Alright pedophiles listen up the BO doesn't want you here anymore so go to the following boards and stay there.
Alright pedophiles listen up the BO doesn't want you here anymore so go to the following boards and stay there.
/younglove/ is for faggots
Like you
No (You)
pedos insist on shitting up other boards to try to push for acceptance for their mental illness
This and then hopefully Jim boots you alltogether.
This. Pedos are SJW.
Now this im against that would be an SJW thing to do we are not 4chan
Where you been, m8?
Been here this whole time ever since Holla Forums first came out Holla Forums is not 4chan user
ox did nothing wrong
t. ox
Hebe is the best.
He literally spammed Holla Forums with cp for a week straight. I think he should be worried about getting raided than worrying about what a bunch of retards on a dying imageboard think of him.
Pretty much this. It also gives FBI a foot in the door to take a site down, especially if the mods are slow ass faggots.
when DOTR arrives the pedos will be one of the first to go.
This is the whole point of the op the cp spam is the problem with Holla Forums but other then that pedofags don't bother me they are apart of image board culture and were here way much longer then any of you kiddie newfags who came over here from cuckchan 4chan and Holla Forums are enemies we hate each other and here on Holla Forums we have vpns and a little bit more freedom of speech than on 4chan the BO of Holla Forums is a faggot sjw for censoring freedom of speech but its good that he is trying to take care of the cp problem pedophiles should be allowed on Holla Forums they are apart of the culture as should images of children that are not illegal Holla Forums is not 4chan stop trying to turn this place into 4chan and a safe space you crybaby fucks as long as they dont post cp there is no problem.
So edgy.
everything you wrote is wrong, except that pedos are apart from culture, that's something I can agree with.
Who cares about pedophiles when there are more then several mind control weapons out on the market?
They are being used to determine who suddenly turns into a pedophile to feed the prison system.
Most of the technology is not optical. This means you cannot do a biopsy of it and expect people to see it.
For example, lets say we have an irritated gunman in a las vagas building. He starts shooting someone and everyone is very angry. Along the chain of events it so happens the man ends up killing himself.
What looks like injury and inflammation could be disguising the weapon because mind control can be using those mechanisms to actually influence parts of the brain to influence a person to vilify themselves. Since he blew his own brains out, or someone else forced him to (which is most likely), not only are all the other officers infected because they entered the room and engaged the individual, they would pass health screening and the shooter would have too much trauma for the weapon to be detected.
If he had occupied the room for a significant amount of time as apart of his mind-control programming, then the dispersion of his 'virus' would've been more probable to spread on forced entry. It may have been part of the plan as anyone who would shoot out of a building in vegas was clearly tortured for a long period of time and ignored.
This whole spam the place with pedophile shit and then attacking it as a coordinated plan is lame too.
It would be fine in itself if you didnt have a larger system isolating people and torturing them to become terrorists.
If anyone has questions about how this technology is possible this is the thread to ask.
Nope im right newfag
Are not
Oh yessuh! Whatevuh you sez, Massuh! I be followin youse orduz cuz you be Dismoniuh's General!
But that is wrong, you stupid faggot.
no you're the newfag obviously
no U
meep meep pedos should just go back to meadows t.b.h. no homo