twice now you have deleted a thread about a Stacey getting eaten by her own dogs. Is that not hilarious? Is that not the bread and butter of this board? Is this not a the place of never the same consequences and an heros of bleach drinking and high scores and vetch kicking in and supreme gentlemen?
then why has that thread been deleted twice now? is b a no fun zone? No more laughing at misfortune?
I mean what the fuck man, if this isn't the random discordian containment board anymore what is it?
Carter Jones
Your first thread lacked memetic power. Your second thread was half powered. Your third thread is an eighth of that.
Luke Reyes
so, you are saying all the threads still up are better?
I would be willing to bet a dime that you are under thirty. Or related to the dead. Or you got triggered by the subject line on the first thread and misunderstood the intent and now you have tripled down on the fact that despite being a vol you are so very new to this culture and do not understand it.
Jayden Hughes
well post a link or something faggot I have no idea what you are talking about
Benjamin Ward
noice pics
Jonathan Torres
Butthurt mods also banned me for posting about dogs. Some cat loving homo mod probably hates dogs. Keep posting the good stuff user, we will win the war against the shit mods
Jordan Morales
mods deleted some other user's limp bizkat thread and the one i created in response.
limp posters are now a protected class
Luke Walker
So the mods are triggered by: children, dogs and limp bixet. Then we know what kind of threads to make
Julian Moore
i have a 4 week ban for the comment this is what happens when you put children in a position of responsibility as if you weren't all obliged to read Golding at school…
Kayden Morris
Holla Forums is as edgy as a butterknife
William Brown
sounds like a plan tbfh fahm
Brandon Sanchez
The mods are cancer and do as they please, it's one of the reasons why activity on Holla Forums has dropped so much
Tyler Watson
mods are now dismantling the remaining non-pedo userbase purely because they can. anons are getting month long bans for farting i've been on ibs longer most and had my share of bans, but never for something as petty as this i guess if you leave decision making to spiteful, self-pitying children, this is what you get
Nicholas Hill
Nobody gets a month long ban here unless they want one and agree voluntarily to take it. VPNs allow you to change your IP, meaning your ban is over the second you do that. And Tor posters are not banned ever, for anything. So let's not get too hung up on bans, OK?
Angel Baker
ohhhhhh i thought it was "girl eaten out by her dogs" thats the reason why i skipped
Justin Barnes
You know there's a public log where you can see the length of bans. A lot of bans are jokes that only last 1 second in order to put up the USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST memo and trick gullible retards like yourself into sperging out.
Brody Martinez
is Holla Forums turning into Holla Forums?
Robert Johnson
where is the vid?
Thomas Bennett
here it is
Nathan Robinson
Carter Powell
Holla Forums is turning into both Holla Forums and Holla Forums at the same time to be honest.
Gabriel Young
how does one get their butthole to do this
Xavier Green
have you considered that being a moderate might not be the right answer either? that there might not be a right answer to some shit?
" But in the time leading up to the attack, the dogs were a “little bit neglected,” Sgt. Mike Blackwood said. Blackwood said Stephens had left the dogs with her father. The indoor dogs were then held up outside “in the cold” in a small kennel. Stephens would return home about five times a week to see the canines. “[Stephens’ father] wasn’t taking care of them — it wasn’t his responsibility,” Blackwood said. Agnew confirmed the medical examiner said Stephens was on her “menstrual period,” but added: “But I don’t think there’s any way we can definitively say what caused the attack.” "
Lucas Watson
Dogs going their own way
“I observed, as well as four other deputy sheriffs observed, the dogs eating the rib cage on the body,” Agnew said at a news conference this week.
Jordan Gutierrez
The pit bull dogs who mauled their Virginia owner to death went through “drastic lifestyle” changes that could have caused the indoor canines to turn on the 22-year-old woman who cared for them, a certified dog trainer told a Virginia television station. Bethany Stephens, 22, whose body was found in the woods in Goochland, was mauled to death last week by her dogs, named Tonka and Pac-Man, during a walk, police said. Goochland County Sheriff James Agnew said at a news conference on Monday deputies witnessed the dogs “eating [her] rib cage” last week and found Stephens’ body completely naked except for one boot . The dogs were later euthanized. Authorities still are conducting an investigation, but Valerie Paul, a certified master dog trainer who is deemed an expert after testifying in multiple court cases involving animals, told WTVR that she believes there was an “outside influence.”
Adam Ward
"The 22-year-old left her pets with her dad because she was going through personal events, friends said. Blackwood said the dogs began living outside in a kennel and Stephens’ father “wasn’t taking care of them — it wasn’t his responsibility.” Eventually, the Tonka and Pac-Man were living out “in the cold.”
Paul said the “huge” lifestyle change could have caused them to maul their owner. "This was such a huge lifestyle change,” Paul told WTVR. “There are so many factors within that lifestyle change that we may see as small things that the dogs may see as larger.” "Most dogs aren’t going to just turn on an owner." - Certified Valerie Paul, certified master dog trainer The dogs weren’t fed daily and saw Stephens roughly five times a week. The canines became more isolated. Paul said, “The breed in and of itself is a high energy breed, they like to have a lot of structure and a lot of exercise, so by keeping them in a pin, alone, under socialized, away from people, that energy is just building up and building up and building up and that’s when you start to see dogs fighting more regularly, that’s when you start to see more negative scenarios.” She added that she believes there was “a good chance” the mauling “was energy gone wrong.” "There is a lot of speculation…but you can’t blame the breed,” Paul said. "