What Christmas present should I get my sister

Pic unrelated

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Your late for Christmas shopping.

younger or older
jk give her the dick


print and frame the pic in op and give it to her

Money i guess.



Your dick


a thong and a bra


Hmm I think she'd like a big puddle of her brother's cum in her panties and bathing her crotch.

give her a bun in the oven

the gift that keeps on giving



Get out.

how old?


get her pic related. tell her unironically you'll show her how to use it if she needs help. better hurry, only 8 left

Just a heads-up, from one whos been there:

Younger sisters are hot for your soggy cum sock.

depends on if she likes cute/sentimental things, or has a particular hobby. my little sister is into doctor who so i got her one of those pop vinyl things of her favorite doctor.

Take it from a voice of experience…

They are secretly in love with your soggy cum sock.


A romantic evening with me.

That's disgusting dude, she's my sister

What did you expect to get from Holla Forumstards?

Print that out and put it in a frame.

Girls love cartoons. She'll be so happy!

She's also a meatbag designed purely for fucking and shitting out babbies.

This user knows the realities, sister or not!