Nazi girl GoePPels-chan!

Japanese pushing new pro-nazi propaganda, a visual novel about a girl who will be telling children that nazi germany did nothing wrong.

Sample videos:

Steam greenlight:

Kike press already shared their disgust about the project, normalfags fucking hate it. If you are interested to help the project, please greenlit it.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Mask) Allerberger&yearFrom=&yearTo=&language=&extension=&t=0


My only problem is this kike is probably going to close it even if it had enough votes.

Upvoted it. This needs to be greenlit.



Will vote for it when I get home.
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So its basically depression quest but with loli anime nazis?

kawaii/10, would watch

This should be interesting.


It's depressing because The Axis lost WWII

Fuck off weeb


Not today please. I want to be happy.

Well that VA is pretty grating but I'd give it a try anyway

you goon faggots should fuck off to GGHQ


Hope they're docking your shekels on this one.


Bump for further butthurt.

1. This isn't Holla Forums, your argument that this isn't a game is invalid here.
2. This is a redpill in form of VN, so it has my endorsement.

it's shit
the art looks like shit
it's obvious a western weebfag drew it.

keep telling yourself that weeb manchild

steam hasn't been a video game store for years

they have an entire software and movie section

Where the h*ck can I fund this?

Real life was a bad end too, so its historically accurate.

Hello, goon.
Welcome to the age of the völkisch Otaku.

Shit like EVGA Precision

Shit like Metal Gear Solid Legacy

sure thing man child, i'm sure you'll be reading your "visual novel" rather than jacking it to poored drawn pics of stacy vollyballchest

Sorry but my goy rating is too low.


Lost it when she talks about Jews. My sides have been pulverized. Oh Japan

No, it was funded and made in japan. Full name is "Moe Moe Nachisu Shōjo Goeppels-chan", or "燃え萌えナチス少女ゲッペルスちゃん".

More information on japanese page:

Yes goyim, don't give the masses easily digestible red-pills and make them ease up on the taboo surrounding the Nazis.

Logo of the group hosting the video (and the makers?)
Seems like jap/pol/

Gabe is to busy playing WoW and buying knifes to care about shit on Steam. I forget the guys name but he is basically a bit of an SJW and is the guy who handles mostly everything. Gabe is just there to hire and fire people and be the veto vote if people bitch and moan to him enough. He has literally no idea what is going on with his company and the community half the time. It shows every time he tries to says anything to his community.

Valve doesn't even monitor their greenlight program anymore it's basically on autopilot and whatever passes gets to meets with Valves lawyers to discuss how many sheckles they have to give Gabe to host their game.


You're a fucking idiot Hitler never wanted war only the allies pushed him into it by killing ethnic Germans in the Danzig strip

keep on telling yourself that weeb

You do realize that movie ridiculed hitler?

Holy fucking shit, there's even a Skorzeny-tan!
For all his ebin ruses and tacti00lery, he never got the exposure and prominence he deserves!

And his memorial, "Meine Kommandounternehmen" is a fucking must-read fore very Holla Forumslack, alone his talks with Hitler make it worth it.


Here, a suspicious creature coincidentally sitting in synagogue.

Pooland shouldn't have fallen for Britians posturing and massacred those ethnic Germans, goon.

Why would Hitler want a war just 6 years after coming into power after a great depression and with some infrastructure still in production

He only wanted to take back rightful German clay you retard, Britian and France were the ones that declared war on him.
But only shills say shit like that anyway so I advise everyone to just ignore this faggot.

wow, look at that video store. it is so popular and prominent with block buster movies like Sharknado 3!



Also, he wanted to declare Danzig a demilitarized city and let Poland continue to use its port, and have a referendum for all the border regions, so they themselves could decide if they wanted to return to Germany or not.
But Poland got whipped up into an anti-German frenzy by promises of military support (total number of British troops during the "invasion" of Poland: 0).
And even while the war was underway, Hitler offered a ceasefire and a return to negations to the Polish government time and time again, and even offered to pay for the damage caused!

