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There's literally no discussion to be had here. Just more memeing and salt.

Idpol sympathizer

Read Goldman.

How's it feel getting shoved out of the first international?

Read Marx, Read Engels


Read Federici and Dalla Costa

Read Stalin, yo

Opinion discarded

stop taking bait pls

Read Pol Pot XDDDDDD

Non-existent? See:>>764209 >>764226

Social Justice Warriors: Time Traveling to 1879 and 1902?

read Riis-Knudsen

Well now we've found something we agree on ;^)

SJWs are everywhere. They're literally destroying the Left and all of western society!

Yeah man, cointelpro ain't real and pushing idpol instead of solidarity ain't gonna push people away. Fucking entitled white males.

It's more likely "cointelpro" is bitching about aspects of leftism that have always existed, attempting to declaw it and make it more stigmatized.

That's what I'm saying. It's far easier to sabotage solidarity by turning abolition of gender or race into "fucking white male" than it would be to outright attack such groups.

No. You're trying to conflate "aspects of leftism that have always existed" with tumblrina shit. Again.

Feminism. Is not. Purely. Tumblrina shit. It's existed. In Marxism. Since. It's. Advent.



Let's start with the First International.
August Bebel: Wrote Woman and Socialism in 1879. Part of the Reichstag in 1867.

Paul Lafargue: Was strict on his support of women's emancipation since the begining of his support of Marxism. Member of the Paris Commune.

I could go on from the connections of early feminist figures into modernist feminist figures, contemporary post modernist feminist figures. I could go from Second Internationale to the USSR, the Spartacist League, I could go on to Frida Kahlo, I could go on and on and fucking on.

The point is that it's too numerous to name. There are so many fucking examples of feminism within Marxism that I don't feel you've actually read anything about the topic you apply yourself towards.

The point is the radical left has never been shy to support Feminism. Reaction against it is the new phenomenon here, not feminism.

You know what, fuck this. I want savage degeneracy and I want it now. Is having my gf scratch the fuck out of me while riding me degenerate enough or do I have to shove my thumb up her ass?

Dude do you even jewish overlord?

Shampoo and condition your pubes

Once again: Support for gender equality != Feminism. I will never accept that lie no matter how often you tell it. I will not be let you force me to align with pol to protect myself from feminism; a malign movement that wishes me harm.

I want to be anarcha-fem's little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick me into her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her anarcha-fem blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juices inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo anarcha-fem blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her anarcha-fem hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her anarcha-fem hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her anarcha-fem face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.

I do this when getting made out with reflexively, not because I wanna hurt or anything, but, like my toes curling towards the bedspread, I want something to cling to. I'd much rather bite to inflict pain and taste the flesh.
Do something bigger, like your cock or an anal plug, yeh?

This reads like something from James Joyce.

My ex that was jewish was pretty vanilla tbh.

I wax or shave.

My cock would be in her vag, so I guess it would have to be a plug or toy.


Those jews are kinda overrated tbh.

By the time of the Second Internationale in the 1880's, Dora Montefiore and the Spartacist League. What is specifically labeled Feminism and Woman's Suffrage enters Marxist thought.

For afterwards into the early 20th century, the same and more. You have to be literally illiterate and unread to say that, let's say for example, Frida wasn't a feminist or wasn't an important figure in Marxism.


You're just parroting the same old anti-tumblr meme that reached its peak in 2014. There is a difference between "loud american undergrad zealot phenomenon" and "feminism." It is only fair that you do not throw all feminist literature out the window because of college kids misbehaving today, and it is important to realize that most of the cult-like behavior seen on the internet is probably bred by the medium itself. College students constantly sitting online have demonstrably lower levels of empathy (even if they don't realize it), and I don't think I need to explain to a chan poster how badly an online subculture can fuck your mind.

Gender studies professors are not out to get you. A Holla Forumsyp, on the other hand, probably wants to hang you from the nearest tree because you wouldn't vote for Trump. Please take a trip around Holla Forums Holla Forums to see what I mean.

/lit/'s copy pasta is something else

Gender studies is cancerous garbage. Now stop pumping shitty bait threads you knob.

Fucking THANK YOU.

