So there was a meeting of the UNSC last night and it got pretty heated The big thing of interest here is the US and the US client states walking out after stating their piece, but also " the Security Council needs to be ready to fulfill our responsibilities" I suspect China and Russia will end up getting kicked off the UNSC very soon
The UN couldn't keep itself together if they did this, it would basically be suicide.
Hunter Morales
True, but if they can get to a position where there's no active veto of intervention, the US gov't would be willing to sacrifice the UN
Nicholas Lee
Also forgot to mention it could help build a war consensus
Landon Powell
TBH I'd rather be out Blasting Covvies in Space rather than Bad Goys.
Jason Parker
What I still don't understand is why everyone is prepared to end the world over fucking Syria. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Syria is a fantastic place, but is everyone prepared to, or so delusional, actually start the fire over the shitshow that is Aleppo?
Or have we reached a point where an otherwise meaningless conflict in terms of global importance would be able to cause such irreparable harm if it doesn't go a certain way that leaders are willing to do some brinksmanship?
Jack Taylor
Syria is just the best excuse at hand since Ukraine fizzled out
Aiden Hill
Don't be silly.
That would happen if Russia and China announce an alternative to the petrodollar
Kevin Ramirez
Best excuse for what? My point is I doubt that anyone is willing to actually follow through with anything that's being said at the UN. If they did, the West would be potentially sacrificing everything over Syrian clay of all things. This is brinksmanship and I'd be surprised if Russia blinks because of it.
Nolan Baker
There is a lot at stake in Syria and honestly it has been for years, pretty much prophetically speaking.
I can't give you a full answer as to why that is but it will be the kick off for world war 3.
Samuel Bell
It really comes down to whether or not the leadership of the west is insane as they appear to be In the eyes of the US, especially the state dept, Russia today is the same as the Russia of '92, weak and ready for balkanization We can also assume that the leaders of the west are either indifferent or actively despise their own populations, especially with mass demographic replacements
Ethan Edwards
wait, what was the name of that thing from the new call of duty?
Wyatt Harris
lol, greater isreal isn't worth WW3 sorry mate for being fed lies.
If they were really insane, they would have went through with a Syrian invasion with the gas attack. Now that we're on the eve of a Trump presidency, it's all too little too late.
Jackson Bennett
You are an idiot if you think that I meant that it was worth it. You wanted an answer as to why and it's simply that the kikes want it. Go fuck yourself you dumb faggot.
Juan Reyes
No, user. It's always later than you think. Things do not work out for you. You will suffer. That is the only thing.
Jacob Johnson
Never gets old.
Grayson Hughes
You are retarded shit poster if you think these posts are made by kikes. You are most likely a kike yourself.
Evan Rogers
So you are prophetically speaking that Syria is worth something that you can't give me a straight answer with. Reminds me of these videos.
I'll calmly remind you that the Jews that suffered in WW2 weren't the ones operating an international clique, but the ones that were on the ground in Germany. It happened once, it'll most likely happen again.
Oliver Ross
Didn't they ship weapons to ISIS, buy their oil and in the recent event even coordinate attacks with them? The level of kike mental gymnastics is through the fucking roof
And you will fulfill none with China and Russia on the council.
Not listening to the main beligerent in the war? Wew. I'm sure they'd stay with an ISIS representative there.
Jordan Richardson
No you fucking dumb shit, I'm saying people from multiple countries throughout history have prophetically predicted that the world war 3 will begin all throughout history. Why they knew or think so I honestly can't fucking tell you. Lurk more and do your research.
Holy shit, your IQ and posting belongs at reddit.
Josiah Green
Jackson Jenkins
Common user, this isn't msnbc. Good habit though.
Camden Garcia
From who, Ezekiel? Take this to /x/ instead of trying to derail this thread with Jewish prophecies.
Jack Gray
The quotes are from Sam Powers and the UN, not zero hedge lad. What's wrong with that?
Nathaniel Russell
We need Trump in quick to sort out the weak US leadership problem otherwise the UN will have the same fate as the league of nations.
Isaiah Rodriguez
Some of them aren't even Jewish. I'm not derailing this shitty thread, you are. I'm saging because you are utterly retarded and willfully ignorant and have turned this thread into a shit posting tirade.
Thank God for filters so we can hide dumbshits like you. Go back to reddit you filthy kike.
Brody Garcia
Libcucks starting infighting over who is the better goy and bringing nations down with them.
Angel White
top kek
If you can give a better explanation as to why Syria is so important I might consider it.
Jaxon Howard
I would personally do everything I can in my power to kill those responsible if I still draw breath when the nukes drop.
