CGI? No thanks pal, I prefer practical effects









I prefer practical effects too, like the force awakens! :)

i support drup


These are true, tho. I just rewatched Jumanji the other night and the CGI looks like the exact same quality as Avatar. When will fuckbois learn that CGI and VR have no actual future and were a meme gimmick since day one? smh


No you fag, also Jumaji has shitty cgi



tbh i never understood why they made this in cgi, couldn't they just hire a couple of black actors?





season 2 is kino

If someone ever asks why plebbit is considered cancer everywhere except plebbit itself, show them this post.










All me







where the fuck do you faggots get all these fedora pics jesus fuck you call people having no life for owning a fedora yet look at you losers holy wow fuck off with your fuck


yep, reddit confirmed

Your mom's fuckbuddy list.




Show me 10 reddit posts anything like that one

Get out Rin.

What's a Rin?


You can fuck off back to reddit faggot or cuckchan

even if we assume he ever made one good movie in his entire career hairy pozzer certainly wouldn't be one of them, you fucking redditor

I downloaded a folder of like 50 of them from one of the share threads on Holla Forums.

but it is amazing you dumb underage faggot, /r/movies is star wars lotr land not hp land

oh you're that guy who tries to push the "hp is not reddit" narrative
i thought you finally pissed off back to reddit or cuckchan, why are you still here?

Oh look a Holla Forumsfag with no argument. He probably likes back to the future. Listen sweetums, its pretty basic, cuckchan is reddit and cuckchan hates them. Can you do the rest of the math there. Do you have to act like a triggered little babby everytime hp is mentioned on a capeshit general board.


yep, that's you, you even use the same retarded non-arguments
go back to cuckchan since you know so much about them

I hope you didn't make that embarrassing image, looks like some pleb from reddit that loves Tarantino and Nolan got btfo by someone with real taste, in what world are those four on the level of Herzog, Cronenberg and Malick?

That image was made a long time ago and has been reposted. Korine and Malick are kind of shitty. Herzog and Cronenberg are straight

Why wouldn't I know about them when I left that cancer ridden place a long time ago because its the same as imdb, facebook letterboxd etc only with more autism. Who do you think you are

The person who made that has clearly never been to Holla Forums.

Truly a kinosaur.

you have to go back

Too retarded for common sense huh

It's about the korinefag autist.



Actual fedora detected.

Magic is real. We summoned a real fedora.

movies? no thanks ma'am, i only watch kino

now that I've learned he wanted emma for children of men but didn't get her, I don't like him anymore

It's one of those rare cases where the movie is better than the book it's based on… but I never read it

Heh, rumproasted trumpkikes are so obvious when they're mad.