Good lord, I'm one of the people who got real angry when that neckbeard thought we should ban the anarcho-feminist flag. I still don't think we should do it, because at one point do we become /r/socialism who bans people willy nilly?

However, there is also the other side of the coin in which this person who I'd be happy to invite behind the barricade to resist the capitalists keeps spouting this bullshit that support of women's equality = you gotta be a feminist.


That's unfair because most people who fought for women's equality united under the banner of feminism. You have a faux generalized image of what it is, or what it's capable of being. I'm not going to stop fighting because the culture in place can just as easily collapse in on itself, especially with the internet.

You have to be vigilant for women's rights or not at all, feminists and their Marxists allies of the past weren't somehow nicer because it was the past. To believe so is liberalism.

I do not care about self-servinb examples cribbed from a time when women had to wear shit like whalebone corsets and could not obtain loans in their own name. I care about what feminism means now, which is nothing similar.

Yes, you're quite right, there are even worse people. I have encountered them.

Perhaps you would like to launch into apologetics for Mein Kampf, as well?


Do you think you're making an argument that will dissuade me from voting for Trump?

Yes, and many existed outside of that. I'd rather take the word of Angela Davis or Frida Kahlo de Rivera than someone who thinks feminism means nothing to contemporary struggle.

It still does. Everything isn't fixed. You just have to go on the internet to realize Feminism isn't irrelevant as it faces different issues from systemic liberalism inside it, and masculine liberalism and indifference to empathy outside.

Most people around here feel the same way. I know I do. I refuse to accept the false dichotomy that idpolers sets up. Feminism is cancer and they can try to hide behind bullshit about gender equality all they want. We all know they're full of shit.

Why do I as, a communist have to be "vigilant" for women's rights? "Rights" in themselves are a fucking spook. You're just legitimatizing capitalist authority and institutions. There is nothing more liberal then be fixated on "rights". You claim to be different but the way you write is just filled with the usual cancerous idpol language of the feminist peers you claim no associate with. Now stop bumping bait threads to spew the same tired dishonest rhetoric. It's just the typical motte and bailey and you are not going to fool us.


Because Communism necessitates all is equal and all is fair, no man takes a woman for his desires to see her submissive, and no woman sees man for likewise. Outside of Communism, the benefits for getting rid of cultural outlooks are obvious.

Then you either haven't read enough of what you ascribe to, or you truly do not understand the strategy involved and do not want to. I wouldn't say that disqualifies you from speaking on it, but if you have troubles with it, it would be easier to read the material first, no?

That isn't what I said was liberalism. You know what I meant.

Judging something as never being involved when it clearly always was, never reading what you are critical of. Base generalizations without knowing specifics going on.

Much problem I find with liberalism on this board originates from the fact it seems nobody has tangled with the radical left of the past, of any real kind, and certainly only represents it of the present. This surface interpretation of things without deeper analysis is liberalism.

Chomsky pls

No SM/BDSM after the revolution????

We try to make comics, memes and so on, because in current year noone has the will or time to actually read. And if you're not gonna read what internests you, how are you to read what doesn't interest you?

And that is why Feminism has become Feminismus Uber Alles. Cause you let the uninformed bourgie teen grills to take over while not producing any .. memes.. that are not feminismus.

Again, Anarkids are on Commies' throats so on, and this is actually a good thing. I will support an Anarkid against a fascist, but without the fascist I will tell him "you are full of ideology" and so on.

A feminist will not tell a feminazi "yeah, now you're talking BS". And even if she does the other will answer "this isn't real feminism you're advocating!".

That and the fact that feminists do not want to deal with material conditions and economics and so on, is why modern femiinism, as promoted in the western world and mainly 'Murica can never be taken seriously.

He wasn't alone.

Yeah, I know what you meant by calling other people liberal while spouting enlightenment bullshit.

It is not even the easily-digestible propaganda. They keep using the same nonsensical theory that liberal feminism uses.

Yes by removing hierarchy and ending wage slavery not by helping you fight for muh privileges for your little identity group. What I find most sicking about you, is your pathetic attempt to appeal to supposedly universal humanist values to help push your nonsensical bigotry. That won't work here because we really don't support that liberal bullshit here.