At least WWII had a "Decent" excuse, and that was Pearl Harbor getting bombed, we still fought the kike's war, but that's what set it off.
Eli Johnson
That would be fantastic. Except the US would probably stick around to manipulate whatever steaming turd was left over..
The Iraq War (that all these scumbags supported) gave Iran a lot of power. So now they have an opportunity to diminish Iran's influence by taking out a major regional ally. Why does this matter? Well, who does Holla Forums obsess over more than anyone?
This foreign policy is pure delusion … first with the manufactured crisis over Iran's nuclear program and secondly these fantasies of a rosy aftermath of a Syrian regime change
Jeremiah Gonzalez
The great news is that Hillary isn't going to win a US presidency which means she won't be able to finish the work put in the Middle East during the Obama administration. I don't see Trump needlessly going after Russia when he and Putin could end ISIS in a couple of months with a little cooperation. Like I said, it's too little too late for US intervention in Syria with the intention of removing Assad.
Jayden Price
Obama and the UN can go fuck themselves.
Angel Davis
Lately they've been trying to use negotiations to reach the same outcome. Kerry's logic is essentially "To end the fighting, Assad must stop down" as if he'd advocate the resignation of Lincoln to get the Confederacy to stop fighting.
I don't think that's been working, so who knows what they'll try next. The past week or two there's been a lot of media propaganda about the horrible Syrian Army.
Jason Gomez
That picture, The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Happening
Zachary Morris
stop it already, please. work together. everyone. everyone should just stop fucking with eachother. the people need help in many, many ways.
Ryan Hughes
Isn't that kind of how WW1 kicked off?
Aiden Miller
are you the ashes and echoes faggot
Hudson Thompson
It's all about flooding Earth with "refugees" so that the UNSC can consolidate their control over every bean in the universe. Kikes know FTL was a mistake, they can't control the masses with bread and circuses when they're scattered across every rock between here and 6 gorillion parsecs.
What's the next step in their plan? Probably unleashing some hellish biological weapon on Earth to cull the numbers and make every completely dependent on them for survival. Shemitah is coming next September, 2552-that's when they'll pull out all the stops. Cap this post if you don't believe me.
Aaron Ramirez
Sounds like they're just pissed that Russia isn't falling for their shit anymore TBH.
I honestly cant tell anymore if these retards are sniffing their own farts and honestly believe this shit, or they'll push these moronic narratives no matter how many times they've been disproved.
Christopher Reed
And how do you propose that happens while a single kike still draws breath?
Christian Phillips
Jack Reed
Lucifer demands it.
Austin Davis
the "authority" has trust, like a dictionary. it's authoritative material. but the real authority is truth and the one who speaks it.
Carson Wilson
No, Jew god YHWH demands it to fulfill the prophecy.
Lucifer dindu nuffin
Ryder Parker
They were willing to start the fire over fucking Kosovo in 99 when Wesley Clark ordered his troops to open fire on the Russians.
It's a good thing that the guy in charge declined. And then they started bitching at him for not attacking the Russians during the ceasefire.
Lucas Foster
There will be no major war, stop falling for media hype.
Henry Garcia
things don't always go according to keikaku. keikaku means plan.
Brayden Fisher
t. user from 1914
Gabriel Martin
Yep, that's retarded jews for you.
Dylan Campbell
They'll keep pushing because your average idiot doesn't care about proof, he wants a black and white world where what's good and bad is told to him and he can then cheer for the "good" team.
War crimes are in again. So is the propaganda against Russia. History repeats, as it always does.
Leo Anderson
It'd be more likely that the UNSC disintegrates entirely.
Luke Gomez
Never understood why kikes are so fucking paranoid, they have over 200 nukes targeted to Iran. Plus the uranium enrichment that gets told openly in the media (3%), isnt enough to make nukes(90%), shows that only dump people eat up this bullshit.
Carter Bailey
i was thinking maybe a couple weeks ago that lucifer just wants to be understood. i think god doesn't want suffering.
Tyler Garcia
Because of how they obtained that defense system. The leech off the west and subvert their countries in order to sustain that system.
Joshua Cook
10/10 (Capped for future reference too)
Josiah Harris
I know this part, but still get surprised how overkill they get for self-defense defend and cant still manage to look defenseless to the rest of the world. Fuckers always act like a bunch of cocky motherfuckers, since there so many bluepilled good goyim out there to eat up bullshit.
Brayden Butler
If these cunts think we're just going to sit on our thumbs and let them drag us to World War 3, holy shit are they in for a surprise.
