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Goddamn furries.
Does anyone have the original comic of this? The one with Trump as Pepe?
So this is how they are going to remember it huh?
He only told the reporter to be quiet and didn't want to respond their question, they didn't threw him out.
What the fuck I hate Trump now
It's a reference to his Vermont rally. He opened it up to the general public, first come first serve. Since Vermont is full of white cucks who've never had the pleasure of meeting a real Tyrone or Juan there were a lot of people who hate Trump trying to get in and disrupt it. Instead of taking the Bernie route and curling up into the fetal position Trump riffed off the hecklers, mocking them as security dragged them out. The quote which made the headlines was when he joked that security should take one of the protester's coats before tossing him out into the Vermont winter.
Mark Steyn was there and wrote an article on it. Almost exactly a year old right now and it turned out pretty prescient.
Who made this edgy comic?
Beats me.
No cuddling still I fucking give you my throbbing redpill again and finish my backlog.
I feel like a truly confident person wouldn't need to write a little speech like this to themselves.
Yeah, most of the confident people I've known focus on doing things, not pep talks. I notice that characters like She-Thor and Hellcat spend an awful lot of time getting accolades and encouragement from their friends and cameo characters. As opposed to facing an impossible challenge head on, getting beaten down brutally, yet never giving up no matter how hopeless it seems because they're a hero.
I want to drop Erica Moen into a pit of sandniggers
Why is it the people that bitch like this are always white middle class women? Seriously even with the keys things why not use a knife or gun? That always bugged me they say I need to protect myself with a key why not a knife, or tazer or a gun if their state allows a cc permit.
Because weapons are evil tools of patriarchal oppression user. Only the police should have guns. Unless they're dealing with black people. It's only OK for the police to use lethal force against whites, maybe asians. Chinese or Japanese. Definitely not the brownish ones. Because systems of intersections or something.
I had an irrational fear of zombies as a child. Now that I know of those fungus's and parasites that do that to insects I fear them changing to humans.
Now I too will make preachy bullshit.
Also that last one was bullshit as well. Gays started buying guns like crazy after the recent events and everybody sans the demohacks are happy.
>John McClane: You know what you get for being a hero? Nothin'. You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah, blah, blah, attaboy. You get divorced. Your wife can't remember your last name. Your kids don't want to talk to you. You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me, kid, nobody wants to be that guy.
>Matt Farrell: Then why you doing this?
>John McClane: Because there's no body else to do it right now, that's why. Believe me, if there were somebody else to do it, I'd let them do it, but there's not. So we're doing it.
>Matt Farrell: Ah. That's what makes you that guy.
These people writing the comics, they don't want heroes.
How is this hot?
Its funny because gun-control was started to keep blacks unarmed.
Its not. They want to eroticize mediocrity, flabbity and failure.
these appeals to emotion are fucking awful
also are those nigs in the second comic gay or something?
also, gun crime has gone down hasn't it? That and crime in general in america?
Massive missed opportunity to not have a line like
Damn slut, I thought you said the universe was inside you, but my massive cock seems to have taken it instead . . .
Someone add a dialog baloon with "denied for attempted straw purchase" and edit the last panel to show the black guys in jail.
I'm truly disappointed to read that disgusting sentence on Holla Forums. I really am.
What have sandniggers done to you to deserve such a fate?
inb4 she's shot to death by a woman
Erica Moen is such a fucking degenerate, I don't know why she isn't dead from AIDS or from her gay husband finally breaking out of the cuckshed and killing her and her lesbian book club.
It's like he's trying to make me hate sex
Is the first comic about her being afraid of niggers shooting her? If not, she kinda missed the mark.
This guy needs to get on meds… or get off them. I suppose he has no where else to go so I don't dislike these comics.
Nigga if you only knew how fucking weird it's getting on Holla Forums
When talking to (((them))) crime has gone down when nigs are being nigs. Crime has gone up when white people exercise their right to bear arms.
Why are there pot plants in his eyes on the second one?
I don't get all the crying at Rey kicking Kylo's ass.
We established that she was skilled stickfighter, and his style of swordplay was basically a toddler tantrum with a lightsaber.