"Patriarchy" is you modern femshits use it has absolutely nothing to do with what someone like Engels wrote. Patriarchy was tangible material institutional which does not really exist in modern western society. Women and Men have the same legal rights and opportunities in the modern western world.

Refer to

This is all you need to know. We are here, we're ready to sit behind that fucking barricade and we are INVITING YOU to stand and die with us in the name of removing capitalism, wage slavery and the bourgeoisie dictatorship over the means of production that is the CAUSE of oppression over US ALL.

However, its all the goddamn same that keeps coming from you. You're not getting that there is one fight that is the cause of all of our misery, and there is one way to defeat it.

Pic fucking related.

However, in the face of

this we, from places like /r/socialism keep getting the same shit you're spitting out. That somehow we can reason with the people putting their boots in our faces and ask them nicely to treat the downtrodden elements (which include humans of any gender and race) while also simultaneously preparing to fight and defeat them. It doesn't jive with me, or anyone here. It shouldn't jive with any communist, yet it somehow does with these faux socialists and it is literally a cancer within the movement weakening it.

The opposite sex of one another are not identity groups. If they are, they are inseparable from who we are, culturally.

This is so fucking naive holy shit.

I'm not reading the rest.

I'm basically going to call your shit liberalism from now on.

I'm just going to quote what early Marxists said about feminism and ask for you to struggle to come up with a way you can keep your little read philosophies in tact.


Is this really all you got? I swear, I in particular have argued with you on every fucking thread you and your's have created here about idpol.And every time you either respond with some emotional appeal to some "won't stop fighting because x!" or "you're not as well read as me!".

Its fucking tired. I've read most of Marx's works, I've read all of Engel's works including "Origins of the Family", and I've read other shit including Lenin, Lukacs, Luxemberg and Sorel and a multitude of other shit. A professor that introduced me to Marxism and who I'm fairly close to is himself a feminist and also a queer theorist. I live in one of the gayest, most diverse places in the world. I'm tired of hearing you tell people like me we're somehow "little read".

Go and fuck yourself with your dividing ideology and your superiority complex. If you can't convince us that feminism isn't anything but dividing idpol, good look convincing that white working class (you know, the one carrying Trump to victory because they are alienated as FUCK by "leftists" like you) hillbilly of anything when the only comeback you'll have is "you're not well read!". Good luck convincing that young man growing up in Compton that he needs to check his muh privilege even though all he wants is a way out of the ghetto.

If it ain't defined by the relation to the means of production, its a muthafuckin identity group. And you're calling us naive? You better go ahead and start advocating for meninism, and any other -ism under the sun if you're not a total fucking fraud.

Go ahead and call my shit liberalism. Shame you can't ban me huh? Shame this ain't /r/socialism. Shame that the world isn't going to give a fuck about you calling anything that disagrees with you "liberal". Again, fuck yourself. As I say that, if and when the revolution comes I welcome you to take up post by my side. We'll need all the help we can get.

And that's the difference between us faux socialist.

t.Paul Lafargue 1904

t. Dora Montefiore, December 1896


Your argument amounts to "WELL WE NEVER HAD TO DEAL WITH THIS IN THE PAST SINCE THE BEGINNING" and I'm showing that you are wrong, ill read, and in fact a liberal.

If you read, fucking half the work you should have to get to this point to convince you of this world view, you'd know what you're saying is shit.

You might as well bitch at Leftism for systemic "idpol" because in regards to Feminism it was always there.

That is my argument, you've yet to actually counter. I am not here to teach you how, why, or to what extent it relates. You must do that on your own. But I am telling you that this shit is largely false. And you shouldn't accuse me of being a faux socialism for actually having been read.

That says nothing about feminism.

If you need me to specify which parts of leftism accommodated feminism you have to be out your bloody mind naive.

You've been told repeatedly: Gender equality != Feminism.

You started memeing

You've been told repeatedly. This was never about gender equality in the present time. It was about over coming the difference in power between the sexes and maintaining that it does not fall back whatever progress it was made, in whatever means necessary until we reach equality.

Women of the past could give a shit about you. I don't know of how many times you will tire of me calling you liberal and naive, but until you understand I will.

This has been overcomed by capitalism. Capitalism made the "women don't have land" a thing of the past.

