Hunter Lewis
I miss the Bomber Harris threads now tbh.
Non-Anglo entryists are trying to make us jerrycucks.
Liam Gutierrez
Brewed in a Jamaican poets anus.
Jace Torres
Was the IMPERIUM a mistake?
Kayden Davis
Ian Torres
Cry more
Henry Mitchell
Hudson Hill
Samuel Sullivan
I wish he'd stop talking about faggot metal tbh.
Angel Anderson
Jerry cuckery by the back door.
William Moore
40 minutes in. This is the "university educated far right" yet it doesn't know a fucking thing about our British history.
Jaxon Cruz
Nathan Davis
Easton Fisher
He's starting to look old tbh
Jaxon Davis
filtered for nonsense
John Gutierrez
he bought into the memes spread by turks and krauts
Hunter Myers
I've filtered him and so should you
Jaxson Jackson
Jaxson Taylor
smh, they're not even a very good history club
Fuck off
Jordan Clark
British nationalism, not German national socialism. OK. Praise Nigel.
Connor Clark
Mosley a shit
Leo Howard
This is supposedly the creme de la creme
Isaiah Jones
Noah Brown
Not the only thing that's disabled tbh
Levi Hall
This is exactly what it is.
Luke Anderson
Ok thankyou
Andrew Morris
(checked) If we're going to save our countries, we'll need to do a lot more than dress in silly clothes and shout at pakis in the street.
Mason Ross
Brandon Wood
wrong imperium tbh
Austin Allen
Joshua Wood
I can believe that. They're not too different from your run of the mill stormfags, only worse because they have edgy deviant art faggotry thrown in as well.
Jose Ross
How many of these silly videos are there? Do they just make speeches to each other all day?
Christopher Reyes
Yup, spot on lad.
Hunter Russell
Where's Adam Wallace dissipated to, lads?
Noah Wilson
What's he thinking?
Landon Carter
Lad, you were born too late to enjoy colonial rule in asia. Just accept it.
So successful that his own turned on him and his allies at the onset of defeat.
Jeremiah Carter
Aaron Myers
Carter Walker
tbh thats not very nice
Tyler Collins
Oliver Roberts
That second Joe webm made me laugh.
Ian Smith
Richard Edmonds could be doing so much better, why he chooses to assocviate with hobbyists and spies I've no idea. I hope he's somehow getting to see based Joe's vids and takes the advice on board.
They're stuck in the revolving door of ideology and "ironing" it out or discussing history. NO ONE CARES though.
Don't be daft lad. If his support was that strong they would have switch positions so readily.
Leo Flores
Jerry cuckery by the back door lad. They're are trying to subvert us and send us down larping dead end roads.
OP is a foreigner and has made the last 4 threads in a row pushing nat soc, attracting dumb ideologue jerrycucks and trying to steer us away from actual pragmatic electoral politics.
When you dare notice this they call you an autist, those with eyes to see let them see.
Dylan Richardson
Michael Baker
Stop being autistic
Hunter Rogers
He's much better than that spic making Bomber Harris editions all the time tbh.
Evan Murphy
Owen Hughes
Lad this is just slander, I'm not foreign, you're basing that off of nothing. Please cease and desist.
Ryder Turner
I hope they don't make him marry a xeno or a gay when he's older tbh.
Caleb Reyes
Yes because he's not a spy for a start and did good foot work and activity while in the NF and BNP. He's a veteran.
There have been some real scum bags in the nationalist movement over the years, Martin Webster, Eddy Morrison, Adam Walker just to name three. Joe has named many more. Richard is genuine.
Charles Rodriguez
He can't even remember to tuck his shirt in lad. He's seventy. He's only going to get worse. Brit/pol/ should organise and make a counter NA that isn't shit.
Asher Martinez
Parenting Magazine Warns ‘Blond, Cheerful’ Families Dangerous, Likely Right Wing
tbh I'm almost certain this autismo complaining about my threads for the whole thread, every thread, is the harris poster
Eli Nguyen
Just because one thing is shit doesn't mean it should be replaced by a different brand of shit.
How about, I don't know, OP's promoting British nationalism and contemporary politics? Like we always used too.
Jack Martinez
The insane fear and ultimately destroy the sane
Luke White
I cri evertim
Wake up Germany, pls wake up tbh
Levi Myers
Well I'm fucking not. Any one who remembers the Harris autist can tell I'm not, he acted completely differently and would have made 3 bomber harris threads and spammed them here by now. Nice way to deflect away from the truth though.
Brandon Rodriguez
Thomas Green
Fascism is pretty nationalist lad
Jacob White
Not saying he should be the leader of nationalism, but he's not the worst. Should tuck his shirt in though.
Maybe when I'm thirty in 4 years time I'll go into politics for UKIP or another nationalist party if we have one by then.
Brody Hill
I've never heard of NSU before.
Blake Sullivan
Try selling it to the public in the current year and get elected then. Exactly.
Dead end road.
David Bell
dont be a jerrycuck lad
Asher Watson
Lad the way you just go on and on and on about me being some foreign larping cuck na whatever for the whole duration of a thread for four threads in a row really tells me that you are salty about not making some shite thread yourself
Angel Wright
Sorry, is this the normie forum? Or is it Holla Forums Holla Forums?
Jayden Carter
We're at a point now where we can start doing a British history edition every thread
This thread could have been used to commemorate the birth of Saint Hugh of Lincoln or the founding of Bedlam hospital or Romford getting its crown charter
Easton Morgan
Kate looks very princess like there.
Parker Johnson
Also Roger Bacon publishes the formula for black powder in Europe in 1248 so I recommend we dedicate our next thread to him. That way we learn more about British history. Just wikipedia the year and find something interesting relating to our history. It'll be educational tbh
Nathaniel Richardson
I want Germany to wake up and be German, lad.
I want Britain to wake up and be British too.
Nolan Miller
I'd prefer to commemorate Agincourt, Waterloo and that time I trod on a frenchmans toes
Samuel Cook
Julian Rodriguez
Its actually brit/pol/ which implies we should be talking about British politics, not fascism.
Gabriel Butler
It's my divine right
Luke Gomez
Agreed tbh
Chase Lee
Jack James
fair nuff lad get back to reading your British history book
Lads who here knows the name of the woman who betrayed our nation in the beginning?
Anthony Perez
Hey lads, it's me again. Seriously though, we must not allow for our Britishness to be defined by our hatred against people of the Muslim faith. I really like reading Brit/pol/, love you blokes, but please, focus on the Jew and Burgerland, these are our true enemies.
Dominic Allen
That's why my threads are about British Fascism.
Kevin Rivera
Quads confirmed
Jack Gutierrez
If they aren't British they are our enemies.
Ayden Jenkins
Tyler Perry
Camden Hernandez
Sinister as fuck, as has been a lot to come out of Germany lately. They are determined to exterminate the German stock before all others as revenge.
Jayden Davis
>>>/cow/ and stay there
Luis Hill
Swedes will still be exterminated before them tbh.
Caleb Brown
muslims first, then jews and then burgerland can take all its tax dodgers back when we burn london down
Jaxon Gray
Tell us lad of lads.
Charles Nguyen
>The identifying features of right-wing families, it contends, are that they are “inconspicuous, blond, cute and engaged”. >“First of all, [right-wing families] are nice and dedicated” >Researcher of right-wing politics, Eva Prausner, says a huge danger of right-wing families is that they seem normal. >Despite asserting that such children are not outspoken, the “experts” wheeled out by the magazine warn that a sinister aspect of right-wing parenting is that they instill self-confidence in their progeny. >Prausner says “right-wing kids” are aware that they should keep their family lives private, but she adds that a telltale sign of right-wing extremism is that there are usually no American logos on their parents’ clothing. >Prausner warns that, while most people wouldn’t recognise them as such, “accurate braids and long skirts” serve as a warning sign that a child has right-wing parents.
