Dysnomia beds over for Jim every day edition
Official pedo thread
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oh shit nigger, what are you doing?
Holla Forums was founded specifically to support freedom of speech and only outlaw content illegal in the US. Dysnigger is going against the very principles of this board, but what else is new. Fuck that guy
oy vey delet this thread please
I endorse this tread
fug im dum :DDDD
t. pedo
who cares breaking rules is based
I want some of this sweet looking candy.
Help me vols. Ahhh
vols are sleeping post child photograhpy.
It's dyniggers board, he can do what he wants with it. If you want a Holla Forums with pedo then go make a new board and post legal stuff to your hearts content then go make a new fucking board where you and your autistic friends can eat ass burgers together.
post child camel toes.
breaking rules is part of Holla Forums if you dont like it you can leave
is that a rabbit? all i can see is fur…
Im not sure but I like that picture anyway.
K gn
delete these pedos
cee pee :D
Would fug
mods are dead
mods mods mods
would fug that ass t b h
Dat ass
ill do it irl, im not a lawcuck
And this is the exact reason why I don't bareback.
Bullshit, several popular Holla Forums alternatives have been killed despite CP being well policed on them
Cool story bro
Being a pedo is wrong because it's not normal being sexually attracted to people or things with which you cannot breed. This includes children, dogs, people of the same sex, dead people, sex dolls.
You cannot breed with children therefore wanting to have sex with children is wrong. Having said that I wish all normalfags, moralfags and women on this site would fucking die right now. This isn't the place for you holier-than-thou bigoted cunts.
what about attraction to an 11 year old girl that had her first period?
Pretty good points user. Especially the last ones heh.
thats the woest argumend against pedophilia t b h
But it's completely ok to fuck anal or use condoms rite?
t. torpedo
a child is a anything under 18 years old so your argument is already invalidated
t. torpedo
also in Scotland one is adult once they reach 16
atleast legally
>Implying some 5 year olds can't breed.
i think you missed my point. he said there's no point of having sex with a child because it can't breed but a child is anything under 18 years old. 9 year olds fucking get pregent.
best argument so far t b h
this discussion was pointless because that torfag was baiting us and when the volunteers wake up this thread is going to get nuked.
Wish there was more shit in the 14 to 17 range
too old t b h
You keep using that word
less hc and more jailbait i agree with you
your definition of a child doesn't reflect the real definition of a child
Can such a young girl have a successful pregnancy without dying? How % likely to die? Does she have sex drive from hormones at such a young age?
I guess the answer is it's OK to fantasize about it. But actually doing her, not.
Last week, a 12-year-old Dutch girl went into labor while on a school field trip. Neither she nor her ily were previously aware that she was pregnant. Teachers rushed the girl to Groningen Hospital in a northern part of the Netherlands, where she gave birth to a healthy baby.
In the modern era, 12 is a tragically young age to give birth in developed nations. That's a cultural fact rather than physical one, though: Twelve-year-old mothers aren't unusual in some parts of the world. What's the youngest a woman can give birth, physically?
A woman can get pregnant and have a baby as soon as she begins ovulating, or producing eggs. This typically occurs about a year after they first begin menstruating, which for North American women, usually happens between the ages of 11 and 12. Some women start ovulating late, though, and others, extremely early. The early onset of menstration is called "precocious puberty."
This ad will end in 30 seconds.
Lina Medina, a Peruvian girl born in 1933, began menstruating at the age of eight months, was tragically raped as a 5-year-old and gave birth at six years, five months. She is the youngest confirmed mother in medical history.
oops. fucked up that copy/paste
a) i haven't given my definition of a child so you're plainly talking out your ass, and b) you seem to think your definition is applicable.
there's this thing, the Internet. Maybe you've heard of it. Goes far and wide .
I'm not stopping you from posting CP am I? If you don't want to discuss fine by me.
To me it means prepubescent with no sex drive or sexual awareness. Above this is adolescent, which is not a child .