Brody Edwards
Jacob Morgan
Tptb realized trump will actually win, so they sloppily push for war at a faster rate?
Thomas Hall
i'm afraid it will all come to an end.
Connor James
Just like the "unarmed innocent nigger" narrative when he had a gun and a rap sheet a mile long
I'm so sick of the lügenpresse
Nolan Butler
praise kek.
Parker Murphy
That's not how it works kiddo.
Carter Rogers
I like your brain, user. Capped and based.
Jaxson Butler
so many stars.
Cameron Cook
Please let it come before the end of this Year. Kek I beg you give me meaning in life.
Oliver Smith
Ever notice that it's NEVER the Western nations that commit "war crimes"?
Jaxon Ortiz
But, user, Western nations are democraies. They are bringing democracy to the poor oppresed people of Syria, user. Russia has always been the country that commits the horrible atrocities. Don't you know your minitrue?
Jayden Williams
It's not a warcrime if you win
Zachary Robinson
Losing is the only war crime there is.
Chase Price
Syria is the middle of it all.
The pipeline from Iraq to the Mediterranean could have gone right through Syria. But civil wars tend to prevent infrastructure projects
It is maybe a half hour drive across the desert from Damascus to not so secret facilities in Jordan that could hold nuclear weapons, possibly more than are stored in Turkey
It connects the Northern Arc from Beirut to Tehran, giving the IRGC freedom to move throughout the region; and right up to the Israeli border.
And then of course you have some holy books talking about the apocalyptic war of the end times occurring in Eastern Mediterranean.
Cameron Davis
We vote in less than 43 days, by the 44th day we should know if we have Trump in or not. If we don't the only option left is to grab our guns and fix the problem ourselves. I would rather a civil war in the USA than a world war with Russia/China. The leftists need to pay for all the harm they've wrought upon the world.
Joshua Ramirez
it is possible that everyone loses.
Angel Parker
why. why do all these horrible things. all of them. the more good things are done, the more good there is.
Samuel Hill
i believe i'm supposed to be saying what god wants to say to us. for a while i have been breathing heavily and busting into tears. it's suffering but it isn't. i don't know how to explain it.
it's hard to manage being someone who can say what he wants to say. i feel so impure. i have so many faults.
i don't even want to say any of this but i feel like i have to. i have to.
i want to know what to say. i just keep crying.
Dominic Robinson
you have to be mean to mean people, or they will snuff out all good
Brayden King
Chin up lad, it's always darkest before the dawn. We're all going to make it.
Zachary Morris
Go drink some tea and meditate or something, you sound really unstable.
Juan Moore
don't kill eachother. please. please. please
Chase Ward
Kill kikes instead user so you won't have to.
Ryan Brooks
Lurk moar faggot
Matthew Robinson
Jackson Wright
Jaxon Perez
Can't tell if you are from Reddit, or are really unstable.
Connor Allen
yes, which is why this is worrying. They said it then walked out apparenty? they didnt say it to set a dialog, it was a warning/ setting the narrative or the plebs back home
Ryder Morgan
No matter what russian and chinese stances may be on human rights; it's a bad idea for our representatives alienate them in this way.
Infact, If i were the war crime committing leader of a dictatorship i'd probably want them to make a move like this - it'd be easier to get the public to approve of my jingoistic policies if the rest of the world (and by association, the public) were treated in such a way.
Lucas Cook
Syria is the last obstacle to war with Iran. Syria was always part of the game plan, going back to 9/11 and the subsequent invasion of Iraq.
Iraq, like Afghanistan, was the weakest state in the region. It wasn't even a country, in the real sense, but rather a huge clusterfuck of different tribes, most of whom completely hated one another and who only coexisted civilly because of Saddam's rule.
Afghanistan is similar, not really a nation at all but rather a bunch of tribes all existing within the confines of a geographical border. Afghanistan was invaded because the US/Israel wanted a strategic base of operations between China, India, Pakistan and S.E. Asia. It's pretty much right in the middle and was a weak link, easily toppled.
The US/Israeli war machine has one objective. Total domination of the Asia Minor. This truly is the unfolding of the plan for Greater Israel before our eyes. Israel wants to annex Syria into Greater Israel.
Why have we seen millions of Syrian refugees coming into Europe and North America (mixed with a bunch of fugazi from Africa mixed in)? Simple. Israel wants their country. They have been driving the people out, providing passage to Europe. Who do you think is behind the obviously organized immigration routes? Israel. They are driving the Syrians out of Syria and dumping them in our laps. Israel doesn't give a fuck about Europe or the US. They only care about expanding Israel.
