Can one of you nignogs shoot me the webm about North Koreans not really believing in Communism anymore...

Can one of you nignogs shoot me the webm about North Koreans not really believing in Communism anymore? I need it badly right about now.

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wtf, they're still socialists comrad

Theyre not commies

Also im glad i cut that clip out from the youtube docu, its so handy


Don't have the webm(s) saved, but they're taken from this talk:

Fucking revisionists man. They're everywhere.

I wouldn't be surprised if the journalist cut off a good portion of his speech, as for Juche it is a deviation of marxism-leninism, but it is still socialist in economic and ideological principles. They consider Juche an advancement of marxist-leninism, like marxism-leninism was considered an advancement of marxism. Whether it is an advancement or not is highly debatable.
I know this because my party has a lot of interaction with N.Korea, and a member of my party even moved there after working there as a tailor for 8 years. the norks were neither racist nor bigoted to him, so I don't get where norks=rayciss come form either, oh right
a book by some writer that is about as correct as Robert Conquest.
And no, the dude from my party didn't move to Pyongyang or work in Pyongyang, so they did not keep the whole city top fucking kek running just for show for the tourists.
So? That's what all the defectors from every socialist country said, even from Yugoslavia which Holla Forums cherishes so much. Probably because they got a fat wad of cash for discrediting socialism.

Is Juche a flawless example of marxist socialism? No, but it is socialism non the less.
Is it a good philosophy? probably not.

I predict I will get buried in ad hominem and memes but I don't care at this point, Holla Forums is no longer good for any discussion.




In Socialism of Our Country is a Socialism of Our Style as the Embodiment of the Juche Idea, Kim Jong-il specifically stated that Juche was a rejection of both Marxism and Leninism.

No. I have seen no evidence that this is the case. Everything I've seen points to it being a sort of fascist palace economy,

Okay, I have info from my interaction with their politicians, from my party which has done the same, and from the comrade that lives there and comes back to my country every couple of years, and tells me how working there is. And my comrade, having studied marxism for 18 years His literal job was at the party he lived off bread and butter while he was here says that Juche is a deviation of marxism-leninism that is focused on the socio-economic conditions of N.Korea. You can't blame me for valuing the opinion of someone who's literal job is to study and educate marxism over an internet memer.

Oh? And what have you seen? source?
Who says the burden of proof is on me here?

Yeah, I'm sure they didn't modify their language to appeal to you or anything.
Did you just call Kim Jong-il an internet memer?
Because you're the one making the claim. Everything I've read about the country points to them being some sort of palace economy. Claiming that they are otherwise is radically different from all the other evidence I've seen.

How can someone live in Nkorea for 10 years, and work for 8 of those 10, without knowing Korean? You think the state of living there would just elude him? Is there more info on the illussionary powers of the nork psyops?

I am not claiming anything, however you claim that they are fascists with a palace economy.

I'll put it this way:

You're making a claim that not only contradicts all the documentaries and books about North Korea, but also contradicts statements made by North Korean leaders, and your evidence for all this is "a guy I know told me so"

I asked for sources, you still have provided none.

to calrify: I am not asking for sources on their ideology, I am quite aware of their idealist ideological deviations from marxism, but contradictory to everything they still apply marxist socialism economically, and despite their works being littered with 'philosophy' one can still find many things they kept from marx's school of thought.

Their main deviation is that people are exempt from the material influence of society due to their consciousness, and that if they become aware of this themselves matter no longer shapes their consciousness, but them themselves. Contradictory as fuck 'innit?

Pick one.

Almost any study, book or documentary about North Korea and they corroborate my interpretation.

And I linked a source, Kim Jong-il's speach Socialism of Our Country is a Socialism of Our Style as the Embodiment of the Juche Idea, where he said that Juche was in part a rejection of Marxism and Leninism (not that you would have to hear it from the man himself, Juche openly describes itself as a "man-centered" ideology in direct rejection of historical and dialectical materialism)

Once again, all you've posted is the opinion of a guy you know.

Jason are you here?

you could make an argument against what I am talking about yourself based on your knowledge of marxism, just based on my claims.

With my knowledge of Marxism I can say that Juche isn't Marxist and generally comes across as Confucianism and Showa Imperialism wrapped up in pseudo-Marxist gibberish. I don't know why anyone who genuinely believed in Juche would want to establish socialism anyway. A palace economy seems to be exactly what Juche prescribes.

you still haven't told me how Norks have a palace economy or are fascist.

Define fascism for me, first off.

Fascism is radical nationalism.

A palace economy is an economic organization where everything is owned and/or controlled by a centralized administration, or the "palace", and all wealth and/or resources flows into the palace before being redistributed back into the general populace by the palace.

Ahahaha, and you call yourself a marxist.

eh, I'm off to bed. You defined a palace economy but now how the norks have it.

That's what fascism is.

Are you saying that's not how the economy of the DPRK works?

Are you the Serbian guy from the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia? Your even tankier than I thought!