Why as I leftist I cannot agree with Holla Forums


You are all very much realists.
You are aware of the nature of reality, and as deeply as I can dig you seem to have a incredible advantage over everyone else.

But Just because you are right, does not mean you are the good guys.

Sure you make an extremely good point about your guys race being targeted simply because it has some serious advantages.

But you take it one step to far.

You do not merely wish to take back a fair share of your own power from the (admittedly insane) people on my side of the camp who have stolen it, abused it, and pretty much caused this entire situation.

You wish to subjugate the other people around you.

You want to genocide the jews even though they are merely traumatized via their culture!

You want to eradicate the blacks, although they cannot help what they are!

You wish to deport the muslims and the mexicans for being misguided!

Surely their is some other solution that doesnt result in mass death!

I feel surely naive for coming here to say this, but you people have attained a power that scares me to the core.

I merely beg you to use this power in some way that doesnt kill billions of people.

Such a loss of life just feels like it is a waste.

signed, A very exasperated and more than a little humbled jew

Please dont repeat that part of the past.

Other urls found in this thread:


At least put effort into it.

Billions of people need to die you dumb ape. The world is overpopulated and needs to be brought back to a manageable population level. The best way to do this is with Aryan imperium and genociding the races that reproduce too much.









Fucking hell mate, that's just sad.
Get back to your containment board if you can't even think.

ayy lmao

The holocaust didn't happen, but it should have and it will.

Sage, report & hide

These newfags deserve bans twice as long as the OP:

But its genuine. You people scare me.

you don't spare the snake because he can't help what he is

you kill him so he cannot kill you

But I didnt do anything. Will you kill me and my kids too?

Everything you've just accused us of is currently being done against us by Zionist/Sabbatean-Frankist Jews. To them, and perhaps to yourself, they see us as nothing more than Amalekites, even though we are not related to the Amalekites. You Jews have prejudged us and have taken it upon yourselves to attempt to exterminate us, simply because your batshit insane cult ideology tells you to.

And you call us evil? You're essentially our version of what constitutes Amalek, do you realize that?

We can just use robots and 3d printed houses and move them all to a new country.

But we all know they won't go willingly for various reasons, some will, but the Muslims won't because the only reason they are immigrating is for Islamic takeover.

>>>Holla Forums

This is a place of romanticism among other things.

Yes. Better run.


I just want to kill all non-whites. Then we can have even communism for all I care.

that depends. are you a snake? are your children snakes?

So basically you hate reality and would rather stick your head up your ass and think of rainbows? That's why you're unfit and will not pass your genes or your memes on.

So. Does that mean I should take my children and go hide?

But the thing is, im just genetically jewish.

Im actually a christian.

I didnt even know I was a jew until I had a dna test.

My kids are half.
My wife is black.

As it stands, they want to and open say "kill whitey". It is only natural that such feelings are reciprocated in an equal manner. That is the nature of human relationships, my dear. You have a nice day.


Im really off my game today.

Reporting self for sucking cocks.

Wow, I'd be scared too. You should probably get the whole family together in the mini-van and then drive it into a lake. It will be an easier fate.

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This can't be real

Kikes aren't white. Without them, communism is isn't possible.


Your existence demands subjugation. The whole reason you behave the way you do is that you haven't been subjugated. Once you experience true fear, then you can become one of us. This is for the r-selected white liberal.

If you are part of a biological infestation (niggers, kikes, etc), however, you'll never be part of us no matter how hard you try. Your life was never even in the cards until we, in our folly, created you and multiplied your kind.

We don't need to kill you utterly, we need only stop sustaining you and let nature take its course.

How did you even find us?
Seriously curious.


I am a Holla Forumsack. I just really failed at this troll thread. I reported myself. The mods will be here to ban me soon.

Really compelling argument, is what I would have said if you had an argument at all.

Says the fucking Commie!

Sides went awol, will court martial them if they return.

Seriously though. White Race has gone for 35% in 1900 to 8% and dwindling fast.

Like I said my bad, this was a shit tier bait thread. I wish I coudl delete teh thread.

Realistically speaking:

When our people are no longer threatened, we won't have a need to defend them.

We have an end-goal and when that goal is reached we'll stop.

The fact of the matter though is jews can live, but they must be banned from entertainment, and high finance. They make great scientists though.

Niggers must live in africa, and they must not be given aid. If they can pull themselves out of the shithole they made, that's fine. If they can't, it's no loss.

Mexicans are the best of the bunch, they can immigrate LEGALLY.

Muslims really do need to be forcibly converted or sent to africa with the niggers, it's up to them.


Kill yourself op.

What the fuck were you even trying to do?
You are getting payed, I hope?

Its shit tier bait man. Im a faggot.

I lie its a purity test.

You almost had it right. What you missed is :

and more importantly :

Because :





We know. We don't CARE. You didn't listen to the good guys, you shut them down.

Remember that when the time comes.

