How to uncuck your diet

a lot of people (mostly trolls) pretend to freak out when someone says they are plant based and automatically resort to making a bunch of harsh assumptions about them. I did years of headache inducing research and learned what combination of plant based foods to eat to get all my vitamins and minerals with minimal supplementation. I always thought meat was okay, but I never fell in love with it (even though it smells really good) but after changing my diet to include lots of greens, beans, onions, oats, fruits, nuts, seeds, I can say that I have lost weight, my bad cholesterol went down, my good cholesterol went down but then normalized back up a little, I got enough omega 3's from flax and hemp and my body produces it's own DHA (just enough to replenish it's stores) I'm getting boatloads of protein and every type of amino acid I need from spirulina and hemp powder and beans and my doctor say's my bloodwork is better than ever. I'm hitting the gym now and drinking juice from raw sweet onions and drinking lemon water and apple cider vinegar every morning and I feel more energetic than I ever have in my entire life. I eat raw garlic and then go to the gym and piss everyone off with my smell but power through my workouts like the wolverine and get random boners like when I was 10 that threaten to rip right through my shorts. I don't drink milk, or eat eggs or cheese or fish or anything that comes from any animal so I guess I'm accidentally-technically plant based; but I just call myself a plant man. I'm sure this will piss some people off but I wanted to be honest, so those people can fuck right off. healthy travels to healthy bros.

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Honestly if you're not getting your own game you might as well go on a full soy and semen diet. Anything else and you're just fooling yourself into thinking you're not a complete faggot.

updated image.

In this thread I'm going to give you a cool list of good simple do and don't style tips.
I'm just a guy who figured this out after being fat and unhealthy for a long time so I wanted to share it with you all because the healthier you are the more clear your minds will be. (((they))) know this and are desperate to keep you all eating shit for the rest of your lives. this thread is a very updated and improved version of an older thread from a while back. I added a great amount of new content so I hope you enjoy. obviously this is going to attract some harsh attention from (((them))) in the form of people calling plant based's faggots among other things, so prepare yourselves to ignore them and soak up a lot of good information because the greatest punishment you could give (((them))) is to be healthy and wise. goodness and righteousness goes against all they believe in, so be prepared to be the best you can be no matter what. (I'm not in any way promoting violence with any of my posts)

it may also surprise you but I believe that babies benefit from being breastfed by their mothers for healthy brain development, v3gan or not. as a v3gan I'm still pro breast feeding as long as the mother isn't smoking/drinking/eating a horrible diet. the size of the breast is irrelevant, what matters is the type of breast you are getting your milk from. your mother, or an animal.

I'm Not a doctor or a nutritionist. ask your doctor and nutritionist before doing anything.

while you're sick and unhealthy I'm going to be healthy. I'm going to outlast you because I'm the next step in human evolution. deal with it.

have you ever seen someone like this?:

This is a dangerously unhealthy assumption that many people make when they believe they are switching to being fully plant based. These people are what I like to call "junkfood-snackatarians"
the diet of the junkfood-snackatarian rarely ever contains any actual fruits, herbs, or vegetables and is often severely lacking in any actual nutrients, vitamins, or minerals.
Their diet's are often 100% highly refined, heavily processed junk-snack foods like chips and soda or white bread and zero calorie artificial sweetener saturated "flavor waters".

Don't make the same mistake as them!

here is a list of vitamins and minerals and other good things that the human body needs. take note that there are many other whole plant foods that may contain similar vitamin, mineral, and nutrient contents but I wanted to keep this list from becoming too overwhelming so I only listed some of the better sources per specific nutrient.

I decided to make this list because I noticed that some people would post links cherry picking news stories about some dumbass or their stupid kids getting some horrible nutrient deficiency or disease because they decided to go full plant based and how the article shames them and shits all over them for making poor choices and how they should learn from it and start eating alot of animal products because plant foods don't have vitamins! they are just fully devoid of all nutrients! so start giving big dairy and meat industry your money so that you can make your body sick as shit so that you have to give all your money to big pharma and pay those hosptial bills!

Just totally disregard all stories of people who ate the standard american diet and had some horrible life threatenting emergency!

basically they want you to pay subscription fees for your prescription fees just like bad video game companies want you to pay for dlc and subscription fees to keep playing their game or being able to access online multiplayer. Oh sorry you were brainwashed from an early age to not consider a meal a "meal" unless it has some animal product on it? you got sick? good citizen go get your prescription medication so that your heart doesn't stop, and by the way you're on this pill for life. just another fee, just another bill, just another tax on your life.

so I'm going to show you that a whole plant food diet is loaded with vitamins and minerals. you just have to be smart enough to eat them in the right combination so that you get all of your vitamins. after you see this, you will probably decided to stop spending money on stupid multivitamins and start eating your vitamins the right way.

for those who care at all, soy is mentioned under a few different vitmins and minerals. I know Holla Forums and those on Holla Forums who are not traps, female, tomboy, tomgirl, futanari, or something else in a similar category are smart enough to not eat soy because it personally isn't right for them, and someone will always mention to avoid it anyway but I felt like making this note here to make sure that the antisoy people hear me say specifically to them "DON'T EAT SOY". I do mention in this thread to avoid the far more dangerous Xenoestrogens like in BPA and BPS and I also tell people to avoid fluoride becuase it is harmful for your thyroid and hormones as well.

soy is a good enough source of some of these nutrients that it was high enough on the list to get added in automatically to the list but there are definitely other obvious great options that everyone here should go for since that's just one of the plant foods that's high in some of those nutrients. if you don't like soy, then don't eat it. if you like it, then enjoy. none of you here should be 2 years old and using Holla Forums. you don't need to be told to not be retarded. you can still do everything while still avoiding soy.
but if you ever do for some reason, like in a surival situation- only ever eat non-gmo pesticide free certified organic soy, otherwise it comes from biotech corporations that gentically modify it and dose it with poison/pesticides.

there are also a few studies out there that suggest that eating some organic soy can reduce your risk for certain types of cancers. honestly do your own research. I only eat organic soy and it has never given me any problems before. I happen to love soy a lot and I'm not going to beat around the bush or sugar coat it for some fucking cunts who are anti soy shitters that worry about a little phytoestrogen but still run around eating animal products loaded with tons of fucking hormones. you're a bunch of fucking hypocrites so shut the hell up and don't eat what you don't like you petty fucking wimps. nobody can force you to eat what you don't like. I'm presenting the information in this thread so that people can try to improve. if you can follow all the advice, good. if you can only do some things, fine. just do your best.

I'm also going to post some other trap based guides and some that have trap based sections in them too in case one of you could benefit from it

I'm Not a doctor or a nutritionist. Ask your doctor and nutritionist before doing or stopping anything.