He probably didn't kill all of Luke's Jedi himself, and by the looks of it didn't get much saber training from him, and canonically none from Snoak. THX-1138 held up as well as he did because he's a lifetime slave-soldier, like a Mamluk, and probably had at least baton training.
As for any of them being Mary Sues, I think that was the idea, all the characters are kids who have grown up with the legends and are to some extent trying to emulate the classic trilogy's heroes and villains. There's a Tarkin, a Vader, a Palpatine, two Han Solos and a Luke. Probably a couple of Boba Fetts, too.
This is something I'm not sure about, because the statistics are going to change as long as the population continues to skyrocket, and with america taking in a minimum of 1k immigrants from mexico alone each year, it may be that just because there is a larger sample size for the statistics, the crime rate seems lower on average.
It's a numbers game, like with demographic replacement.
If 50 out of 1000 people commits a crime, then the percentage of crime rate is 5%, add a thousand immigrants and say, only 10 more people commits a crime, the crime rate is down to 3% despite more crimes having been committed.
This alone leads me to believe that gun crime is on the rise, as well as crime in general, it only seems like it's getting lower each year because we're adding thousands more people each year to our statistics. Now all the crime statistics are going to be horribly skewed thanks to hispanics now being considered white, there is no longer a separate identifier if you are hispanic or white caucasian in this country, so now the white crime statistic is superficially inflated like if there's a gang war between latinos and blacks, whites are the ones counted in the crime statistic.
Why the fuck do people keep making these comics
Man, that's an awful mixed metaphor if I ever saw one. The text is added in, isn't it?
I wonder whats the original text on this one.
America sucks, embrace the ethno future or something.
[handubbing intensifies]
With the text this is a legitimately heart warming and well wishing comic.
You go, tree watering girl. Grow that tree.
That's what I figured. Didn't make sense for Trump to be telling the nigglet her true would be great some day while she's scowling at him.
Artist's intent was clearly to say
Always hilarious to watch black supremacists claiming they'll build some better kind of future when they couldn't build a stable community or nation in the past few centuries.
No they won't.
Without the text the message I got was
The problem with that metaphor is that they didn't start later, but rather, the reason they don't have a "tree" of their own is because theirs had withered and died several times over.
And in this metaphor, that would mean Trump showed up to tend to the Old American tree, in hopes of bringing it back to life and making is prosperous again, presumably by not stripping it and neglecting its care so other people can grow their trees… and now everyone is mad at Tree-Trump because he doesn't want to take cuttings from his dying tree or give any fertilizer and water to the other trees people are trying to grow.
We're getting in way too deep on a shitty political metaphor at that point, though.
Well technically the Aztecs, Native Americans, Incas, Mayans etc did start later due to mass migration, but they were still more advanced than the average African nation that had no white influence.
wait is this supposed to be anti-trump? Because it looks like its pro-trump.
Its getting hard to tell
When this thread turned into Holla Forums vs Holla Forums boxing ring it's already a lost cause.
Sage, because this thread is already shit from the beginning.
You think this is a Holla Forums v Holla Forums slobberknocker?! Welcome newfriend.
Anyone got the story where Shmorky says he got raped because he went bent for the rent?
I remeber the vidoe of his girlfriend(or were they some weird tumblr gender)sceaming at "him." God was that cringe worthy.
yeah, it was pretty funny. Shmorky was doing that muppet falsetto voice he does while wearing a literal Raggedy Anne yarn wig, and his 5'0 100lb girlfriend was trying to act butch while having a psychotic break.
they both are tumblrgendered, I think other than being crazy that was all they had in common.
That audio file was like The Room "You're tearing me apart!" played at double speed.
Stop it. I SAID STOP IT!
Oddly enough TruthSeeker (The real one) may be schmorky
No wonder these people are incredibly paranoid and ill-informed. They surround themselves with fake news instead of reality.
I never heard about that before. That is concerning.
Thats pretty funny.
Doesn't sound enough like Elmo, and it seems that instead of being plain batshit insane like schmorky is, TruthSeeker is simply extremely sheltered with very little worldly experience.
I think TS has genuine good intentions despite siding with an ideology that is widely known for death and suffering, while schmorky is outright malicious and would go out of his way to ruin someone's day.
Still sounds like a gay ben shapiro to me
Holy shit
And those same laws were just understood to onoy apply to them.
