One weird trick to anger Swedecucks into action

It's pretty clear at this point that the only males in Sweden left defending the rapefugee invasion are the cuckolds desperate to be validated as progressive and posture themselves as morally superior.

So the solution is to start unironically blaming Swedish males for the rape epidemic. Any mention of rape on a messageboard or on plebbit, you should find some way to tie in MISOGYNISTIC Sweden, the rape capital of europe, where ETHNIC SWEDES blame immigrants for their own raping and misogyny. Either they will cuck out, or more likely become so triggered as to have to assume a defensive role, pushing them to implicate the actual perpetrators, which would possibly, finally, break the cuckditioning. And if any holdouts try to carefully weasel around this and carefully craft a defensive cuckold response, you should just accuse them of racism and 'blaming it on refugees' regardless

The idea is to provoke the Swedecucks into anger and out of their protective shell of seeing themselves as morally superior. If suddenly they perceive the world turning on them and blaming them for the deterioration of their country, they will feel as if they are being attacked in the one area where they base most of their identity on, which is the progressive, tolerant Swede.

Other urls found in this thread:

I like it, might actually work.

won't work because they are so brainwashed they actually think they are rapists already

honestly bullying the swedes stopped being fun about 4 years ago, now its just sad tbh


Swedes would be the first ones to support anything like that. Remember


The internet police over there won't allow that.
Brainstorm some solutions to that and the German internet monitoring with hard punishments and you have yourself an idea.

You know, that is already happening. They even paint the censored faces and hands white.

It's dangerous. Stomping on what's left of their masculinity might leave them irredeemable. It's almost accelerationist.

At this point, what's to lose?

Always a classic.

I hope most Swedes realize that the "SWEDEN YES" banter is really just a form of tough love. We respect what a prosperous and successful society they had just 20 or so years ago when they were homogeneous, and if flooding themselves with shitskins wasn't enough to wake them up then hopefully being mocked for just bending over will strike a nerve.

We're having a lot of trouble eliciting anger in Swedes and all Europeans really, so perhaps humiliation will be more successful. Eventually there will be a point of no return for Europe but if enough marginalized whites can be provoked their collective rage might just be enough to take back their homelands.

This is really the issue. In all western countries there's enough of a nationalist / fascist presence to take over the government and media, execute all the traitors, and wipe out all the invaders. The only thing standing in the way is the police and military.

This might work on any other population of normal, well-adjusted males, but Swedes would just bend over and claim that because rape is so high, it means they're just not feminist enough.
Then the feminists would get more power, bring in more rapists, the entirety of Sweden becomes Sudan, and the few remaining Swedish males would shrug and say "Oh well! At least we aren't racists."


captain sweden, pimp mode: whoring out his women and daughters, beating them for being racis nazis for not fucking durkas and negroes, teaching boys to whore out girls to brown kids

captain sweden, 10th generation inheritor of all swedish culture and civilization, destroying it all to emulate the african muslim shitholes to attract shitskins.

captain sweden, terrible father who treats black muslim kids better than his own son

captain sweden, who goes around classrooms telling little swedish children they are illegitimate inheritor of sweden's culture and country

captain sweden, whose politics are derived from his sexual fantasies of masochism

This. The cucks won't suddenly turn on the shitskins because you blamed the cucks for something the shitskins are doing. If anything OP's idea would cause them to actively genocide their own race through "just" murder of the rapists. I'm sure they'll be wearing a shit eating grin the whole time while shouting "I'm progressive!"

The only thing to do is to act. I hear over and over again "they're not even hiding it any more" or some variation of "someone else will surely do something about it now" but then refuse to leave the computer and do anything. I'm sure all of you could come up with some reason to be complacent and willingly die instead of go outside and start killing traitors and kikes bringing these subhumans into your homeland.

Just fucking do it.
Don't bother with the subhumans because there is a near limitless supply of them being let in by these jews for the express reason of whites being oh so distracted fighting these brown things that the kikes can act with impunity. You must attack fast and hard into the heart of the corruption or it will never stop. You must cut off the head of the snake. Attacking their presented enemy is not going to stop them from bringing more in.

The only thing that could save Sweden is this

Mocking Swedes on/pol/ does shit all for waking anyone up, it's a form of projection of your own bad situation upon the chosen laighibg stock of the community. That and d&c kike shills.

