How to Prevent b.css to load?

OK fellow nigs I need your help.
How the fuck do I permanently stop the Goddamn b.css shit to load?
If I use F12 and go to Style Editor I can temporarily disable the css and get rid of the broken images. But as soon as I open a new thread it gets reloaded. What am I supposed to do to kill it forever?

Other urls found in this thread:;');

you are one dumb nigger. give pics as they are the currency of ibs

This. Plz upload pics, OP

here I reuploaded it

>navigate to

body {background-image: url(;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position: bottom right;}
margin:-79px 0 0 -25px;
pointer-events: none;}

man what is this? where do I have to click? How can I block this?

follow the instructions

but what does body {background-image: ur mean? where do I post it?

this helps, thanks!

Look in the top right corner of your screen. See that link that says "[options]" in the top bar? Click it. A window will open up.

based techanon i guess. gotta start asking for pics so unappreciative faggots don't turn this into /r/