A few gems from that article. Do these people not hear themselves when they speak?
It's just because I'm right. You're steering the threads away from British nationalism towards head in the clouds Nazi nat soc ideological shit that will never be reformed in the public eye and attracts larpers.
Jack Adams
Germanics are first priority
They dream of a world without the Germans, Swedes, Dutch or English.
Jose Jenkins
Thats a comfy picture
Brandon Cruz
Isaac Perry
YOU are doing it by constantly going on about it. This is my last reply to your derailment.
Liam Fisher
Lads, I seem to be having trouble with twitter shill accounts.
Every time I sign up (I've tried 3 times) it behaves as expected until after about 10 minutes it locks my account for "automated behavior" and demands my phone number for confirmation. This happened even when I followed sports people, not politicians, in case that set them off.
On a previous shill account (which I had to delete due to other reasons) I never got asked phone numbers. I did use a VPN, so that could be it, but I tried 3 different servers this time from my new one.
Any ideas lads? Is there any way around this? I'd rather not have to spring for a burner phone.
Caleb Lee
where is that?
Jace Nguyen
Damn right lad.
Asher Turner
I tell you a tale! Remember the name of the whore queen who betrayed our precious king The bitch that betrayed her kin, her tribe, her nation and her king for all the shekels she could ever want Her name was Cartimandua and she was the one who first let foreigners into Britain
Gabriel Morris
Eli Adams
Bentley Cox
I do get a certain kick from wearing ultraobscure t-shirts in public but even I won't touch that
Luis Perez
Funny thing is, I suspect if he'd printed "Manlet Wews" on them, I suspect several of us would have purchased them, just out of amusement thus giving him our addresses and allowing him to exact his short and quick revenge.
David Nguyen
well historically we didnt get on England was the first nation of Europe to kick the kikes out so we were always first on their list of revenge targets
Thomas Murphy
The people who bought them have to be the biggest spergs in the world
Jose Young
I know that feel bro
David Lewis
Autistic as fuck. I bet the real shits look even worse. Those are just pictures of black shirts with text over them. I bet it's really low quality. What cunt would even buy them?
Jordan Perez
Isaiah Miller
We kicked them out longer than any other in history too.
Carter Lee
alex needs to lay off the coke tbh
Jackson Phillips
some of his body language seems rehearsed anyone else notice that?
Robert Campbell
Does this count as Ginnieposting?
Ryder White
This has my support. We were actually trying to do that for a bit if I remember. And like you say it'll be good because it's a bit educational as well.
Christopher Ortiz
He's probably a sociopath tbh.
Mason Kelly
Some things never change…
Woes is so lazy he couldn't design something cool or interesting and make money that way…
Nathaniel Harris
the longest existing safe spaces for kikes in Europe was Spain, Germany and Poland I thought since Spain didnt start expelling them until the late 15th century, Germany never expelled them and Polish nobles used kikes to line their pockets
Noah King
Justin Martin
the man lost a battle retreated north to rearm and resupply with fresh men and the whore drugged him at a feast and brought him in irons before their enemy she had committed such a betrayal her own tribesmen tried to kill her twice after that
Carter White
How about not waste any time apart from making videos and appreciate your donations, or better yet ..
His last e-begging video made me start hating him tbh. He's literally using fan's money for holidays openly now.
Jace Gonzalez
Sebastian Hill
Saved and set as ringtone.
Owen Butler
Is he fucking about here or is this a genuine spaz out?
Samuel Edwards
I think I have a crush on julia hartley brewer
Julian Moore
Lad, I assumed the girl he posted was a chink. How am I supposed to know the difference?
Jose Carter
that's all AJ is
Liam Bailey
Bin her, she's a republicuck
Eli Martinez
Elijah Richardson
Connor Long
Alexander Barnes
I remember back in the old days when I was becoming red pilled, going on the telegraph comments sections. There was always this retarded feminist shitting up the place, and she proudly flaunted the moniker 'cartimandua' lol. Fitting, really. Not that that retard knew anything about the woman other than she waz kweenz n sheeeitt.
Evan Allen
He's doing his thing where he LARPs as the NWO for his listeners.
Tyler Harris
been lookin for this ta
Nathaniel Johnson
He is fucking around here…right?
Carter Hall
Luis Howard
Can't help you lad, I'd also like to set up a shilling account but keep hearing about this phone number bollocks. If I'm lucky I might have an old account somewhere I can use.
Hudson Cook
Don't you be diparaging my waifu you fuck.
Noah Hall
That's one of the ads he made to sell penis pills iirc.
Levi Price
>tfw just woke from a sex dream about Hillary Clinton
Charles Myers
He's a madman
Jackson Garcia
Christopher Walker
He got in bed with goblins
Adam Wood
You're not gonna sleep the rest of the night now. I hope you spend it thinking about what an awful dream you had.
Austin Gomez
Or just American. It can be hard to tell.
Luke Sanders
Eww go back to marion posting please
Nicholas Clark
Jeremiah Walker
Cameron Turner
Parker Martin
You dising my missus son?
Julian Reyes
remember when we used to have waifu wars
liz 'munter' kendal and what's her name were posted constantly
Benjamin Thompson
Too munter for even Brit/pol/
Alexander Carter
thats not a dream lad thats a nightmare go to a church and get checked for demons then get yourself sectioned i recommend frontal lobe lobotomy and ECT that should do the trick
Landon Anderson
Grayson Kelly
excuse me lads, off for a fap with various pics of julia hartly brewer for company. #livingthedream
lel, no white man is going to rape any of those ugly, stinky bitches. Take it down the road and tell the pakis and niggers, bitches. See what happens.
Evan Jenkins
British fascists look like fucking losers
Leo Edwards
yeee boi
id shag em
Gabriel Brown
I still can't decide if Tony Blair's forehead is just oddly marked or he has some kind of cultish mind control symbol on there.
Charles Cook
I'm quite willing to be the meat in a Heidi Alexander/Diane Abbot sandwich! #CUCKMESIDEWAYS
Luke Evans
One of us could make "MANLET WEWS" t-shirts and sell them for other lads to wear at WEWS speaking event.
Levi Reyes
Id shag a bag of onions right now tbh waiting for sex suckksssss
Adam Gonzalez
Surprised you could make out their status in a grainy black and white video from the 1930s tbh lad
Christian Brooks
do it then
Lucas Robinson
I am slowly losing hope. Might just wait in vain for the collapse like Varg.
Asher Morales
Lad please don't bully me for my messed up NEET sleeping pattern now. It was awful.
It was a long, elaborate dream about the results night after the EU referendum and for some reason Farage and a bunch of USA politicians good and bad were staying in a huge glass building across from another huge glass building where I was on a family holiday with my aunt, uncle and cousins. We were watching Farage do this loud WWE tier speech about the incoming results and all cheering and I realised he was in the other building, so I snook in to try and meet him and party. That's when I saw Hillary in a hallway and she propositioned me. I must admit at first some aspect of her in this dream seemed gilfy. She leaned in close touching my arm and whispered into my ear "you're a handsome young man. You know, I always like to get me a little plaything when I travel." And so on. It turned a little darker as I was coerced into it with her letting me half think if I didn't co-operate I'd be killed, and when I met her in her hotel room and we got down to business she… she coughed phlegm down my throat when we were french kissing.