Alright goon, in the filter you go

Trump the Game

we need more redpilled loli waifus


The Jews really do need to fear the samurai.

Daily reminder that anime is the ultimate weapon against the jews

Fucking this they weren't even ready for war while Britain and France had prepared for at least 2 years. They had few tank or plane plant production.

I wonder if I can waifu Eva Braun or if she will appear at all.

Twitter of the creator, if you want to ask him any questions directly:

So, you didn't noticed there's no implication of holocaust ever happening either? This VN sheds light on Nazi Germany not being ebil cartoon villains.

I know that the world is in dire need of pro nazi propaganda but i don't really know how to feel about this
The artwork is genereic as fuck and if this is a game ti looks like one of those low effort visual novel shits
this is way to amateur, and this thing somehow makes me feel like nazis and kikes alike would want to puke if they ever saw this
and this si coming from a weeb


Sind deine Kinder schon Götter oder immer noch in der Lernbehindertengruppe?

Moe anthropormophism is the future. Concepts and ideas embodied within cute 2D girls. It is inevitable. It is effective.


Go home goon, you are drunk.

i don't like it either but you need to know that vast majority of humanity is composed of illiterate niggers, the best way to redpill them against the kikes is with pretty colors and cute cartoons
and of course there's gonna be oppai jokes, it's Japan we are talking about


Anyone who opposes this doesn't understand how propaganda works. Making things with cute and harmless nazis is the best way to make people more comfortable with nazi ideals.




This is exactly why the SND/a/P will win

Ghetto kids grew up on the toons, din't you know?

we all know the guy i was responding to did not meant "congoloids" when he said niggers
but let me word it another way
the world is full of idiotic illiterate NORMIES and the best way to re pill them is with cute cartoons


pick one and shut up you tryhard shill

I still laugh how you are trying to dismiss this little effort of japanese to show nazi germany in good light and explain uncucked history through cute girls. The whole point of this VN to redpill youths that Hitler did nothing wrong and teach history. It may be a little effort in your eyes, but what you did yourself?

Who, being nationalist, would dismiss this work, or any work, that tries to counter official jewish propaganda about evilness of Hitler?

Did you ever felt like japanese or german citizen, and understood how they feel about the fact that their government makes them ashamed of their history during world war 2, even after 70 fucking years passed? Some jap had enough bullshit and made this. His efforts should be rewarded accordingly.


I know this is a good thing that need to exist, wich is why i'm not saging this tread but i'd be lying if i said that this deowsn't even vaguely creep me out in the depths of my soul for some reason i can't understand…

hahah, i thought this would happen for quite some time now.
i'm sure it'll be fun for the politically incorrect.

It was really fucking hard to find his funding page for some reason:

I'm guessing you tried to (((google))) it

Because he counted on the French-British attack due to Czechoslovakia, Austria and Rhineland regions anyway.

Poland was a land-grab because he'd get dun goof'd with or without it.

its not. just because you spend all day on some obscure imageboard infested with weebs doesnt mean the real world is this way. try getting a job and place a picture of your waifu on your desk and see how quickly you'll get fired for being a freak.

Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Beebop, Death Note, Steins Gate, One Punch Man, the list goes on
there's a fuck ton of animu that is well know and enjoyed by many normies world wide
Even if he never watched it himslef, my boss does know about Dragon Ball because his kids watched it
Animu is not nearly as fringe as it was back in the days before the internet when i had to buy VHSs with only three episodes each
Older people may still hate it but most of them are retired now a days and the older folk who are still active on the very least know the memes that spawn from anime even if only superficially

confirming that it is for man children

Because the funding page was in moonspeak

And people say this isn't redpilled, they even called out disney.



Walt Disney the man WAS red pill
but then he died and kikes took over his company corrupting his legacy

That voice of Hitler though.




Making webms on linux is hard.


ugh you have to create an account to vote? That seems like a lot of work, although I'll probably do it.