I'm sure it's way healthier than people eating factory-farmed meet.


as mentioned in other parts of this thread, everybody has problems getting enough vitamin B12 and vitamin D no matter what they eat.
make sure to avoid shitty mass produced versions of B12 like cyanocobalamin and D like lanolin (chemically processed sheeps wool)
another good reason to avoid cyanocobalamin is that your body has to work harder to throw away the cyanide and you lose methyl groups.
try to find a good product from an officially tested and verified company that doesn't fill up their products with additives like titanium dioxide and magnesium stearate, and does a good job at staying natural and clean. best vitamin D I know is Cholecalciferol, while the best vitamin B12 I know is methylcobalamin. for the cleanest product, try to get a brand that is certified v-egan and certified organic. don't think you're being smart by buying some fish based version, you're doing yourself no favors there.

Brussels Sprouts
Beet Greens
Green Peas
Sunflower Seeds

Swiss Chard
Green Beans
Collard Greens
Mustard Greens
Bell Peppers
Bok Choy
Turnip Greens
Beet Greens

Bell Peppers
Green Peas
Collard Greens
Brussels Sprouts
Chili Peppers
Swiss Chard
Mustard Greens
Turnip Greens
Green Beans
Bok Choy
Beet Greens

Turnip Greens
Beet Greens
Dried Peas
Bell Peppers

Bok Choy
Bell Peppers
Turnip Greens


Black Beans
Kidney Beans

Brussels Sprouts
Bell Peppers

Turnip Greens
Swiss Chard
Beet Greens
Collard Greens
Bok Choy
Bell peppers
Mustard Greens

Sunflower Seeds


Shawn Baker is an orthopedic surgeon who has eaten nothing but meat for a year, but hey enjoy your soy you dumb cuck faggot

hey thanks for your support. factory-farmed meet sounds like the normies I bump into. kek.


then fuck off


Swiss Chard

Pumpkin Seeds
Kidney beans
Black beans
Sesame Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
Flax Seeds

Kidney Beans

just eat some natural salt (food grade obviously)
(I very rarely add small amounts of natural salt to my food for the sodium chloride)
I dont always use salt, but when I do I use a little.

Pumpkin Seeds
Soy Beans
Sesame Seeds
Black Beans
Kidney beans
Dark Chocolate

Kidney Beans
Black Beans

Soy Beans
Kidney Beans
Black Beans

Soy Beans
Pumpkin Seeds
Black Beans
Kidney Beans

Pumpkin Seeds
Sesame Seeds

Sesame Seeds
Soy Beans
Sunflower Seeds
Flax Seeds

Dried Seaweed

Brazil nuts (has alot! don't eat too many)
Mustard Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
Sesame Seeds
Flax Seeds

Green Beans

Kidney Beans

horsetail is one of the best
do your research

No. I will share all my wisdom and knowledge. information wants to be free. some will see this thread and it will change their life. there is nothing you can do to stop the next stage of human evolution. all your based your based are belong to plants.

amino acids
(hemp protein powder is great for this since it contains ALL the essential and non essential amino acids!)
eating both hemp protein powder and spirulina powder is an excellent way to stay on top of your essential and non essential amino acid needs.

I like to sprinkle spirulina and hemp protein powder on my cereal. turns it an alien blue green color, tastes the same. smells chalky though.
hemp protein powder is great to add with some cacao powder and raisins in the blender with just water, you don't even need milk. makes the best the best the best chocolate protein smoothie I ever drank.

other good sources of plant protein include
(they may or may not be as complete in the amino acids as hemp, but eating a variety of different plant foods is a cool way to overlap their nutritional content so you get a bit of everything from each)
seeds like chia and flax
peanut butter (get the natural stuff. no ingredients other than peanuts)

best fiber
flax seeds
chia seeds

I would like to just stop right here for a moment to mention "lectins", "phytate", and "acrylamide" hope I spelled those correctly. recently there's been a huge out-shilling of fake news weirdos freaking out about how some people ate raw (uncooked hard beans! what a bunch of irresponsible and careless idiots!) and got sick and died, and are trying to fear monger everyone about the lectin content in beans and also their phytate content. just to clear things up, they are freaking out because they want to demonize healthy food options to subtly dissuade people from eating a healthy whole unprocessed plant based diet.

because remember: your sick and unhealthy body is where the money is at. they want you on paying for prescription drugs with tons of side effects for the rest of your life. they want your health to be a downloadable content monthly video game subscription with multiple different fees. basically it's a breathing tax. they keep you ignorant, you keep eating trash, you stop paying them for the drugs that keep you alive, you stop breathing. game. over. you want to hear somethin hilarious? if you boil your beans and properly cook them long enough, the amount of phytate and lectins go down so much that it's safe to eat. want to know something else? tomatos have lectins in them. nobody ever freaked the fuck out about tomatos. there are a few studies that suggest that while large amounts of phytate and lectins are no good (very dangerous in fact), that very small amounts have some antioxidant activity. people have also been eating beans and tomatoes for thousands of years.

the next thing up is "acrylamide". to put things simply, they want you to believe that if you bake a potato in the oven that you create a dangerous chemical on the outside called acrylamide. of course this chemical forms more in fried foods, like a whole lot more, and also more than that in burnt foods. honestly I have eaten burnt toast before but I didn't do it often and I was okay. I have eaten baked potatoes and I never felt bad. I did stop eating all burnt foods a while back though just to be safe and so should everyone else, but I'm sure it's safe to say that there is a huge amount of fear mongering going around. everyone should follow the guidelines, so don't trust me! do your own research and ask your doctor before eating any baked potatos or burnt toast. seriously.

the bottom line here is that nobody is going to stop us from eating beans and tomatos because they're fucking great for our health and we shouldn't be swayed by fear so much. (((they))) wouldn't want us to get any kosher ideas would they? we need to consider what the motivations of all these people are who are saying these things. I'm feeling really silly for even having to bring this up. every day they invent a new thing.

best healthy carbs

best omega 3's
chia seeds
flax seeds
pumpkin seeds
remember to buy your chia seeds and flax seeds whole, store them in a dark cool place, and grind them at home right before use. you don't want fats that went bad. those are vulnerable to spoiling even if you don't notice.

best fats


citrus fruits

another way of getting phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl inositol is to find a good source of non-gmo organic soy lecithin (but this is only if you don't mind soy)

one of the few supplements worth taking. may have drug interactions. helps you get back your methyl groups and sulfur. long list of benefits. do your own research. only ever buy "opti-msm" because it's filtered the best. helps with low energy and fatigue and gets rid of that brain fog feeling and reduces stress. cheapest one I ever found was the vitamin shop store brand.

even if you eat tons of every single kind of food, meat or no meat- you might STILL be deficient in magnesium. you can eat food until you are throwing up or shitting your pants but you might still not have absorbed enough of magnesium for some reason. be very careful, do your own research, and talk to your doctor before doing anything.
I used it mostly to help reduce stress. alot of people who get constipated also say it helps. also helps with energy and sleep.

if I have trouble sleeping I take some of this like an hour before I'm going to sleep. helps alot but you wake up feeling drunk, so don't operate heavy machinery. ask your doctor before doing this.