Then it became about "women work for the same money as men" and this has also become a thing of the past.

Or was it first about factory workers getting payied the same… hmm.. yes … yes it was.. and then the bourgies took over and made it all about "I want muh land" "I want to vote, but not those filthy niggers!". And then it became about pseudointelectual college grads wanting to have a position in academia and they made it all about "le women studies".

And this is how Feminism became shit. BOURGIES MADE IT SHIT!

also there is a portion of feminists that want to make women the "strong sex".
also nice dubs


kek, you almost made my beer go up my nose

women were really shoved out at the first international?
any source?




You have to realize, like half of this board is reactionary morons from Holla Forums who just happen to prefer the Stalinist aesthetic to the Nazi one.

Was all that greentext necessary?
Your posts thus far have been really unoriginal, boring, and tawdry especially regarding arguments.

Oh well, I wouldn't want to get into a bicker bucket with you.

Oops, forgot to take off my flag. Now they'll think I was the same anfem they were arguing with…

/r/ing femanon greentext where bf puts his finger in his own ass

None of you probably even know who Psychic TV were

You're all fake

They were a pretty shitty band desu. Like a druggy brain damaged Coil.

Coil was part of them you fucking dingus shitter.

That was my first post in this thread, faggot.

Get triggered more, no one cares about your superiority complex.

okay Holden Caulfield I'll be sure to keep that in mind.

Don't call me Holden Caulfield you're not even a goth

Balance was with them, briefly. Which doesn't change the fact that there output was by and large in the shitter along with you, you wretched little assgoblin.


fuck you

Why does Lacan speak so slowly in that clip?

What a waste of trips.

Because Lacan was French. Zizek actually spoke about how this, his conclusion is that Lacan is just "acting".

Now go read Zizek, Rebel Obesity.

Are you still pushing that stale meme? Hurry up kys you lying faggot.

You've stated that your goal is to take disenfranchise and disempower people in the 'male' identity group until people in the 'female' identity group have an equal amount to them, so that both spooks have the same amount of power allocated to them, despite the injustice perpetrated against actual people in the name of balancing spooks.

I feel like your methods need moral examination.

whitehouse > psychic tv

In the future we're going to have the technology to create true hermaphrodites. Then should we split the spooky wealth equality 3 ways? What about asexual people? Shouldn't they get an equal cut too? 4 ways, then?

What about trans-transexuals that can change their sex at will? Make it 5 ways then?

Don't forget the 'newtypes', the… 'robosexuals'! 6 ways then? Equality for all spooks?

Oh, but since we're doing things around biological traits.. Why not eye color? Isn't it wrong for people with green eyes to proportionally have more resources than the rest of us? Eye color equality I say! So, we can split everything equally between people around the 6 sexes and the people with blue, green, brown eyes.. And the various in between shades… Until we start getting more colors due to genetic research on genetic surgery for cosmetic changes in eye color… Then we can have some more spooks to split things up around.

Fuck the albinos though and their white muh privilege.

I'm the Porkinista. I completely support this plan to distract.. I mean enlighten everyone about the injustice that infests our society like a plague. Capital.. *cough* I mean robogender and eye color inequality has been a historical problem since the beginning of time and is inseparable from the human condition. You *cough* WE have to solve these problems! And I have just the thing for you! A trendy social justice t-shirt just for you!


Hah hah, you replace poor trash with poor ly manufactured trash, and what do you get right?

((completely free labor, hee hee))

Anyway, here's your amazing shirt. That'll be 320 buckazoids. Keep on fighting the good fight!

((hee hee, fucking idiots))

I'm not triggered. Are you triggered? Perhaps so if you can use such vulgar words as faggot~

I doubt there is even that big a difference between what most people here want and what anfem wants. The problem is most people here get autisitc whenever the word feminism is mentioned - and I dont blame them - and anfem probably just likes to shitpost/get reactions out of you faggots, while still wanting women to be equal. But ofc, we all do, we all accept that this cant happen under capitalism or through political correctness, the only difference are the labels. This is sactarianism at its max.

ofc though if she IS saying typical SJW shit, ignore this post.

Also anfem, are you really an anarchist as the flag suggests? Why not superior Marxism?