I escaped after she fell asleep once we'd did it and worked up the courage to flirt with some latino looking gogo dancer and roller skater qts who were taking a break playing slot machine and arcade games, because I figured I was a dead man walking. And one told me to follow her to her hotel room. Then my brain decided it was the time to wake up.
Ethan Hill
Am I the only one expecting him to be awkward as fuck giving a speech outside his bedroom?
Owen Bennett
Charles Perry
i dont have a bag of onions just 36 baby cucumbers and a grapefruit
Bentley Harris
Nolan Scott
tom is that you?
Jonathan Ramirez
Contrarian faggot tbh
Bet he'd be a Commie if it wasn't so popular.
Evan Reyes
Alexander Watson
for shame.
Elijah Butler
Funny thing is, he was a Trotskyite for a while. No joke; he talks about it in the Poz Man interview.
Josiah Smith
That's what he was in the 60s and 70s.
im a handholdless kissless virgin corse i would
Luis Collins
He was once.
He's written some okay stuff in his books but he's a run of the mill cuckservative.
William Carter
Check again lad
Carter Richardson
Joshua Evans
wew this thread
Brayden Fisher
True enough.
His books are worth a read but he seems like a different man from the one who wrote them.
He's walking the safe line to keep his TV appearances.
Austin Watson
I suck dicks for a living from my home. You can call me a "professional faggot" if you want I guess, but I would never label myself that way, I'm just someone who's managed to survive his autistic journey and make it to the 'consistent dick-sucking' stage. For transparency sake, I'll say this right now, I'm not straight. I'm 24 years old and my liquid assets total only around 600 tendies. I keep a modest dildo collection of 260 and withdraw any rusted cocks at the end of the month over that number. I've survived my faggot journey and I was able to achieve consistency using my 260 dildos to pull out 100-110 dicks per year from my ass. It's not a huge amount and I'm sure many of you store more dildos than me, but with my 100 tendies allowance I'm able to live comfortably, provide for my autistic children, and spend 3 hours per day 'working' and the rest of my time doing activities and hobbies I enjoy (sucking dicks). I go rimming a lot. My tendie asset size grows every year thus slowly but surely I take more and more dicks with each new year. I increase the amount of dildos I allocate for anal self-stimulation (how many dildos I can keep in my asshole) by 5% every 6 months or so.
Not too long ago (maybe ~5 years back) I was once like many of you. I had a tiny dick, and I blew homeless guys in back alleys hoping for big black cocks and once in a while sucked a few good dicks but it seemed like I always ended up sucking AIDS-ridden lepers for 50 cents a pop to make ends meet. For some reason back then I could never achieve consistency.
I would suck dicks based off ads in dirty bathrooms or what other people told me, I would suck dicks based off free drinks or the promise of a Big Mac, I would cup the balls, but my methods were always random, and as a result my consistency was always random.
I'm writing this post because a week ago I decided to visit WSB again for the first time in a very long time and see what was going on. I was seeing faggots making the same mistakes I used to make, having the same issues I used to have, people taking micro dicks with chlamydia, and for what? There's no reason any of you should suck sub-par dicks if you can take the time to plan and learn how to suck them properly.
Isaac Sanders
Wtf lad
Chase Peterson
Jaxon Nelson
Don't worry lad, Milo was in this position only a few years ago, and look at him now!
Ryder Peterson
Out, out damned Yank!
Tyler Perry
t. OP of our threads.
Fuck off ttpw
Ian Young
If it isn't contrarian it's smug faggot centrist at its very worst.
Kevin Turner
A short, sweaty, unwashed mess of Scottish NEET shuffles on to the stage, quivering. The immaculately dressed Richard Spencer - almost a polar opposite of this new dishevelled speaker - looks awkward and glances nervously to the crowd, seeming suddenly insecure for the first time during the conference. Unaware, the manlet waddles further into view, the boards groaning under his weight, while the folds of his fat belly ripple through his clothing with every step. The audience is visibly repelled, only to be further aghast at the encroaching stench that washes over them. The odour of years of nicotine, body odour, and dead fermented semen drifts pungently across the room - it's clear he hasn't left his own room, let alone his own house, for months.
The tension in the room mounts, Spencer clearly grimacing through his smile, as the stinking apparition clears his throat with a guttural cough, swigs the Coke left at the podium for him, and then finally begins to speak…
Aiden Foster
I don't like Donald, I'm not a centrist or smug contrarian.
Nathan James
You still seem to be on first name terms with him though
Tyler Evans
"Fucking Brit/pol/, right!" The man-child exclaims, attempting to break the awkward silence that has come over the audience.
No one laughs.
Wyatt Kelly
I'm talking about Hitchens article you spastic.
Grayson Parker
I thought you were saying anyone from our general position not liking trump was that, my bad.
The audience look at each other, confused. The stinking manlet, sensing his joke had not been understood, decided to laugh at it himself, to make it more clear. In the past, he'd found that had lifted the mood during his lengthy Internet "hangouts".
The silence in the room, already heavy, seemed to thicken. The stage creaks again.
Caleb Long
We really should try and collab a large bit of text, compile it, and then send it to him.
Bentley Morris
Robert Bennett
Any of you gonna stay up for the debate tomorrow?
Daniel Hughes
I dont watch enough wews tbh a better NEET than I should do it
Nathaniel Murphy
yes lad
Brandon Barnes
A short, sweaty, unwashed mess of Scottish NEET shuffles on to the stage, quivering. The immaculately dressed Richard Spencer - almost a polar opposite of this new dishevelled speaker - looks awkward and glances nervously to the crowd, seeming suddenly insecure for the first time during the conference. Unaware, the manlet waddles further into view, the boards groaning under his weight, while the folds of his fat belly ripple through his clothing with every step. The audience is visibly repelled, only to be further aghast at the encroaching stench that washes over them. The odour of years of nicotine, body odour, and dead fermented semen drifts pungently across the room - it's clear he hasn't left his own room, let alone his own house, for months.
The tension in the room mounts, Spencer clearly grimacing through his smile, as the stinking apparition clears his throat with a guttural cough, swigs the Coke left at the podium for him, and then finally begins to speak…
"Fucking Brit/pol/, right!" The man-child exclaims, attempting to break the awkward silence that has come over the audience.
No one laughs.
The audience look at each other, confused. The stinking manlet, sensing his joke had not been understood, decided to laugh at it himself, to make it more clear. In the past, he'd found that had lifted the mood during his lengthy Internet "hangouts".
The silence in the room, already heavy, seemed to thicken. The stage creaks again.
Sweat leaks from every pore as he realises the number of eyes staring at him
Dried cum flakes off his stained dressing gown as he scratches his dandruff laden scalp to relieve the hot red itching, whilst the humiliation of being watched by so many people causes him to pop a half chub underneath his pajama bottoms
Ethan Long
question is what would wews launch into a tirade about in this situation, exposed with a boner in public on stage?
Jayden Miller
Slight edit.
Easton Martin
No, I've got work
Charles Morgan
Definitely, going to make some hotdogs and get comfy tbh.
Nathaniel Howard
didnt read lol
Tyler Murphy
He wasn't used to speaking without a computer screen to glance at, so he pulled his crumpled notes - scrawled on the back of coca cola labels - out from his back pocket and tried to flatten them against the podium's desk.
Unfortunately, the sweat from his arse led him to smudge the biro ink, and his words resembled all of those Rorschach tests he had conducted online in aid of his self-diagnosis.
There wasn't a chance in hell he'd last for the pre-booked, three-hour timeslot.