eat a tomato every other day, drink a lemon water smoothie with some apple cider vinegar and ginger and celery every morning, put gelatinized maca root and spirulina and hemp protein powder and a little bit of ground flax seeds (grind yourself at home fresh right before use is better) in your raw rolled oats every morning for breakfast, eat a handful of walnuts once or twice a week, eat dark purple/blue colored fruits like blueberries/acai often if you can find them or their powders cheap. amazon can have some good deals but compare to see which one has the better price. some of the products are obviously a horrible price so watch out. use alot of herbs and spices like ginger, turmeric, cumin, etc. in alot of your food because the health benefits add up like crazy. also drink some juice from sweet onions (easier) or normal onions (better but much more painful). eating raw garlic is also really great. try to put onions and garlic in alot of your food too cooked, but it's also good to eat them raw if you can handle it. saw palmetto is really good for your prostate, hair, skin, nails, urinary tract, and milk thistle is really good for your liver and skin and it's easy to add it to your breakfast.

drinking coffee and tea the way that I do poses a choking risk because of the liquid and sandy textures that are mixed together. don't risk this, and don't try it. It's literally like drinking wet sand. you could choke and die. you have been warned.

the reason I do it this way is that it's mostly to help increase the surface area and allow you to swallow the solid coffee and tea more easily and then digest and absorb it better.

try to get a fair priced brand of green tea like the one from costco or grab some (slightly worse deal) from wholefoods, or you could just get it loose which is much better in every way.
you can get it loose I think at amazon

usually I take my msm first and then wait an hour and then I take my green tea or chamomile and most other tea like spearmint and peppermint and put it in a coffee grinder and powder it until it LOOKS like matcha green tea powder. then I add it to my water and drink the tea down without filtering it. I ingest more antioxidants that way. right after I drink lemon water and eat some blueberries or other dark fruit/ dark purple fruit powder and swallow a pinch of black pepper powder to increase both antioxidant pre-absorb-ability and post-absorption by a huge percentage.

coffee is good but only like once a week max in my honest opinion.
the way I do my coffee is similar to how I do my tea
way 1:
I actually enjoy this since I made myself get used to it.

way 2:

warning, it will be hot and can burn.

I do both ways.

Best porn collection of nasty preteen girls in deep web (anal, cumshot, lesbian, shows)




This is now a Sexy Vegan thread

there is a connection between eating meat, choline, carnitine, getting cancer and cholesterol problems, and TMAO. this is a great video explaining this. what's the funny part? doesn't get digested the same way in people who eat a strictly plant based diet.

I am Not a doctor or a nutritionist. Ask a doctor and nutritionist before doing anything.

reported, not clicking on that shit nigga

I will, and they'll tell me you're full of shit

The key is to avoid inflammatory polyunsaturated fatty acids. i.e all seed oils. Read up on some of Ray Peat's articles about it.

nigga, seeds are good for you. eating proccessed oils is what's bad.

And here is why people don't take vegans seriously kids, they actually can make a solid point by backing up their words with facts, but in the end they always get a superiority complex and start raving about how everyone is going to die (even though humans have been eating meat for thousands of years) and that they are the "next step" in human evolution. What they don't know is that they are in a ploy to demasculinize men and completely destroy the fabric of a decent testily structure. They have lower testosterone levels, have many feminine qualities, literal mood swings from lovey dovey peace on Earth to kicking and screaming like a bitch. Have fun learning to photosynthesize in your next "evolution" faggot


you try to help people while being trolled for every moment you are doing it. just go ahead, try it and see how much of a nice mood you're in after.

actually I get so much fiber that I shit very good amounts of shit. but who doesn't ever have shit inside them? robots?

I guess but it's kind of a valid concern test. Eating stuff with a lot of antibiotics in it when you don't need to can't be good for you.

switch to a natural fluoride free toothpaste from wholefoods or something because fluoride fucks with your thyroid and hormones and endocrine system and it could and probably does cause cancer in a lot of people as a result and they probably never realize why, but besides that the hormone fuckery is enough to make you get fat and stay fat for no good reason. stop using teflon, copper, and aluminum pans and other cookware and use only pyrex and stainless steel cookware. make sure your spoons/forks/knifes are stainless steel too.

stop using storebought deodorant full of aluminum and other shit and make your own.

stop using laundry detergent and fabric softener and buy that natural organic stuff in the giant green bottle.
stop using house/car freshners and plugins and fuhbreeze spray bullshit all over your fucking house. hang little cotton bags of lavender flowers and cloves/cinnamon sticks instead.
stop dying your hair with harsh chemicals
stop using makeup that is full of chemicals.
stop using shampoo and soap full of chemicals.
stop using lotion and moisturizer with chemicals.
there is better natural hair and skin care and makeup products out there.
bathe with castile soap/african black soap and baking soda (aluminum free) and white vinegar. moisturize your skin with coconut oil/un-refined shea butter. brush your hair with small amounts of coconut oil as conditioner and trim your ends often.

if you eat garbage food and have acne, stop eating that and switch to a plant based diet and drink alot of water and sleep with a clean towel over your pillow every night.
if you have a cell phone, put it on speaker and hold it away from your body when talking. don't use bluetooth or wireless headsets because it's the same thing as having it up in your face. don't sleep with your wifi router next to your bed, keep it in another room.
stop holding your fucking cellphone in between your boobs. fucking stop, it isn't cute.
stop carrying your cell phone near your crotch or in your back pocket. turn the phone off to the best of your ability and find a cheap cell signal blocking fabric velcro pocket case to keep it in and then turned off, put it in your pocket. I don't care if this reduces the entire country to a society of people who "beep" each other with instant text messages that check their phone every few minutes or once per hour, just fucking make the change.

stop using sunscreen full of cancer causing chemicals. get a very very big hat that casts your whole body in shade and eat alot of antioxidant rich foods every day so that you have internal sunblock (look this up)
buy non-gmo and local organic/non-gmo foods to avoid as much pesticide exposure as possible. don't buy from a local farm that can't prove it's organic or non-gmo or pesticide free, because they are probably full of shit or working for monsanto or conagra or dupont or syngenta etc. and possibly buying their things from them. find the cheapest things at wholefoods, and don't buy the scams. buying food online is also a good option.
when you drive your car or ride as a passenger suggest to leave the windows closed and use the air conditioner inside with "air circulate recycle" on inside so you breath interior air only so that you don't breath the exaust of the passing 400 different cars on the road/highway.
stay away from people who smoke.
don't stand near the microwave or induction cooktops, better yet don't even eat food or drink water that comes from them, ever.
don't eat at any fucking restaurants ever because you have no damn idea the things they do to your food back there or the bullshit the corporations allow added to the food.

quote from an user in the thread:

>there are even some people that make their own home made hammock beds. they get the hammock rope type material and stretch it out in a giant flat bed shape on a wood frame. I have seen guides for this all over and it's better than a hammock because it lets you lie down more flat than a hammock. beware that these are all home made builds and nobody has any idea how severely dangerous they may be. also remember that anything that's a hammock or like a hammock or involving ropes is extremely dangerous for babies and small children and the elderly (and everyone else too)

fucking hippies overthinking shit.
just brush with baking soda, ffs


uncuck implies freedom. You are proposing quite the opposite.

stop reusing plastic containers and bottles that aren't meant to be reused.
stop using plastic containers and bottles that you aren't sure what kind of plastic they are made of.
stop microwaving or heating any kinds of plastic, and also stop leaving plastic inside your car.
if there is any plastic in your life, make sure that it's BPA and BPS free, or at the very least make sure it IS made out of HDPE (high density polyethylene) which is among some of the less dangerous plastics if you use it properly and don't abuse it.
always read the ingredients on everything before you buy it, no excuses.