These videos remind me why I love Japanese people. They just can't be replicated.

ffmpeg in.avi -q:v 10 -c:v libvpx -c:a libvorbis out.webm

Output always becomes glitchy with this. I'l use Kdenlive instead.

I-8 is mai waifu!

Kill yourself fucking kike.

Hey Avi, watcha doin'?

Welp, goons already comparing the game with this.

We really need to produce our own propoganda as well. With Jew-wood and the general media pumping out anti-white and anti-NS propoganda we need to have our voice push through the conditioning.

Trolling and general discussion isn't enough, the shills will try to stop any meaningful action but individualy we can easily produce our own content.

Did I hear Erin?



Too much right-wing and revisionist propaganda.

Looks like the social justice (((heroes))) are already on the loose.

Correct version


I am confused. Is this being pushed by the Japanese government?

Redpilled AF.

No, why? Its an independent programmer, who hired few voice actors and an artist for money he gathered on fundraising project.

We fucking told you that Jews fear the Samurai.

Nope, just Japanese otaku autism being put to good use. The truth has never been so moe!

Laotian shadow puppet shows are actually much more pilled and jewsmart than anything we've got. Fuck…how did it get to this?

I like the idea, fucking hate the saturn symbolism.
Have nips started listening to the hexagonal jew?



it's subtle redpilling

Saturn also stands for the black sun in alchemism


Then it's literally fucking nothing, gooks feminizing shit like the closet traps they are. Not fucking news just a weeb slide thread.

Oh goony boy, finally switched IPs?

mp4s before inevitable memory holing

Oh hey you are back.

Also, it isn't a trap. The japs have a history of taking real people and making moe girl versions of them for better or worse. Image related, it's Japanese King Arthur.

Well, fuck.

Well they're not 'wrong, per se.
But they are powerless.

Do you have fun censoring yourself?

I still don't understand what alien race in this novel supposed to represent.

looks like old /mu/ memes


Not a fan of the art. The style isn't my thing.

Remember how the kikes pushed niggers and faggots down our throats through harmless comedy for about four decades?

You fucking right.

Those peach headed bastards ARE the jews. Their outfit is a reference to this shit. Holy fuck this is subtle.

We're going to get Nazi Waifu VN's while having immense influence over the Government while you're going to be getting raped in the ass by niggers in Prison.


Just exposure, even if it makes fun of them, is a step towards normalization.
And, down the line, that leads towards acceptance.


Now we know its 100% redpilled against jews, what do you think of it now?

Nice dubs

Stop it you fucking degenerate.

Meme Mahou GoePPels Shoujo!




It's so fucking easy to spot people who don't understand what things mean.
Can't even write weeaboo properly either, really low effort.

You can finally have nazi-doujin, its a win-win.


Kill yourself.

You fuckers are disrespectful towards what the Nazi built and towards Goebbels legacy.

Degenerates will hang just after the Jews.

No, you will be sitting on your fat ass doing nothing, while some young japanese fellow will be making a redpilling novel.

Just kill yourself already Goon.

lmao maybe read what Göbbels wrote, goon boy.

Sorry to break it to you, but a "redpill" anime isn't going to change the point of view of millions of people.

Probably a 30-year old Autist fapping to Eva getting fucked by Hitler. That's nice.

How's high school, pal.

You're like that guy who complains about "anime nazis" when talking about Trump supporters.

I did.
Nowhere did I see that representing men as woman was effective as a mean of propaganda, faggot.

This is different, I understand the purpose of using smug anime girl wearing MAGA hat, but making Goebbels a retarded girl, it's stupid and worthless.

Goebbles would've been humbled by the efficacy of a VN as means of propoganda towards a demographic known for radicalism, which in turn is known as an effective mindset for political change. Your misplaced outrage has no power here.

He was disgusted by moralism, which, shocker!, you're preaching here right now.
Just take a noose, goon

it's acceptable to make propaganda at any age, user.
sympathizers are very important, do you fucking read books user?

Slight difference between being against moralism and preaching degeneracy.