Once the shit in Syria reaches the tipping point where the US and Israel are confident they have won the game, they will turn their attention to Iran, and then we will see WWIII break out in full force as Russia (and ultimately China) are forced to step up to the plate.
Kayden Rivera
of course he is, ignore him
James Wright
Yeah pretty much. Ofc. some /pol anons thinking attacking the refugees is the easy way out. Violence is what got them into this mess. They should look to Russia & China as setting the right example. Stabilize your surrounding regions & have appropriate immigration reforms. Too many beta fags here are edge lords.
Jonathan Wood
bump against the slide
Juan Miller
Obongo can't have his reputation tarnished by admitting 30 of our men were killed last week by Israeli drone strikes. Expect this story to die just like all the rest. Close your eyes and ears goyim, go back to sleep…
Brandon Campbell
Angel Richardson
Russia and China know about this so they're drawing the line in Syria. They can't sell out their friends without losing credibility in the eyes of all other potential allies. It's as simple as that.
The globalists will never win Syria but they'll probably (better than even chance) push it until a limited nuclear exchange happens. (smaller nukes aimed at nearby military assets). After that, we'll see.
Jose Wood
I think peace is impossible in Syria. The western powers intervened and set out to topple the Assad government.
It's always about "muh west is the best" (hypocrisy, they backstab each other, but know when to be a pack of vultures). Losing this war will be a big lose of face.
Cooper Martinez
Peace is definitely possible, at the cost of the possibility of destabilizing the West. We're in a scenario where if the proxy rebel armies fail, then people behind creating them will have to make scapegoats, distractions or be removed from power themselves for being exposed. The problem with this is it isn't just a handful of people and when you have a large group guilty, it's much harder to find who's to blame.
This is somewhat related to the FBI's investigation of Hillary. The real reason why James Comey couldn't indict her is because it would have meant the end of his career and alot of other people in the FBI. Indicting someone who did the exact same thing, such as Maj. Jason Brezler, is easy. Indicting someone who is guilty like you, it's almost impossible for reasons in vid related.
Robert Peterson
better to punish the innocent than let the guilty walk free
Jacob Bell
Losing face is not that bad when you have global networks in place to put a spin on it. For Russia and China, on the other hand, this is an existential fight and they'll go all the way if necessary.
The ultimate goal for the globalist tribe and their golems is total planetary control. If they achieve it we're all fucked to a degree that many can't even imagine. With today's tech, the goyim can be kept in virtual slavery for centuries. You better pray for the east to "win" this one.
Sebastian Bell
You can feel how uncomfortable he is talking about AIDS, Bill's already dying of it in this video.
Ethan Jones
Russia is bombing the new US map for the Middle East to hell, and Trump is winning in the USA, so it's no wonder the cucks and kikes are desperate.
Oliver Turner
There will be no WW3, as the cowards in charge of the West will fold when they understand that they themselves will probably die when the nukes start flying.
It's probably because none of the cucks are willing to stand up for their people, that they think that the Russian and Chinese leadership will chose a slow death, rather than risk all out nuclear war,.
Grayson Long
Yup. Everything the Chinese are doing is ensuring they don't be at the mercy of the US, and that China has a really good room for breathing space. And so is Russia with defending its positions. And both have every fucking reason.
I know a thing though, the US gets all btfo if it has to cede any "ground", and its "ground" in places they have no bearing on, they are not doing national security. They are doing retarded, the world is burger "national security".
The perfect example of burgers modus operandi is Taiwan. Muricans were talking that it's better to accept China's sovereignty, because it's an internal affair of the Chinese, which it is, same fucking people. I don't know what's the matter with Taiwan, they and China can BTFO of the US (and subsequently of the west) with the stroke of a pen. I want to cum at my keyboard!
Eli Mitchell
Praise Kekeikaku! tn: Kekeikaku means Kek's plan
Daniel Peterson
Good news is that people are waking up everywhere. And not just the unwashed - some important cogs in the globalist machine are just now starting to realise how little they knew about the agenda.
David Edwards
(subsequently the west, but mainly the english ones)* hate'em chinese or slant in general acquiring political power, and with their own people ffs
I don't know. In this case of offensive in Iraq, Libya and now Syria nobody gives a shit worth a damn, not even some masturbations. A nigger-in-chief can do no wrong. They just go around pounding any country and transforming it in smouldering ruins.
Samuel Powell
FYI, she didn't say that herself. It was advise given to her in the form of an article that would later appear on Foreign Policy Magazine.
And yes, the author of the article was a kike.