ALL these things add up. people wonder like fucking retards why they get all these problems but they can't even begin to realize all the horrible things they are getting cucked with as a result of evil people taking advantage of their ignorance.

I'm Not a doctor or a nutritionist. Ask your doctor and nutritionist before doing or stopping anything.

don't brush with abraisive or acidic things like lemon/tomato/baking soda. shills go on youtube telling people so they ruin their teeth.

you realize baking soda is an ingredient in practically every toothpaste, right?

so by freedom you mean the freedom to eat the standard american diet? there is such a thing as limiting yourself to avoid bad things, user.

it's usually dissolved.
brushing your teeth with very abrasive things like baking soda will fuck up your enamel.

my enamel was fucked a long time ago. idgaf really

Questions and Answers

just so you know: without a doubt this thread will be swarmed by shills or people claiming that I'm gay just because I like plants. I'm gay for completely different reasons I swearjk or screaming "whear u git protons?" or "muh organ meats!" "eat animal brains!" just do your research. don't fall for the rigged studies and everyone who is trying so desperately to confuse you so that you are not the best you can be

make sure that you don't trust me! I'm just a plant faggot! do your own research!

pro tip: when you go full plant based, you get the BEST shits. even better after you learn how to toilet squat safely. (don't try this at home)

you can have your casual and relaxed "it's not a problem" and very non-serious view on the whole idea of eating healthy but I- The OP am presenting this thread so that people can do better than just fine.
I am presenting this information so that people can do FUCKING GREAT.
that's what I want people to realize. you can eat like a typical fuck or you can eat slightly better than think you're doing fine, or you can nut up and shut the fuck up and do really fucking GREAT.
I'm starting to believe that people who join these discussions to say "hey guys, it's cool don't listen to OP, just eat in moderation" are simply trying to find a very sneaky way to douse the fire and talk everyone down.
they are essentially saying "Nothing to see here! don't listen to OP! just quietly go about your business! go back to being stupid!" while they shout at each other on handheld radios "SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I wont accept that and I Damn fucking hope nobody else will either. I expect better from you all. you're here because you're smart. you're here not because you are a reject but because you reject everyone else
wake the fuck up DAMN IT!

That's what I said. Seeds and nuts in moderation are perfectly fine. It's just that when the average burger is literally guzzling down oxidized PUFAs, consuming something like a 15:1 to 25:1 n-6 :n-3 ratio. It's no wonder why we're a nation of fat asses.

if the enamel is the stronger part of the teeth and yours is fucked up, wouldn't you want to treat what you have left with more care?

no more teeth = no more toothaches
tbchwy fram

I love nuts and seeds. I make the best trailmix. usually try to find raw nuts and seeds.

you're a loser.

Yea maybe more. I'm an involved OP and I don't just pump out a thread and dump it on you guys. I stick around and answer questions because I'm a good fucking person and a real human bean. alright bro?

you really need to sort out your own life out before you provide deconstructive criticism and point out problems in everyone else.

Oh boy OHHH boy user. go get yourself a calculator and start adding up the cost of all the coffee you get from coffee shops, the milk, cheese, eggs, meat, fish, and all the other shit you buy now. add in the chips, doughnuts, alcohol, beer, and all the other shit you have. whatever it is you buy, just save all your papers and add up the totals.

you WILL shit your fucking pants at how much money you spend on stupid shit. if you just try, it will probably be better than whatever you are doing now. ask your doctor! they will proabably be happy. just ask them first.

lel, /fit/ doesn't even like me. maybe your eyes need to present themselves better to the words user. have some patience and read a little bit every day.
you can archive the webpage, or go to "file" "save" and save a snapshot of this page for later, or even copy and paste the text from the whole page by selecting all, and copy-pasting to a text file.
read a little bit every day and eventually you will reach the end and know some good shit you didn't know before.
good shit that will change your fucking life for the better.
you can do it.

I don't know user, but my best guess is that you can try to find the same job but in a state (search: cheapest state to live in) and pick the cheapest one that still has clean soil there. maybe take a trip and see what kind of homes/land is for sale. then you could work over there but still grow alot of stuff on your land. but only if you can find a good job over there and you're sure you could make it. I'm not an expert but maybe it would work? do your own research and trust your own instincts. remember I'm just a plant based hippie that likes donald trump. I don't know much about that.

if you wanted to survive like a poor man's plant based like I do, you could try to just do this but you might get sick of it very fast

basically live like a poor prepper and prioritize the foods with the highest and most overlapping nutritional contents in terms of vitamins and minerals following the guide above.

plastics and chemicals: Xenoestrogen
plants with naturally occuring estrogen: Phytoestrogen

you may be right.

that being said I would rather eat some certified organic soy like tofu of tempeh once, than be exposed to dissolved BPA plastics once. this is just an example. at least the organic soy (for the people who will even go near the stuff) has been shown in studies to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. I would try organic soy but I rather not, but I would NEVER eat soy that's just normal. all normal soy is all pesticide drenched monsanto gmo shit that causes cancer.



I would rather avoid the risk of cancer, dental fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis, disrupted thyroid, and disrupted endocrine system.
No fucking thanks.

