So subtle!
Spencer strikes again!
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What the fuck is up with his strawmen? He creates people we the readers are supposed to disagree with but he fucks up so badly, he makes them unintentionally sympathetic.
Am I supposed to think she's at all in the wrong for this? Or are we just making fun of "Shield" creating "The Shield"?
"The S.H.I.E.L.D. Shield just got 10 feet wider… in diameter!"
Why can't Marvel ever strawman properly? They inevitably kill their own arguments every damned time they do it.
Could Spencer actually be a mole (Like what happened with Hillary's Twitter account)?
No Spencer believes what he writes completely
Okay, so it's lack of self-awareness then.
So begins the circle jerk
How many times are you niggers going to fall for this? Someone does this shit every week
Then, why don't you guys establish the context of this scene?
They only like to complain
Why the fuck is it our responsibility to give context? I'm not the one reading Marvel comics, nor am I the one who dumb enough to get mad just because someone told me to.
Implying anyone here is reading Marlel
Congrats, good sir.
Captain America: Steve Rogers #9, I'll storytime it since OP failed so badly
Op picture is page 17
Wait, she is supposed to be in the wrong? I wouldn't even have noticed it if you guys didn't pointed it out.
And here I was thinking that SHIELD was finally putting effort on some actual solutions instead of throwing a Helicarrier in populated cities every week.
Thanks buddy.
Well Spencer wants you to against the idea because it's Maria "I'll stop Captain America over a law that wasn't yet passed along with other acts of gross incompetences" Hill
No problems. Unrelated to the thread but i was thinking of doing a long storytime of Batman and related books from a point to another point, Iwas thinking From Jason Todd introduction to a certain point in the 00's but if someone has better idea of a timeline i could focus on i would be okay
*to be
Thanks for the storytime. It certainly doesn't look like it's supposed to be an anti-trump thing to me. If it is, it's a fuck ton more subtle than anything else marvel's done politically in the past 10 years
Why isn't Maria Hill in prison?
Read the story time, they literally state it's because she's cheating her way out of it with the promise of making Earth safe.
There are real concerns with the idea. It sounds like something a super villain could hijack.
But Maria Hill is a villain
Nigger what the fuck are you bumping for, this thread was maybe three spots away from being #1 on the list.
Anyone what another storytime? Anything you want to see?
Got slid by shit threads
What a colossal faggoty retard.
I'm just asking to know what people want to see so i know what to storytime in a new thread
I don't mean you. I mean Nick Spencer, for continuing one of the most misguided, moronic plotlines Marvel has had in the past few decades, and that's saying something.
Mods don't give a shit
From Current Year Marvel?
Whatever it is that is wanted but isn't too long
I wouldn't mind "I, Whom The Gods Would Destroy" from Marvel's old Original Graphic Novels. Been wanting to read it.
Muslim alien refugees soon fellow believers! Such a deep and not totally one sided take on a controversial topic. Good to know the smart people of Marvel are enriching tumblr bogbeast minds.
Thanks man
Is it wrong that I actually like this story idea? You'd think someone would have done something like it already because it's true that earth keeps getting threated by something every few months and you'd think the governments and superheroes of the world would try to come up with some way of preventing it.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with the story, it actually seems like something that I wouldn't hate myself for having read it.
Either that's way too much snark or Maria went full Holla Forums Hydra. So that secret wars bs could have her as another contender for the Hydra throne?
The Shield? What, are they going to have the project be headed by Michael Chiklis, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose?
Come on, man..come up with a better name than "The Shield". Why not say "Project Aegis" or "Gaia Shield" or "Terra Escutcheon"?
Nick Spencer, you know how you get pissy when people tell you "keep your politics out of my comics" and you lecture them about how comics have always been political?
Well, the problem is, you're missing the most important part of that sentence.
"keep your politics out of my comics."
People don't wanna hear your politics, Nick. Because nobody thinks they're worth a shit.
They never learn
Ok after reading the full story its meh. Maria Hill is a bitch she should be in jail. I still think this Hydra Cap is so stupid. So is he going to kill Erskine? Nice to see Everret K. Ross in this.
Am I the only one who thinks the hologram of the Earth and its shield makes it look like the Death Star? Especially with that innocuous circle in the middle of it?
I think that circle was meant to be a hurrican but Disney owns both Marvel and Starwars so I wouldn't be surprised.
