Anyone else have been able to successfully time travel?
I did but only a few seconds back in time it didn't help me in anything I want to be able to go back a few years
Time travel stories/evidence/bullshit
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Shhh it's not safe to talk about it here OP.
Would you go back in time and fuck yourself?
I time travel everyday when I go to sleep :^)
tell us about it, OP.
There was no way for me to not have taken that step or stop it once I realized. I was falling forward and somehow my position was reset. I'd swear I imagined it if not for the people claiming it happened. Most surreal thing in my life.
yeah. of course that also implies your future self coming back and fucking you
time is literally just a jewish physics construct. if you believe in the notion of time then you're a good goy
Anyone have found anyway to trigger that time perception like this guy
I actually have done it before but it's so difficult to remember
I was daydreaming in work like I always do and suddenly visualized myself talking and faking a conversation (thought it was real)
A few seconds later a guy comes up and we have that exact same conversation.
Something is askew in time. There are accumulating contingency errors, coincidences that appear less and less coincidental, objects out of time popping up in archeological digs, and ancient writings resembling modern things.
The ink that events are written in are bleeding through the pages of history as if someone dropped the book in a puddle.
This may be the indication that the universe itself is running short of life, if previous iterations of the universe's life bleed into the next iterations, eventually we will reach critical chaos, the timeline becoming so chaotic that it breaks the fabric of reality and perhaps undoing all of existence because it can no longer regenerate.
always attributed that to tapping into collective consciousness and the pri'm a niggerrdial super logic side of your brain filling in the blanks.
You have nice writing.
u have evidence, or r u talking shit?
datamining thread do not reply
So assuming these pictures are real (which is a big if) you'd think modern technology would have been developed much faster with objects coming back from the future to serve as a reference for past scientists. Does this imply that Novikov self-consistency is real? Time travel to the past is mostly pointless if you can't change anything with it, and I don't think the idea of a time loop is as coherent as it may seem. It still involves an uncaused event from the perspective of the past - the appearance of the time traveler.
You cant change the present by going to the past but you can change the future. Take for instance Hitler. We all know he died in 1945, so traveling back and trying to save him would fail, but you could get him in '45, and fake his death then nothing would change in the present while still being able to take the not dead hitler to the year 2017 and change your future.
this line of thinking represents doctor-who timetravel after the great im-in-a-robot plottwist.
good on you, man. i was trying to think of a good reason why that worked for a while.
Ah but I was replying to Mr. Novikov self-consistency man. You see the thing about self-consistency is that you cant change the past because it would alter the future and you would never go back in time to change the past causing a paradox. So self-consistency states that anything you do in the past would cause the future to happen the way it already happened, and since the way the past's future (our present) worked out is Hitler never got a painting gig, it would be impossible to go back in time and give him one because doing so would stop the chain of events leading to you going back in time. The only way to get Hitler an art gig would be to change his name and then replace him with a body double who got into politics, otherwise future you would never go back. You get it?
i had something like this happen ounce when i was about 16
is it somehow possible to reset or hop timelines to avoid death?
Although these stories are probably fake, if it were real basically what happened is you died and your conciousness was transported/merged to a timeline where you didn't die.
i'm a nigger i bet everyone (normalfags) has an experience like this but must shrug it off or forget.
Would invest in buttcoin
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