It is assumed we talk consensual because forced is obviously wrong despite breeding age.
not her
i'll humor your mediocre bait. please define what a child is.
*meant not her
Certainly a more realistic definition than muh_18.
wait wat? so now it's not under 18? sheesh. you ppl are never satisfied.
it is a scientific fact that a child can get horny once they are born, and they can fap as young as fetus
Anyone have any actually good co? Like really
i can agree on that
Does anyone have any good cp*? Like really
Lol don't look at tor id's thinking it's the same person posting. Polite sage for useless hint.
child photography?
(((Google))) the definiton of a child because the definitons make it broad which gives more questions than answers.
will fug t b h
You said you were going to sleep.
would put benis in mouth/10
cute :3
Check em for what
They r best quality i could get them in
good job mods
Now I know this is LEA for sure.
Where you been, froggo?
more realistic but i just had did a quick search on duckduckgo and all the fucking definitions range from infancy to puberty so i don't know what or who to believe anymore.
little girl orgasms are adroable. no sarcasm they actually are.
who is this or series name?
why this thread still up, ctrl alt del nonces gn
what do you mean?
You've been gone for a month? What do you mean what do I mean?
siberian mouse. two sisters giving a blowjob. heavily hoarded, everyone is itching to get it but no one is willing to pay nor leak it.
Describe what's so adorable, I'm curious, and totally not Chris Hansen.
fuck off
I told you it was LEA
Not LEA just heavy handed amerds. A reminder why this site is worthless. Soon enough if you want to comment on Holla Forums you'll have to log in with Facebook.
good, then don't have to remember tripcode any more
always logged in anyway
t. LEA
that nigger was posting stretched images of cp. if you don't know what that implies then i wish you good luck, torbro.
ha rip bored nonces be gone
do i have pleasure of having the seat if accidentally clicked one or two pics ?
there you go you're lea now.
neato! i always wanted to be LEA
Why would 960 vs 640 mean anything
they can zoom and enhance
have you ever seen csi?
it's just about stretching the images. i don't know they do it and i'm afraid to ask because i don't want to know the answer, probably some more kike magic and alphabet tricks.
fucking with the aspect ratio isn't an enhancement, not is it a proper zoom…
It implies he was a very, very naughty man.
Sorry but I can't take this criminalization of pixels seriously. It's like it would be illegal for me to post images of cocaine powder because snorting cocaine is illegal. I expect the Law to change in a few hundred years to deal with the Internet, if there's still going to be an Internet by then, or a civilized society even.
low res images are used for thumnails/free previews. CP sellers set up paywalls before you can download the full size photo.
LEOs dont have premium content on hand, they just enlarge the thumbnails they got for free
This makes no sense would they be in checking code in it how the could you even tell it was stretched in the first place
aspect ratio is same
tripcodes were disabled and it was pretty dead over here anyway.
i don't have to ask now that someone explained it
i'm pretty sure leos can get premium content they have all the shekels in the world. and they can rationalize their actions by saying 'b-but we saved 100x more than we abused, s-so it's okay!'
well you missed the cyclic pedo thread. we missed you complaining about the pedos but somehow being in every single pedo thread that has cp in it.
Thank you finally a real explanation
Yeah I doubt leo would have any problems at all posting whatever they would like I'm sure there's NSA database out there somewhere with a petabyte of it stored on iit.
Right, they have access to it, and Im sure some keep a stash at home. My point was they dont care about putting up good shit on their sting website. Any old jpeg will do, as long as they get the buyers info
pics had viruses in them
It would be funny if LEOs actually did this because it would show how hypocritical they are. Similarly to how they can shoot you and get away with murder while murder ought to be illegal for all.