Keep telling yourself that.
Your little game will change the face of the world, of course.
You know like me what's going to change the society in which we're living, and it's not drawings of cute girls with disproportionate eyes.

This group likely manifested as a response to PC in the 90s. This could get interesting.

It is the Flatwoods Monster, not an album reference. For some reason the creature is a popular alien in Japan.

You right, its an organization that works at historical revisionism, conspiracy theories and awards people for it:

As i understand they also help people to publish politically incorrect stuff, so they will act like agency to protect the authors rights in case government will try to seize the book. And it appears this VN was also counted as one of the "outrageous (politically incorrect) books".

i really.. REALLY.. hate these 'games'. But ill greenlight it anyway. Why? Because the stupid animu bastards will get a redpill seed. Which would soon bloom and flower into them searching for who hitler truly was… Then starting to despise anime for the shit it is.. And also theres the jew problem, which they would finally open their eyes to..


The background surely looks like synagogue. That Flatwoods Monster is definitely a replacement for jews.

I don't want to go on full /x/ route to try find a relationship between flatwood monster and the jew though. I think i need to play a fucking game first, they appear only in episode 3 anyway.

Why do people do this?



Didn't Goebbels like animation?


Spite it out

greenlit. will buy when its released

Kawaii Macht Frei


And Hitler drew Disney fan art.

Not sure why the japanese catched this up. The silhouette is inusual, I guess.

Thats a finnish shitposter, i can see right through his style

Huutista, oiskohan aika lähteä takas suomi24 tai takkuun vitun vassari :—-D

I've made myself sad now.

Interesting… apparently the monster has been featured in a slew of arcade and console games as characters, as well as in a few articles in Japanese papers. Not sure what the significance of that is to the VN, but the Flatwood monster is clearly much more well-known in Japan than in the West and could well be the inspiration for the characters in the VN.

The oldest japanese source is just an "alien" from "Mysteries of the World" drawn by Gojin Ishihara in 1970.

I was having a nice Sunday sitting on my porch reading my Third Reich reference books and the fact that they lost made me depressed until this afternoon. Have a rare Hitler.

fuck off.

You people a fucking disgrace for supporting this.

Here comes genocide-user.

Wait, i get it. Flatwood Monster was sighted in 1952, it was during the period when Israel received migrants, it was also a year when reparations were issued to finance the absorption and rehabilitation of the Holocaust survivors in Israel, but jews angered at the idea of monetary compensation. Its the fucking year when holocaust idea started to grow in numbers.

The message of the author is plain and simple:
Holocaust is a blatant lie just like flying saucers and alien visits.

If the world was stupid enough to believe in ayy lmaos during those times, it was also stupid enough to believe jewish lies like 6 million gassed and cremated jews.

pls nigger

fuck off injun

Japan was fucking useless for Germany and provided them with nothing of value. Also, the fact that Germany allied with non-whites will supporting the colonisation and subjugation of white lands in Eastern Europe is disgraceful in its own right.

Already filtered him.

Hitler and Germany Welcome Japan's Foreign Minister 1/2


If you knew who you are against, you wouldn't dismiss this novel.

smdh fam

Maybe because you're a safespace little faggot who can't handle scaree 2extreme4u opinions

Maybe because he has already seen them a hundred times

God after the Stonetear investigation noticing Goons has gotten so much fucking easier.

funny that.

After all these times, no one has actually ever made a genuine counter-argument. It's always just meme-spouting and shill accusations. The average IQ in these threads are always below room temperature because the weebshits can't help themselves from crawling out of the wood-works


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You can't just think only weebs are the ones contributing to the decline of this thread, can you?

You appear to be upset

Anime can be an effective vehicle for propaganda. Saiyan pride is anti-jewish.

thanks for proving my point.

I'm more astounded at all the people that don't see that this is gr8 propaganda.
Do you niggers not understand nips see PCs as serving only two purposes
Nazi galge will be huge.
At least they don't call her fucking Goebbels, they've made up a new character entirely, hence the PP bullshit.


user this is why you're being called a goon

but all the saiyans got enslaved by Freiza who's pretty damn kikey.
if Gohan tells you anything, it's that Goku needs to knock up as many humans as possible, stop being such a moralfag, and go full overman.

