if one overdoses on a lethal combination of opiates and benzos.
would injecting amphetamines save them?
my hypothesis is yes as
benzos and opiates = downers
amphetamines = uppers
cancelling each other out.
if one overdoses on a lethal combination of opiates and benzos.
would injecting amphetamines save them?
my hypothesis is yes as
benzos and opiates = downers
amphetamines = uppers
cancelling each other out.
do you know that girl?
pretty sure what you're describing killed john belushi…
nope, you need a shot of adrenaline
Uppers + Downers = SEeotonin Syndrome, not Narcan.
It might save them from respiratory failure but then their heart gives out.
Stream and let's find out.
Yes I have personally seen it work on 2 separate occasions one was straight heroin OD the second was heroin and xanax and each time meth was injected into their arms and each time they had a better pulse and resumed breathing properly. Of course there is an extent to which this works. Narcan is infinitely better. I also can speak from experience when saying that you can use WAYYY more opiates when on amphetamines. Hell you can drink wayyy more too. I should have died one night after I drank a bottle of henny with an entire bottle of Malibu plus half a bottle of Peach Ciroc PLUS like 12 beers PLUS 2mg lorazepam with no alcohol or Benz tolerance and I'm pretty sure the only thing that saved me was the adderal I took too. I was fucked up till 8pm the next night LOL
you cannot OD on benzos themselves. must be mixed with alcohol to get that effect.
narcon will save them from the opiate OD though. which is available in my country for free. in kits from pharmacies.
side note; narcon hasnt helped people. most hospital will see the same opiate user OD multiple times a DAY. literally having their life saved and then ODing again in the hospital parking lots and coming back in and getting shot up again with narcon. rinse and repeat.
sad state of affairs.
most people who OD on opiates dont die from the actual drug. respiratory failure is somewhat common but its usually asphyxiation from choking on their own vomit that kills them.
solid medical advice there
you're right, that's crap advice, but the fact remains that benzos alone kill
You know you're retarded and still you do it? Of course fewer people die from being shot 1 times versus being shot multiple times. lmfao kys underage halfcuck
so what's the overdose for bullets? some survive >20, others die from one.
how is this relevant to the role of benzos in od stats? it's not, but if you force the issue, you'll need to crunch the numbers for deaths including benzo+firearm and thenthat number to weight against the use of toxicology reports in firearm deaths vs poison deaths and then..
He's basically right, the LD50 of most benzodiazepines is ridiculously high. You generally need to combine it with alcohol, a barbiturate or opioid/opiate (anti-emetics also help intentional suicides). For reference, here's an LD50 (lethal dose for 50% of subjects) listing for clonazepam(klonopin)
LD50 Mouse ip 13,300 mg/kg
[Lewis, R.J. Sr. (ed) Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 11th Edition. Wiley-Interscience, Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ. 2004., p. 963] PEER REVIEWED
LD50 Rat ip 14,200 mg/kg
[Lewis, R.J. Sr. (ed) Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 11th Edition. Wiley-Interscience, Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ. 2004., p. 963] PEER REVIEWED
LD50 Mouse oral 2 g/kg
[Lewis, R.J. Sr. (ed) Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 11th Edition. Wiley-Interscience, Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ. 2004., p. 963] PEER REVIEWED
LD50 Rat oral > 15 g/kg
[Lewis, R.J. Sr. (ed) Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 11th Edition. Wiley-Interscience, Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ. 2004., p. 963] PEER REVIEWED
2 grams/kg = 200,000 mg for a 100 kg man, 15g/kg = 1,500,000 mg for a 100 kg man. For reference, pills are between 0.25 and 2mg. Unless you're unhealthy, you're extremely unlikely to die from only benzodiazepines directly.
Copy pasted, spoilers unintentional. All peer reviewed.
Just smoke a marijuana and you'll be fine. The ganja even cured cancers and stigmata.
? ? ?
Legalize all drugs
Fuck Trump! He is a bitch ass sell out
I'm a drug addict. My advice is even better than a doctor's.