because it's [current year+2]
Doctor Who general
Why would you even watch Dr. Cuck in the first place?
Goddammit that nigress is disgusting. Even my oildriller wannabe asshole can't defend that.
It's like they build themselves up just to get a better shot at their own feet so they can shoot them, repeatedly.
Honestly keep wondering if it's a man in drag
What did they mean by this?
failed meme
are the writers /ourgoys/?
I don't see any females there tho
Odd. Females are abysmal when making noise about irrelevant things.
Oh wait. This is doctor SJW.
It was a pretty cool episode. The title has a nice double meaning, the Ice Warriors are cool, the Ice Queen was cool, there weapons were cool, and that privileged nigger died at the end. They've even put the title character in the foreplay of the episode!
Also, what about all the movie references? Totally Holla Forums-related. Not sure though about the quote from Star Wars, after they've quoted Star Trek in episode 5.
But seriously, what the fuck?
Also look at these warriors! All of them are wimpy, skinny dudes. This is not how I imagine a Roman soldier! Hell, even Rory Williams was a more convincing Roman…
And what's with that woman? There just has to be a warrior woman, huh?
>It was a pretty cool episode
Why am I a nigger? Because I liked how the nigger died?
incredible how the reptile cunt is attractive and she isn't
I got a nigger vibe from your comment. I can't single out what it was but something about your post made me think "this guy is a nigger".
Racially diverse SS officers are next, aren't they?
it means the time of the white man is over, you fucking cracker
It would be bad enough even if they hadn't given him a white wife, British accent and implied that he was living in England.
I didn't know Bruce Willis' daughter acted.
That's the thing. If you absolutely have to have a black person in every episode, there are more honest ways you can factor them in than just pretending England was always the multiracial country it is now, black cockneys were just a thing, and they were just accepted as normal members of the community. Have him be some tribal they picked up in the colonies or something. That would still be silly, but at least it wouldn't be a complete lie.
They've esbatlished in that awful third episode, that niggers were always part of the society in England, so now showing something that's historically accurate would look like a lie. And also they have some kind of diversity quota, they have to shoehorn every kind of shit in, even when it has 0 relevance to the plot, like in the fourth episode, where that idiot's grandpa was a homo…
No, because that actually was a thing.
I'm still trying to figure that one out.
The most annoying about these current year diverse characters are that none of their diverse traits have anything to do with the story. Here, Bill's lesbo tendencies were only "important" in the opening episode, but after that those dates in the Monks-episodes could have been with a guy, and it could have been the same. The more witty writers are putting some jabs there at these, like in the recent episode where she said "your Victorian views… guess you are Victorian…"
But the homo grandpa, the color of the skin of anyone or their gender hardly makes any kind of addition/importance to the plots.
Give me a gay character, but then make him either a gay who has something else, like he is an awesome sword fighter or sees into the future, and then use his gayness as a motivation, like he wants to fuck some guy and that drives him, or he wants to avenge the death of his lover or something like this. That would make sense, and it would be easier to accept, it would be less propagandistic and it would stick out way less from the overall plot… And for God's sake, make him lust after his own kind, like awhite guy after a white guy…
has there been some actual statement as to why they didn't just hire the actress that plays her mother instead? At least she's kind of attractive.
to be fair the average roman man was probably a skinny manlet by modern standards
in the old days fags would marry and even take one for the team long enough to produce a few kids to keep the family line going because that was what was expected of them and not just because they needed a beard to avoid suspicion.
plato means broad chested.
he had all this homosex text admiring the male figure in the middle of his philosofical texts and after a philosophical debate with a guy they agreed to go to the gym, sure they might have been short but built like arnold blackisnigger on 2x steroids
You've answered your own question. By the way, it's so stupid: everyone wants to be beautiful, but most people are ugly, so they screech and shout to have ugly people in shows, movies, and then they don't want to go see them…
Nigga, there are 50 other shitposting threads out there, you can find yourself one easily
And there was literally a villain this series who's evil plot revolved around altering people's memories to insert themselves into history. The BBC have no self-awareness.
On a sidenote, it was just his girlfriend, he said that they didn't marry until they have a nice home to live in
slaves can't be your friends
No it wasn't
SS was one of the most ethnically diverse fighting forces in history.
Truly the thinking man's fetish
eventually every human in history will be black
thanks bbc for correcting the record
I have reported everyone in this thread right now.
They are wimpy because they are teenagers. It is never explained why they are all teenagers. Anyone know why this was other than wanting to use cheap student actors?
It's part of the overarching season plot, like Bad Wolf, Torchwood or the Pandorica, they are all subtle clues you should pick up on. Missy will reveal she has been working with the monks and meddling with the timelines to make everything more diverse to power her Diversitron. Missy will then use it's power to regenerate into the Kangster, the black Master (Idris Elba). The Kangster will use the Immortality Gate from 'The End of Time' to imprint nubian DNA across the whole planet. To stop him, the Doctor reverses the polarity of the Diversitron, and it works but in the process the Doctor regenerates into an Indian man. The series ends with the Doctor (Naveen Andrews) staring confusedly at a mirror before turning to the camera - "Doctor… Loo?".
It is though. They are very young fighters, and they deserted. They are full of fear because they are inexperienced. The problem here is that they are centurions, supposedly leaders of a 100 man each. That's the bullshit here. And of course after the nigegr dies, tehy bring in another nigger, who is also a fag…
But the Picts were teens too.
The girl said there was a big battle. Probably all the adult men were killed when tehy fought the Romans, but again, where did all the women and the old men go? Another bullshit part.
But hey, it's a kids' show, if you start to poke at it, nearly every episode falls apart. I've tried it, there are big plot holes, but the younger you are the less likely you'll notice them.
I think that the reason for why I still watch this is solely because of my sci-fi and timetravel fetish.