Do you like tapes and cds?
Tapes or CDs?
Pianos what play themselves for the win.
tapes are awesome test
you could rewind them with a pencil
shit was so cash
Is the punchline "can i tape my dick to your forehead so you can cds balls" because if not you're still autistic.
I prefer CDs because it's faster to faster to change songs
8 track faggot.kys
Back in the '90s, cassettes were still popular because they were sold at like half the price of CDs at retail, which were going for like $15 a pop for new releases. Cassettes were also more durable, while CDs could be ruined by one little scratch, making cassettes a better option for kids. This was also before there were rewritable CDs and audio cassette recording was common.
Cassettes are actually making a comeback, just like vinyl did. It's technically obsolete stuff, but people love nostalgia.
I jacked off to some Brooke Shields the other day.
that wasn't brooke
Vinyl all the way baby