I have a bunch of different machines and I'd like to keep some of my files private for a variety of reasons. Any good tools, programs or books that I should get about it?
Are there any good tools for cryptography?
Use the sticky you stupid faggot
I love you too
truecrypt, bitlocker, winrar(pretty much windows only) for minor stuff.
gpg for minor stuff from the command line.
To get things from the gitgo setup
set a bios password
lvm encryption on each partition from os install.
There is no way to beat most the tools against it except maybe a ridiculous level of redundancy(encrypt your encryptions with different passwords) and the tools this guy mentions
He goes over every topic concerning file security and this is mainly dealing with criminal offenders and the time table of pressure for forensics folks.
This is how you should set your passwords
and tweak them from this thing
But since all of this seems like someone trying to hide their porn in a folder winrar or gpg.
Your password advice is terrible, leetspeak and other common patterns have been used during dictionary attacks for years.
On the topic of Winrar, why not 7z?
disable thumbnailing for image files or ensure thumbnails are deleted regularly.
No. None.
Doesn't have recovery bits. It is a must if you encrypt.
On the topic of 7z, why not DAR?
I did tell him to tweak it from there, in other words having something like
As for why I picked winrar in recommendation I honestly just forgot about 7zip, but I imagine this is someone trying to hide their porn or a Holla Forumsack trying to cover something up.
That is the correct answer
A fully updated Windows 10™ Operating System is the most cryptographically secure tool for cryptography.
Best of all, Windows 10™ Operating System automatically sends all of your personal data to various government agencies and advertising agencies for it to be properly secured.
Rest assured, your private files are safe.
Lurks in other words cryptsetup.
Nobody's bruteforcing passwords, idiot. What good is character length when it's just a couple common dictionary words? Crackers already have attacks for just the kind of people foolish enough to try this shit.
The entropy calculations given already assume that the attacker knows it's just a couple of dictionary words. You're an utter moron.
There's over 150,000 words in the English language. A password comprised of four random words means there are 150,000 ^ 4 (5.0625e+20) possible combinations; that isn't counting common replacements (h0rs3, h0r5e, etc), capitalization (Battery, battery, bAttEry ...), characters between words (correcthorse, correct-horse, correct.horse, etc), words from other languages and so on.
So, have fun trying all those permutations
As he said, no one is bruteforcing passwords. The main worry you have is a stolen hash being cracked, as such the most secure password is complete gibberish that wouldn't stand out from incorrect guesses to a computer or a human, unlike the random words idea. If it comes to your personal computer the only groups that might want access and conceivably have the resources to bruteforce passwords are alphabet agencies/large businesses, and as another XKCD comic outlined, it's easier and cheaper for them to pay some guys to crush your testicles with a vice until you tell them than it is for them to bruteforce your password.
You have no fucking clue how cryptographic hash functions work. If complete gibberish produces a more secure hash than a few random words, then the hash is vulnerable to preimage attacks and thus garbage anyway.
Have fun entering "CorrectHorseBatteryStaple" on a mobile device frequently.
Many thanks.
I usually pick passwords like this: I choose a rather long but easy to remember phrase that I'm accustomed with, I shorten its words to fit the maximum available character limit, I proceed to use the key that is diagonally one space upwards on the keyboard (or bounce back to the left/down if it's too high up) and capitalize the first and last word. If I'm still not using all available character types, I further shorten it and add them at the end of the password.
Also thanks for your advice.
Threading yourself is a sign of narcissism, you should at least thread this guy.
Is Peazip a bad solution? I've been using it for a while now but just occasionally.
Thank you Billy, you're my greatest ally.
go back to /g/ please u retard
Normalfag spotted.
i have autocomplete and autocorrect to help me
Might as well just use "password" as your password everywhere at that point
veracrypt veracrypt.fr
almost as much as replying to more than 3 posts at once