You're both proving my point because all you can do is meme-spout and post anime reaction images. Nothing intelligent, ever. It's always the same with you sub-nigger IQ weebs. I'd love for once to actually seen an intelligent post come attached to an anime reaction image, but that day is yet to come.


Calm down user, you're blinded by misguided hate. I hardly made a couple of questions and you're calling me a meme spouter. How about you get your shit together and then post?

This might serve to help trivialize the "history", but if we want to actually convince anyone of anything on the propaganda end, we're going to have to represent ourselves with better products and media than this.

The average Saiyan on planet Vegeta was not unlike the average human here. They didn't know much about Frieza/jewry. They trusted the King, who thought he could bide his time and defeat Frieza later.

The enemy has gone on long enough without counter-propaganda. They like to use grotesque toilet humour, lust, and vapid nonsense for shock-value, we ought to use the opposite: cuteness, romanticism, and enlightening virtues, and most importantly the truth.

The idea is the same idea as evolution. Saiyans are akin to the "missing link" only they are the missing link between human and overman, not ape and human. The Ape-like characteristics they display visually enforce this.

These faggots don't know what they are in for

apologies, my man.

The Saiyans were based on real history, a warrior race that settled on Earth to protect those who would be exploited. Ancient accounts of them are heavily mythologised but the gist is there. The Human-Saiyan hybrid could also be called the Aryan.

Iv'e also noticed that Goons really really fucking hate being called a Goon.


It is full of truth.

I'm fairly certain he's a dedicated shill playing the stereotypical Judeawood caricature of the "irrational hate-filled racist." The difference is that our hate and racialism is very rational, fueled by love for high culture and man, and that's what the jews fear: something that makes sense and that others can get on board with.


I agree with you there, but are you implying "giants" were real?

nah, didney was just a good animator and an amazing subversive.

Were real, yes. They still have blood remnants in the world today too, though modern giants are nowhere near the size of their ancestors.

What the fuck? Are you talking about nephilim? I haven't delved into this giants shit any deeper than "goliath may have been real"


The goon is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a retard, faggot, nigger, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a goon and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

I have no doubt though that Germany would have some really damn good animation today. It definitely wouldn't be all operas and live action for entertainment. Animation means another field of media which means more jobs, more areas to expand creatively, and more ways to express culture – especially idealized culture. A direct competitor to Disney, and with the cultural exchange between the Axis, there's no doubt which side would come out on top. There is no way they would turn this down.

Well they are Jews of the internet after all.

I just really love that Goebbels quote

I'd agree with that. No race exists alone in this world, and it'd be irresponsible (not to mention difficult as fuck) to purge all races but one from the face of the Earth. Each race is different, and it should be that way, not trying to go full retard in the globalization aspect. A man can only truly be measured by his merits in my opinion, the rest being secondary


One account calls them nephilim. They were brutal and dominated anything they could find. It took the heroism of future gods, like Thor, to defeat the giants. We must finish the job and purge their blood from the world, whilst purifying the Saiyan genes to aid in our ascension.

I wish I could be that close to Hitler

Would have loved to see what they could pull off. A direct competitor to Disney from a far different political/social viewpoint would make for interesting competition that would benefit us all

For all you know, you're shitposting with the next Hitler on this very mongolian tapestry weaving warez site

Makes historical sense to me.

"The jews who remained free in Germany were made to wear a yellow star so that one could identify them as jews, as if their appearance left any doubt. Now, why is that considered so outrageous? They should've been glad to wear their own symbol. Or are they, at heart, conscious of their natural inferiority and ashamed of being jews?" - Savitri Devi


Watch Greatest Story Never Told you fucking kike.