Nolan Cooper
By this point Richard Spencer's gritted smile had disappeared, replaced by a look of appalling anguish. Crowded thoughts rushed into his mind - how could he have been so wrong to invite this awful, awful speaker? If his judgement was so flawed in this respect then what else may he have been confused on? The EU? Milo? Gay identity being implicitly white?
The room seemed to spin around him, voices of doubt swelling in his head, the terrible atmosphere in the room combined with the god awful smell overwhelming him. His face glistening, and with a sudden blank expression, he crashes to the ground.
The disgusting manlet a few yards away, relieved the attention was finally off him, decides to think of something witty to say.
"Haha. I think he had a bit too much to think!"
Now visibly shocked disturbed, the audience again, does not laugh.
Jordan Brown
What debate lads? Trump and Clinton? Isn't she too dead?
Jace Mitchell
Trump will win but I'm not sure that's a good thing, Israel could become a serious player if the worst happens.
Jacob Stewart
ayy lmao
Lincoln Baker
Just means they're into the limelight even more and can finally get BTFO once and for all once the time is right. Clinton is a much more dangerous person to have as far as war is concerned.
Easton Walker
They have 100s of nukes. They're already "serious players"
Woes was now panicking his already weak control over his withered sphincter muscles was beginning to show itself as the fetid odour of coke induced diarrhea began to waft gently from the podium
He looked up at the spotlights trained on him, shielding his face with his hand unknowingly releasing his grip on the half dozen ink stained coca cola stickers that blew away into the front row
Was this it, is this how the man known as Millenium Wews would end his career as the most successful orator in Scotland?
Isaiah Butler
A short, sweaty, unwashed mess of Scottish NEET shuffles on to the stage, quivering. The immaculately dressed Richard Spencer - almost a polar opposite of this new dishevelled speaker - looks awkward and glances nervously to the crowd, seeming suddenly insecure for the first time during the conference. Unaware, the manlet waddles further into view, the boards groaning under his weight, while the folds of his fat belly ripple through his clothing with every step. The audience is visibly repelled, only to be further aghast at the encroaching stench that washes over them. The odour of years of nicotine, body odour, and dead fermented semen drifts pungently across the room - it's clear he hasn't left his own room, let alone his own house, for months.
The tension in the room mounts, Spencer clearly grimacing through his smile, as the stinking apparition clears his throat with a guttural cough, swigs the Coke left at the podium for him, and then finally begins to speak…
"Fucking Brit/pol/, right!" The man-child exclaims with a chuckle, bearing a coke and tobacco stained grin whilst attempting to break the awkward silence that has come over the audience.
No one laughs.
The audience look at each other, confused. The stinking manlet, sensing his joke had not been understood, decided to laugh at it himself, to make it more clear. In the past, he'd found that had lifted the mood during his lengthy Internet "hangouts".
The silence in the room, already heavy, seemed to thicken. The stage creaks again.
Sweat leaks from every pore as he realises the number of eyes staring at him.
Dried cum flakes off his stained dressing gown as he scratches his dandruff laden scalp to relieve the hot red itching, whilst the humiliation of being watched by so many people causes him to pop a half chub underneath his pajama bottoms.
He wasn't used to speaking without a fag in his mouth, letalone without a computer screen to glance at, so he went for his notes. He pulled them from his back pocket and attempted to smooth out the crumpled notes, scrawled on the back of coca cola labels on the podium.
Unfortunately, the sweat from his arse led him to smudge the biro ink, and his words resembled all of those Rorschach tests he had conducted online in aid of his self-diagnosis.
There wasn't a chance in hell he'd last for the pre-booked, three-hour timeslot.
By this point Richard Spencer's gritted smile had disappeared, replaced by a look of appalling anguish. Crowded thoughts rushed into his mind - how could he have been so wrong to invite this awful, awful speaker? If his judgement was so flawed in this respect then what else may he have been confused on? The EU? Milo? Gay identity being implicitly white?
The room seemed to spin around him, voices of doubt swelling in his head, the terrible atmosphere in the room combined with the god awful smell overwhelming him. His face glistening, and with a sudden blank expression, he crashes to the ground.
The disgusting manlet a few yards away, relieved the attention was finally off him, decides to think of something witty to say.
"Haha. I think he had a bit too much to think!"
Now visibly shocked disturbed, the audience again, does not laugh.
Woes was now panicking.
His already weak control over his withered sphincter muscles was beginning to show itself as the fetid odour of coke induced diarrhea began to waft gently from the podium.
He looked up at the spotlights trained on him, shielding his face with his hand unknowingly releasing his grip on the half dozen ink stained coca cola stickers that blew away into the front row.
Was this it, is this how the man known as Millenium Wews would end his career as the most successful orator in Scotland?
Benjamin Reed
wtf am i reading i love it
Leo Johnson
A Paki actor from Corrie was sacked for calling Indians "piss-drinking cunts" on twitter:
He has been flipping his shit lately, he may go full 1488.
You have to at some point because it will get so bad, you need it just to survive.
Matthew Rodriguez
Holy fucking kek
Nathan Ortiz
Saw that, it's a good laugh
Jaxson Wright
Keep going user
Dylan Cruz
The biggest issue with Clinton is Russia, kinda worried about both of them starting a shitshow
Jaxson Bell
It's a colab. I've mostly been trying to edit it to make it flow, though tbh, I need to go to bed soon.
Daniel Bell
Logan Gomez
we need a hero to come in and save wews maybe a careless audience member could pose a question as to why Wews didnt go through with his collaboration with Captain Crusty 'its just starch I swear' Armpits the Gordobomb himself
Brandon Turner
Maybe he could be saved by Gordon?
I think that's just about the only thing that'd be more embarrassing.
Dylan Rodriguez
He gripped the sides of the wooden podium as if to give himself some certainty. The crumpled notes for his speech, blurred and stained beyond any useful recognition, were crushed between his swearing palms and the tasteful solid mahogany - an item he knew the conference's decadent organiser had insisted on. Out of nervousness He tried to smile, exposed my his crooked yellow teeth to the front row, causing an attractive middle aged American woman to faint.
Now utterly lost, he flicks his eyes to the crumpled body of Spencer, then back to the audience, finds assurance in neither.
"I wish I had spent more time on my speech, stead of making another new title sequence for my YouTube videos for the last two months." He thought.
Scanning the confused and disgusted faces of the audience, he longed to see someone, or something, familiar, but to no avail.
"if only Knightmarez was here, he'd know what to do," he mumbled to himself with stinking breath, looking down towards his feet.
Ryan Martin
"Hollywood runs the US and they hate Christians"
but then "muh Israel"
Parker Anderson
Based Alex tbh. His show became alot better when he embraced the hate.
Ethan Rivera
Colton Morris
He gripped the sides of the wooden podium as if to give himself some certainty. The crumpled notes for his speech, blurred and stained beyond any useful recognition, were crushed between his sweating palms and the tasteful solid mahogany - an item he knew the conference's decadent organiser had insisted on. Out of nervousness he tried to smile, exposing his crooked yellow teeth to the front row, and causing an attractive middle aged American woman to faint. Desperation set in.
Now utterly lost, he flicked his eyes to the crumpled body of Spencer, then back to the audience, finding assurance in neither.
"I wish I had spent more time on my speech, instead of spending the last few months making another new title sequence for my YouTube videos." He thought to himself.
Scanning the confused and disgusted faces of the audience, he longed to see someone, or something, familiar, but to no avail.
"If only Knightmarez were here, he'd know what to do," he mumbled to himself with stinking breath, looking down towards his equally stinking feet.
