So Trump either has to repeat lugenpresse lies about himself and praise Hillary or the moderator will correct him.
BREAKING: Debate Moderator Lestor Holt Promises to Correct the Record™
This nigger looks like a fucking lizard
The truth does not fear scrutiny.
He looks like a jew.
Anyone who believes that Trump supported the invasion in Iraq should be skinned alive.
I don't understand.
When was Trump ever able to vote on Iraq?
Never trust a nigger with no lips.
They're rigging this debate hard, how is Trump going to react? Should he even participate in the first place?
He was asked if we should have gone into Iraq on a Howard Stern answer and gave an answer that went along the lines of "Yeah, I guess so" when at the time support amongst the retarded populace was really high.
I think you mean never trust a nigger.
It's not about his vote, it's about his support.
In 2012, Fatass Candy Crowley lied during a debate and challenged Willard Romney on a true point.
Mitt was so flat footed he looked like a retard. Even though Mitt was correct, that half-second hesitation and timid deference to the moderator made him look wrong.
This is totally what they want to do to Trump.
Trump needs to treat both as his enemy, and not take any shit from the moderator. The more he goes outside the bounds, the more he wins.
They think a lot more things than that and if you don't agree with them then you're a "liar" and they'll have to Correct the Record™
Can we just have a moderator that won't purposely try to but will most likely fail fuck over a candidate
I mean Trump's not going to be allowed to say facts if this guy is serious
So, it doesn't matter if you lie provided it's a very confident lie?
He's not going to back out.
So they're going to try to bait him into arguing with the mod to draw fire away from shillary?
lel Trump will rip him another asshole while shutting him up, remember Megyn?
Fixed it for them
He never voted, so even if it was conceded that he supported the war in Iraq he didn't he was just some dude with a probably poorly informed opinion probably due to government misinformation. Hillary was a senator at the time.
Correct, optics matter far more than truth when it comes to mass appeal.
He looks like a black Dale Gribble
Good. Imagine how the voting public will react when everything is so unfairly stilted against one side. They will make Trump and his causes sympathetic; this will make Cunton look even more crooked. All Trump has to do is be calm and strong in the face of (((their))) desperate shit-flinging.
I'm thinking along the same lines. After all the shit they've spewed so far, this isn't going to help them either.
Let's remember this legendary related moment
Can't embed cause it already got posted in another thread
What they're doing is high risk, high reward.
As said, they could make Trump look like a retard.
Of course, the risk for them is that if they don't get him to stump himself, they'll make the public sympathetic toward him, as you say.
Why not just tell the truth?
Trump knows the moderator will be biased, he's prepared for that. It will only work in his favour.
It will be yet another opportunity to showcase how corrupt the media is in Hillary's favour.
Here's the commision:
Yeb looked so smug there only to get btfo. Delicious.
this guy looks like some weird nigger-kike hybrid
watch how it went on lel, another legendary moment
Optics matter more than truth, as he said.
For example, as pointed out in , someone telling the truth can get hammered due to poor optics. The funny thing is, had Romney been lying, he most likley would have been expecting to get called on it, and thus prepared a good response, rather than doing a rabbit in the headlights look - which can be seen as "oh shit, I got called out on my lie" rather than the "why the fuck is he challenging me on the truth" that it was.
Also, in the case of Trump, the media will claim he was lying, regardless of what he says - so what he says had better have good optics, truth or not.
Because the media has deemed the truth a lie.
Why the fuck do we need moderators in the first place? We can fact check just fine after the debates. The whole thing is just another Jewish scheme.
There should AT MOST be a referee who puts forward questions and cuts off the mic when the guy talks too long.
wasn't just funny, he effectively eviscerated the entire Bush family
The media used to just report on political debates but now tries to drive them like a circus.
Thats not important. What is important is that They think its important, and they're so devistated right now that they are actually going to go back and re-litigate Iraq which is completely toxic for Hillary…. but shes so fucked right now they aren't event trying to make a come back. Hillary is on a kamikaze run now.
debates need to be between the guests, the moderator only puts out a few outlining questions and maybe steers the conversation here and there when things get too rowdy
these days moderators serve to protect the narrative above all else
tbh that sounded more like "i don't think we should go but i will stand by my country if we do"
not like he was shilling the war 24/7 like all the media were doing
Exactly, I'm not saying that you should lie, just that people need to be aware that how you look saying something is more important than what you're saying. Trump will tell the truth and look good doing so.