If I get to see that one day and help I would die with the biggest shit eating grin



Being able to recognize Aryanesque qualities (the superior qualities that is) in a people requires one to also possess those qualities at least to some latent degree. So those that cannot see it in a people like the Japanese – whereas the NSDAP certainly saw it – are not Aryans themselves, outwardly or inwardly. They may possess the blood but the Aryan soul doesn't dwell there or it is very much suppressed by ignorance.

I never got that google shit I mean we have made other words mean nigger like "dindu" so just trying to force a word to mean something else just wont happen it has to be natural

Indeed, every race has their outstanding individuals. The key is to look past the details and see if the Aryan soul is within them. A society that favors these qualities above anything else, regardless of where the individual possessing them comes from


Brilliant. I hope it gets green-lit.
It feels odd typing those words, there's been so much garbage in Valves greenlight program.

That's….surprisingly historically accurate.

30 seconds into the trailer and i can already tell that Goebbels-chan best girl.

Just bear in mind that nobility is part of pedigree. It's too easy to start thinking you can find such a thing in certain other people, like the jew or the negro.


I need the source of these. I have so many but not all of them.

kek, i wished all anti-anime people were at least funny.

That show had astonishing CG for what it was. The first time I've ever seen it done so well in the medium.

It's a shame the show and plot itself wasn't fantastic but I suppose it was a throwback to the cliche 80s plot of mysterious supernatural girl meets normal boy.

Yet it is so irregular and frustrating that material with incredible plots get mediocre adaptions animation wise and literally who mediocre or outright bad material gets incredible adaption animation wise.

Why does this keep happening?

Praise be to Kek.


Makes you wonder to what extent the nobility part applies. We have already seen that some japanese have the necessary qualities, yet they are not white. I understand the need to be careful around the negro, and the jew specially, but I'm sure there are individuals from those races that have the ideal qualities we associate to the Aryan. Who knows, it could actually be thanks to colonialism and the spread of certain genes among the different generations. It's easy to lump everyone in a single category and dismiss them, but I believe one must look closely either way, for abnormalities always happen

Would be great

Yeah the fucking flag.


The Japanese might have had some white ancestry through the Ainu.

Always look for the good but always be wary of the bad. History between peoples makes this easier though, for instance: in all our dealings with the jew over thousands of years now, he is essentially irredeemable. The mischling may have a chance to some degree though.

Thank you brother

You better shop that to a pinwheel of happiness

Could be that. They probably aren't the only ones though, you could see a spic or a brazilian with a family tree that links to the white man

Indeed, the jew should be handled with extreme care, as his is a race of shameless deceivers. That does not mean there aren't a few "jews" born without those qualities, and that are probably ostracized by their own because of it. I believe those lost lambs deserve a chance at least. They might be the mischlings you're talking about. Nevertheless, caution above everything

This. It needs a windmill of friendship and tolerance.

It would only be appropriate

Gabe will sell us the Zyklon and the rope then the day comes as long as his profit margin is acceptable.

This guy still fail at making jokes, i see.

I almost forgot she actually had that spellcard
Based Mokou best 2hu

Also has anyone else noticed that Japanese degeneracy is usually extremely absurd and never feels like it's pushing an Agenda? I mean these guys are making an anime about ass and titty wrestling because why the fuck not?

Also even the vast majority if the most degenerate sickest hentai that exists doesn't have niggers in it.

Gabe does seem like that kinda of Goy. If we start making Nazi games that are profitable you can bet your ass that they'll be on Steam.

We need some user with shitloads of money to boost the sales of these games and fool the Gabe

It's because they're not jews user. When the nips make degenerate media they make it for the niche markets who already want it, they DO NOT try to force it down everyone else's throats and make it the accepted norm.

If its under 20 I'll buy it I'll go $5 over the Monkey Island principles

Touhou is implicitly white.

that's a smug picture

for you

I find the lack of Fashy Auskas disturbing.

Well I tried. Full image if anyone wants it.

It does have a girl wearing the American flag who shoots moons at you..

So this whole thread has now turned into anime shitposting right?