Asher Baker
More silence filled the air, deafening wews with its presence, or perhaps that was simply his caffeine and sugar addled heart pumping his pre-diabetic blood to hard through his cheesy ears
then suddenly a cough broke the air, Wews was startled his mind had begun to drift to other more pleasant thoughts of burly scottish men with hairy legs in tutus when a man stood up from the crowd and spoke
Nathaniel Baker
I thought Trump was Hitler 2.0 until I saw your insightful post. Damn guess #ImWithHer now.
Jacob Anderson
Luke White
Might watch some videos of scumbag heroin addicts to make myself feel better tbh
Joe Owens has a good one of an addict who lost his legs etc through drug abuse. Pretty comfy tbh.
cont Wews was startled but paid attention this question was vital, with his superior intellect he knew just how to reply to this plebeian
the man stood not too high, he wore a strange tweed cap and was quite visibly obese, his arms crackled like bubblewrap as he lifted his arm, reminiscent of a bundle of sausage skins stuffed with wet flour it postulated its request to the smartest man in scotland
Jaxson Torres
Gabriel Bailey
Andrew Ramirez
makes me sick tbh
Nolan Baker
No I'm Chinese in China. Good guess.
Josiah Walker
Lincoln Evans
Kek hes fucking scottish of course
Matthew Anderson
This could be the next of labour
Oh ok, i can see why you like trump then.
Nathaniel Carter
What the hell is the point in a new new labour party?
Nathaniel Davis
Joseph Anderson
To purge the old new labour party.
Justin Phillips
interdasting it will be a complete fuckup kek
Juan Smith
Because they are ideologically split lad
Cameron Clark
Electoral oblivion confirmed
Nathaniel Sanchez
Oliver Ward
Even the coal burner was annoyed with Sarcucks gay porn
I'm kidding, I'm an American with a 7in penis and blue eyes.
Colton Edwards
Alexander Nelson
Based Joe.
Jackson Fisher
I'll dump it again in a little bit. It's now too big for a single post.
Isaac Cox
All it took was to call him a nigger…
Aiden Sullivan
So h'white mongrel.
Josiah Turner
Michael Sullivan
Zachary Lopez
I'm not telling anyone to vote Hilary I just think trump is a different sort of milder poison
Ryan Thomas
Wews felt thrilled. People in public, asking him questions. His mind drifted towards the way he had recently begun to feel about himself, thanks to his ECELEB status: someone important, an opinion former, a changer of the world, a real grown up. Better feelings began to drift through his flabby body.
"Is Richard Spencer alright? He just darn fell over? Probably because of this terrible smell!" Exclaimed the tubby eccentrically dressed American.
"What smell?" Wews replied, both disappointed and confused.
From the side of the stage, Spencer let out a small audible groan.
"Oh I'm sure he's fine" said Wews, putting on his best attempted at cheeriness despite the insult of not having been asked a proper question, befitting of his vast and complicated mind.
"Does anyone have anything they'd like to ask me? We could do an AMA, haha." He said, suddenly feeling courageous again.
Jayden Lewis
Sending comfy musics to all of brit/pol/
Landon Clark
who is the PLP?
Thomas Johnson
'muh comments' lad detected.
Thomas Clark
egregious schoolboy fucking error
Ian Gomez
Parliamentary Labour Party = Labour MPs
Luis Walker
I thought he disabled all his comments though
Dylan Lee
There are a few I've come across where he doesn't.
Eli Cox
So are they falling apart?
Jayden Cook
Jordan Gomez
Your doing Gods work son.
Could you compile in the new parts?
I'd do it myself but I'm on a crappy old smartphone.
Caleb Rogers
The Chronicles of Woes Could whoever makes the next thread stick this in the links?
Why don't you support the Nationalists football club lads? Even Ginnie is a toffee
Christian Reyes
Wyatt Wright
How can we get Wews to see excerpts of this? Anyone got twitter?
Liam Cox
If the tweet from BBC reporter Peter Henley confirming there is an embargoed letter is accurate then yes
Christopher Morgan
Logan Adams
GOOD post
Carson Perry
It's reading pretty well! Kek.
Colton Rodriguez
How do we destroy Carl 'child porn' Benjamin once and for all lads?
Chase Gray
Why would you want to? He's a mong but he brings people who might have otherwise been SJW onto the right side of the spectrum
Oliver Barnes
And then something happened that made Woes feel extremely thirsty
A few audience members, people who had specifically come to this conference today to be regaled with his delightful charm and affect had begun to stand and leave
what was wrong?!? Wews pondered, could it be a gas leak, that could definitely explain the smell that peasant was describing earlier but then again I had not smelt it, the room didnt smell that much different from the darkened crusty pit he usually spent all his time in
Ah I see some people just wont be able to handle some of the truths we'll be discussing tonight Wews smiled he knew this would get a few chortles amongst the masses
a few audience members began to murmur at the idea of where this discussion might be as the chubby crusty scottish man on the podium had done naught that evening but stand on stage and sweat profusely for a good solid 20 minutes in almost absolute silence
Jaxon Butler
Nah. At most he keeps them in a centrist playpen tbh.
Lucas Cox
Have you seen the cucks that follow him? They're just as anti-white as any other SJW.
Wyatt Bennett
This cuck.
He didn't actually ask for child porn, it was faked. Stop working hard to legitimize the retarded "le right wing SJW" maymay.
David Johnson
Centrist+ constant 'the SJWs are the real racists' circlejerking.
Jacob Clark
Ryder Diaz
I want race traitors to be murdered for their opinions tbh.
Brandon Hernandez
"Well I guess nobody has any questions for me then, haha" said Woes, feeling ever more confident as more and more people left the room.
The more empty the hall became, the more it began to resemble his own empty room at home. Other people had always seemed an unnecessary nuisance anyway.
"I guess I'll finish up then!" he happily exclaimed, as increasing numbers of disgusted Americans found their way to the exit, looking back at him with revulsion.
Waddling off stage, clasping the last remains of his notes, Wews smiled contentedly to himself.
"That actually went better than I expected".
Then he frowned. He just thought of a way to improve his title sequence. It needed better lightening, he realised. He could feel the itch to get back in front of his nicotine stained computer, in the comfort of his dark and stinking bed room.
Richard Spencer never recovered. He remained in a coma, only to utter strange and confused whimpers every now and then. The doctors were confused by his condition, although he received the best medical care money can buy for the remainder of his life.
The obscure political movement Alt Right ended with that final disastrous NPI conference. The disgusting dwarf known as Manlet Wews didn't notice however, and continues to make videos to this day. The title sequences are said to be superb.
I guess the only thing now is for someone to deliver it to woes.
Justin Allen
Ideally it should be delivered tied to a brick, written in neat cursive and thrown through his bedroom window
Jason Gonzalez
Whoever made that webm should shoot himself, for making it cutoff like this.
Benjamin Peterson
He could probably make a scathing video about it - perhaps incorporate it into his fucking abysmal "problems with the Alt Right" series.
There are a few things that could be improved on that draft depending on how autistic we want to get. Wews sometimes gets called Woes by mistake. Also, the whole thing shifts from present tense to past tense at some point, which is a bit strange.
Dominic King
well you cant expect shakespeare from the hive mind lad fixing it comes later
Chase Miller
Doubt it, bet he's a cucked generational labour voter. The BBC would have filtered him out if he expressed any even civic views. Not saying UKIP isn't cucked, because it is, only less cucked by degree.
Cooper Thomas
Damn, I spent ages trying to fix that. We really needed to pick a tense and whether we were going to go with wews or woes at the start.
Sebastian Moore
I think most of its past tense, so stick with that.
Justin Kelly
I personally prefer Wews referring to him by his actual title would give him a shudder of pleasure tbh
Josiah Baker
Zachary Morris
Yeah, it has to be Wews
Logan Green
Best waifu coming through.