I don't understand, does eating spinach teleport you to the dnc?

ask your doctor the difference between the health of people who are fully plant based (and doing it correctly with all vitamins and minerals and necessary nutrients and amino acids and omega 3 accounted for) vs vegetarians who still eat milk, cheese, eggs. you will be surprised.

you could go iron will monk mode and politely turn away any and all food and just chill while other people eat very addictive smelling food right infront of your face and just go home and eat later, (people will not shut the fuck up. people will keep asking you over and over and over again like they want to FUCKING BREAK YOU if you would "just like to have a little bit of pie" until you are ready to scream at them, but just stay calm and keep being polite and rejecting them peacefully. this will piss off the fuckers who are trying to tempt you on purpose. you see, these shitty people are cucks who enjoy watching others fail. the other type of person who wants to tempt you is one who assumes they know what you are thinking and believes that YOU think you are better than them, and are so delusional that they believe they must prove you wrong and watch you fail because of the delusions they made themselves believe about what you were thinking, even though you weren't thinking this at all and just want to be healthy.)

you could do the same as above but bring a premade snack from home like trailmix or granola trailmix balls stored in some kind of lunch container in a mini lunchbox in one of those sweet new one strap backpacks (not the shitty looking kind) from and just eat that to hold you over until you get home, any restaurant asks you just explain you're accompanying your friends and testily and can't eat anything because you're on a very strict diet and your doctor said etc. etc. usually they understand and leave you alone. never really been kicked out of a place for sitting with anyone while they eat.

cave and eat horrible things "only just" when you are with other people, which is going to be a whole fucking lot more than you think. never be as healthy as you could be. health statistics never going above and beyond the typical standard american vegetarian threshold. all the effort at home is essentially for nothing. you basically cave and cave more often until you accidentally realize you gave up long ago. not recommended ever.

just follow the guide of all the OP posts. do your best. try to get all your vitamins and minerals.

ask your doctor before doing anything. I am Not a doctor.


eat em roasted occasionally or just soak raw nuts and seeds in water overnight and rinse them out to "activate them" (you can't really activate cooked or roasted nuts and seeds)
soak overnight and drain, add new water, and cook really really well.
cooking them usually works, toasted rolled oats tastes great as home made cereal.

also, it's important to eat lots of garlic and onions (avoid a few days before going out on a date or something) because they help with vitamin and mineral absorption, and they are great cancer fighters.

also here are some links on phytate, tell me what you think.

I'm eat a bag of chips as I type this post out.
why alot of plant baseds fuck up really bad (like the junkfood-snackatarians):

you have to help your body naturally get rid of the homocystine it produces by eating enough:

and finally, eat two tablespoons of ground flax seeds every day. (reduces prostate cancer risk) but women benefit too! remember women have the female prostate, but besides that they need the omega 3's too.

you could do it for a combo of sad animal reasons and health reasons or you could say "fuck it, I'm only doing this for me" in that case, you still want to avoid meat, chicken, and fish and anything that comes from animals. even if it came from a clean place top KEK in 20XX when you cook animal products they become carcinogenic. the youtube channel nutrition facts mentions alot of this. I'll post my link list. ask for it if I forgot, and I will gtestly post it for you.

don't burn your vegetables you stupid fuck

Don't underestimate the amino acid content of hemp protein powder and spirulina. I can also eat beans and nuts and cacao beans and I actually get too much protein.
as for fish, I rather get my Omega3 fatty acids from walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, and chia seeds. if you are only interested in the liver for vitamin A content, why aren't you eating spinach like our favorite sailor or carrots like our favorite rabbit? seriously, ask your doctor about this.

you what MVIII? hemp protien powder, spirulina, moringa powder, maca root, fruits and veg ARE my multivitamins. I only supplement D3 and B12.

because Holla Forums is important. many people want you to succeed. if you eat healthy you will live for longer. you will have influence on the world for longer, and be able to teach others for longer. what you say and do, does and will continue to have an effect upon the earth.


oh no

alot of those things are really fucking healthy. you don't have to eat tons of them, but ignoring them just because they contain some phytoestrogen is stupid. we are brought up to believe that men are testosterone only and women are estrogen only.
this is retarded because while men to tend to have more testosterone, and women do tend to have more estrogen, males and females do have both. men do make some estrogen, and women do make some testosterone. not only that, but there are many different types of hormones. there isn't only one kind of estrogen, and there isn't only one type of testosterone. there are many, and even more of other hormones not commonly mentioned in normal conversation.

take a look at flax, and do the research on the studies behind it. why is it so great for prostate health? flax has phytoestrogens in it, but it helps men. meanwhile, eat too much soy and you get breasts, panic, cut back really fast and lose weight and feel relieved that they actually went away, fuck… scary shit right? but interesting anyway. don't try it because you might get stuck with them.

look up that study where women who ate miso paste (contains soy) reduced their risk for breast cancer.
it's a bad idea to eat a ton of soy, but eating a little might be appreciated by your body. soda however? fuck that. never ever. not even a little.
also if you ever gotta eat some soy, it better damn be organic or at least non-gmo, or that shit will fuck you up, allergic to soy or not. hope this helps.

do you really believe that phytoestrogens kill gains? how do you explain some of the female body builders then? the ones that don't use drugs

if you are worried about estrogen then m8 I have some bad news for you. look up how much hormones and antibiotics and estrogen and all that shit make it into your steak or your milk or fish. pro tip: it's a whole fucking lot more than what's in a handful of cashews that's for sure.

pro tip:(I would avoid hops and beer completely though if you want to make your girl friend happy to be fair and honest here)
pro tip: PRO TIP: never ever EVER take a drug called finasteride. do your research. ask your doctor. talk to your dad, your uncle, your grandpa, and anyone else who might be taking it. AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE ask your doctor before doing anything. I'm Not a doctor.

I have seen a few guides out there that recommend bathing with warm water and vinegar, or using baking soda with water as a paste to wash hair when it's more in need of it, then rinsing after with warm water and then warm water with vinegar at the end so it doesn't react. the vinegar rinse keeps it from drying you out after, especially your hair. if you need something with suds you can get the castile soap from amazon (price on the gallon size + shipping beats wholefoods castile soap price if I'm not mistaken).

if you want to be extremely lazy about it, alot of the shampoos and soaps in wholefoods are very expensive (and a huge ripoff) but have less bad shit in them compared to alot of the bath products in other stores. I wouldn't recommend it.

apple cider vinegar bath feels great though. take your skin sensitivity into account first though. you don't want to irritate yourself. beware of eye contact too.

you might also want to get some shea butter and other unrefined natural plant oils to moisturize your hair and skin instead of using conditioner. obviously using too much makes you a walking oil monster so use less than you think you need and work your way up. don't use the shea in the hair though.

To be fair I've basically had nothing to eat today. It's what happens when your focus on little girls and searching and looking for new treasures.

go ahead and do some research on people who get deficiencies on b12 and D3 (even people who eat meat and eggs get this, but they don't want you to know that)

b12 supposedly shows up in dirt alot, because the bacteria there make it
supposedly some people who study the past suggest people got more b12 because they didn't rinse off root vegetables or other plants very much before eating them because they didn't consider dirt as dangerous of a think as we do (or something along those lines) and ate more dirt accidentally. then again, great way to get parasites and other horrible diseases.

d3 is a controversial issue as well. alot of people just say "just go outside without a shirt on for a while every day"
and their advice is good and bad. yes, you will get some vitamin d just from exposing your skin to the sun, depending on your race you might need more or less….
but we also have to take into consideration the fact that our atmosphere is all fucked up. weather or not you believe in global warming or climate change doesn't matter a shitting bit. the fact is that for some reason, known or unknown, agreed upon or not, our atmosphere has some fucked up shit going on. alot more UV is getting through than it used to. this means more skin cancer, more sunburn, and more eye cancers or eye health problems.
so the b12 and d3 issue is a controversial one.
you can:
OR, you can do what I do: (and honestly I rather do it this way, plant based fegget lel or stronk manly meat man stereotype) and just get them from a brand I can trust.
I think it's silly but very sad that meat eaters get the b12 only because the animal is also given the same thing as a supplement, and we then watch those same people still get b12 deficiency anyway because it absorbs so poorly into the animals who are given the supplement (injected or added to food) and we again absorb it poorly when we eat the animal products.
I'm just saying.