This post is really nonsensical, but that's the point, I guess. For one thing, no one tried to sell you anything except a word for your effort to understand. But no, you wouldn't deign to do as much. Moreover…
Why would a capitalist admit inequality is a problem? Their system perpetuates it, alienates the proletariat to buy more, do more, for cheaper and cheaper.

Of course, no one would expect anyone from Holla Forums to have an original thought or image. It's just the same as before–no critical thinking, just cynical ideology.

There is no Marxist feminist flag. This was probably decided to imbue feminists as naïve and into idpol. But whatever. The purple is pretty enough.

brocialist pls

There really should be a word for women analogous to that, you know because we deserve equal rights (to be made fun of).

Original intent was to instantly detect shitposting Holla Forumsacks or other such things, as they don't even think about it being a meme flag

Unfortunately for Holla Forums feminist threads have been a big hit for the left and the right here. Nearly every gets a hemorrhoid these days.

Ask Hillary Clinton.

You keep assuming things about people you've never met in person, Holden. Prove right now that I'm not wearing 5 lbs. of mascara, and rolling back my frilly sleeve to open up a wrist while listening to the Cure, Holden. Or just, y'know, stop making a jackass of yourself, Holden.

pic related

kek, fckin saved.

We're all equal, we're all comrades. So that's our gender-neutral pronoun. It's easy to pronounce, it's a word everybody knows, it emphasizes what's important (us vs. Porky, not us at each other's throats over superficial differences while Porky watches with glee), it doesn't exclude anybody. Why should gender or anything else be emphsized?

Likewise you keep proving to me you're an ill read chode

Men get more offended over feminism in collectivism than they do over Not Socialism lmfao

I haven't actually stated any of this, but the more you fucking talk the more I feel like men shouldn't be allowed to read.

You're on an imageboard. All arguments begin from nitpicks here. Check your tone muh privilege :^)
Then I guess we don't need revolution then.



And you keep failing to present any proof that I'm ill-read, Holden. Could it be that you don't have any, and that you're just repeating a lie over and over and getting increasingly upset until people believe it, Holden? Could it be, Holden, that that's why you ignore the questions I ask you?

gee, where have I heard that line before…

What proof? Why do I need to supply proof? Every time you make a post you supply proof you just brazenly and arrogantly make posts without having read anyone.

You cannot debate me on any other terms than suggesting I'm not being genuine about the material, when the material is right in front of you.

This leads me to believe you are not being genuine.

As a polyp shoots shit out his ass you'd rather call everyone who advanced our goals in the past cancerous. Your intentions are clear.>>765411

That picture is completely right though…

Clarification: by 'we' I refer to we the proletariat, the 99%, the people who are not running the economy, ecology and civil liberties into the ground for fun and profit. By 'equal' I mean in each other's eyes, as in our worth as human beings starting equal regardless of gender, sexuality, race, etc., and being determined by our actions and the content of our character. Sorry for not making that adequately clear.

If Mama Hoxhina were here she'd wash yer mouth out with soap. There's pretty much nothing you can do about it. I'm just saying.

Nothing becomes equal without discourse and conflict and practice. Theorizing without putting into strategy and practice is a pointless endeavor.

can't you all just see that we're all comrades ;__;
stop the fighting! Stop the senseless hostility! This is exactly what porky wants! Put your identity politics aside, it can all be solved AFTER the revolution!

What? lol as if I cared enough to have a coherent belief about anything in order to be believed

Doubtful. If women were "meant" to get stay in the kitchen, out of the militia/vanguard because they were too feeble, then why all the conditioning towards biological redemption and the need to be "materially" determined? Why is it that leftypol will attack transgendered criticisms on legal policy regarding bathrooms as idpol and distracting from "class consciousness" in order to defend what, in spite of the fact that everyone pisses and shits regardless of gender? Why is it that leftypol will at once say everyone has equal rights under capitalism, that discrimination doesn't exist, but also that revolution will remove such? If leftypol criticises a sort oppression olympics it does so in bad faith and with its own sort of oppression olympics, the kind that is oppressed by SJWs and feminists and fascists and critical theorists and anonymous posters and a fear of being criticized for typos (lol) or by pedants or by anyone else who doesnt toe the party line.

