Quick heads up, Holla Forums cooking up a hitlist of redditors.
Quick heads up, Holla Forums cooking up a hitlist of redditors
That image is pretty hot…it looks like the blue symbol might finish soon..
Unrelated but serious question: do you ever post without the flair? It seems like you get de facto aggro responses anywhere you post because of it.
Whats list? also link the fucking Holla Forums thread atleast.
Yeah, sometimes when I'm trying to hide my powerlevel from a nazi poster. Otherwise just leave it on because 2lazy.
literally why
Too bad it's from reddit. Any other place and it would basically be a list of who to follow.
I might be on the list, tbh
Good thing I'm not a redditor. Dunno how many here are.
Anyone have that pic where a chicken is walking on a laptop's keyboard and on the screen it says 'cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck' etc.? Because that's what reading this list reminded me of
n1x pls go
Probably less than Holla Forums has tbh
Whoever loses, we win.
I'm just going to sit back and bask in the fact that whoever is making this list, desecrating a beautiful data-interchange format to logically associate the word "cuck" to the screen names of people he doesn't like, well and truly believes that he is fighting for the survival of the Caucasian race in the most important conflict in the history of human civilization.
ayylmao. I only posted a bit with that anfem flag today because people were getting triggered
The cuck meme has been driven to a point where it is not funny
Holla Forums maymays haven't been funny since the golden days of Doom Paul, where Dale Gribbles still roamed the figurative sewers.
Now all of their "memes" are simply meant to reinforce their batshit insane ideologies with thought control.
What memes have they come up with since then? Aids Skrillex and Carl the Cuck? Otherwise it hasn't changed since 2008.
just imagine how much they could have accomplished in the time it took to track down all these reddit posters and label them cucks.
This nigga could have been reading a good book, learning to play a musical instrument, visited the gym, literally anything, but instead he decided to waste his time making a list of reddit users who #trigger him.
Truly the hero the white race deserves.
Pretty much that's it.
Could Trump be considered a meme?
Trump is indeed a meme, but he's hardly a Holla Forums product fam
The (((supposed jew name))) recently. According to Holla Forums anyone with some of the most common name prefixes and suffixes in the english language is automatically a jew.
Wait, seriously?
Damn im not on it, I feel offended.
And what are they going to do with it? They are the only ones that see it
Downvote every post they see marked this way.
It's a valid strategy if you have no life. Reddit is broken like that.
This is autism
You can't make this shit up…
Guess even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Please tell me none of the dipshits here ever thought it was actually "funny".
It's a fucking retarded term adopted by Holla Forumsyps because "fag" no longer has the same emasculating cultural connotations. The alt-right target audience is mostly young children or teenagers, so abusing their poor self esteem by insinuating that they have not fulfilled some condition of "maturity" is an incredibly effective propaganda tool.
No one who is mentally healthy or fully developed should take these things seriously. The word means fucking nothing. Any single piece of media which uses it uncritically and without irony should be immediately discarded, for it is without a doubt a worthless emotional appeal devoid of substance.
Things like these are the mother of all spooks. Never let them get into your head.
tfw I'm not on the list. I think I need to up my game.
Oh no, Holla Forums has gone and done it now. They've crossed the line: they went and called a bunch of redditors (which we all are of course) CUCKS. How base, how vile.
How can the left POSSIBLY recover from this devastation.