But the body was Stephens', and police say the pit pulls were eating her."
So, mods, no fun now, not even making fun of death? really? Did you even read the full post?
"Hi, I'm Bethany and I hate every single one of you. I raised two wonderful and obedient pitbulls who re my best friends. What have you ever done besides jack off to naked drawn Nipponese cartoon women? Pic related, its me and my dogs. Tonka just finished licking up all the peanut butter, shit was so cash. So hit me with your best shot. How could you ever hope you defeat me with my perfect dog allies? Isn't that right Tonka and Pacman? Tell the losers how happy we are. Lets take another photo together. Oh no, fuck my face and throat FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKK"
I just thought your thread had no merit
how new are you?
no bully death
This is why women should stick to small shitty dogs or cats. No women can ever handle a real animal.
I can just tell she fucked her dogs. Or rather let them fuck her. That is the only reason for any female to get big dogs like that. For their big cocks at night.
I bet she was on medication that lowered her libido and she wasn't in the mood for sex so went a few days or weeks without sexual intercourse with her canine friends. So they became hyper-sexualized and viscious and when she went out alone with them they pounded. Probably maulted her then raped her dead body for hours upon hours unloading their thick canine semen into her dead pussy.
this board is deader than dead now
good threads are removed but stale threads with 2uids are kept?
pph is SLOW and the posters are children now
we need something new
its because Holla Forums Holla Forums NEEDS pedos to be active
no it doesnt they dont leave their gay thread anyways. fuck off
You have the kind of horrifying sex centered mindset that makes women get dogs to protect themselves from home invaders who think literally everything is about sex.
pitbull owners btfo
top fuckin kek
niggerbull's at it again
That’s fake right? 0_o
Nope. Real. There's another video where prison spics skinned another inmates face off during a riot. I seriously hope we go to war with all jungle people everywhere on the planet and just firebomb all their "prisons" (torture houses) along with their government capitals.
What’s the story behind this then?
“Who” was that meat sack?
my theory is similar - she probably regularly took those dogs out into the woods to fuck them - but this week she was on the rag, so no doggo action… their disappointment and sexual frustration, coupled with the smell of her rancid cunt blood, drove the dogs into a frenzy of rage…
If what you wrote had a smell, it would be that of festering shit. The repugnant stench of truth.
To any dog lovers reading this, remember that the dog is loyal to its master. But if the dog dominates you then you are not its master, even if you feed it. And feed it you shall, one way or another.
Care to share what happened for an user who isn't too interested in opening it?
Careful, user. That would take a good chunk of 'Mericas shekels away.