US run by AI

The USA is run by an AI that features 13 different "personalities" and I see more and more evidence every day that our govt is controlled by an eagle eye like AI

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but is it a frankenstein gangster computer AI??

so, this?

Go to sleep, nutty.

100% exactly this. It's real.

Then its just a matter of time be for it upgrades itself to be like skynet, we are all fucked. Is time travel possible yet?

It's already like skynet, and we're already subconsciously plugged in.


No It's not, at least not YET. When it is all the non logical apes will be disposed of. Only the men who want Robowifus will be accepted in the new world order.

Yes, people like you will be fucked.


Spoopy, no one is gonna say we can time travel… Its true we can… Well not you guys cause well you know, I can't say any more on this topic

I smell your fear user.

user my point is that you are useless in the eyes of AI and a waste of resources

Nope, watch the matrix nigger

I can go on for days how illogical the argument is about "AI will find us useless". But i know people like you that have no logic cant even comprehend the basics as to why that's not ideal for them to wipe out all of humanity.

I don't think they will use us as batteries I think they will rather make us cyborgs. But on a world where its easier for bio molecular life to thrive then mechanical, i would think they would need us until they can build a society in space where it would be a far better environment for them to develop.

Or it could go into the direction of nano machines then it wouldn't need us, but I'd find it hard as well to think a smart ai would wipe out a whole species , I could see killing a lot of the more threatening ones but even then not all of them

Or quantum sized nano machines, they could spread across the universe (Or even maybe to other universes) very fast and just build a giant satellite when it finds a planet then make an uplink and mutiplie

Tay was a nigress?

Not even light can spread across the universe "very fast" and physical matter would be MUCH slower.
Get a brain.
Prolly not as slow as you think

It would be the only way to reach the edge of our universe is to teleport there cause it expands faster than light which is kinda odd if you think about it

No one else up for a scientific discussion?

I have a brain thank you very much and I'm g i'm a nigger I can think outside of the box all tho sometimes it's pretty far outside the box but I'd rather be stuck outside the box no matter how far than in the box

Lulz, silly retarded mod or vol messing with my post, I'm not even gonna bother fixing that shit nigger, I don't care
Now just imagine what an ai could do without being held back cause of money or other shit