Easton Mitchell
How will we respond to the crying Yanks when Trump loses?
James Stewart
Never mind that lad, how will the world deal with the smug from the yanks who wanted him to lose if he loses.
Juan Nguyen
Jacob Thompson
with a can of consolidatory Irn Bru
gas masks and underground bunkers?
Cameron Perez
He's going to win lad.
Parker Jackson
filtered, stop posting that fucking troglodyte for Christ's sake.
Matthew Smith
Parker Wilson
You didn't really filter me lad
Easton Morales
I have a feeling he's going to fuck up the debates. It was easy against cucks like Jeb but it won't work as well on a woman.
Lucas Diaz
Yeah it really messed him up when he BTFOd Meagan Kelly and Ratos wife.
Womyn so scary.
Brayden Carter
lol what?
She beautiful, and actually white.
He'll have to take a different approach with her, I don't think the usual will work, but I really he's capable of it, and think he's going to win.
Lucas Morales
I dont get why some Brits like to act as if all whites are in america are mixed and swarthy when large vast parts of america is demographically uninational such as large parts just being english or german or scandinavian. And london was once refered to as a race mixing center in the turn of 20th century. Now thats why you;ve gotten people like sargon of akkad who are 1/4 north african. And just overall weird mixes. So fuck off with your shit you cheeky cunts.
Aaron Bennett
Wyatt Baker
Fuck off you faggot cunt cum guzzler
Cooper Robinson
u wot m8?
Michael Gutierrez
Stefan had a rough life
Jayden Barnes
Why aren't you an anglo supremacist yet?
Cameron Clark
This has always been Judeo-Anglo supremacist board.
James Reed
Seems overly simplistic. UKIP is still pretty bluepilled about a lot of things, or at least they present that image.
Ryder Parker
I pretty much am because I live in a western state that is an anglo enclave. My ancestors were new england colonists. But the meme of the typical american being mixed is pretty dumb if you actually look at the demographic maps of rural america that makes up most of america.
Logan Taylor
give me a qt anglo-american gf lad
Levi Lewis
A few britpol threads ago the OP was laughing at a Germans bad news while calling brits stupid halfway into the thread. If you can't see you're beeing DC shilled by a hooknose, like the majority of this place is you're not very bright.
The very nature of britpol posts is a fracture point in and of itself.
These summaries of news posts often times easily deserve their own thread.
Jaxon Myers
Austin Walker
Yeah, no.
Ryder Bennett
Not saying you are but what you suggest would relegate us to be stuck with that.
Grayson Perry
keep fighting goyim
Matthew Watson
SHUT UP. We need them to fight you idiot.
Divisions in the whites means victory for us.
Jack Murphy
Spencer out
Luke Thompson
Good… Good…
Justin Collins
I think George shall make a fine king.
Sebastian Watson
Zachary Fisher
What a faggot
Jacob Nguyen
His dad is a faggot tbh
Jeremiah Bailey
where is his yamaluke?
Juan Williams
Link it. I've been following this recent attempt to co-opt brit/pol/ but if I've missed something I'm listening. tbh outer Holla Forums seem really, really bad at spotting obvious d&c/bait compared to me and most of brit/pol/ to the point of wilful retardation, so I'm not going to be called "not very bright" from you gullible swine.
Legitimately disagreeing isn't a "fracture point", ignoring the blatant bait and d&c shitposters we're generally just British nationalist wanting the best for our country, we don't wish malice on the rest of the h'white world, yet we don't believe in one homogeneous white identity. More or less. *750 No thanks.
David Barnes
It's in new york, you fucking yank rat
Matthew Hernandez
Is that the leaf king? Based wee George.
Eli Robinson
Lad, I'm in the south of Scotland. Calm down.
Jeremiah Williams
Is he the lad who was posting 'old timey photos' with naked little girls?
Caleb Harris
Haven't the foggiest.
Isaac Powell
I responded to the wrong post tbh. It was in the last thread.
Elijah Thompson
Why is TV so shit?
Alexander Price
Lab councillor: "I am hearing BBC has a letter embargoed until tomorrow announcing some of PLP resigning & forming a separate party."
Lincoln Walker
You wanna throw down kid? I'm trained in internet warfare and i'm responsible for over 100 shitposts.
Hudson Perry
I always suspected that awful numpty, 'The Artist Taxidriver' was a pseudo-anti-partisan fraud, which is how he billed himself initially.
This is the best news I've had in a while. Now if we can take over the Tory Party or something, that would be fucking great.
Asher Rodriguez
Jordan Rogers
Jack Hill
At least you're not as far gone as this lad.
Austin Walker
Wew she's a bit young for me lad, she looks like's she's not even sat her Standard Grades or GCEs or whatever it is you Englishers take. In fact she looks that young, I'd be surprised if she'd even picked the subjects for her "GCEs".
Jeremiah Young
Adrian Wright
William Robinson
Josiah Long
Andrew Wood
She's my waifu
Dominic Hernandez
Your waifu once kissed Eric Cartman. That's a dealbreaker for me.
Benjamin Cruz
That was in an episode that aired in 2000, a year after Wendy 1 died. Wendy 2 is not my waifu.
Gabriel Turner
Fucking love these so much.
Regards, Based NA
Luis Hernandez
based graffiti
Logan Nguyen
John Cox
there's nothing finer
Logan Carter
Parker Sanders
Alexander Turner
daily reminder to lift daily and practice the tenants of esoteric steinerism
Juan Mitchell
filtered for being a fat-ass
Alexander Perez
Owen Green
I need to bring my weights up from my garage tbh, I havent lifted in months but I know it will give me positive energy
Don't worry lad, they'll pretend they never liked him, just as they did with Romney.
Ryan Rogers
I love her lads
Angel Gomez
Say to yourself in the early morning: I shall meet today ungrateful, violent, treacherous, envious, uncharitable men. All of the ignorance of real good and ill… I can neither be harmed by any of them, for no man will involve me in wrong, nor can I be angry with my kinsman or hate him; for we have come into the world to work together…
Gavin Parker
Going to bed lads, I hope I dream of wendy and me playing truth and dare in my clubhouse
Half an hour until hopefully that resignation letter comes out
James Butler
Purge it.
Michael Evans
Good luck lad, happy birthday
Hunter Gutierrez
What do you mean lad?
Kayden Gutierrez
Just a rumour that turned out to be bullshit lad
Brandon Rogers
Justin Peterson
Bentley Martin
Women needs purging tbh
Connor Jackson
Lucas Watson
What type of art did he do?
Caleb Peterson
How much money is Wews making from these vids?
Joseph Young
Nothing close to what he earned from that GILF
Ian James
I arch them just so he can move out of home tbh. Tragic.
His family clearly think he's a racist Lol
Benjamin Thomas
female race was a mistake
Sebastian Hall
Doubt he got anything from her considering he couldn't even get it up
Imagine having to put up with Wews living with you as a depressed NEET for a decade, ranting to you all the time as you're his only outlet
Evan Sanchez
I can predict with almost 100% certainty that these are future catladies, single mothers and coalburners if they're not already. Why follow such destructive trends, ladies?
Hey boys, who are you going to vote on to be the next queen?
Grayson Rivera
imagine how good it must feel to live a successful life
Levi Barnes
More like everyone else, amirite? MGTOW
Caleb King
I'm only 20 lad. I can still do it.
Adam Wallace
Isaiah Adams
Failing that, you could sit on a jury and ignore very good evidence so that a perp walks, having ruined someone's successful life. I know that's mean, but it probably feels pretty good :)
Michael Cooper
I did jury service a couple of years ago for a couple of weeks. You can't make a full time job out of it though.
