt a new look for entry into our Leftycult. There's literally no way in Hell Jimbo is going to become a leftist when all he knows of the left is liberals, muh 6 billion, and idpol and thinks that all these people are out to take his guns and force his eighth son to learn common core math. The ideology is too stronk and needs to be flexibly understood so people who can't or don't read can still cling to talking points and everyday issues.
Well then let me tell y'all a little something Cletus
Remeber when y'all was working on the scrap yard and the boss man said hr was gonna cut yo pay for slacking off? You weren't slacking off though were ya? Y'all had scrapped about a dozen fine hunks of cars and made a killing for that same boss mam trying jerk you around
Why does he have that right? He just sits on that big ass o his watching The Kardashians and makin money off of literally nuthin, while he and gumbit skim off the top of yo pay check! We always talk bought Dem tax man but we never talk about slackers in our back yards
Yes. And A) We are in 900 AD and it can, B) "They're gonna invade US you guise!"
WHO??? Saudi Arabia that is you fucking Allies, while promoting ISIS???
That need of 'Murica to have "enemies"… It's like they have no reason to exist otherwise.
You know Cletus, remeber when we was kids and your grandpa had a locked door? We raised hell trying to get that door open, we had to uncover some kind of big natural secret. It was like instinct
Them we was 16 we felt like we wanted to do anything, we had all these ideas after drinking and just sitting around, thinking, ya know? Remeber when thinking was just fun?
But then THINGS got in the way. You know what I'm talking about. Gotta get a good job, gotta get a family, look after Tha country, donate to charity, pussy foot around how you feel so you don't offend anyone. Like, I never stopped and though, whats in it for me? What about my needs and what I really want
Its almost like these things are ghosts….or SPOOKS
When a system is sustained by lies, that's the best to keep it going
Explain to them why they're being cucked by capital
so when the conditions are shitty, why joe-shmo would share his production with giga-nigga?
Do what we've always done. Agitate, educate and organize.
As capitalism falls deeper into crisis and is unable to resolve its contradictions in the new neoliberal order, desperation will drive people to violence.
Because he has no choice and wants to do that. You are naive and foolish for thinking the current state of affairs are socially permanent.
"Democracy in the workplace"
Most people (who have one) hate their job and think they could manage it better than their boss (they are right).