One of the biggest planks in his platform is the corruption of the media, this is ultimately going to work in his favor.
I mean they tried to pull the same thing on him during the primary debates and no matter how loud the boos got or how biased the moderators were, his polls still went up the next day because most people wouldn't fall for it.
He definitely wasn't shilling it non-stop but he did voice hesitant support. Now I find it likely that he wasn't actually for it and just said so his business interests wouldn't be harmed but its hard to explain that in a debate and probably wouldn't go over well.
If dubs, bringing up Pepe will be (((their))) undoing.
ye he still said it so it's hard to manoeuvre out of that
You need to kill yourself.
He was denouncing it in various ways very shortly after that Howard Stern interview. Has has criticized it pretty much since the onset, from the way it was handled to the reasons for starting it.
back to halfchan
What else will they hit trump with?
Trump was a private citizen. Who gives a fuck what he thinks. CLINTON WAS A SENATOR. Fuck this nigger. Fuck the kike commies. We need segregation back. It's not fucking normal to have niggers in our society. All of our race traitor Jewish puppets need to be executed immediately. This is unacceptable. Fuck anyone who cries omg that's evil. No it's not. We have to save the fucking word
"Yeah, I guess"
i know, but if they bring it up in a debate i'm not sure that'll be' enough
I hope he's planned for this and can turn it back around on them.
this, animals belong in the zoo or their natural habitat
Trump tried pushing for no moderators at the debate. He wanted it to just be him and Hillary and a timer.
Trump needs to take the debate off script since Hillary's campaign will know the questions ahead of time and tell her what to say in her ear piece.
So once again, this is not a debate. It is a mock show trial to try and make Trump look bad.
They aleady did this at every single RNC debate, he'll be fine. I think he'll even use it in his advantage
I'm sure he has, its been obvious that that's going to be the case.
He can't get mad and lose his temperament like Hillary does all the time.
He has to outwit them with whatever the nigger throws at him. He needs to correct the niggers record if he tries to get smart and ballsy. Just completely destroy them from all angles. Make them get a little mad and say something unfiltered. Then he can go in for the kill and use his quick witted one liners to make the crowd roar and the nation laugh.
That was like 4+ months ago. The media has become far more rabid since.
Trump better have something up his sleeve to keep this from getting ugly. This is beyond hostile territory for him. They aren't even trying to have a semblance of being fair.
You know it'll happen.
I think we all expected the deck to be stacked. These debates are won by the 3 soundbytes that get repeated. He'll be fine because Hillary is seriously useless and there's a lot of that needs explaining in regards to how the Clintons have made their fortune. She has not even been able to remark the points where she's actually stronger. For example, she has more political experience but it's Trump who's meeting with foreign leaders. Oh and she's going to be so pumped full of meds that may actually have a fatal effect.
The're the same retards as always, they can't take criticism, which is why they can't evolve. I bet 100 internets that Trump will destroy her and the faggot moderators at the same time
I wonder if they ever flung their shit at onlookers.
Looks like male mode ru-paul with hair
I have heard nurses I know say that she is being pumped full of steroids, for her condition. Expect her to be more aggressive than normal, while Trump will know he has to be cool and comfy.
The first 30 mins will be crazy Hillary "why am I not 50 points ahead" Clinton. The last hour will be her crashing, looking worn out and haggard, with possible pants of shit.
You are forgetting that he has been dealing with hostile territory for the entirety of his campaign. Even Fox News tried to shit on him and even after Trump's nomination, which is when they were forced to slightly warm up to him considering he ended up being the only Republican candidate, they still occasionally do hit pieces so they could help Shillary.
Oy vey, Trump should be locked up for his crimes!
I look forward to the skeletons in his closet to be released and this nigger put in his place.
He was asked by howard stern in 2002 and he just said "yeah, sure". It was literally an off the cuff "uh, okay I guess" sort of answer. And they're trying to spin that as if he was a fucking advocate. I mean for fucks sake, it was the goddamn howard stern show. He has porn stars come on and organsm on sybians for fucks sake
I hope the mods are ready for monday. We'll need ultra fast cycling on the stickies and streams.
How will they be able to top motherfucking prepared Powerpoint slides?
he'll never be able to correct the coughing fits or the pants of shit.
B-b-but hes registered republican!
There is a bit more to it than that.
Every single attempt they made failed.
