FFC Storytime

Time for a history lesson Holla Forums

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And i already post the wrong cover , we're off to a great start







Da end
but since i began with the 5th volume even if it was by accident i might as well also post it

Volume 5










And this concludes the 5th volume .Comments ?Suggestions? Should i keep going? Should i go back to >>Holla Forums ? Should i go kill myself? Should i just go?
Note: regardless of your choice the result is going to be the same , me continuing posting the rest of the series

Thanks for yhe read

Whaty's that lassie? More? Ok




































And this concludes it ,there are a couple of issues that i haven't storytimed but i will provide the link


Thanks op

I love this shit.

Nice read OP.

Hats off to you, haven't read this stuff in ages

A storytime of the rest and re-uploaded the lot on volafile




























