Bend a knee!!!
The new queen of Holla Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off with this ugly dyke. Rozelli is the true queen of Holla Forums
fuck off kike lover
ᵇᵉᶰᵈ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵈᶦᶜᵏ
so hawt
she gun kill you with her mind nigga
grills can be hawt without being overtly sexual, fucking sperg
t. autist
Looks like a boy 0/10 wouldn't bang
Muh muthafuckin nigga
What did they mean by this?
Pic related
to an e-whore? never, ever
you mutts are trained to bend a knee for women and buy it. then you complain women treat you like subservient trash. i test at your betacuck reasoning, but i kneel to nobody
Why? I don't even go to sportsball games.
did she get gangbanged?
She is a trap.
n1 got moar?
Why did she have to pick that as her stage name? Every time she is named you think of the nigger Bobby Brown.
the REAL queen of Holla Forums
looks like she belongs in Minecraft
thank you kind user. never heard of these guys and now have a new band to groove to
goddamn I wanna fuk that kid and I ain't even a real pedo
Most guys would. She's a guilty pleasure for the masses.
Whut? Are you fucking blind? Op is a faggot for love that androgynous young Frankenstein kike but Rozelli queen of Holla Forums are you fucking nuts? That witch/crow it's uglier than a handicapped spic
Fun fact: you never see actual pedos talking about her.
Fuck off with her, its getting annoying at this point.
So now Tom Hanks it's into young transvestism
moar MBB tbvh
What's wrong with you?
I never watched season 2 but she seems ready for the fug now.
This might be an unpopular opinion around here, but I prefer her with the buzz cut.
New? Wtf you been? She has been the queen
moar grannies
she looks like a man. she will not have a career after ST with that man face.
Boom, made it swole. Acknowledging double dubs.
checking these double dub dubs
opinion discarded. feel free to abandon the queen's thread
Well, GAWDAM! Flame the dark true. Acknowledged again.
She looks too much like a boy. Plus what the fuck is wrong with you? She's a minor. Ewww.
Why she so perfect
Hello babi you are sos sexy i want to sack your vajana for six hours nd have my very large pens up pusy what do you say
Here ya go :)
helo baibi can u post tet and vajena
Millie is love, Millie is life
I like her, alot
Can't wait to watch this one wither into an old hag like all the qts before her. I don't know how much longer I can watch this cycle repeat itself.
I assume most of the people shilling this ugly little twat are doing it as a joke, like with that misshapen eyebrow monster from Game of Thrones.
It's sad that there are some of you dildos who are actually into her, though.
Well, you could always ((pic related))
Millie brought shota traps into the mainstream.
I don't care if I was living in england, I would never accept a female as my ruler
They're called reverse traps you mainstream motherfucker
It usually happens to those with super early exposure like chlomo, M C, and Ms Lohan. This kid already looks 30 at 13 and is only gonna go downhill from there
You have to be an absolute faggot to find her attractive. She has the face of a boy.
She's a reverse trap in the show, a real trap in real life. Learn to separate fantasy from reality.
*a shota trap in real life
this is Wiemar republic tier
That's sort of the point, if you like traps.
FUCK OFF AND DIE NIGGER Hikkichan is queen this is now an Ashley Thread kill yourself.
Disgusting. Traps are for losers who are unable to attract a real female. Luckily for me I can attract a real female, I've had sex with my ex's mother. Which was the greatest conquest of my life. Although sleeping with a young 19 year old when I was 33 at the time was just as awesome.
Go back to cuckchan.
Go back faggot or lurk more.
Most of us don't seek out traps IRL. It's an online fantasy. Patricians will only settle for giving attention to shota traps.
Where, cuckchan? No thanks. I haven't been to that shithole since 2011.
Literally who?
Get out of my thread you trap loving faggot.
Ah, that makes sense.
I must dox and ruin her naturally and organically
Esoteric plan
literally the hottest human female right now. anynon that disagrees is a niggercock and should kys
Thanks for the dump, y'all. This is the most Millie I've seen at one time.
I can't remember which it is now, but there's a board dedicated to her. That's probably where most of these came from. If user knows the board, plox tag it
A whole board? Not /waifuist?
once she gets pretty, i can bend her to my knob
Nothing hot about her ugly boyish looking ass.
It might have been a thread in /waifuist/. I've been there in the lasr few weeks. Its been long enough ago that I don't remember exactly, but recent enough I remember it exists. The board/thread was titled somethingMBBsomething. Maybe IMBB? I'm phone posting, so it's a pain in the ass to look for it right now
Hail Queen Millie!
She's still inside isn't she? I don't own that issue but there's an article about Stranger Things so there are photos, right?
Yes, she is. Similar picture. I know because I fapped to it.
EW isn't available in my country. Any chance I can get those pics?
It's only one pic. I'd tell you to Google it but I'm feeling generous because Millie is love.
Finn and Noah are pretty sexy too
Noah had some steamy scenes so far.
The thing about Finn is that he seems to be tweaking in every scene.
I'm not gay but I was definitely sexually confused with Noah in season 2.
I like it when they tied Noah up, especially because he was barely wearing any clothes.
As for Finn, I think he has visibly aged and it's kinda weird because they tried to cover the shift in facial contours up on the show. He looks a lot older and his voice started cracking. That's good for his musical career though. His band is gonna release an EP soon.
Kid on the far right was in "It 2017"
So how come nobody's done any lewd Millie edits yet?
I know
That's Finn
He's super sexy though I think he's lost his cuteness. Back when this photo was taken he was at his best.
wow the hat fits perfectly
I'm proud of myself now
Yeah that was really nice to see.
This show has it all. Eleven started out as a mistaken reverse trap in season one, but then as I saw more pics of Millie IRL, I realized that the plot was just a big clue to everybody that she is a regular trap IRL.
The shota trap trend has been percolating for years, but the marketing of Millie has brought it to the forefront. They just can't explicitly state it. It's for people with the eye to figure out.
The jews want to make us all gay so we don't reproduce so there will be more jews in the future
But if it's that what it takes to have Millie in my life, I'm gonna be the gayest motherfucker of all time
I don't beleive you.
Only four more years before she goes all Miley Curus and shows us her snatch and we can settle this.
OK I want to answer but I'm too fucking drunk to type long stenc.
losten to this
I cry when I listen
I lvoe you bta
don die pls becasue i realy do love vrtyone on here