I will say this. have complete faith in the bible and you will falter. have complete faith in science and you will do the same.

the last thread got derailed fast. if you aren't shills, why do you argue about the most stupid shit? Muh technology, muh guns, muh petty random shit. all I'm saying is eat your fruits and veg, and avoid shit thats scientifically proven (yes I know some science is shit, see red shift) to be bad for you. we can all jerk around pretending to know everything about ourselves, and I'm slightly guilty of this by association of trying my best to understand and making what I only believe are fair logical guesses, but it all comes down to this:

we all know that even the mightiest predator in the wild is preyed upon by the smallest of parasites, like mites, worms, and mosquitos for example. there are rare, if any at all exceptions for this. nobody is really immune to everything. we are all technically each others prey. you see, perfection is a dead end in this reality. the reason we are all so simultaneously tough and weak is because everything on earth can in some way fuck the shit up of someone or something else, while also being vulnerable to getting it's own shit fucked up by just about anything, even by accident.
since there is danger everywhere, we are all forced to constantly try our best, and that is what makes us weak, but also monsters.
just take a look at the aboriginal peoples. they looked strong, but after the globalists reached them and gave them tshirts and alchohol, they look pathetic. they are a destroyed people. it's very sad.
just because we are capable of doing many different things, like the aboriginals were capable of accepting the tshirts and alchohol and other globalist bullshit which ruined their lives, doesn't mean that we should.
even if we are omnivores, and are capable of eating both plant based foods and animal based foods it doesn't mean that we should
if we are capable of getting all of our nutritional needs in a way that poses the least risks to us, and benefits us the most, then that is logically the way that we should do it.
which brings me to one of the most important points:
go learn all about how the government subsidizes most of the worst and most unhealthy shit out there and ask yourself why they do that? ask yourselves why so many people that work in big pharma and other corporations work double jobs/double positions in the government. ask yourselves where the money goes when you buy food, and where your money goes when that very food makes you sick. who benefits from your ignorance and suffering? who throws millions and millions of dollars at the government crying and begging them to stop them from labeling GMO foods so that people are uninformed and unable to make a free choice in the store? who cries out in pain as they strike at the innocent?

I can't even type properly lmfao

yes I like nut milk. bitchs love my cashew sauce

I'm going to eat what's healthy, not because it's called natural. I avoid synthetic multivitamin shit, but I eat plants like spinach for the vitamins. I could say that the spinach (if it's organic, or I grew it myself) is more "natural" than the synthetic multivitamin and be fairly "fair" by doing so, but you got to be careful. not everything that's natural is good.
snakes. snakes are natural.
watch this funny fucking video.
guaranteed to make you laugh really hard, or you have a shitty sense of humor
http s://www.y

make your own juice at home at least. store bought juice is just mostly sugar water, even if it's organic. But even then! why drink juice when you can eat the fruit itself? I would rather eat an apple and an orange than drink apple juice or orange juice.

thyroid and endocrine system disruptor. makes you wonder why so many people get cancer? honestly there are alot of reasons and it's just one of them. lots of people also say it calcifies the pineal gland. people these days get loads of fluoride exposure. they drink it in their water, they brush their teeth with it, they rinse their mouthwash (some contain fluoride) then they go to the dentist and get a cleaning. guess what's in the stuff they use, and then the dentist gives you a fluoride rinse as well. it's way too damn much. alot of kids and people get "dental and skeletal fluorosis".

scroll to the the section where I mention foods for every vitamin and mineral. honestly lots like those.
nuts, seeds, beans, greens, onions, garlic, fruit, veg, oats, favoring complex carbs, avoiding simple carbs and simple sugars and most if not all proccessed foods. whole food, plant based diet avoiding pesticides and gmo's. organic if possible, non-gmo at the very least. shop where you can afford it. don't get ripped off. (whole food, not the store wholepaycheck)

I don't think there are nearly enough of those in plant foods to hurt anyone. I have been eating plant based for quite a while and never had any problems.

which is why I mentioned a list of what foods correspond to each vitamin and mineral.


this is why you eat iodine rich foods like I mentioned in my thread (did you read or skim?) it's important to get a good amount, but not too much as it can also be harmful to have too much iodine.

Dried Seaweed

seems fishy

OP, you are aware of all of the phytoestrogens in food, plastics, chemicals, etc. Soy is a giant estrogen factor for people's diets, but Flax seed is 3 times more potent in these phytoestrogens than soy. Thoughts?

if you research the amount of protein that people actually need every day, and then research the amount of protein found in plant foods, you quickly realise that plant baseds are doing alright. even potatos have some. I wouldn't depend on them though. variety is very imporant

Okay, listen. go to a store. pick up a bottle of any popular name brand multivitamin.
read all the different ingredient lists (usually more than one) and tell me you want to put that synthetic shit into your body. tell me that's healthy. protip: it's shit
even the vitamins themselves in the multivitamins are shit quality, not even to mention the horrible additives.
if I can eat spinach and nuts and herbs and other plants and get the same vitamins and minerals and nutrients, I'm definitely doing it that way.

that's a big assumption to make considering that rice and beans has been a staple food for certain cultures for very very long and rice and beans just happen to contain amino acids that the other is missing. (they both have amino acids that the other doesn't and make up for each other) and how do you explain ancient cultures eating hemp seeds? (contains all the essential amino acids) many ancient cultures also ate chia seeds.

they are different obviously. how? I don't know.

because the Esktests eat the same meat that everyone in America does. right?

do you want to live every year taking tons of prescription drugs for all the health problems you're likely to get on the standard american diet? do you want a higher risk for diabetes, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, prostate cancer, breast cancer (men have tissues there too), alzheimer's, dementia, and many other cancers and health issues?

or would you rather maybe live the same, or maybe even live a little longer but have a higher quality of life until your day (hopefully naturally) comes?

then you just proved yourself wrong buddy. if you eat shit you will live years in health problem hell before the natural end. alternatively, you can eat healthy and there's a higher possibility that you will live more years peacefully and in good health.

quality of life, over quantity of junk food experiences. you choose.

I'm Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

lambs quarter has moar potassium than spinach & bananas combined. nettles have moar protein than any other plant

you're a fucking soyboy and you're the shill 2bh

set aside some space for when you want to make it fresh. get your fresh ingredients somewhere that sells them at a fair price. make it fresh at home and then eat it right away.

fun satest recipe for beginners

here is a good one:
protip: you don't have to use oil, just cook on a lower temp for longer so you get some crisp
anyone else got some good plant based recipes?

oh and I forgot, you can add some soy beans (out of the pod) (and remember always non-gmo at the very least or you are getting some horrible pesticide soy!). they blend in nicely along side the peas, but add alot of extra texture contrast and some nice after flavors.

