4chan mods are fucking gay, i got banned for creating a thread asking what was the kind of favorite pizza for the anons, I did not ask for any type of CP, it was just a joke, fucking gaaay

Go back.

ur a joke, kid

fuck off pedofag

tell me supperior being

i dont see a lot of difference between here and there, i use both


iktfb ;_;
my latest permaban was like the sixth one this year, i talked my way out of all the others but the last one was a double ban or something idk.. I got two ban messages instead of one, for the same thing lol.
I tried to appeal one of them but got denied and haven't tried again.

Holla Forums is my home now

there was a real necrophily thread going on there, with dead naked child photography, and im the pedo, ok..

Because a metastasizing tumor is bad for one's health.

those mods are such fags


learn to vpn post faggot :^)

yea and it was for posting a 17 year old in a celeb fap thread. fucking faggot nigger mods ;_;


nope, kill yourself cunt, im op, stop being a fag

im not

i dont know how to do this, im too stupid and lazy for that, sad

>implying you aren't on a VPN


Nobody cares. Fuck off to Reddit then faggot

summer never ends

you need to find a vpn that isn't banned on 4chins, i been posting with my vpn for past 1.5 years :^)

4chan blocks my VPN. Guess this will be my new home too.



gib VPN pls

when will Holla Forums have it breakthrough?

i aint telling you nigger

I was banned because of this image, im dumb, i know, but i didnt knew that mods were such fags

mods are ultrafaggots on 4chan

fuck off we're full

You're pretty fucking dumb if it took you this long to figure out the mods are faggots

oh, you dont say..



the mods here are faggots too

And Dysnomia is the one faggot to rule them all