I'll just leave this here.
I'll just leave this here
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Do you know where the word breadline came from?
The irony…
It's the 21st century. Anyone who's a socialist at this point must hate humanity and success in general.
Havana and 20th century Hong Kong look better in my opinion. Skyscrapers are ugly, block the sunset and there's nothing human about them.
sup checkers
Yes, life is more enjoyable when you're poor than when you're rich.
This is the leftist brain in action.
Skyscrapers aren't pretty. That's all I said. I never talked about wealth and "happiness".
yes because no capitalist country has ever suffered famine.
The Industrial Revolution was so bad and abusive, right? A terrible thing for humanity.
You don't know where does that word come from, do you?
How about making an argument for a change though?
Socialism seems to be working well in Venezuela.
Unlike most leftist, I don't think Capitalism is bad. But I dothink we can do much, much better.
Not an agument
No, we can't. The results of trying to do better than capitalism are all around you.
hurr durr
Capitalism could be held in respect as long as the Red Scare could force porkys to make concessions, and as long as outsourcing and tax flee were limited for technical reasons.
Now there is absolutely no reason why capitalists would enhance worker's life.
The fuck we can, its all a matter of means and a matter of will. You can't seriously believe that the current mode of profuction-exploitation and social organization is the best we can do!?
We are taking our first steps in becomig space-faring, why in the fuck would you believe that debt slavery and stock exchange rackets are our final achievements in the field of world economy ?
No this not the best we can do, but then it would stop being capitalism, you illiterate fuck.
On second read, i may have misinterpreted your post, i believed you said something like "we can make capitalism with human face guise."
Yes, that's pretty obvious asshole. Where did I imply otherwise?
See, you're beeing an asshole for no reason.
t. never heard of Allende
Holy fucking shit, what an idea!
you should probably kill yourself
you should probably kill yourself
Yeah, misinterpreted as fuck fam.
God no, that's liberal appeasement, I couldn't be more opposed. Why would anyone bother with revolutionary thought and far-left theory just to make Capitalism "comfier" and harder to replace?
Isn't North Korea basically communist?
No. Are you serious.
Nope, there is a party and a semi-official monarchy.
Now here's an interesting thought: Are North Koreans the most spooked people on earth?
They certainly are the most religious people on earth
I do hate humanity
>Founded in 1845, Lawrence was a flourishing but deeply troubled textile city. By 1900, the mechanization and deskilling of labor in the textile industry enabled factory owners to eliminate skilled workers and employ large numbers of unskilled immigrant workers, the majority of whom were women. Work in a textile mill took place at a grueling pace and the labor was repetitive and dangerous. In addition, a number of children under the age of 14 worked in the mills.[5] Half of the workers in the four Lawrence mills of the American Woolen Company, the leading employer in the industry and the town, were females between the ages of 14 and 18. By 1912, the Lawrence mills at maximum capacity employed about 32,000 men, women, and children.[6] Conditions had grown even worse for workers in the decade before the strike. The introduction of the two-loom system in the woolen mills led to a dramatic speedup in the pace of work. The increase in production enabled the factory owners to lay off large numbers of workers. Those who kept their jobs earned, on average, $8.76 for 56 hours of work.[7][8]
>The workers in Lawrence lived in crowded and dangerous apartment buildings, often with many families sharing each apartment. Many families survived on bread, molasses, and beans; as one worker testified before the March 1912 congressional investigation of the Lawrence strike, "When we eat meat it seems like a holiday, especially for the children". The mortality rate for children was 50% by age six; 36 out of every 100 men and women who worked in the mill died before they reached 25. The average life expectancy was 39.
If only any of those countries had socialism…
Literally proven wrong just by reading The Communist Manifesto.
The irony.
Nearly all land in Hong Kong is government (public) owned and leased out.
Bread in socialism is created by fairies with magic. No machines involved. That why it's better.
I hope you will complain to the electric jew that promised you these "richies" when you grow up and don't get them.
I'm sure the hundreds of millions dead - dying even now in the name of shekels - will agree with you. Because it couldn't be done any other way.
Economic Isolation (Resources are evaible on national scale) vs Available global market (Resources are avaible on global scale)
You're 12 yo, aren't you?.
It's almost like cherry picking pictures can let you prove anything.
So many people that shit on the USSR never even seen it in films.
Anybody have the one with USA and zimbabwe?
Look at that hellscape.
kek, thanks!
Sorry, but only 1917-1956 Russia matters (specifically CIA provided numbers of dead people). Everything else doesn't fit our anti-commie propaganda, so it's discarded.
t. Holla Forums