Good luck with that, but you have to realize that Sweden is in downfall ever since Gustav II Adolf died. Without his reincarnation they will be forever lost.

Charles XII was good until Poltava.

Swedes, just like germans, wont rise up if their government doesnt do. Thats why its so important that SD in Sweden and AFD in Germany wins. When the government says "lets purge these fucks", people will be out and hunting down migrants. Until then, people will just continue being good citizens, work hard and pay their bills. And why are north-germanic races like that? Well, because the climate. People need to work together in order too survive. Its both a bad and good feature. Its bad when the governments says "let your country go too shit" but very good when they say "lets make our country great again", because then people will do that.

Anyway, this user is right , many of these SWEDEN YES threads are DC deluxe, projection and often filled with lies. People know that rape in Sweden doesnt equal to real rape, but everytime a thread like this appears, it gets ignored. And a no-go zone in Sweden is pretty fucking harmless. You could walk in one, with 2-3 friends and nothing would happen. Its not like a no-go zone in Sweden is the same as Detroit where you get shot on sight by the dindus.

Maybe use pictures not drawn by some LARPing faggot?

Holy shit, user, please never visit /k/

We already did that. Wasn't calling Sweden people cucks the same? You're suggesting we make it more general and add male to it.

I don't think we need to generalize it anymore than we have it now. Normies don't look into details.

We need to make it not an offensive form of blame. We need to make it more of a meme.

Fucking dumbass.

If you want to inspire anger, then you need to REDPILL. Humiliation and demoralization have brought the Swedish people to where they are now. You'd be accomplishing nothing but entrenching them further into their already indoctrinated beliefs.

Show them the world that was taken from us. Show them the world we could had, and make them believe that change can come again. You need to inspire hate, not just "provoke" it.


If you guys really want to do this, I'll tell you how.

What you do is simple, you praise Norway or Denmark. Just add this simple angle in your memes. Not because they really are much better, (they are just as fucked, just like every western country,) but because of the Scandinavian folk soul.

There are deep psychological and historical reasons for this. Scandinavians only perceive other Scandinavians as real competitors, and we've fought each-other most of history.

You can insult a Swede all day about almost anything and he'll just laugh it off. However, tell him how Norwegians and Danes are superior to him and he'll go into an autismal rage hotter than a thousand suns.

If you don't believe me just try it out in nord/pol/, Swedens hugbox on this board.

The thing with the holes in it is the cooling jacket.

test it.


They already think they are responsible for rape. They are more than happy to accept blame for everything, they already do so in the name of white people. You need to lurk longer, you still have no understand as to how the leftist mind works.

Preparing for the future: Swedish Demographics
What Swedes, leaders in left progressivism, need to consider in order to replace their population with the rest of the world
By Benjamin Goldstein
Suggestions include outright cuckoldry; suicide & forfeiture of assets

They will just continue apologising for it and further let themselves get pozzed in order to make up for it. The solution should be to actively shit on Sweden, thus forcing them to defend their image of that shithole, Swedes bend over to take it up the ass because they think that their country is doing perfectly fine and the rapefugees aren't

funny how they call it nord/pol/

I tried to kickstart the same thing couple of months ago - blame swedes for all the rape and crime, but didn't get much support.

Good luck, user.

Also blame swedes for these no-go zones and burning cars etc.

Im leaning this way. You have to directly blamed swede progressive men for being the rapist. Using the truth is an effective way to do it. Not just any swede male, specifically liberal swedecucks. Like this:


More and more Europeans are looking upon the situation with clarity. It's not sufficient to merely wait for the catalyst. We are the catalyst. Some of the youth are fixed into delusion by propaganda, but they will join us soon enough. Don't be delusional - this is indeed a situation of great peril. But we have reasonable cause to hope.

Just thank them for selling their sons and daughters into eternal slavery. If they have them they'll care, if they don't they're worthless to begin with.

The problem you are all encountering is that you're attacking with the wrong propaganda. You seem to be under the impression that whites of any kind are chimps and dirt squirrels but they aren't. You don't convince them by making them feel bad about themselves. You convince them by making them feel bad about what they're going to do to someone else they care about.

When you tell them they're hurting their family(especially children) you will receive one of many answers being a form of agreement, rejection, silence, or inquiry.

Must choose what to do with each.

they are trying to invoke things they don't understand.
reminder that marriage vows are now masonic oaths.