He was trying to deport the jews, not to gaz them like jews told you




Nice trips.

But it's like saying "You spew anti nigger slogans, like calling them savage beasts, online, but you would never say that to a black guys face!"

Because they would savage you like the beasts you claim they are.

If Göppels named the jew then it would get shut down immediately.
Because it acknowle

I wonder if Takumi-kun got completely redpilled later on. I also liked wars when I was young, knowning that Hitler actually did nothing wrong came much later.

Oh Takumi, there are so many wonderful things left for you to discover in this path


Who is this semon demon?

Fujiwara no Mokou

The shilling going on in this thread in unbelievable, way higher than usual. This just tells me that we MUST get it greenlit somehow.

Best music

At some point of your childhood did you draw pic related on everything yes, I mean everything

Soon ALL Jews will learn to fear the samurai.

No, not really. I did draw a lot, mostly about mecha / military theme but I don't think I drew swastikas more than rarely on a school notebook.

Saturnarian bullshit.


I drew it on walls in my house and on my school notebook. That was a long time ago.

Baseballs, toys, step-stool/storage box, lampshades, I drew that thing all over the place.

There is only one girl for one man. Harems are degenerate.

Is he a confirmed member of the Tribe™?

The Jews Fear the Anime

A child has no idea why he may draw it – I don't think I did – he just does it because there is something attracting about it. A kind of electromagnetic emblem.

Don't think so, he just loves his shekels.


Superior waifu coming through.

Mid to late 90's History Channel. I was naturally attracted to the Third Reich.

Dubs confirmed that Gabe is a shekeloving Goy.

I'm still fucking mad about Half Life 3 however.

I had a leathery kikess teacher go full tearful anudda shoah on a kid for naively drawing one. It crushed him. I hope his aryan spirit has since recovered.

as far as I remember kikes also have their own hebe version of the swastika. I wonder if it triggers the bitch too.



Everyone is collecting guns, he is the only one collecting knifes.

That's as good a businessman he is.

What are the best hats to wear on the day of the rope?


Starship (((Ezekiel)))

Red/black avatar
I refuse to believe that is some normal goy checking out the hot new games, that has to be a leftypol or a goon snooping around this thread, i wouldn't be surprised if he is in here pushing against this thread and shilling it.

Oh, definitely.

Didn't read the entire thread, but how long will take until an article pops up on some media outlet to give this free press?
Pic related.

Fucking pisses me off tbqh, cringey as all heck.


Japanese Defence Minister Tomomi Inada is cute as Korean whore.
Apart from her artificiality, Tomomi Inada is a passable milf.
Tomomi Inada is also known for her relationship with neo nazi groups.

Tell me, why do they fear the anime?


This is kind of brilliant.

Gabe came back and okayed Hatred after his kike underlings tried to keep it off Steam.

/a/ will never approve of this, this will never be considered anime.


It's a VN of course it's not an anime.

The Japs powerlevel our legends even harder than we do. That they turn everything into cute girls is just a side-effect.

VN thread is allowed on /a/

I'm laughing my arse off about this. Anyone else?

Bless those Japs.


Look at it this way user. If the axis won, we wouldn't have anything to fight for.

Noice sequence

Aren't gays called Butterflies now

Aaaaaand it's bullshit made by jews or shabbos goyim.

Versailles treaty took land from Germany that was theirs.

Germany with their submarines could fuck over everybody during WWI, which was declared against them for no fucking reason, by the jews, just like WWIII, but they didn't.

On top of that they got the shit deal to give away their territory and have almost no military.

Meant WWII.

Needs higher quality drawings and graphics.

And buy a fucking ad

Normalfags can't watch anything outside of dubbed shit on cable tv. If they try watching anything out of their comfort zone they get disenfranchised and whine about moe and lewdness killing the anime they don't watch or pay for. They'll "grow out" of anime and fuck off to capeshit films and premium cable tv shows with dragons and fucking to show everyone how mature they are while occasionally bitching about weebs on the internet.