I am Not a doctor or a nutritionist. Ask your doctor and nutritionist before doing anything.

fuck off I can eat more spinach and bananas if I feel like it instead of harassing some animal for it. where do you think the animals get their nutrients? cut out the middle man, eat your spinach like popeye. and yea I fucking love soy and I'm perfectly fine after eating it for years.

harassing some animal for protein
lambs quarter is a plant, you absolute retard


to make nutmilk

you could also dump a can of pumpkin in this! it's like pumpkin pie cereal!

if you can't find some of the ingredients just do your best. it will still come out tasty. find fair and affordable prices and be careful to not get scammed. if it seems too expensive, don't buy it.

Want to know the secret truth about protein bars?
most protein bars are just as bad, if not worse than the junk food snack bars sold next to the lines at shopping stores. you can actually convert my home made cereal recipe into a cereal protein bar by the way. just add a little peanut butter (only peanuts and maybe a little sea salt. no other ingredients. read the jar before you buy it. you want the real peanut butter) until it sticks together and then and smash it together and press it into bar shapes. "walla."

really? that's strange because that's the exact fucking name for a certain cut of meat for lamb. I'm plant based but I know about meat.

I know my herbs and I never heard of lambs quarter.

First of all, all of those ingredients are just possiblities. You can choose to add or not add any combination of them and make your own custom cereal.

Secondly, you must probably not bring a calculator and a scale with you when you go shopping!

Do you even remember looking at cereal at any store and seeing how much it costs? I remember when the boxes of cereal were HUGE and only cost 2$ for a double pack. now cereal costs 7$ or more a box in most cases and the boxes are less than half the size they used to be. Not only that but cereal has become less dense. Cereal companies are literally selling you boxes full of air with "some cereal". Cereal has become the new potato chip bag and this is exactly why I want to stop supporting them, but I love cereal so much and I know other people do to, so I want to teach everyone how to be independent and self sufficient enough to make their own healthy and affordable cereal without any unhealthy additives. Screw the cereal companies. We freedom now.

I am not a doctor, a nutritionist, professional, or chef. ask your doctor before doing anything.

if you read the OP you would realize that's basically what I did.

Stop Whining. You are on /fit/ where bros pump iron and eat squats and oats and you are too fucking lazy to hold some nuts in your hands for just a short moment and dunk them in a bowl so that you can feed your body the construction tools it needs to GAINS?

it's an overlooked weed, user. good foodstuffs

oh. too bad I can't really find it anywhere to buy it or else I would already have known about it and been eating it by now. thanks though.

fat people

Obese people will make the most irrational decisions and will find any way to justify their unhealthy eating habits and lack of aerobic exercise. Attempting to brief obese individuals on why their obesity is negatively affecting them is considered going against political correctness and is considered discrimination. However, a quick look at the scientific articles that I have provided below will show that obesity is truly bad. Not only does it increase your chance of diseases such as heart disease, malnutrition, stupidity, hormone imbalances, and many other harmful effects, but it can permanently damage your brain and cognitive abilities and may leave you not as intelligent as you use to be, assuming you were intelligent in the first place.

Cognitive Effects:
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Thanks for updating the image. I wasn't really sure since you said "eat this" and "don't eat this" mostly all grouped up on the same page.

you're welcome. an uncommon nickname is "summer spinach". when spinach is starting to go off from the heat, lambs quarter is coming in full force. where i live, an undisturbed plant in the proper conditions can get 5 ft high. no one will sell it. it's just a weed, like dandelions - which were imported to america from europe as a food crop, by the way


that's really cool.

look at this fucking cuck from cucksanto

countless doctors were murdered for going against the system


forgot links
htt p://
htt p://
number risen:

Balanced diet, not plant based diet you low t cuck


look at the shit they put into storebought cereal

I made trail mix and put a bunch of rolled oats into it. that's my new cereal.
whenever I want it, I just pour it into a bowl and add some nut milk (blended cashews and almonds and water) and I eat that delicious stuff up bro.

at least I know what I'm eating and It tastes great too.

Tell us then, what is balanced? This diet seems balanced to me, or do you want to balance it with plastic and sugar?

why the fuck would I balance my diet with good and bad things when I could just eat good things only? you're one of those slippery slope shills that says "hey just smoke a little, just drink a little soda, just brush your teach with fluoride and bpa based toothbrush, ALL IN MODERATION!!












deus ex machina deus vult!

here are some of the other mini guides I promised that have some good advice for everyone but also advice for traps/femboys/tomgirls/tomboys/futas/females/whoever else doesn't mind going farther to achieve feminine beauty. as a side effect of all my research I ended up learning some of the stuff related to this area, so why not post what I know and help a little.



hey does anyone want to play a cyoa game in the thread? I can post a few.



"Polyunsaturated fats are inflammatory"

Losing weight is so difficult for modern fatties because, due to consuming so much seed oils, they've stored up a large amount of PUFAs in their adipose tissues. So when they diet and go into caloric deficit, the stored PUFAs get released into the body causing inflammation and stress response. The body prefers to burn sugars over fat. So when they consume enough sugar, the body burns the sugar and stores the fat, mitigating the inflammatory and stress response caused by burning the PUFAs.

This is why fatties crave and eat so much sugary food. They're self medicating, trying to lower systemic inflammation and cellular stress.

This also explains how people get fat. When eating PUFAs, you have to eat enough sugars to equal your metabolic rate so that you store the PUFAs instead of burning it. This means that you HAVE to eat a caloric surplus to not feel like shit.

This is a positive feedback loop or sorts.


Unfortunately this also means removing (or at least minimizing) the vast majority of prepackaged and processed foods, since quite literally EVERY manufactured food product has some kind of added seed oil.

wow user. I remember when I used to be very fat long ago before discovering all the stuff I talk about in my thread, I would buy mixed nuts in a can and wonder why they had extra added canola oil or some other added oil. I would always think "it's just mixed nuts, why did they have to add this?" but now I know. it's been a wild ride. bulk stores like costco and other similar places usually sell large bags of raw nuts and seeds that have no added ingredients.

Nobody wants your fucking help. Again. Until you start fucking photosynthesizing I will not give two shits that you eat what my food eats

you're really schizophrenic if you keep coming back to threads you know you don't like (with the topic plastered all over the place) over and over again just to moronically assume that someone is going to force you to eat healthy over the internet and then making yourself get mad about what you wrongfully perceive as tyranny, but what is in reality someone just giving out free advice for anyone who may be interested in improving themselves.

