who else is going to be alone on christmas eve?
Lonely chinks
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I wish but no my i'm a niggerily already made plans to hang out with me and I gave them a key to my apartment like a retard
here's another "special day" and a faggot that wants to wallow in self pity because his plans for said "special day" will not align with it. if you're so bothered about it then you have to make a lot of effort on your part to find people to spend it with. no one, no one at all wants to hear about how your feel feels are hurt because you have no one to be with on your special day, because everyone is either busy spending it with other people or having to deal with their own loneliness. if you have no i'm a niggerily or friends to spend it with i suggest the following:
1) watch movies you enjoy and don't act like a whiny child because your life isn't the perfect thing you imagined
2) talk to anyone you know friends i'm a niggerily whatever and try to hang out with them
3) volunteer to work at some homeless shelter or the like and do something nice and spend time with people
choose whichever you can tolerate the most then shut the fuck about how bad christmas eve is because you didn't have the perfect traditional one that you envision everyone else has
not me i'm going to be out and being social while also wishing i was home playing vidya
Not me, I'm changing my natural and organic Facebook profile pic tomorrow (got a decent black wool suit).
Fucking trolled! Holla Forums won this round btard
faggot is proud he's voluntarily functionally illiterate
First I'll go to church. Sadly there won't be a service at the young single adult wards so I will have to go to a i'm a niggerily ward. I'll get to meet a bunch of new people, but I prefer the singles ward. Singles ward makes it so if you approach a girl you know she isn't going to be married.
After church I'll come home and decide whether or not I want to go to the Christmas dinner I've been invited to by another guy in my ward. That will mostly depend if my other friend wants to go because if not I dunno if I'll bother.
hey man, don't be so hard on the dude. some of us just lost our loved ones and we're not turbo-autists, just lonely as fuck. so we look back to good memories but those memories cannot be replicated. So then we post here like we do and talk shit.
Have to work unfortunately, but listen to what the man above said, he's right on everything, it's just the delivery that was harsh. life is good man, you can smile while you cry inside but lets just appreciate the good things and what we've got. If you have i'm a niggerily, call them or make up. If not, man…. did you see the sunrise? Just get up early and watch the sky change color. That's beautiful in itself. God bless you user.
wordfilter. I said f./amalamy. if you have i'm a niggeralamy then make up. if not, read the rest.
Hey hex, are the word filters really playing on you or do you go to church? You sound like a good person, always just figured you were some edgy satanist based on the name but oh well, that sounds good man. I hope you enjoy it and that you meet some lovely people. It's so difficult this time of the year because even though some of us are not invested in the holiday per se, it's still difficult to go through the same motions without the people who meant the most to us. But thanks for your input. Was nice to read your post and I hope you have a great time.
I had a little laugh. Sad but true. You have to control yourself. makes me think of video related. some nignogjew and like 6 million have covered this but the words resonate nontheless. Also, found this kid on youtube yesterday… you know his parents said he wasn't getting anything and he was picking up trash and as he was picking up trash he uncovered a present. And you know what? the kid didn't go apeshit, he burst into tears and hugged his father. Fuck that got to me… It's the small things in life. Let's cherish the little bit that we have hey? We woke up today. That's a start.
another good one.
why can't we embed here? At least they've gotten rid of the fucking pedos. death to all of them.
alone christmas eve and christmas. and the day after that. then i go back to work
i feel so sad and hate the holidays so much. no close i'm a niggerily. no friends. no gf. no sex
there is literally no point in me living if i think hard about it. i'm just a tool for my boss to work and make money off of. im more of a loser than the rest of you all
That's all about your perspective. Even if you lack the will to learn a skill or join an organization for positive change, you can still find purpose by executing a mass shooting. And since that will provide you with a reason to live, bonus points if you escape and do it again.
no user. you're special. i am so lonely it's not even funny. i just wish i could gt a hug from somebody to tell me its all going to be okay, but we dont have that so we make do with what we have and we shitpost here. im here for you Holla Forumsrother. I had a cigarette now and began to cry. the booze is catching up and i thought about the day I found her on the couch. how cold her hands were and how sudden it all was. the thing is though… is that you have to bite down and you have to keep running. life is a race. Im going to go look for the thing i found in her bible. she put it in there on her birthday and it made so much sense. fuck how i wish I could turn back time but we are mere tourists in this world. and we are to bite down as hard as we can and perservere.. I'll go find the note and post it here. regardless, try not to think about your situation and try to think of the external. if there is no external then I want you to make an effort to go outside and do something. help somebody, just get outside, just do it… it might endanger you, it might upset you, it might not have the reflections you imagined but at least you'll experience it. As for being a tool for the business, well unfortunately you have to work for your bread and butter and kudos to you because at least you're working and you're being productive. I would have less respect for you if you were living of neetbux and had no disability. You're going to be okay user. We love you.
i miss you ruth… I miss you so much and I am so sorry I didn't get to say goodbye. i love you.
miss me but let me go.
when i come to the end of the road and the sun has set for me. i want no rites in a gloom filled room.
miss me a little - but not too long. and not with your head bowed low. remember the love that we once shared. miss me but let me go.
for this journey that we must take, and each must go alone. It's all a step in the Master's plan, a step on the road to home.
when you are lonely and sick of heart, go to the friends that we know. And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds. miss me but let me go.
This happened last year, it's a second xmas without her and It's so fucking hard… but it's true. the note was put in there in 1998 and it's real. regardless. I want you to be strong.. for yourself, for the rest of us, for the sake of it. don't give up. thank you for reading it and im sorry for blogging.
at times i've felt like starting doing some volunteer work
unfortunately those what i've been interested in have been infested with immigrants
while i have no problem with some immigrants but this whole white genocide thing makes it impossible to work against my own beliefs
why can't there be places where can help with poor white i'm a niggerilies only?
dys kys
I've been alone for years
So another lonely virgin looking for excuses to treat people like shit because they dont look like him, then gets mad when he's lonely. What a surprise.
Lurk more, faggot.
christmas eve and alove pls respond
not a gook nigger tho