Bentley Harris
Only the blind are complacent. We've reached a major historical nodal point.
Kayden Rogers
Once Russia realized that there is literally NO obligation to the UN or any other organization , and that the only goal the country has is the welfare of it's own people, the US and UN got bitchy
Easton Baker
This only matters if western countries stay white, and with the vast influx of Islamic, Hindi and African colonists, that might not be the case
Alexander Morgan
Not sure what you mean.
The globalists are muddying those countries for a while. Low IQ, divided population is easier to control but that has nothing to do with the Russia/China stance.
Robert Martinez
Parker Gomez
this is retarded. it's not a club for friends of the west.
Security Council needs to be ready to fulfill our responsibilities. childish empty threats
Luis Ross
what the fuck does that even mean?
Michael Gutierrez
I think western politicians are either idiots or they think the public is
Chase Hughes
"If a general war should commence, it will be because of some damn fool thing in the Balkans." - Otto von Bismarck Just before the events that started WW1
Jayden Watson
Security Council needs to be ready to fulfill our responsibilities? they can't be talking about any of this
Jack Cox
I think the west already lost and they don't know what to do
Jeremiah Richardson
I'm starting to think the goons are the ones spamming like this to fracture threads.
Brandon Reyes
if russia wins, they should get together with china and kick the us and uk off the planet
Joseph White
they are raiding hard on all chans. its a joint op with the dem feds. super fucked up shit
Nathan Parker
Anthony Martinez
Kerry threatens to sever all Syria cooperation with Russia
WW1 started because of a clusterfuck of treaties that had "in-case of war, we'll back you up" type deal with countries; which isn't necessarily a bad thing until every country has these treaties with other countries.
Ryan Ortiz
Blake Stewart
Matthew Moore
Samantha Power is such a dumbshit.
As if they would really try to kick a country off the SC. If they did it would open the way for an entire security council reform, including vetoes etc from the general assembly. Never going to fucking happen. If it does it leads inexorably to nuclear war.
Alexander Perez
jesus christ
Jacob Hall
They're really pushing those kike helmets now, huh?
Nicholas Ward
it's like they lost all sense of direction one minute they're backing the fanatics, next they post shit like this.
how would this work if the fanatics won i wonder
Blake Rogers
I would be moved as well by seeing people rape and decapitate children.
Mason Moore
but they are the rapist and child killers
Logan Morales
the jews want russia gone because russia is standing in the way of their NWO
with assad gone they get a trifecta:
- gas line from saudi to europe, going thru syria, would cuck russia out of the european market - another threat to israel gone, typical yinon plan shit - rothschild gets to add another central bank to his portfolio
Jaxon Rivera
Golly goys. Surely this will work.
Thomas Ortiz
I don't think that can happen. Permanent members IIRC.
Kevin Foster
what the heck is an aleppo?
Sebastian Martinez
people were saying the same shit during the ukraine war
it will never happen
the whole point of the un is so people can talk, no matter what. if you started kicking people out it would be pointless
William Parker
Juan Gutierrez
Christian Powell
Russia is already compromising itself with kikes though. Russkies need to be warned and alerted of the internal threat.
Aaron Diaz
Alexander Roberts
China and Russia are the only powers that want the greatness of their own making. Latin America is a bunch of docile mass led by socialist fabians/liberal social democracy shades of jewing who revere the west in some sense and that just want to trod along.
No shit geopolitics is trying to make a comeback at Easternmost Europe and Asia. Btw, that's why I find retarded when the japanese make the front for the US… it's a country of assorted huezilianism, deploying as far away from its land to pressure/control them. I want to see pressure going to the other way, even if the pressure against US power bloc is happening just there in Asia for now.
Nathan Bennett
Latin America was/is making valiant efforts to unshackle themselves from the globalists. Putting their own resources and industry under the government control is a necessary step. You might object to it because you don't like Socialism but that's the only way for them to stop being destitute resource shit-holes for the multinationals.
Europe is waking up. The plebs are rebellious after getting shafted for decades but even the "elite" is starting to figure out just how disposable they are (and their countries). They're re-reading (((Zbigniew Brzezinski's))) plans and connecting the dots. The whole of Eurasia is to be sacrificed for the dreams of old lizards in the inner chambers of the global shadow government - chambers they were never invited to.
Japan, like most of Europe, is an occupied territory with compromised leadership but they also face the same predicament. It's relatively easy to fuck your own 99% for the benefit of your own 1% but now the price is nearing 100% and that's a problem.
Ayden Anderson
US To Suspend Syria Diplomacy With Russia, Prepares "Military Options"