Not likely user
Jesus Christ, that art burns my eyes.
And Nick Spencer will write it
So, they didn't finished Civil War and they already are up to make another full universe event.
I'm impatient to see what kind of memes we could get from here.
Every day that passes I'm more sure there is no salvation of Marvel's universe that doesn't imply MASSIVE retcons.
Implying there is anything o do on Holla Forums but be outraged at the comics industry, or posting porn. The industry is in the toilet, and sadly it affects us to.
I had to read your guys post to understand, because I sorta thought it reminded me of the wall but I couldn't understand how a fucking defense against apocalyptic extra dimensional invaders and shit was supposed to be construed as unreasonable.
is that real?? look at black bolt's face
This looks like an event for normies.
He looks sad, and resigned at the fact that it's happening.
Then create threads for Dark Horse and Image comics, they still churning good comics. You guys ended up like a fucking circlejerk over DC and Marvel bullshits.
For a planet that got invaded by advanced civilization a lot it's still weird to see humanity still using shitty techs.
I don't understand this rationale, in my experience indie comics are just as often inject politics as the capeshit. Hell often then not there written by the same damn people.
fuck off.
you don't read comics nor do you have any knowledge of them.
Nah. Just pay attention.
The good guys trying to call Hill on her bullshit think they have it sewn up in the bag. The facts, the polls, and common sense are all on their side. Then Hill, ignoring all common sense (like trying to get a lawyer to defend her) gives this bizarre meandering speech that ends in making a crazy promise (it's even BUILDING A WALL!) she explicitly says she has no idea how she'll accomplish.
Also I haven't read comics since 2010 but why is Hill being written as this snarky manically grinning character? She was always just a dour bitch when BMB first created her. I almost think there's a twist coming up where it won't really be Hill because this dialogue sounds nothing like the character Bendis created….
….but it's more likely Spencer is just a shitty writer who rewrites characters' personae just to make his cheap political points
black bolt and cap look like they want to die.
That explains his whole Captain America thing then.
Why not just storytime a Godzilla comic? Surely, there's no bullshit politics in those right?
From what I've read it deals with politics in Japan. Doesn't bug me as much since the Godzilla movies have dealt with political themes before.
Because we're supposed to be the underdogs and if the tech gets too far ahead we'll lose the ability to relate, is the argument i believe.
Then why come here?
Godzilla is and always was a methaphor for nuclear weapons. He's always been a political statement disguised as a monster movie. Shin Godzilla was no different but doesn't side with or touch the silly excuse of politics that the SJW's preach. Stop looking for an issue where there isn't one.
True..I mean, the first movie was about the horrors of nuclear weapons. The 1985 movie was an allegory of the Cold War. I think the non-political ones are the silly 70's ones and Final Wars.
I wasn't looking for an issue though. I just said that I was fine with politics in Godzilla since it always had them in there.
That was more for the first guy but the rest was in response to you.
Oh ok then. Sorry about that.
It's okay, bud. I could've separated my comments and responses better. It's on me.
3rd page 4th panel
What was she trying to imply?
Hijacking, from a strong woman? What are you implying? You saying she's not smart enough to stop that from happening? You saying that she's not tough enough to stop that? I'll have you know she sided with Captain Marvel in Civil War 2 and Carol did a good job, the president even said so and gave her a promotion.
I love the GotG i really do, but when are they going back on space adventures? Why is Old-man Logan here, isn't this why they killed off Logan to make Laura the new Wolverine? Doesn't bringing him in kind of nullify that, if you wanted Logan why did you kill him off?
"The Galaxy and the Grim Reaper can fuck off, we must save the Earth first!"
Then, "Bad Lady-Trump" implements her shield and no one can leave, and then the world turns into a police state, and then the "heroes" must rise up and stop "Bad Lady-Trump".
why are artists these days so lazy they can't even draw a few curly wires and a green light
I understand Kitty and Peter wanting to save Earth but what do the others get out of it? Rocket wanted to leave cause he's baller and why worry about this one planet when we got hundreds to look after and help but what of the other members of the team?
Going by a completely outside perspective (Latest Marvel comic I've actually read is the Runaways series, which ended a number of years back), it's just to create future conflict. Like you said, one of the characters doesn't even want to be there, but because they need conflict with their star "heroes", they set up the stupidest of scenarios to keep the characters there until they're there for the conflict their suppose to solve.
Yep. That's happening.