I'm not interested in going to go to your house and tell you what you can and can't do. I made the thread because I know that there are huge amounts of people genuinely seemed interested in being healthy.
the funny thing about this is that we can both agree that you are Not interested in anything I have to say, since you want to just do whatever you want be it good or bad or somewhere in between. that being established, I think it's funny that you of all people who are the most uninterested in my advice are the person who has chosen to debate me and argue with me and try to throw a tantrum because your man feelings got kicked in the steak chops over free advice that anyone in the free country of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA can choose to ignore or better themselves with. My guess, and it isn't even so much a guess at this point is that you are projecting really hard because you are severely insecure even to yourself about what you eat.

it's almost as if you know that what you eat is fucking crap and you feel the need to verbally fight anyone who believes in eating anything better than you because you have a dietary inferiority complex and can't accept the fact that someone else is eating something better that you are. this probably dates back to some ancient survival mechanism that caused some ancient person a lot of survival related stress and worries when they saw their figurative "neighbor" eating better foods and made them think about their own poor chance of surviving compared to them. you should shake off that feeling and do what you have the power to do right now. stop buying expensive unhealthy food and go to the store and buy healthier foods at a fair price and improve yourself. it's the obvious and logical thing to do for long and short term health. I'm not a doctor, so don't even trust me. but go and make an effort, do your own research, and talk to your own doctor. just try, or shut the fuck up and get out and don't come back.

bumping to survive spam wave!


bump to survive the spam HELL



anti spam bump

Q: How do you recognize a veggie?
A: No need to. He'll tell you everything you never wanted to know.

Q: how do you recognize someone with a dietary inferiority complex?
A: no need, they will just go to threads they don't like and pretend they are being forced to do things they aren't being forced to do and bitch and moan as if they are trapped in the thread they don't like


meep meep get a job t.b.h. no homo

In every one of those pics the pot on the right has distinctly lighter soil than the one on the left. Even in the first pic, before the experiment even began. Clearly there is more difference between these two than just microwave v not.

there are no pictures before the experiement began. it just shows day one. not only that but it appears that the microwaved water plant had better quality soil. if you know anything about dirt you know that darker and more brown soil tends to be richer soil. if anything the plant that got the clean water may have got the less rich soil but still did better than the microwaved water plant with the better soil if anything. that, or the microwaved water affected the soil differently and made it appear darker for some reason.

This is fucking kike copypasta that's been spammed for months on Holla Forums and apparently now Holla Forums. If you're a vegetarian you're a dickless niggerfaggot.

I'm going to help people be healthy and there is nothing you can do to stop it. you are (((them))) because all your fucking money is going down the toilet. all the hospital bills and prescription medication people would be taking is going to be so much less when people know how to eat healthy. FUCK YOU GLOBALIST SCUM.

bump. all the work of the thread sliding shills undone. haha.


some dumbasses keep necro bumping the old thread that was a plank length from 404'ing even though this thread is new. must be shills because this is the updated thread with more information. they are intentionally bumping that one and ignoring this one.

dubs thread

no, my dubs.

I tried.

Nobody should need to look for a new thread. You only need one, and this one is spam. You don't get a free pass just because you want to ignore counterarguments in the old thread.

That's fine, but there's still important nutrients you can't get from a vegan or strict vegetarian diet. 75% fruits and vegetables (especially leafy greens), 10% meat, 10% grains, and 5% nuts is a much better recommendation. Red meat is not bad for you, that study everyone cites is an example of lying with statistics.

Who wants to spin the wheel of derailement?

How can it be balanced when it lacks main ingredient - animal protein? Try explaining it to your ancestors who survived cold winters by being real men.

I'm sure that extra estrogen will make your mommy proud

I created an updated thread with a ton more new information because the old thread was a single slot away from 404ing. I'm guessing you intentionally went back and bumped the old thread because you got BTFO in an argument in this thread so you reposted your same argument and necrobumped the old thread because you are a coward and a fool.

your first post

then here you get BTFO

so then you went all the way to the old thread and necrobumped it to repost the same post.

your post that was deleted
my post BTFO you again.

you are a pussy. come back when you want to be a strong plant man that eats it instead of being it.

please tell us all what special magical things meat has in it?

if you're so worried about estrogen then why do you drink the milk of pregnant cows? you seem to have your priorities mixed up.

funny how people get btfo and they don't answer.

I like steak. I'm gonna go cook some steak right now and enjoy the shit out of it and you can't stop me.

You should eat my extremely restrictive boring diet. Please read this 2 million word rant.

Nice try, vegan fag.

you're kind of missing the point of the thread. do you really believe anyone can force you to be healthy? people make their choices and choose to improve themselves. this thread is for all those who are willing to grow.

what's your problem? you're so cool for coming all the way here just to post that.

You're a fag and your diet is retarded.

yea yea and why come I have no tattoo? don't like being healthy? that's your problem. I'm going to show this thread to people who do care and they will get healthier than you. suck it!

If I want to be healthy I'd listen to a

dispite it being the 21'st century its still common place to take bits and pieces of research and cobble them together for some benefit, and treat it as if it were bleeding edge information containing the whole picture, when it's not.

Perfect example of this is the massive amount of class action drug lawsuits that constantly happen. It would be avoidable if we had the whole picture, but we dont, and now you have cancer because some FDA-approved pill you took for diabetes caused cancer or congestive heart failure. - Thats Actos - Actos was the tenth-best selling drug in the U.S. in 2008, with sales exceeding $2.4 billion.[3]

You have no idea what you are doing to your body, and your doctor only has a general idea. Human biology is insanely complex and assuming that what you are taking is only doing what you think it is doing, or that it only does what the research shows, is ignorant and risky.

It doesnt supprise me at all that my near billion dollar aunt who was all about the health craze has just been diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. She always had the best doctors you can get, she has always payed close attention to her health, but she still got nailed with cancer. Even caught it early because she can afford expensive tests that showed something was wrong with her liver levels.

We think we know what we dont is the best uncuck.
Eat simple , stay active, watch important values, hope you dont die. That's all you can really do.

I'm not saying there arent beneficial things you can do for your health, but preparing nootropic/supplement stacks or convoluted diets is dumb.

oh no, you don't like fruits and vegetables, that means I have a bad reputation. go back to sucking your sausage meat faggot.

anyone can get sick even if they eat healthy, but people who eat healthy have a lower risk of getting sick. even the healthiest people can still get sick of course. but why wouldn't people avoid eating things that they know increases the risk of getting sick and instead eat things that they know makes that risk smaller while still giving them all the nutrients they need? you would be stupid not to.

I said that this image board has a negative reputation, hell you could be some kind of fucking health god but no one here is going to listen to you. You know why? Because no one who wants to change their life or health comes here.

The audience you're trying to reach out, unbelievable as it is, isn't here.

meep meep there's nothing wrong with eating meat and dairy and also no diet is going to be a one size fits all solution for everyone because people's bodies react to different foods in different ways t.b.h no homo

ass-umptions from an ass-hole.

it's a good idea for me to offer the information because someone somewhere is going to benefit a lot.