And yet hillary is still campaigning like she's in the 80's to early 90's, and the media has only further created a very large rift of distrust between they and the people. They cannot compete with his 5d chess, and (((they))) have been tearing their hair out frustration as they have no idea how to deal with the growing red pill memes and honed shitposting, because of their desperation they're going as far to openly admit a ragtag team of autists on a rice pudding imageboard shitposting smug anime girls and "nazi frogs" (as they like to call them) have the biggest impact and pose the biggest threat to (((their))) political power out of anything else in the world.
Its almost like a bunch of rich paid off metropolitan journalists that don't understand the plight of hard working Amercians or something
The only advice Lester Holt needs was given by Jim Lehrer on CNN earlier
So much truth it almost brings a tear to my eyes.
Is this another case of CNN's bullshit with brackets?
Could they make it more obvious?
What connection does he have to the Clinton Foundation, because it would not surprise me if there was one.
Anyone else feel let down Assange hasn't let fly with anything?
I was convinced he'd release the extra dirt he claims to have just before the debate, for maximum damage.
he's still waiting for the October surprise
Check'd, but it could be that he's holding ammo in reserve thinking it'd be more effective to fire after the debate at some point.
What if he's waiting so they don't have a day's worth to try and bury it or do something about it before deploying the big guy?
(checked trip)
this too
inb4 it's a video of Clinton shaking hands with some ISIS leader
inb4 it's shown on the displays behind the candidates in the middle of the debate
Much like the welfare state they inhabit now. Only difference is now they're out of the cages killing other animals & innocent visitors.
I wonder what the best time to release some heavy shit is. Too far away from the debate and they'll have time to slide the story and memory-hole it, or at least come up with counter-narratives. Too soon until the debate, and there won't have been enough time for people to process the implications of the leak, and they'll be able to get away with not including it.
I hope you're right.
My own assessment is it would do maximum damage just before the debates as it would be brought up truthfully.
I suppose maybe all those photo shopped pictures of him were right.
Just at the moment when all hope is lost, it looks like a Clinton victory and the courage of good men has failed… then Assange the White will strike.
I have a feeling they're going to go on the offensive over Trump, and it'll make the entire debate look like it was Clinton and Holt teaming up against Trump. Even if Clinton "won" the debate in that situation, anyone who is neutral or Trump will only further lose more trust in the media as it's a clear cut example of bias. It'll be extremely easy for Holt's bias to show through, if it exists, because you can check how much fact checking he did properly and what he missed. Which, as Jim Lehrer said, will place a massive burden on Holt. Imagine he is incorrect about a fact check, now it's going to be his entire responsibility as a moderator and a news anchor, and it's going to tank his career.
I imagine the biggest loser of the debate tomorrow will be Holt if he goes through with this plan to fact check on the spot. Holt has basically came out and taken on a huge amount of responsibility, and now people will end up fact checking Holt as well as the other candidates.
It's still too early, it'll drop when Clinton campaign won't have enough time. And having that over Clinton's head means they have to be extra cautious as to not play into the negative information for them in the leaks. Once the big one is out of their responsibility they can be more aggressive.
Read the archive retards.
Why is CNN hosting in the first place? They've been the worst offender this season.
Hail Satan
he himself has said that he did once kinda quasi support the war in iraq.. and then when he realized it was bullshit rescinded his support.
Regardless, even if trump did say a lie. Cunton has said millions of lies, and killed 4 Americans including 1 leftist SJW goon. The fact that the idiot leftists still fucking felate the ground she shits on is astounding.
Thanks lad.
They do love prison…
The thing is they can do whatever they want but they can't change the fact 8% finds them trustworthy
They could call Trump out on seeing bigfoot and people would believe Trump saw bigfoot if the media said he didn't, all Trump has to do is put on a good show and he's already off on the right foot with that Flowers bimbo
I had forgotten how much booing at Trump there was during that. They filled that place with nothing but anti-trump shills. And he still won that state bigly,
Monday should be interesting
normalfags have the memory of goldfish, they've already forgotten Hillary rigged the primaries, he's waiting.
There is no reason to release it before this debate. The optimal time will be before the final debate.
I have a feeling it's just some bogus documents that act as a distraction for the dems at the last second.
What do you mean?
As in bogus anti Clinton documents that means she has to spend the last few days of her campaign refuting them, rather than attacking Trump?