"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"

No. It really and truly is the only solution. All other solutions become subverted and then we end up in the same situation we currently find ourselves in. Many many many people are growing very very very tired. I've had more than enough happen to me thanks to globalism. I want payback.

I take that back. This is a great bait thread I made.

I think you're overreacting a bit. Many on Holla Forums do believe 100% in what they say, but it is important to understand this is the language of war. Even Hitler killed far fewer jews than his rhetoric would have suggested.

For example, imagine a world where jewish control and influence in finance, government and media was practically zero. What real motivation would remain to hunt down a rumored jew family or two? Especially if the majority of white men have reasonable employment, faithful wives and safe neighborhoods to start and raise families in. This last point is really the at the crux of the situation. Jews are constantly taking or ruining everything the white man wants or cares about in this world. Eventually when the white man has nothing left to live for is when you should feel afraid.

Never the less, return these things to the white man and he will no longer be a threat to you.

=It's afraid!=



No fuck you. One day we will eradicate the juden. I myself have a list of every semite family in my town chaim.

Just cause this is a bait thread doesnt mean im not a Holla Forumsack.

nigger this thread is bait and op is a cocksucking retard.

To make sure they never bring us into the current circumstance ever again.

Yep im a double nigger and cannot stop sucking cocks.

Death to israel.

Also, it was a purity check due to all the shill spam.

testing for effect

You know it wouldn't have a chance of happening if you didn't go insane and try to exterminate us and instead decided to live in peace.

Are you white?
Are your children?

OP, don't mistake our desire to purge subhumans as nothing more than hate and malice. If they hadn't already infested our cities, then there would be no need for purging them. Whites will cease to be if they continue to breed, we are trying to preserve our lives and our children's lives.

We never said we are the "good guys".

It's better to face the world as it is faggots then as you think it ot to be

this is pretty much what i wanted to say but better…so to make up have some images.

although the way its looking we might actually have to make the holocaust happen, but for real this time not a hoax. jews are gonna actually meme themselves into a fiery oven death.

just like the boy who cried wolf, it will be the kike who cried holocaust.




archive.is/Rjd0A (Parenting Magazine Warns ‘Blond, Cheerful’ Families Dangerous, Likely Right Wing)

Hmm. All I learned form this is you guys dont read the thread before replying.
At all.

Also, you tend to not notice enticement.
No leftist posts like op does.

Muh morals

No, I am anarchist.

It's their genes.

No, they can go back to Africa, live in civilisational level they achived - iron age, to be safari atraction.

Yes, we want to live amongst white people.

Earth is already overpopulated, with current trend we will soon all live in Africa like shithole (except choosenites ofcourse), depopulation to 500 million - 1 billion is optimal.

That doesn't look even remotely like a German uniform or pistol, looks like you're only getting 0.25 shekels for this post!

Nature does not care for "good and evil". They are only labels that can be twisted for power by the clever and cunning. Machiavelli knew how fickle these concepts where. Beware the moralist and the preacher.

Throughout history ,leftist utopian regimes have been far more brutal and totalitarian than rightist ones ever where. Imagine if "supreme gentlemen" nerds suddenly got power to indiscriminately kill people . It doesn't end well. You assume the "moral high ground" not because of your restraints, but only when you lack power,and then project your inner demons upon your ideological enemies.

Between genetics and culture, genetics takes the high-ground. Jews are not a religion, they are a race than spawned a religion for itself.
Although you'll often find them switching between the two depending on how it suits them. An atheistic jew is still a jew.
If you lot can live "by the sweat of your brow", without parasitizing on whites, then be free to live. But our skepticism is warranted.

Back to Africa and out of my hair, where they can live or die however they wish till the sun grows cold.

We wish to deport them for being on our land. If they want it, let them fight for it like men, not crawl and infest it slowly like cockroaches.

Funding two world wars was fine by you lot, but suddenly there's an infinitesimal chance that you'd ``actualy`` be in the line of fire and suddenly it's like "oy , think of the loss of human lives" . We are not genocidal by nature. The fact that there aren't yet more of us testifies to that. But we must be brutal because the enemy is.


You don't get it do you, nature doesn't allow for equality. Those who act in that way and try to be nice get taken advantage of, example the whole of Western Civilization. Everything we whites do in our public life is to serve the Jew, Nigger or Muslim in that order, along with the rest of the lesser races.

Whites are only a small percentage of the world population. Why aren't we allowed to stake our own ground, like in the past?

I thought we didn't have any power?

This century will be a deciding one, either the white race mix into non-existence or it will accept its destiny of greatness and that only the white race can do these great things.


No. Holla Forums generally wants a wall.


Let them live in their own areas of the world far from us.

Stop projecting you faggot jew shill cunt

Ha, no. You walked into the wrong chan.

We are going to the stars, where we belong.
You are going back to the desert, where you belong.

You logic is heavily flawed.
We simply are love.

You are of Satan your father.