Future RWDS Customer & "Journalist" (((Eichenwald))): "It's Time to Expose Trump's Affairs"
Also, your mods have been busy banning vpn ip addresses right before the debate almost all of them not expiring until just prior to the election. They're making it impossible to bring information to you guys and after speaking to them in private it seems they've ramped up their bans.
Prior to the Republican debates shills starting spamming Holla Forums using these access points in order to get Trump supporters who use a VPN cut off from you guys. They're doing it on purpose and your thin skinned mods are playing right in.
It took me 20 mins just to be able to find an IP that wasn't banned so I can post this.
Were you not here while this was tried for months and it fucking sucked? I'm grateful for the actual moderation lately.
If an actual Holla Forumsack can't find a way to post, he is too weak to survive what's coming
Filthy hooked nosed kike doesn't know that any news involving extra-marital affairs will only strengthen the support within his base.
All four VPNs I use are fine, get better ones you sperg.
So rape isn't rape when Bill does it?
Everyone knows about Trump's affairs. He's been front page news for decades. Clinton, on the other hand, has deliberately wrecked the lives of women her husband raped just to protect her own political career.
This kike's just butthurt his Newsweek article failed to do anything. He built it up so much and expected it to finally stump the Trump and it didn't even fizzle.
There is a bit of a difference between having affairs and actually rape-raping women.
Who is the worst Hillary sycophant working for a major news outlet … this scumbag, Paul Krugman, or someone else?
I think they do a good job, but their far to ban happy. I've seen month long bans for individuals who created great threads, but just didn't archive. That's unacceptable. I always archive, but archiving isn't even a rule and to punish people that severely for that is ridiculous. You're only hurting yourselves.
Isn't this that same retard that we got assblasted after he a HUGE reveal that went fucking nowhere?
Go fuck yourself
They lying press doesn't call it "rape" when Bill Clinton does it. They call it an "Extramarital Affair"
I'm was not talking about that individual. I never even said that. Stop putting words in my mouth so you have an easy target to attack, shill.
What about Hillary? Who has she fucked since Chelsea was born? Because word is that Bill doesn't do it. So has she been celibate for 30+ years?
Didn't that dastardly John Miller do this already?
So… the kike is going to "reveal" that Trump is an alpha male with a cock that makes whores beg for more? I hope that works out for him.
dumb cucks
do they even remember defending fucking Bill Clinton?
(wasted hitler dubs checked)
That ban was the high profile one so why wouldn't I assume that, and why wouldn't you mention it since it was justified?
Anyway I never even put the original link in OPs, giving these faggots hits is retarded just by using common sense and being aware of 8ch Holla Forums and Holla Forums's origins
kek is this a fucking joke
3 things:
1. Don't assume shit.
2. Nobody gives a fuck how you post.
3. Dubs don't lie, shill.
so he forgot the whole blowjob in the white house under the desk impeachment thing huh
…? The file that has been open for decades because everyone already knows about them?
The reason Gennifer Flowers is a big deal is because Bill was hooking up with her over Hillary and there's bad blood between them. The women Trump had affairs with wouldn't phase anybody because he divorced his previous wives, whereas Hillary stayed with her husband because she was more concerned with power.
This jew is angry as fuck. They really can't control themselves at all.
Is this irony?
Going to translate it in yiddish for our left-wing Jewish lurkers:
"oy vey oy vey oy vey oy vey ;'("
No, just plain old faggotry.
wait so is this tweet about bill?
When the market crashes spectacularly, do you blame:
a) Trump
b) an unprecedented 8 years of 0% interest
Remember! Your answer must be based on feels.
It's going to happen. They're going to pull the support beams out from underneath this artificial economy and it's going to collapse.
You name it. And they lying press will lay it squarely on Trump's shoulders.
They're only making it worse for themselves aren't they
Isn't that what always happens?
lol is this kike having a stroke live on twitter?
Good, crash the plane with no survivors. Soon as the nationwide riots start the RWDS will form, the DOTR will come and the nation will be ours again.
Better now than 20 years from now when the demographics are in more to our disadvantage.
And they will blame it on nationalism and protectionism. Fucking kikes.
This kike sure is butthurt.
And they sure hat pigs too.
Why do you think that he's getting the media to be shrill to him as possible while at the same time destroying their ratings and credibility? He's playing the long game and when they try to blame him the public will be primed to think "Oh the media is attacking Trump again"
4D chess
What could possibly go wrong?
This faggot is still salty because his so called bombshell story on Trump fell flat and was largely ignored. He hyped it up to hell and back and promised it would destroy Trump and nothing came of it.
He's all talk and no action.
(file is XBOX hueg)
The rebuttal to that is a hilarious shitpost written by a Congressman, pics related.