Wikileaks is highly credible and a lot of people look up to Assange, which is why the media had to try hard to dig the lies about rape back up because they have no other way to attack him other than him as a person, Wikileaks as an organisation is considered by normalfags to be far more trustworthy than any government or media outlet. Simply namedropping Wikileaks is enough to shit on her, he simply has to make sure to push her into the situation where he is talking about Wikileaks while she is rambling on about Assange and rape.
When asked about the Iraq War Trump should say
They will keep trying to coax him into saying he was against it again, but he should deflect saying he already said it
That will either cause this nigger to say
Then it will show the impartial attack on Trump, and Trump can talk shit about buzzfeed
Either way I hope Trump sees that article
This has already played out when the audience booed Trump and he said "look I know all those lobbyists and special interests in the crowd." Trump is strongest when being attacked. Most people will just see that he looks confident and the moderator looks desperate. Not to mention they're projecting what they're going to try way early against someone who is a scrupulous planner.
Trump is going to knock it out of the park. Watch.
Positive energy.
He will win.
And if I'm not mistaken, this picture is the origin of the God emperor meme - the first meme to link him to WH40k.
Have you forgotten so soon? Do you not remember how Don turned the situation around during the debates? A man of strength easily trounced the opposition. Jeb went from republican forerunner to being a guacamole salesman moonlighting as an uber driver. Do you not remember the trials of Megan Kelly? She was a moderator that tried stumping Trump. Now look at her, as she's the reporter of the JUSTice League. Look at the media trying to stump Trump. Look at the declining ratings and trust the people have with the media. All time low.
As Uncle Yuri said, "the media is the direct opposite of reality." The media's fervent denial of Trump's rise is testament to this. Look at the flat out refusal of the media to cover Hillary's crimes. A lesser person would have been executed years ago. They're trying to normalize government corruption, since they're a puppet of the government. Notice how (((Hollywood))) and the media trot out celebrities to speak against Trump. Notice their fear. If you take one thing away from this, its that the media is always wrong.
The communists have never actually experienced rejection of their subversion. The useful idiots are even rebelling against their media masters. They cry out that the media is actually "anti-hillary and pro-trump." Can you believe how delusional these mongrels are? They're not even useful, cattle really.
Was it not CIA that said,
"You know what I learnt losing that duel? I learnt that I'll never win. Not that way. That's their game, their rules. I'm not going to fight them, I'm going to fuck them. That's what I know, that's what I am, and only by admitting what we are can we get what we want."
Trump is a big guy and knows how opponents work. They all want to play their game, set their rules up and in their mind, regardless of the result, they won. So they live in their world, shut off from the grandeur of reality. They're demanding Trump show up and play checkers with them, but Trump is here to play baseball. And all Trump does is sink home runs. Then they want to hit home runs too, but can only get a single at best.
They're just really really behind in moves. They're trying to make up Trump crushing it about Iraq but it's already too late. When somebody zings you, you can't wait 3 weeks for a comeback. If you miss it it's missed.
It will be completely new shit by Monday. He'll say unpredictable things about breaking leaks and recent events and Hillary will buy a twitter hashtag about Lester.
Shut the hell up, Sinead
that nigger looks more like a fruit tree to me
5 star bantz
Libs keep trying to push the idea that Lester Holt is totally not a liberal and pro-Hillary because after all he's a registered Republican.
This satanic lizard looks like a fucking google.
They brought up the Clinton Foundation in the forum. They'll likely touch on it now here, as well.
WaPo's had a hardon for the TRUMP FOUNDATION SCANDAL where he used trump foundaiton shekels, reportedly violating some accounting codes, to pay a veteran's charity 100K as part of a court settlement to fly a huge damn flag illegally
They're going to try and equate these things, and then go after his tax returns
seriously though what the fuck is up with this dude's face? Is he a quadroon?
He didn't support the Iraq war, sorry you leftist piece of shit. Exactly what I expect from subhuman leftist cattle such as yourself. You should be skinned alive, doused in saltwater and raped until you beg for death, then fed alive to pigs.
Tell me exactly in that link where it says he supported it? You can't because you're leftist trash. You should be fucking raped and tortured to death in the most humiliated and dehumanizing way possible, you god damn leftist SCUM. Fuck you.
He's gonna get rekt like all the moderator cucks at any Trumpbowl.
For fuck's sake, faggot. Calm your tits. I was only showing that it was more than just a casual shrug on the Howard Stern show.
God damn you idiots are way too easily triggered. Gotta walk on eggshells so as not to offend your tender SJW sensibilities.
