Dixie Holla Forums

I've been reading some pro-dixie books and I see we haven't had a good Dixie thread in awhile.

The southern style of government and strong constitutionalism seems like it'd be great for America.

I used to like natsoc a lot and still do but the conservative, strong state identity, and nation states system instead of a overarching all powerful federal government seem better than nat soc for America.

Another point I've found interesting is how the white and black races seemed to live in harmony by keeping firm boundary's.

The unlimited brainwashing I think effects or is meant to effect all races differently. So perhaps its hard to think about.

Do you think it'd be possible to return to that sort of racial harmony?

I mean I'd rather have a homogenous society but I'm just wondering if the south could pull it off than surely we can at least try to get back to that place again.

I'll just start this inevitable argument. The North was right in the war, first off, the south blatantly defied the perpetual union, second off, they were going to preserve kike interests. Many European nations seriously considered intervening into the war on the side of the south because they expected the south to take the green back out of circulation, and reinstate a central bank. (which was once already kicked out at this point, in the north at least)


Except there wasn't perpetual Union. Half the original colonies,including several northern colonies, would only agree to the constitution if the ability to leave it was guaranteed. Secondly the European powers were primarily interested in the civil war and helping the south was the Monroe doctrine. If the US was no longer united, it's power and ability to enforce the Monroe doctrine would be severely limited. Meaning France would likely still rule Mexico, And britain and Spain would likely still have several of their American colonies.

OP I mean some offense by this, but your thread a shit. I'm sorry but this is low energy.plus your image doesn't really relate to the rambling you have in the OPYou can do better.

Friendly reminder: The South were the good goys who died for rich Jewish slave owners and were funded by the (((British))) (i.e. Rothschild-contorlled Bank of England)

Yes, because the Kikes would never infect and play both sides against each other. The South did nothing wrong; aside from accept African slaves, the Irish would've done nicely.


I've seen this exact thread before. Literally word for word, exactly the same with the same KOTH image. What the fuck kind of kike shill shit is this? Instant slide thread or something?

Because this

You'll never see OP again.



Why are people so retarded. I feel like I'm always correcting people on this, those in the fifth pic are Union uniforms

But muh based niggers. This is a piss poor start to a dixie.

Nice try Schlomo, getting an early start in Tel Aviv today?

Agreed. I remember we had a few set up like Brit/pol/ was by some namefag. But interest tapered off after a while.

No you historically illiterate nigger. The Louisiana native guard, while initially a local confederate unit eventually became a union unit after louisiana was occupied. Those are Union uniform they're wearing

What books have you been reading southfriend?

You'll fucking hang with the non-whites and kikes, you race-traitor. All non-whites must bee exterminated.


seceding from the united states is traitorism and you're all traitors if you think the CSA should exist in any shape or form. have pride in being southern but you're still sure as hell american

Well obviously we'd all be americans since we're in the Americas. Why should the south not have its own nation? We have clearly identifiable aspects of our linguistics, cuisine, lifestyle, and societal values that clearly set us apart from the rest of the United states. In any other place, such differences would be possible grounds for secession and formation of a new state.

fuck that… the Invisible Empire had no love for the jews . born out tof the remnants of the confederacy they thrived for a while. if the whole of the southern identity was based of them then i think it would have been better


Get fucked you Yankee kike.