Daniel Russell
At the age of 20 "James" probably wasn't sat around posting to alt-right image boards all day
Lucas Torres
Who is James?
Josiah Perry
Charles Morgan
Hopefully you made a mess of things.
Levi Green
On the plus side, James probably will beat her once she's old, wrinkled, and senile. keks
Camden Wood
This post is 11 hours old, but regardless, I must say the lad is right.
Asher Ross
things are better when we run the show thats just common sense lad
Bentley King
Pray to our Frog Prince, and the seas He sails, this Monday evening, lime-frogs. We need all the Shadiley! we can get this election.
David Young
Kek is a blasphemous meme tbh.
Henry Hernandez
When will that rotten old whore lizzardie die?
Justin Young
I thought he died on Question Time tbh.
Ryder Cruz
Why are Yanks so obsessed with niggers? It's so tedious tbh
Lincoln Williams
Because they have a lot of niggers in their country? Pretty sure there are more niggers per capita than pakis in london.
Levi Phillips
Poor Woes.
How does brit/pol/ get on with their parents?
Owen Williams
We've had to live with so many of the feral pavement ape. If I could snap my fingers and replace all nigs with Anglos, I would.
Jackson Harris
average they're a bit thick mine are
Kayden Allen
If anyone here was raised properly I doubt they'd be here, so I'm guessing not well generally.
tbh we'd probably send you our slightly less feral wogs to replace them.
Joshua Perry
So how much are you willing to offer for this wog removal?
Nathan Martinez
odd that isnt it jamaican sugar cane nig nogs didnt turn out half as bad as cotton picking cornbread niggers
Grayson Martin
Help us get the empire back and it's done
Connor Perry
two mars bars and a free trade agreement. tbh your getting a bargain, being around us and actual culture has slowed the social decay of the black communities here considerably some are even successful business owners.
Jason Brooks
We can, but you'll have to crown Trump king.
Lincoln Sullivan
Sorry lad you're on your own
Joshua Fisher
sorry lad hes got jerry in him our monarchies already got too much jerry in them we dont want even more
Nathaniel Brown
Jack Carter
Don't need another one after Cromwell.
Aiden Ortiz
How the fuck does that thing work? Which way round is a trans-man anyway?
Lucas Perez
ah yeah remember that 40 years of no proper monarchy and the jews got back in god only knows what would happen in this day and age if the monarchy was espoused again
Ian Flores
He was your best king, too.
Juan Sanders
female with penis envy lad
Jacob Cruz
You're arguing with dubs, son. tut tut tut
Eli Rodriguez
A trans man is a woman. I think they put it on their clit and thrust I think
Hunter Garcia
He wasn't a king, and every wednesday is purge a paddy day in blighty.
Kayden Russell
he was a cunt tbh and no king of britain
Easton Phillips
He really is a right wing version of Gordon.
Cooper Collins
Caleb Ross
dont forget Arthur, Caratacus, Longshanks and Edward the Black Prince
Wyatt Rivera
Good luck lad.
Jonathan Evans
Joseph Flores
It sounds like he knew how to be king. Say, why didn't you boys elect him king? He know how to get it done!
Juan Anderson
Comfy nostalgia, Genestealer cults are back.
Leo Ward
Is woes set for a relatively big inheritance like gordo?
Jordan Moore
Invading France is always nice but I always have a soft spot for a King that really invests back into his own country.
Ethan Sanchez
I know but he was pretty based he followed in the footsteps of Richard the Lionheart and went crusading in Egypt he managed to make friends with Hulagu Khan who loaned him 40,000 mongol warriors to aid him in sacking and massacring kebab
Henry Gutierrez
He was just another classic case of power corrupting.
Brody Gray
He banned christmas he deserved being dug up and thrown in a river tbh
Samuel Moore
Henry the 5th did more then that, he gave people faith in the monarchy again after continuous shit rulers.
Nathaniel Wood
Nice to see the caliphate received a little pillaging instead of dealing it all.
Brody Edwards
Outside of the Jews he was pretty good. He did more for Britain internationally than all of the Stuarts put together
Wyatt Barnes
Some twat on "Twat Morning" who spent £20,000 of benefits money to make himself look like David Beckham.
He's now £19,000 in debt.
I wonder who will be footing that bill?
Elijah Williams
This* Morning
Alexander Butler
That's on the monarchy for selecting shit leaders.
Carson Price
he was a drunken lout who loved to party and feast when he was a prince then as soon as he was crowned he did a total 180 and inspired everyone he repaid his cousin the prince of France insulting him by conquering France
oh for sure while Berke and Jochi the muslim sympathisers were pillaging eastern europe Hulagu and his nestorian christian mother and wife went around massacring kebab and leaving entire cities empty save for the unmolested christian populations
whats Twat Morning? has our entertainment industry reached new woes?
Brayden Bailey
Jack Campbell
>The teenager, who funds his hobby by taking out loans, >"I cannot say too much yet but I'm trying to get a gastric band operation and next year I'm going to Poland to get a hair transplant," he said.
Isaac Peterson
That comes to ~40K total
Aaron Wood
I do hope George grows up to be like his namesake George V understood the common man, was a simple man and was the last Emperor of India
Easton Campbell
Xavier Perez
Nolan Diaz
Considering his dad is a faggot I won't hold my breath
Andrew Cruz
But remember lads, it's not a choice! If they can't choose to stop being gay, then they cannot choose to be gay :^)
To be honest I'd rather labour stayed Jewish, if comrade Corbyn goes full commie he could do some major damage.
Ryder King
There will be no escape this time…
smh tbh
This is amazing. They're losing control and they can't even comprehend why.
Compared to what has been done to this country by Blairites?
Sebastian Gutierrez
If does damage either way.
Joseph Kelly
Read the video title and was terrified Lisa Duffy was on the programme.
Kayden Taylor
I'm watching his interview on the Frost Programme and up until about now, he's denouncing hitler saying it would have been better if he never lived 'because it led to the deaths of Europeans'. Frost asked him 'did the wrong side win the war?' and he said 'no, certainly not'. I'm not sure about this guy, but I admire him for his anti-communist stance and for being against sending the Tans to Ireland, which led to the spread of communism and the troubles.
Evan Phillips
I do know that, but a Jewish labour is a slow death a Marxist labour could be a very short bloody death. We could reverse things from Jewish labour, things that Corbyn would do couldn't be fixed.
Leo Lewis
He was a crypto-kike lad
Jace Adams
Alexander Perry
Cameron Cooper
The things that make so him that unelectable in the first place.
Christian Stewart
But people are very stupid and want change
Lucas Watson
Throw in some northern slags of varying ages and you've got yourselves a deal, gentlemen. I'm also fine you want wee George to be king.
You might have to start treating them like nigs and only give them food bennies.
Send the little royal bastard to work the fields, that'll humble him.
William Edwards
The majority of lunatics that put him in power in the labour party are a minority of lunatics in a wider GE mate.
Honestly can't tell if the first one is a shop or not. Never thought this safe space bullshit would hit the UK.
Christopher Hughes
all yank cancer and degeneracy hits the UK because when the BBC's not pushing poz down the viewers throat they air reruns of shit yank shows the trouble with speaking the same language im afraid
Jeremiah Davis
Blake Evans
I love the north korean flag tbh its aesthetic as fuck
Nathan Martin
True, sorry America, but this is another cancer that has spread from you.