Until they didnt.
Nwo see, thats actually really damned good.
And it says everything you need tonknow about women.
Again, good story.
Too bad tumblr will dunbote it for you know. Being good.
Ok you know what, that made me chuckle
the fuck does that mean?
my ears
Somebody point me the the American gun store that has fucking RPGs mounted on the wall
Glad I'm not the only who reacted to that. This fucking retard obviously didn't get raped, and based on that description, probably didn't cook shit either. The whole situation was probably in their mind, I bet the dude doesn't even exist.
Shmorky you selfish bitch, you didn't even make your rapist breakfast.
That comic is still retarded, but I think they're supposed to be video game weapons or something. There's the shield from zelda, a chainsaw, and he's asking for lightsabers.
Really, the only thing wrong with it is the outcome. If BLM started buying up a fuckton of weapons congress would try to pass massive gun control legislation, but BLM would protest in response. It would end up as a gigantic mess for legislators, the press, and numerous levels of law enforcement. An absurd number of criminals would have guns too.
From what I saw rooftop Koreans can still use guns better than armed BLM.
Hah, what a faggot. More proof that degenerates are always fucked up in the head.
Put new cali laws took away the good weapons.
Even when you only give them bow and arrows those rooftop Koreans gonna slaughter people.
Fun fact, there's a movie from South Korea called "The Host" it's about a whole family trying to rescue a family member captured by a monster. One of the family member is a gold medalist archer and she is running around looking for the monster with her archery set.
Fuck that looks cool.
Chris Chan by the looks of things
That's what I call real communism.
Either way it's still funny for some reason
Eh, kinda gets old.
It's pro. designed to stir shit up with anti-trump furs
What the hell. Does this guy have no spine?
It sounds like she was in a normal relationship where she cooked breakfast for her boyfriend in the morning. I don't get why it's suddenly rape.
Everything is rape you shitlord
It sounds more like she was in an abusive relationship and she pretended she was okay.
No, it sounds like that's the story she's telling after the fact. The events she's conveying in the beginning do not support it.
How do they not?
She is saying she was raped and she was pretending it was okay by making breakfast.
You need to go back.
She's deliberately vague enough to make that possible. But reading between the lines it seems much more likely that she had a Betamax in her bed, she said no at first, he kept pussy begging, and she finally gave in without really feeling into it. Afterwards she regretted it and rationalized it as rape.
I think a good test for rape is: "In your scenario would the alleged rapist know it was rape at the time of the encounter?" I take rape pretty seriously. I'm willing to lynch a nigger over a real case. Most men are. Even the fucking Taliban is; it's their goddamn origin story. But if you put yourself into a bad situation and don't put up enough of a fight that the guy who fucked you didn't even know you didn't want it then welcome to the party pal, I don't give a shit.
Breakfast is rape.
Fuck, cant stop reading this, help me
This is too much weeb to handle.
Honestly, even though it's borderline furry, it's still a pretty fun comic and the artist does seem to have some talent for "sensible chuckle" tier humor.
Its to much everything
I remember a pick from the same artist whre this older man is talking to a young woman in lingerie in front of a mirror saying "Son we need to talk."
Damn Garrison's on a role. Will it continue or stop eventually?
The only good one of the bunch.
This is why gun control was started as an issue, southern democrats trying to disarm free blacks.
Are guns even legal in Poland?
Then why not BE the man (or woman) with a gun.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
At least she admits it.
These comics are pure eye bleach.
Not living there, but I remember hearing that Poland did outlaw guns at one time…baseball bat sales skyrocketed.
I think a good portion of it is the obsession with drawing ugly people in all of the comics
Feminists see Pretty people as a perversion of the natural order. That nobody wants to fuck them only because the media tries to convince people they are not.
The next page has Bacha bazi with goofy lil'lambs
That excerpt isn't from the book.
You're all right user.
Also LOL
Who actually wrote this? I gotta admit that line got me a chuckle.
/leftypol makes the worst…. memes.
Jesus Christ….
I need a source to this. This artist looks delightfully deranged.
Why would you post that ear rape?
These comics are actually disgusting, and this is coming from a huge degenerate who's sexually is so skewed that I don't think even I fully understand it and I'm the one who runs around sticking his penis in things.
