I've been getting a lot of questions about how Holla Forums's moderation works so I thought I'd write a post explaining the system I devised a year ago in detail when this was in the planning stage. I think that this system is robust enough to work even now with all of our new users.
The idea of this system is to minimize the trust needed in the moderators to prevent "do it for free" moderators from accepting bribes (sexual or otherwise) to corrupt the site as has happened with 4chan.
∞chan allows anyoen who wants to become the moderator of their own board. They are given free reign to institute whatever rules they wish on t heir board, as long as they do not affect the global rules.
The largest board owners are promoted to Global Moderators. This is devised by an algorithm, but moderators are only promoted with my express aproval.
All new global moderators are sent a message congratulating them on becoming global moderators and explaining their duties. Their duties are to simply delete CP, excessive spam and other illegal content that comes on the server and ban dthe posting users and their IP ranges.
There is a large penalty for abusing their powers to ban users for other reasons. That penalty is that I will not only remove their global moderatior position, but also comandeer their board. I will then find another suitable owner for it among the board's users and give it to them.
Thus, the only people who moderate Holla Forums are those who have a stake in the site itself because they mod the board. Thus, they are not really doing it for free - they are simply protecting the site as a whole. It is in th eir interests to keep the site free of illegal content so that the site stays up. If they abuse their power, the site we worked so hard to create is stripped from us.
This means that there's only oen person that needs to be trusted: me. If I could have found a a way to remove myself from the trust model, I would have, but that is impossible given someone has to run the server.