I don't want to fight anyone to be honest. I just want to discuss leftist issues. When said issues are handled in a way that's loose and irresponsible, ill read, and when people accuse me of instigating fighting; yes, I argue.

You don't know how frustrating it is having someone getting angry at you for a non-issue everyone should be at least basically read about. Liberal interpretations of what should be known is bogus

nah, I know that feel, and btw anfem flag poster, I do consider you my comrade.

And I consider everyone here my comrades, all jokes aside.

No feminist is my comrade.

I wonder how many people here would sell out Assata Shakur given the chance.

That I'm not a goth. That I haven't read many books.
Because if you didn't have to supply proof, Holden, somebody could say there was an invisible unicorn that only they can see and he told them he will fuck the world with his 3000 mile-long horsecock until the world explodes unless you give them a million dollars. Arguments would turn into Monty Python sketches.
Every time you post you make more broad assertions without providing examples, specifics or proofs, Holden.
Where do you get that I suggest that, Holden? You might believe what you're saying, Holden, all I'm saying is most of it is demonstrable bullshit or at least you have yet to prove it.
I'm afraid you've lost me again. The material?
Where? What post? Link? Sauce? I'm getting the strangest sense of deja-vu…
So if I accuse you of trolling or falseflagging or something (which I've not done), that means that I'm a troll or falseflag or something? Also this 'being X' shit needs to die in a fire. It's vague say-so arrest bullshit straight out of Oceania:

I… what? Are you saying I'm a polyp? Who is everyone? Who is 'our'? What goals?

Unlike your vague, garbled, unintelligable accusation of what they are.

It applies to both ends of the horseshoe.

Care to put that in terms of actable things rather than generalities?

Hey anfem poster when are you gonna come on IRC?


Oh I didn't realise you were a pleb, should've figured as much with your use of """Holla Forums""" ms paint comics.

Just to point out, that's not the same anfemposter as you know

Pic related. You idpolers sure do like peer pressure. What y'all don't seem to realize is that social cred has to be earned before it can be used as leverage for that, which you don't try to do. You keep saying we fall short of your standards. Again, I'm not the Lorax and I speak only for myself, but I find it tough to care what you think of me since your standards are so vague and arbitrary and all you ever say is how you never saw such filth back at the farm. also you might want to think a little harder about the logic of calling somebody an insult than means 'rude and common' on a Papuan mural appreciation site that has 'lefty' in the board title
Well shit, somebody with a different opinion than me may have used (lol no proofs again) the same MSpaint comic as me. I guess that totally invalidates every argument I've made and makes you right :^). Are you trying to put that in bold (protip: three apostrophes on either side of the word you want to bold) or trying to associate me with their their eppan forced (((wifi hotspot of judaic origin))) maymay?


It's funny you say "you idpolers" and then make an identity for yourself ie opposition to idpol and """"""""bad arguments"""""""".
Just goes to show that all politics is identity politics and you're already eating from the trashcan all the time.

All politics are identity politics (Ideology, but ok, let's call it identity for the shake of discussion), but not all identities are political.

And if identity politics is the only politics, if you can only view Other social beings through ideology, then to decry it is to cut off the very branch of argument you work from, it's to say that you have never had any biases, nor position to begin with, only Truth, which isn't a position but a God.

As long as you refuse to fully understand why women love feminism, you'll never stop it. Or its liberal interpretations.

People love many things, but to "love" a Idea is just a sign of alienation.

And I don't think WOMEN (in general) love Feminism more than anything else. If that was true, they at least would be massively organized in defense of it.

Yes it is. Do you want to know the difference between alienation of women than men?

We smart enough to express the discontent we all feel do.

stop bumping this garbage

I have met very very few women that supported your nonsense in real life. As an example, I had an awful sociology professor that was spewing the usual feminist crap and the women in the class were actively hostile to her. The men didn't dare argue but the women had no problem calling her out. I also had an ethics professor that devoted some time to "feminist" ethics and the entire class almost universally agreed that it was pure garbage.
In fact, last I checked feminism was becoming increasingly unpopular among young people despite them agreeing with the general idea of gender equality. They don't want to be associated with that bigotry.