Wait, do these comics have exactly two body types for men? Skinnyfat and obese guy with a huge beer belly with not a shred of muscle definition in sight?
I think Oh Joy Sex Toy's creators have the same hatred of muscles that Aaron Diaz has.
At least they get different artists from time to time, so you get some variation.
That's not a plus. Different artists is what gave us the furry strips and the lasagna eating fags comic.
The gay furry piss drinking strip was the only good one.
There was a more recent one by the same artist where the furries are doing ballbusting.
I'm not kidding
Nice, it's like he shares all my fetishes.
It means you cook eggs like a fucking retard and should really only be allowed to eat them scrambled.
I hate everything about the way this artist draws everything.
I don't understand
Me neither
Fucking comboers man
It's that time agaim
They draw from life, likely.
Or that. The wokes get really, really mad about the idea of people who put effort into improving their bodies.
Admitedly, I'm not a clever writer.
And before you ask, yes, there are more issues of this horror.
Now fill your pants, boy!
Suddenly I pine for when Moon Over June was the pinnacle of bad art cringe posted anywhere. Now I worry that in three years time I'll glance over and miss the carefree days where this straw-man self-aggrandizement was the worst.
I have no idea why, but all of these, the racer one strikes me deep. A previous accident, a failing body, there's some Oscar bait movie drama right there just waiting to be explored.
And its used in infantilization fetishism.
God dammit, furries.
Issue three.
No surprising.
The last pic is more disgusting when you know that this kind of shit happens IRl more of what it should happen.
*IRL (In real life)
vinny what are you doing here
Who is vinny? im curious. Is a sick fuck, isnt it?
livestreamer, he played these shitty joke games that always had incontinent student bodies hidden somewhere in the game
(couldn't embed with timestamp)
Fucking furries
This is terrible.
Why won't the furries stop shitting themselves?
Trust me, even the furry community doesn't understand the furry community more than half of the time.
Jesus christ.
Also STEEL TOED BOOTS AS A FASHION STATEMENT. I want these cunts to go and stay go
just when I think I can stomach anything. I see some shit that makes me want to hurl.
You know I have no idea what's going on here, but this "artist", REALLY needs to stop thinking about sex. You know it is possible to draw a girl without her boobs being bigger than her lower torso.
Not saying I care about objectifying women, because women are shit and deserve to be objectified, but that doesn't mean you have to make every single square inch of your "non"porn comic revolve around sex.
But you're quoting a porn comic.
Her arms are so thin. It doesn't look good. No wonder he doesn't draw arms he sucks at them.
Sad part is that came after his no arms comic and now he's almost done with a kickstarted VN.
What the fuck is that second one? I keep seeing it, and it's like someone stole the Flash elements from Penny Arcade comics from ten years ago and doesn't know how to put them together properly.
One thing I'll never get over with the SJWs is their complete lack of logic, irony, humor, and art.
Only one of these comics made me laugh.
It was number 3
One of the many reasons he was laughed off the PA forums.
who's the artist?
> In a LOL thread.
Welcome newfriend.
Didn't mean to spoiler that. Here have something worth spoilering.
I imagine that's true. What's your point?
Anyone have the comic of the guy saying something like this:
Because that's how I feel about this comic.
Spoiler fail.
Too bad playboy is dead
To give this guy his due, this comic is of reasonable quality. He obviously wanted to see more diaper fetish furries in print but, rather than starting a Tumblr and demanding Marvel provide them (and these days, they probably would), he picked up a pencil and did it himself.
amazing art for a sex joke.. fuck, we truly are living in an art void
I remember seeing some of this guys work. There's this one pic where a middle aged man is standing behind what appears to be a half-naked woman putting on makeup. the man says "son we need to talk about your dressing up."
We live in interesting times
Would you rather live in a boring time, or an interesting time?
One hand Id get shit done and probably finish school with straight A's but on the other hand I wouldn't have so much quality entertainment.
Post more uncensored ones, PLEASE!
Posting the uncensored ones from a recently thread that died.
But I hope that post the rest of uncensored Ennui GO comics.
I laughed
There isn't a deep enough pit in Hell.
That's disgusting.
Don't have that one. How does it go?
I never knew I wanted an odd couple buddy cop action-comedy movie starring Jeb and Trump so bad.