They have realised too late that it wasn't a great ikea to let these niggers into their country thinking that they only wanted to play with their Volvos but really only wanted to play with Swedish women's vulvas
Zachary Baker
Jack Powell
Luis Barnes
expecting swedes to do anything but take a dicking is fantasy
Bentley Price
Sweden is now a warzone and rape capital. Excellent work Jews. Excellent work
David Johnson
lad this is my purging theme track
malmo is 60% muslim 1 in 4 swedish women are raped before they're 18 100% of assault rapes are committed by muslims
The French will let you know right away what they think of you Surprised they didn't necklace him tbh They love burning tyres Probably stayed at home sharpening their guillotines
Noah Brown
They're trying to take over every single country in the world as if it's their "God given" right They don't just want Israel. They want it all
Austin Long
they deserve oblivion tbh
Austin Perez
Luis Collins
That doesn't make any sense lad.
Julian Miller
Nathan Phillips
we lost the asian and african colonies because of the yanks and the atlantic charter lad
Connor Walker
Matthew Ortiz
Not true. Truman and Eisenhower reversed that policy after FDR died
Jonathan Perry
why did it still go ahead then lad?
Chase Torres
gordon benett was a wanker thats why his names an insult tbh while Percival lead the defense of Singapore and ended up a POW for 4 years Gordon Benett left troops behind to die so he could run away and save his own skin
Anthony Gutierrez
Has anyone got that comic about the factory owner explaining how he pays his workers?
Matthew Watson
Because Macmillan was a cuck. Because there wasn't the political will or probably the money to suppress nationalism everywhere with force. Because the leaders at the time mistakenly thought that they could preserve their influence more cheaply without direct control through the sterling area and the Commonwealth. Because most of the empire except Malaysia and maybe India was a drain on money and resources.
Sebastian Nelson
Absolutely shamefur tbh. At least we only lost against Chink-Britain rather than any of the worse asian countries.
Liam Cooper
losing against china like the yanks did would have been absolutely disgraceful tbh we lost against the country that modeled themselves after us tbh
Liam Ortiz
It was mostly because of the fact the locals lost all trust in the British defending the island properly that movements for self-rule (and later independence) popped up.
Jordan Evans
why do i ruin my lunches
Nolan Howard
already off to a bad start
Ian Butler
Caleb Butler
enjoy your pellagra, plebs
Juan Evans
Russell still comes off as the worse person.
Brayden Clark
It's not called Vegemite here, not that we don't have it.
Isaac Williams
well hes a thick drug addled paedo victim and pseudo communist who married into the rothschild family hes an abominable human being and a marx wannabe
Michael Johnson
Lads help
Juan Ortiz
it is called vegemite here because i bought it at tescos and marmite isn't vegemite you pleb
Gavin Flores
what was the lecture in?
Brayden Ross
Maths lad
Lincoln Evans
just walk up to someone and say 您好我可以成为你的朋友?
Oliver Torres
Shout "Pepe" out loud, your new friends will find you.
I guess they have well stocked foreign food sections in supermarkets poor people go to. Also they are both about the same thing, they just use different yeast. Not to mention you're a race traitor if you eat Vegemite.
Robert Powell
Not autistic enough tbh
Jordan Peterson
I want to punch her in the throat lads
Hunter Moore
Do it lad, women are shit
Benjamin Cox
this is what i am forced to watch when i get home tbh
Bentley Hill
Checked and the mistake is yours for trusting a woman. If you really want to get back at her, get her phone and post her nudes here. That will show her.
Zachary Edwards
Julian King
Thank god she won't be able to have kids
Liam Hall
lad has a point
I'd be up for seeing nudes of your sister
Dylan Ramirez
Sebastian Perez
Are you chained to a chair or summat
Austin Wilson
Do you come from a land down under?
Brayden Rogers
no its just theres only 6 channels, the other five channels are newstations and if you go outside the house you're eaten alive by malaria mosquitos
Ryder Green
It's call marriage and that's an excellent analogy
yes, but not for a long time. my wife is english but watches australian shows because the thinks they are stupid which makes them good
Xavier Cook
Your sister is probably telling the truth.
Post men are lazy fucking cunts.
I've caught several of them writing up those cards before even knocking my door.
Cooper Allen
Michael Johnson
Is this the 2nd season of THE WALL show?
Henry Harris
Ayden Bailey
Jack Evans
Can women ever keep their expectations in check when they have hit and now passed the wall?
Jace James
What time is the debate tonight then lads?
Adrian Rodriguez
if shes over 25, not a virgin by far, has no real education and is extremely opinionated well they can get on the donkey cart and be sent to the glue factory where they belong
Colton Gray
by the way, the show is Marriage At First Sight where they "match" two people and see what happens.
They matched her with a perfectly reasonable 36 year old guy who has a good income, owns a farm and wants children.
She didn't feel "chemistry" so it didn't work out.
Benjamin Perry
Lads, what's the most moral career an Englishman could go for?
Wyatt Martinez
Poor bastard
Joseph Walker
Ohhh Mascarenhas!!!
Bentley Peterson
Incoming downeys.
Women over the age of 35 should be sterlised to prevent possible birth defects. They should then have all wealth stripped from them, and redistributed among neet males to give them a headstart. The sterlised, penniless whores can then be a strong independent woman in a state-run brothel.
Luke Watson
Bricklaying, lad.
Jason King
He deserves it and she deserves to be stoned to fucking death. Also "Mascarenhas" needs to go back where he came from.
Zachary Flores
>tfw I remember this song was playing at the school disco when I first kissed a girl
Xavier King
archaeologist tbh either that or a fisherman
David Jenkins
I didn't know TTPW was that old.
Jose Foster
that video made my CIVIC radar explode
Joshua Jenkins
Cameron King
tbh i think more of brit/pol/ are non-virgins than the yanks
Samuel James
Lying through her teeth.
Brayden Richardson
its why miscegenation man has no hope women cant be moral unless they're sheltered and heavily religious tbh
Joshua Wilson
She's ashamed and sad that she got caught.
Adrian Hall
the shame probably just makes this deviant hornier tbh
i used to have hard, hard, savage wanks to that video
Lucas Hall
It's shit like this that makes me want to just pack and go live in a monastery.
Eli Edwards
No wonder it didn't end right away. Chock full of libs, wogs and spics.
Carson Taylor
Obviously you're lying, we all know all women are only ever after money.
William Diaz
I wouldnt lad the catholic church has been using monasteries to isolate paedophile priests since the 5th century AD besides how could you save Britain locked away from the world in isolation?
Jordan Ward
I wonder how her children feel reading in a national paper about their dad getting cucked?
Ayden Ward
Must be hard to pull off a public shooting when you've only got about six bullets at a time and about ten-twenty seconds to reload the damn thing.
I'm putting my money on it being a wog rather than a muzzie this time.
Jordan Morgan
If they have any moral standards they'll probably be feeling like that user with the swinger parents tbh.
Oliver Murphy
Judging from how happy the vicar is to be cucked, I'd wager they never had any respect for him in the first place.
Landon Garcia 'An antidote to the far right's poison' – the battle for Cable Street’s mural I hate these hypocritical liars.
Charles Lee
oh apparently we're poison now pointing out correlations, stating facts and defending our views is 'subversive hate filled poison' i fucking hate them so much
Ethan Myers
Kayden Russell
The same can be asked of the NEETs here.
Caleb Allen
I'll use it, but why can't we have a thread without some sort of autism?
Nicholas Walker
This is just silly lad.
Sebastian Ward
they can create OC lad if they cant even do that the NEETs serve no purpose other than to wait for the happening
Colton Wood
None of that in London, there's a fuckton of pseudo-jobs in shitty offices doing fuck-all.
Kevin Evans