Once people are full of doubt for the moderators, then it will be easier to drop more info and shit on them.
That's basically what it was. Stop trying to take on the lugenpresse take on this and try and make it seem as if he was gung-ho when he obviously wasn't or make it seem like he was anything but reluctant.
how long before his comes out trans?
I cannot wait until he wins and takes the throne 1/20/2017
Pointing out something is not the same as endorsement of that something.
For example, if I post a link to crime statistics showing that black people overwhelmingly commit crime in the United States, does that mean I am endorsing the crimes niggers commit?
It's just pointing out a fact. The link showing many times when Trump has talked about the Iraq War - with all the citations therein - is merely pointing out the already compiled data.
It's not endorsement or acceptance, it is merely not reinventing the wheel.
Don't forget that she lied about this at the US Veterans address. She sand, "We did not lose a single American in that action."
*Commander-in-Chief forum, sorry and polite sage
Disgusting mongrel, born of Christcuckoldry.
Can't Stump, Won't Stump
No it's not a fact because he has shown himself to be full of reservations for the Iraq War. You are trying to pass of what is your subjective take on his behavior and call it a fact, the same bullshit the media has been trying to do. Hillary was actually gun-ho about the war, delivered speeches in support of it, and voted for it despite having a wide plethora more information that anyone including Trump. Yet we're somehow supposed to view their support for the thing as equal. That's nonsense.
So, why don't you dispute the link instead of bitching at me about posting the link?
Take the link, go through its sources, and discredit them. All I did was post it as a way of showing that the "evidence" stacked against Trump was more than just a shrug on a radio show.
Here's how it went:
Is this really how you want to present yourself?
Oh this is rich. I addressed the fact that Hillary has had more info, official info, to work with when she gave her support. But no, you feel it is okay to ignore that and still equate the two much like how the lugenpresse is doing. And when confronted with that, you start whining when you're the one trying to make it seem like he was gung-ho. How can you can you compare Trump's obvious reluctant support in each instance, in an environment where doubting Bush and the war was bad for business as shown by how hard various other celebrities got attacked for opposing Bush, to Hillary's who was part of a political party that was seen as anti-war, surrounded by many anti-war colleagues, and had access to more info than any regular civilian. You are pulling the same bullshit the lugenpresse is pulling in trying to compare a person working with all the facts with someone who had very little and think that is somehow appropriate when it is not, especially when the approval given by the civilian was not that strong in the first place and obvious reluctant in each instance.
I'm presenting myself just fine. Is this how you want to present yourself? Peddling lugenpresse nonsense?
A private citizen's opinion on a war… that's some desperation fuckers.
You do recall that events changed yes? Facts emerged about those events. Yet those facts changing his opinion is supposed to be something to pursue? It's pitiful. Hildog should just throw in the towel.
This. The worst part, if anyone reads the article, he only supports going in during the Howard Stern interview. That reluctant support is all they have. Every other instance he talks about the war, he is either making observations that are true in those instances (we were beating the shit out of Iraq and catching Hussien was good for the war itself since it helps bring it to an end) or he is condemning the war in various ways, from the cost to the wisdom of being there, to how people feel about the war. In the end, Trump did nothing wrong and all they really have is that Howard Stern interview. The article posted in this thread even admits, in a detailed timeline, multiple instances where he was not in support of it.
I bet Trump to call out the lugenpresse when (((they))) try to tell lies.
You can't stump the Trump.
(((Republican))) yeah hes liberal
Never trust a nigger named Lester
The only "positive" mention in the link is where he literally says "Yeah I guess" on the fucking Howard Stern show. Every single other anecdote is either explicitly negative or neutral.
The very next closest thing you can find is him saying it'd be good for the stock market. You're not fooling anyone, kike.
thats from game of thrones dipshit
trump did not have access to classified information.
Sinead hates Trump
goy i
Not a burger but still wants to watch this debate… though I'm really fearing how fucking triggering the whole biased thing will be. I really do hope your population will see how biased the medias are (if thats not already done for now !), and that it won't work against God Emperor.
They do. Whatever Lester Holt does will most likely only weaken the average person's faith in the media. We've seen it happen so far with Megyn Kelley, CNN, and plenty of others.
He looks like he's made out of wax, and she looks like a man in drag.
ffs this earth
The more (((they))) Correct the Record™ on shit like that, the more support Trump gets.