I was only banned for some hours, but after that didnt bother with posting the three remaining pages (And I understood that perhaps posting almost four issues of diaperfurs doing baby shit was too much for Holla Forums). Sorry if im a week late or if you dont want it, but my autism hurts. Lets finnish this.
You know whats worse about this comic? That its so horrible and disgusting, YET IT ISNT PORN.
Really, are you a Patreon user? Because thats the only reason you have these, because i cant find these or the rest on the net.
Nope. A trash user linked a collection so I downloaded them all.
I would like to see the actual book. The faggot author said this was supposed to bridge the gap between westerners and kebab. I have a hard time believe in that because of all the haram in it.
I believe that would be shirk.
Any link to it?
Wrong image.
Lol, the end made me think of this.
Hey Truthseeker
Those two are old.
I browse there on a private window so I'm afraid not.
just for shits and giggles i'll post something good
The author of this comic has never been to a party once. This conversation is based on a YouTube comment section debate.
"Common logic", uh. Shouldn't that be "common sense"?
Any more, please? Just post all of them.
AT being some dumb D&D game is actually a pretty fun idea. at least for the earlier seasons when it was actually adventure.
It even should have been the Adventure Time cartoon. A series about kids playing roleplay games, and how their Avatars have fun in the setting of Ooo. It would even keep the romance bullshit that made the series go to shit, just being "roleplaying".
early Adventure Time was just cool dnd shenanignas
This is legitimate bullshite
This is one person who won't be missed when Isis bombs them.
So kind of like the actual D&D cartoon then? The idea of it all being a D&D game would be nice and would explain the romance as childhood crushes.
Make some friends. Then learn to hate one of them for being a relentless faggot.
In order to induce a permanent docile and submissive state?
So where can I find more of this comic dubs?
Whatever will keep her from making new cartoons.
There might be a clue in the filenames.
They have been done by Bluejr
thanks fam.
Sure. Hopefully I don't get another "spam" ban out of it.
Looks like at least one didn't save properly but this should be the majority of them.
Yet another thread swamped by porn picspam.
Yeah, for some reason I'm having a hard time believing her.
And Shmorky going bent for the rent, then deciding years later it was rape, looks even less believable, when you remember he likes to draw himself as an androgynous waif when he's really a great fat floppy hairy Irish cunt.
Kinda fits into the story too, to most Christian folks, the sacrifice was just a trial to see if he would be willing to go that far, and if Isaac would be that willing to trust both his father and God that everything would be alright. And lets face it, the idea that God really wanted to remember this and almost didn't is kinda funny in a dark way
wtf comic is this?
Many thanks! Althoug I think its not all of them.Hope you post the rest. Could you at least post this one, please?
Is that final panel a lost reference?
Obviously, yes.
That last panels reaction face is pretty funny.
Is there a website to find these pics?
Shit, I have no idea. It would be great if we had a link or something.
Did they ever made an issue of those comics about artificial vaginas and other male-oriented sex toys? Because those things must be crazy sexist. I mean, when you have sex toy that replaces man, it's liberating, but when you have sex toy that replaces woman, it's misogyny.
Reminds me of how tumblr freaked out when an article came out that there was a robot sex cafe where the robot girls would suck you off.
The Comic is called Ennui GO, if thats what you are asking.
Fucking japanese.
IIRC, it was actually somewhere in Europe (Netherlands, I think), and they originally planned to have actual girls sucking you off, but weren't allowed to do this and changed to robot ones.
Well, he was right.
Did he forget that most shooters are black?
Where did the "Trump hates Mexicans" meme come from? I don't even like Trump but I wont call him a racist without any evidence at all.
He wants to remove illegal Mexican immigrants and build a wall along the Mexico/U.S. border.
That's all
And the whole bad Hombres thing.
Salsa, user?
The 2600 ET game is bad, don't get me wrong…but really it's been surpassed by so much shit over the years that's objectively worse. This one just happened to come out at the absolute wrong damn time.
Superman 64 comes to mind.
Doesn't look like I have that one and the imagevenue links from my history 404.
Thats bad.
Sorry man. I grabbed it for reference. If I find it or any others, I'll post them. Likely in a future LOL thread since this one is autosaging.