Doesn't seem to be any higher resolution images anywhere, but in my search i found this.

Holla Forums trying to shill against it on Holla Forums, they are so desperate

Also a consistent art style.

The gluteous damage is real

The creator seems to have created the design for the main character much earlier than the rest of the cast.

Coonskin hat.

well fuck

You're doing it wrong.

He's literally jewish.

Newell doesn't sound Jewish to me.

here you go.

Himmler one is the best.

Where's Goo-bells?

Well he had two choices


I am so glad I made that thread, it will be even better if the game makes it to steam so we trigger the fuck out of the faggots on Holla Forums who have taken up shop in Holla Forums

Also, as a side note what the fuck is up with how /lefypol/s numbers have grown over the last few months?
They are now the fourth biggest board on the site and they weren't even in the top 20 a year ago.

Top kek

Looks pretty D list production quality to me. But not something I wouldn't spend $5 to see more of. If only for the butthurt.

What kind of faggot posts a link to the same picture they posted on an imageboard

A beast screeches the loudest when its about to die

bump because this is adorable and I want to check out after work

In a different anime.




I literally laughed out loud.



The omnipotent powers of cosmic scale must be manifested in a superficially fragile form in order to be beholden by mere 3D mortals.


Got any other cool reads or interesting characters to know about?!

Sure, but most of them are only available in German.
If that doesn't deter you, "Im Auge des Jägers" from Sepp Allerberger is fantastic, it's the experiences of a German sniper on the Eastern Front.
"Immer wieder Nahkampf" from Ingo Möbius, one of the most highly decorated infantryman in the Wehrmacht, and I'd wager the world. It's his experiances from being a simple MG-gunner to being a squad and platoon leader, and trhought his career he was involved in close quarter combat often enough to get the CQC-bage in gold several times over. He also, until his death, corresponded with soldiers from around the world. P. cool guy.
Rudle's "Mein Kriegstagebuch" is about, well, Rudel experiences as a Stuka pilot. He's the most highly decorated German soldier of all times.

That's all just "war memories" or "journals" if you can call them that, if you look for something else, Admiral Dönitz, who was nominated as Hitler's successor, "Zehn Jahre und zwanzig Tage" is pretty good.
Speer, the armaments genius and architect, also wrote an auto-biography, called "Erinnerungen".

Well, all I can think of right now.


Rudolf Hess has one of the saddest stories.

japanese degeneracy can be explained by sexual frustration due to the constant economic fuckery of the jews i.e. IMF

This. But he's one of my favorites for it. Hitler personally mentioned his courage and fury during the massive fight in one of the NSDAP meetings. Forget which one it was, I think the Circus Krone fight. Allerberger&yearFrom=&yearTo=&language=&extension=&t=0

Buy real copies to make the jews cry, though.

Why hasn't Ingo Möbius been translated? It would be nice if there was a Wehrmacht (or German) fan translation crowd equivalent to the Japanese…

The game has a fatal flaw. It looks boring as FUCK.

We would be living in paradise, have colonies on mars, studying the effects of teleportation on humans, and no jews.

What? Not enough quick time events for you?

I don't particularly like visual novels but imagine the free advertising from kvetching…

Wait, isn't that Arale?

I wonder how redpilled Toriyama is.

You're already getting ripped off. The first episode of this was free in Japanese, and the Steam page says they'll continue "if they gain enough support". Meaning you'll be paying for something that you may not even get the entirety of.


>>>Holla Forums

It doesn't make any of what I said untrue though.

what are you doing on Holla Forums then faggot?

I came here for your hilarious ICANN threads.

They probably found nobody that would translate just one chapter for free, seems like an one man project.

That was a cool show to watch a few years ago, tons of action.

Based post, nice one.

ahahah muh shekels

(darn Arale in luftwaffe fatigues pic was corrupt. Also looking for the old Arale swinging off the 88mm flak pic which I used to have) I imagine Toriyama isn't very political but grew up on Tamiya models.


Is it still happening?

Top kek.