More likely it's some random dude who didn't get past the paywall and got what he could for free.
lea are the biggest hoarders on the planet, they're just 'generous hoarders' which is a oxymoron but you get my point.
antijew tactic
they did it with cplay and that's a big accomplishment considering it was second to none to any other onion sites.
i'm still skeptical though. when you see shit like that it should automatically be a redflag to get the fuck out of there. i'm trading cp right now so i couldn't care less what gets posted here lel
look up playpen, after taking down freedom hosting and seizing one of the largest distributors of cp, the FBI decided to continue running the site from their own network for weeks, even giving it an upgrade in bandwidth and seeing an uptick in users
they did this because they saw it as an opportunity to take all the pedos off the web, but under US law every time a child abuse photo is shared that child is re-victimized, which is the basis for some of the very heavy handed sentences that get handed down to people who have never committed an act of abuse in their life
additionally, this sting operation amounted to only about a hundred some prosecutions, and I’m pretty sure a lot of them got thrown out
tl;dr the FBI is one of the biggest victimizers of children on the face of the earth
I will try explaining a different way… when police do a drug sting, they dont bring top of the line product. They just grab whatever low grade shit is sitting on the shelf in their evidence room.
this t b h
so i'm right to assume all stretched images of cp originated from lea? because that's what i was assuming in the first place.
well, its safe to assume that most lea cp is shit quality, because they arent (usually) interested in running a successful business. They just want your email address, ip address, credit card number, whatever you give them
but to directly answer your question, stretched images are made by amateurs. Be they law enforcement, newfag pedos, oldfags that cant into computers…
hidden operating system inside your computer's cpu listens to your network stack and waits for magic string
all lea needs is specially crafted file that produces said string and the rest is history. tails, qubes or any virtual machine solution won't save you
fair point. i was looking through some of my old harddrives a month ago and i noticed a huge block of stretched images and was like holy fuck i'm fucking flagged and possibly getting v&. i was paranoid for a few days then went back to being mellow.
stop fearmongering
old harddrive was from the major gg exodus when stupid fags like myself were trading cp via kik. how stupid of us.
i wish
from my understanding, you only get raided if you doxx yourself online (enter your personal info), or somebody physically finds your stash irl. Yes our computers spy on us, but Windows 10 isnt emailing the FBI when it detects cp on your hard drive.
TLDR keep your mouth shut irl, keep your stash physically hidden from anyone in your house, dont doxx yourself, and you should be okay
yeah that makes sense. going to do something else now. fun thread lel
bad opspec i'd say is how people get raided; bragging, openly talking about it in public is just plain stupid. you don't have to tell me twice about that but thanks user.
you only read about the pedos with "thousands of images" on their hard drive. I have yet to read about someone arrested for a few crusty thumbnails in their browser cache. I dont maintain a stash of CP, I just find stuff on clearnet when Im in the mood (rare ) using Incognito/InPrivate/whatever. If my house gets raided theres not a whole lot of evidence, so I'm not too worried. I'm going to use a Linux LiveUSB next time so there should be virtually zero evidence
contents of thread:
1. anons talk about pedo morality
2. anons post cp and non-cp
3. mods delete cp and non-cp
4. anons talk about pedo tradecraft
5. thread dies of boredom
why sage?
I'll have agent Donnelly put this case forward tomorrow afternoon, see you in a few weeks, doe.
can anyone talk on how police it nerds search your hard drive after they've seized your computer?
what methods, programs do they use?
ask >>Holla Forums
i believe they clone the hard-disk (keep all data read-only)
then they search the entire cloned disk including free space
in free space your deleted files are unless you wipe them
three ideas:
1. encrypt what you won't delete
2. delete what you won't encrypt
3. wipe instead of delete
them bugging your pc is urban legend and if they're competent they only boot your pc once for data copy and never again
once they cloned the hd do they use a computer program or tool for example to filter all images (png, jpg, gif) then view them physically? same with video files?
what do they do if they find a encryped volume? will they try to crack it or try to force the key from you?
for sensitive files I want to delete would placing them in a encrypted volume then switching the key to a long string of random gibberish, then deleting/wiping the whole encrypted volume from hd work?
even if the volume is recovered they still don;t have the key